The Devil's Good Intentions

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The Devil's Good Intentions Page 35

by Kari Miller

  As Charles made his way to the kitchen, he felt his own panic rising. What if one of the women was hurt? What if his Rachel was hurt! Could Kat or Angel be having problems with their advancing? He didn’t want to even consider it, but what if one of their enemies learned of their departure and went after their women?

  Charles entered the kitchen and was thankful to see one of the kitchen staff inside. It was obvious that he had just finished cleaning up and was preparing to close it off for the evening, but Charles made sure that a plate of food was prepared for Salvador before the kitchen was closed off till morning.


  Katherine didn’t know how long she had been on the ship. It had rained for most of the day and just as the rain had stopped, she heard an explosion of activity above and outside of her door. The boat then lurched forward sending her off balance.

  Lord Pennington had not returned to her cabin and no other had entered since. She had made use of the chamber pot the best she could, considering her hands were still bound behind her and she had tried to roll the sheet around her body to cover her ripped gown, but was unsuccessful each time. She feared that someone could enter the cabin at any moment and she didn’t want to give them any ideas, so she remained on the bed facing away from the door. Her stomach gave out a nasty growl and her fear had raised a few notches when she realized that the boat was leaving port. She wondered if Lord Pennington was still aboard or if he had gone to shore. From the way he was talking, she figured he would remain ashore to ascertain the annulment while Captain Sebastian secured her away from those she loved.

  Katherine had always been frightened of Pennington, except for when Salvador had been beside her. Of course she remembered him and she had hoped to never see him again. She had just turned fourteen when she first met him. Her Father had brought him to their home and invited him to stay for supper. She never knew what business they had together but her Father had already drained their accounts and didn’t have much to offer in the way of investments. Their reputation had fallen and no sane man would even consider doing business with her Father. They hadn’t let their cook go at that time but they were scarce on food supplies. Her Father had insisted that a proper seven course meal was served and by the time Lord Pennington had left, she had stood in their pantry with the cook and for the first time she felt despair.

  Lord Pennington had openly ogled her throughout the entire meal and had even been so bold as to suggest that he take her off her Father’s hands and bring her back to Oxford with him as his wife.

  Her Father paled at the offer and only shook his head as his answer without looking up towards Pennington or her. He continued to ogle her throughout the rest of the meal and then to her horror, he gave a slow hooded regard of her person when they all stood up at the end of the meal and then winked at her when his cold eyes met hers. Her Father had taken him into his study before seeing him off and Katherine quickly retreated to the kitchen. She hadn’t seen him again until the ball.

  She would have told Salvador if she thought that he was capable of kidnapping; however she took his line of questioning as a good sign that he truly did not recognize her or that he was willing to let bygones be bygones. She was apparently wrong. As is, she could sense that none of the brother’s, including her husband, liked the man and she didn’t want to stir up trouble. Salvador could be very possessive and overly protective, she didn’t want to give him any excuse to fight the man – she wished she hadn’t of kept her mouth shut. Now they would never know where to look. He would probably think she ran away and if he thought to chase after her, he would probably start by returning back to Camden.

  Katherine cried herself to sleep that night.

  The sun was hot on her back as she slowly came out of her sleep. When she opened her eyes, she was momentarily confused until memories from the day before came back to her. She cautiously looked behind her to see if anyone else was in the room and then almost cried out when she saw a plate of food and a mug on the table.

  She quickly rolled over and made her way off of the bed. First she used the chamber pot and then she went to the table. She would have felt frustration at her bound hands but decided that she was too hungry and thirsty to care about the fact that she would be forced to eat and drink like an animal. On the plate was stale bread and bricks of cheese with a small bowl of grapes. In the mug it looked and smelled as though it was water. She hesitated only for a brief moment; worrying if the food or water could be poisoned, but then brushed aside that worry when her stomach rumbled again.

  Leaning down, she took a piece of cheese in her mouth and moaned at the wonderful taste. Knowing the food would go down much easier if her mouth and throat wasn’t so perched, she stood up and leaned over the mug. The water wasn’t high enough for her to sip it in through her lips so she carefully bit the rim of the mug and slowly tilted the mug back until water poured into her mouth, dribbling down her chin and onto her bare breasts and table in the process.

  Once her thirst was taken care of, she tipped the mug back up right on the table, leaving half of the water just in case her captors decided to only bring her food and water once a day and then returned to her plate of food.

  As she swallowed the last of the grapes, she wondered why they hadn’t untied her hands. It’s not as though she could get out of this room and she had discovered that all the furniture was nailed to the floorboards. Why give her a plate of food and a mug of water knowing she couldn’t use her hands? Did they think that she was too prideful to stoop to eating like an animal? Fortunately for her they didn’t know that she was with child and therefore did not count on the determination of a Mother. If it was just she alone, she would probably opt to starve to death rather than allow for Pennington to ever touch her again - but she had her child to think of and protect.

  She left the bread for later but finished off the cheese and grapes. Afterwards she rushed back to the cot and laid herself in the same defensive position that she had fallen asleep in.

  Chapter 30 - Meet the Captain

  It must have been hours later when the door opened again. She flinched when the door opened and then rolled onto her stomach to protect her modesty when she heard someone enter.

  “Place the grapes and wine on the table and empty her chamber pot.” She heard a man order to another one. “No, leave the other mug and the bread where it is.” he order out.

