The Devil's Good Intentions

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The Devil's Good Intentions Page 26

by Kari Miller

  “Very well, but Katherine you are to return to the estate right after.” He allowed.

  Katherine’s eyes went wide with pleasure but then quickly scowled before she could hide it. He knew she scowled at his dictation over her actions but she wouldn’t press the point, knowing she would lose. He sympathized with her but at the same time would never think twice about exercising his authority - safety first, period.

  When they left the table, Rachel and Peter headed back to Charles Estate to change into fresh clothing and Katherine excused herself to bathe and ready herself for the day.


  Katherine’s head was a turmoil of confused thoughts and feelings. Now that Allison had proved to be a lying wench, Katherine berated herself for her behaviour. She had tried to act as though she didn’t “know” that Salvador had a mistress but failed miserably. She had finally admitted to herself that she loved Salvador dearly but was not ready to admit it to him. Surely by her behaviour he must suspect! And then Katherine thought back to Allison and felt a pang of jealousy and self-doubt. Allison was so comely compared to her. She was accused of being a child and she had no doubt that next to Allison; that was exactly as she appeared. Even if Salvador wasn’t finding comfort in Allison’s bed, how long would it take for him to seek the touch of another woman? Had he already? Katherine knew she was pretty, but not in the seductive way that men so eagerly sought. She remembered when the men would seek her out at the balls when she was younger, but at that time she had a dowry to offer and their choices were limited. If she really tried, she admitted to herself that she could be prettier than the average woman. Kat didn’t want to be just pretty in her husband’s eyes, she wanted to be beautiful and tempting.

  Katherine dropped her robe and slipped into the steaming water. Right away she felt her muscles melt and begin to relax.

  Her thoughts were so plentiful that she did not hear the entrance of her husband.

  Katherine gave up on wishing she was someone whom she wasn’t and gave a tired sigh before dunking her head under water and coming back up for air. Proceeding to slowly bathe herself, instead of bending forward to clean her legs, she lifted them one at a time out of the water and brought them to her. She soaped up her breasts with her hands because she found that the cloth was too rough for her sensitive nipples and then wrung out the cloth over her chest to chase away the soap suds. The water had only been filled up high enough to cover half her stomach and when she laid down, she left her top half exposed, but she was fine with that. Katherine lathered up her hair and let the shampoo soak into her strands while lying back on the rim of the tub, letting her arms fall behind her neck. When the shampoo had begun to trail from her hair, down her face and neck and onto her chest, she only then rinsed her hair under the water.

  When she was finished, she blindly groped for a towel and brought it to her face to wipe off any lingering water and soap near her eyes as she stood up. When she brought down the towel from her face, she caught a movement from the corner of her eye and froze.

  “Are you perhaps waiting for me to assist you?” She heard her husband’s velvety voice from across the room.

  She slanted her head over and saw him comfortably seated on the bench across from the tub. She had not once noticed his presence and now thought about him watching her as she cleaned herself and blushed furiously.

  “How long have you been sitting there?” She gritted out in prudish embarrassment.

  “Long enough to feel the restless stirring in my groin.” He responded in a low seductive voice.

  Katherine’s entire body blushed this time and she quickly stepped out of the tub to wrap a towel around herself.

  He was just as quick.

  His powerful hands clamped around her arms and pulled her into a heavy wall of muscles, sending her heart racing.

  Katherine gasped at his eagerness and instinctively tried to step back, but he was stronger than her and was determined to have his way. She felt the hard length of his shaft through his trousers and pressed firmly into her belly. When she looked up at him, his mouth claimed hers in a possessive and brutal assault that left no room for question. His tongue forced its way past her lips and into the recess of her mouth. She felt dizzy and a warmth started within her belly, tracing a feverish path to her core.

  She moaned into his mouth.

  Without tearing his lips from hers, he swept her up into his arms and carried her into their bed chamber.

  Unceremoniously dumping her onto their bed, he slowly began to strip while holding her gaze imprisoned with his.

  She could almost hear him daring her to move an inch. Her heartbeat sped up and her blood boiled within her. There was so much lust and passion within his eyes that she felt intimidated by it.

  Once he had stripped himself of his clothing, he slowly prowled over her and caged her beneath him.

  He finally released her from his trance and she could feel his gaze upon her naked flesh, like red hot fingers crawling over her. His gaze caressed the naked peak of her breast and to her horrified amazement, her nipples became taught under his regard. Instead of showing a shred of triumph, he continued his visual caress of her with a dark look that told her not to interrupt.

  He spread her thighs wide and braced himself over her. The crown of his cock probed at her core and she had to bite her lip to keep from moaning out her anticipation.

  Finally his gaze returned to hers. Her cheeks heated in a furious blush and she averted her eyes in complete submission.

  “Never doubt me again Katherine. Since that night when I spotted you at the Danvil Ball, I have not slept with nor desired any other woman. You are my wife and the only woman I crave. Just so there is no misunderstandings, I do not have a mistress nor do I plan to lay with anyone other than you.”

  The moment his verbal declaration had ended, he thrust himself into her right up to the hilt with a sensual declaration.

  Katherine cried out and clung to his forearms for support as he punished her for doubting him with unforgiving thrusts that would no doubt leave her sore for the remainder of the day.

  Leaning over her, he wrapped his arms under her and gripped her shoulders. If it was even possible, his thrusts became deeper and more intense.

  Crying out at each mind blowing thrust, she felt him swell within her. Loosing all control, she cried out his name as her body convulsed beneath his. She was faintly aware of his hot seed pouring into her or the grunt of masculine triumph from above her, all she was really aware of was the flames licking along her skin and the pulsating shaft that was still buried within her and filling her to great proportions.

  When her eyes fluttered open, she gasped at the intense gaze upon her. Her husband didn’t appear sated or even satisfied; he looked as though he was brooding.

  Without taking his eyes from hers, he slowly pulled himself out of her and then slammed his shaft back into her in a brutal thrust that was more punishing than sensual.

  He placed his elbows on either side of her face and fisted her hair so tightly that she could not even slightly move her head.

  His gaze was as intense as his thrusts.

  Katherine closed her eyes for fear he would see right into her and peak into her very soul.

  “Open your eyes” He growled at her in a menacing command.

  She gasped at his tone and opened her eyes to find his intense gaze daring her to close them again.

  Despite Katherine’s wonder and fear for what brought this on, she found her body reacting to his thrusts and felt the muscles of her core tensing around his punishing shaft.

  “Yes” he fiercely approved.

  Katherine’s body exploded into a thousand tiny pieces. She wanted to close her eyes at the intensity of the orgasm but he held her with his gaze, which was just as intense.

  When he found his own release, he had claimed her mouth in a possessive and unforgiving kiss.

  When he finally released her lips and lifted his head, he looked her in the face with suc
h intensity that she struggled beneath him and tried to move her head away from him, despite his grip in her hair. She finally ceased struggling when she realized it was a fruitless effort.

  “Mine” He growled out, right before he rolled off of her and exited the bed.

  Katherine was stunned. She couldn’t move if she wanted to. She felt as though he had branded her soul with that one word declaration.

  She could hear him in the bathing chamber cleaning himself up and then the ruffle of his clothes. She still hadn’t moved, nor could she close her eyes. She stared at the ceiling as though she was a porcelain doll.

  His face came into view and then his lips claimed hers once more, only this time they were gentle and loving.

  “You should get ready my Love, they will be back shortly.” He reminded her, as though nothing had happened.

  He grinned a male grin that spoke of masculine pride and triumph as he left the room.

  It was only then that Katherine snapped out of her trance and began to move.


  Salvador sat in his study staring into the unlit hearth. When he found Katherine bathing, he had become overwhelmed with an incredible desire. An un-welcomed vision of Peter helping his wife bathe had crept into his thoughts and even though he knew Peter was more than trust-worthy, he still could not beat down the possessive need to re-brand his wife as his. As much as he wanted to trust Katherine, he feared that she would end up like his mother. The thought of her accepting another male into her welcoming arms made his blood stir. He feared that when Katherine laid in that same bath with Peter, she wondered what his touch would feel like.

  He closed his eyes and thought back to just moments ago as he punished his wife with his brutal thrusts for just the possibility of thinking about another man’s touch. He wanted to pound the thoughts of any other man out of her, and that he did. He knew it wasn’t fair to her and would never admit to why he had taken her so brutally, but God’s blood he was tortured by the fear of her straying from him. He would not apologize to her for she had found her release and if anything, she was used to his unforgiving ways in bed. He wondered if his dark desires stemmed from his mother’s weakness. Was he so brutal between the sheets because he was unconsciously punishing the promiscuous behaviour of a woman’s cheating heart? Was it stemmed from his distrust in women and his need to punish them for what his mother did to his father - to her family! All he knew was that the dark desire was a part of him and no amount of gentle love making could sate his spirit.


  Katherine and Rachel arrived at the Saint Mary Orphanage that afternoon and spent a good deal of time reading to the children and picnicking with them near the pond. Both Rachel and Katherine had brought supplies for the orphanage, such as rolls of cloth and much needed kitchen supplies.

  Katherine finished reading a story to a little girl and then smiled as she watched the girl dance away to join her friends.

  “You have a natural talent with children” She heard an unfamiliar voice comment from behind her.

  Katherine stood up and turned to the voice. She was stunned to see a man standing there who was not that much older than herself, and who was devilishly handsome.

  Katherine blushed at the thought of finding any man other than her husband handsome and silently chided herself for her folly.

  He was looking at her now with amused speculation and then bowed slightly before her.

  “Lord Straton - at your service.” he introduced himself. “You my lady may call me Jeffery. I am the coordinator for the Saint Mary Orphanage.”

  “Lady Katherine Rochester Cresta” Katherine returned with a genuine smile.

  Katherine always had a soft spot for men who doted on children.

  “Are you here with Lady Cunningham?” He asked as he nodded towards Rachel.

  “Yes My Lord. Rachel has been kind enough to invite me with her this afternoon.”

  “I shall have to be reminded to thank her.” He murmured. “Cresta, You wouldn’t be related to Lord Salvador would you?”

  “I am his wife.” She responded, adding a little smile as the look of disbelief crossed his handsome features.

  “I was not aware that Lord Salvador had taken a wife” he stammered out.

  “It was quite sudden and a surprise to most.” Even to myself…she internally tacked on.

  “The brotherhood takes on yet another dashing bride, leaving us bachelors once again quite envious!” he chuckled.

  Katherine chuckled along with him.

  “Will you be joining Lady Cunningham on further visits to the orphanage?”

  “Indeed I hope to. The children are lovely and I have quite enjoyed myself today.”

  “Then I shall look forward to our next meeting.” He said as he took her hand and bowed over it, before swiftly turning on his heal and retreating back towards the orphanage.

  “I see you have met Lord Straton.” Rachel mused from behind her.

  “I Suppose I did.” Katherine mused back.

  She wondered what caused his sudden departure and if she had offended him in any way.

  “Be wary of him Katherine, he is a vicious flirt.” Rachel warned her.

  Katherine thought back to their meeting and couldn’t see anything flirtatious about his manner. She thought he was simply being friendly with a donator.

  “He was nothing but a gentlemen Rachel, you have nothing to worry about.” She assured her.

  Rachel looked doubtful for a brief second and then gave her a friendly smile.

  “Come Kat, our carriage waits.”

  Rachel dropped Katherine and her escort off at the estate and then left for hers. Salvador still had not returned so Katherine decided to take a small snack in the library and read for the afternoon.

  It was just before supper when Salvador had finally arrived home. He had briefly checked in with Katherine and then quickly excused himself to get washed up before their meal. Peter was not with them.

  Chapter 22 - May I have this Dance?

  The following two weeks passed by in a blur. They had another dinner night with the brotherhood, but other than that the days were quiet. Rachel and Angel visited often while Salvador tended to his business. Their nights were filled with passions that often left Katherine exhausted and unable to rise to join her husband for breakfast. Katherine and Rachel continued to visit the orphanage and to Katherine’s delight, she had found another friend in Lord Straton. Rachel had been wary in the beginning but then opened up to their friendship and left them alone.

  Salvador had told her they were invited to a ball and that the entire brotherhood and their wives would be there. Katherine was nervous but at the same time excited. This would be her first ball that she would attend as a proper guest since she had come of age and was grateful that she would not be attending for the purpose of having to smuggle food into her purse or hide in the shadows. Salvador on the other hand seemed agitated and restless. Katherine had tried to breach his thoughts, but he had assured her that he was only thinking about work and that he was otherwise fine.

  The day of the ball came and Katherine eagerly dressed for the evening. Salvador wore a black suite that made him look dangerously handsome, whereas Katherine wore a dusty pink gown that made her look like an innocent rose.

  Salvador sat silent in their carriage as they rode into Oxford. Katherine wondered why he scowled into the night and wished that there was something she could do to ease his tension.

  “Salvador, is something troubling you?”

  Salvador’s gaze flickered from the carriage window to her and then his expression relaxed.

  “No Love, nothing to concern yourself with.” He assured her.

  “But if something is troubling you then I assure you I will be concerned.” She replied gently. “Won’t you talk about it?” she prompted.

  Salvador considered her for a moment and then wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close.

  “A man’s worries are his own and nothing he
should trouble his wife with.” He responded and then kissed the top of her head. “I’m fine, really. Just a little fatigued is all.” He further tried to reassure her.

  Katherine wasn’t convinced but knew that he clearly did not want to talk about it, so she didn’t press the point.


  When they arrived, it took close to thirty minutes before their carriage had reached the door. Salvador gracefully exited the carriage and then took his wife’s hand and helped her out. Rather than releasing her hand, he tucked her arm into his and led her to the door. Salvador would have preferred to hold onto her the entire evening but knew that would not be possible. He had been dreading introducing his wife to Lord Pennington and would have kept Katherine home if not for the reassurance from his brothers that they would all keep her and their wives within sight the entire evening.

  He heard Katherine gasp as they entered the ballroom and turned to see her expression.

  It was as though she had never stepped foot into a ballroom before. She looked as innocent as an angel and he couldn’t help but smile. He was reminded that Katherine had lived in seclusion for two years and was not privy to such a grand lifestyle. Sure she attended balls when she was younger, but it wasn’t the same. The last time he saw her at a ball she was there for survival, not pleasure.

  When they were announced, Salvador swiftly swept her through the door and right onto the dance floor.

  She gasped at his boldness and then laughed as he spun her around the floor.

  He loved to hear her laugh and loved it even more when it was he who had prompted it.

  Salvador knew that there were many observing eyes upon them, most of them on his wife - but he could not tear his eyes away from her face. She was absolutely radiant and the feel of her in his arms was a piece of heaven. When the music eventually moved onto another ballad, Salvador guided Katherine to where he had spotted the brotherhood.


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