  His voice was like a whiplash as he barked out his orders and Katherine was loath to turn to look at the man. She buried her face into the pillow and closed her eyes. She hoped that he would leave her alone but when the door suddenly closed shut, the sound of footsteps could be heard approaching her bed and she knew her prayers would not be answered.

  “Are you ill?” The man asked her, this time in a sweet and seductive tone that almost purred.

  She was actually feeling much better but wouldn’t let him know that.

  She shook her head into her pillow, keeping her eyes shut and her face buried.

  “Pauvre Cherie” he cooed to her as his fingers gently stroked her hair that had fallen against her cheek to act as a curtain.

  She flinched from his touch and turned her face to the wall.

  “Non petite, don’t be like that.” He softly reprimanded her as he leaned over her body and rested his arm against her side on the mattress. She felt trapped – which she was.

  “Je m’appelle Captain Sebastian, I am to escort you to Monsieur Pennington’s petite Isle. I can give you something for your ail, non?”

  Every word that he spoke sounded like a seductive purr to her. His French accent was thick and she instinctively knew that this man could not be trusted as an ally.

  She decided that her best defence was to remain quiet and let him get bored with the one way conversation so he would give up and leave.

  “Cherie, how can we speak when you hide from me?” He purred to her.

  His hand lifted from the mattress and Katherine stiffened when it rested on her shoulder.

>   “Don’t touch me!” She snapped at him.

  “Do not be frightened ma petite fleur, I mean you no harm.” He tried to reassure her.

  By now she was trembling.

  His hand tightened on her shoulder and she cried out when he pulled her onto her side. Before he could push her onto her back, she threw all her weight against his grip to try and return onto her stomach, but he was too strong.

  His body shifted to allow more room to accommodate them both as he held her down firmly with both hands pressing her shoulders into the bed. She closed her eyes against him as she heard his intake of breath. The material fell away to her sides, exposing herself to him and she knew that to struggle would prove useless. Her hands were firmly bound and trapped behind her back and his body was seated beside her waist which was well out of reach for her to try and kick him off the bed, so instead she clamped her thighs shut and leaned both knees towards the wall.

  "Cieux aidez-moi! Je dervrais peut etre vous garder pour moi !” He whispered to himself.

  He had no idea that she was fluent in French and thought it may be better to keep that knowledge to herself. At this moment however she did not feel as though she had the upper-hand, he had just declared that he may decide to keep her for himself and she could feel his eyes burning into her breasts.

  “I could not imagine you were so beautiful” He cooed to her.

  She whimpered as his weight shifted on the bed.

  His hot breath fell upon the tips of her breasts before the flick of his tongue teased at her nipple.

  She bucked and this time fought with all of her energy. Managing to land a knee in his back, she heard his grunt of pain when she landed the blow. Trying to knee him again, it only prompted him to straddle her upper legs - successfully trapping her legs beneath him. She tried to buck him off of her but her attempts were futile. She laid back on the bed, panting in exhaustion as the adrenaline rush fled her system, leaving her weak and breathless. His hands lifted from her shoulders and when she finally opened her eyes to glare at her tormentor, she wished that she hadn’t. His pale green eyes were partially shielded by long strands of brown hair that had escaped from his bandana. He wore a white blouse that was open in a V, giving her a view of golden skin with tiny brown chest hairs against a muscular chest. His hands rested casually on the thighs of his black breeches. He couldn’t be more than seven and twenty and he had the look of a predator as he returned her glare. The man was exceedingly handsome and by the way he carried himself, he knew it too.

  “Do you like what you see, Cherie?” He purred to her as his eyes lowered from hers and caressed her breasts.

  “I’m sure that Lord Pennington would not appreciate his prisoner being mulled by his captain.” She warned him, desperate for him to leave her alone.

  “Do you think Monsieur Pennington influences my behaviour?” He chuckled out. “Il était fou de laisser une telle pierre précieuse à mon attention.” He murmured as an afterthought.

  Katherine agreed with him on that point, Lord Pennington was a fool to leave her in this man’s care. For one, the French couldn’t be trusted and for two, this man looked more like a pirate than a captain.

  She furrowed her brows and gave him a confused look to indicate she didn’t understand him.

  “Forgive me, petite. It is often that I think out loud and my thoughts are in my native tongue.” He emphasized the last word and drew his eyes to her lips.

  “Don’t.” She warned him.

  She knew without a doubt that if he stuck his tongue in her mouth she would bite it off.

  “If Lord Pennington has no effect on you, then I can assure that my Husband will.” She said coolly, trying to ignore the fact that she was beneath this man and partially naked.

  “Ah Oui! Monsieur Cresta. True, he and his brothers are a force of their own! I assure you however that you are free to enjoy my attentions.” He replied in a mocking tone.

  “You think so?” She replied with bored curiosity.

  “Oui, your husband will never find you and if you behave I could take very good care of you.”

  “No.” She stated with distaste.

  “Oui” He whispered back before leaning over her.

  She gasped as his lips once again came down upon her, this time meeting her mouth while his fingers expertly plucked at her breasts, bringing her nipples to the forefront.

  When the shock wore off and she realized what he was doing, she tore her lips away from his with a disturbed cry and turned her face away from him.

  He didn’t appear to be disturbed by that. His lips traveled over her jaw bone and down her neck.

  “Stop!” She whimpered out as his lips found her pulse and teasingly licked at it.

  “Don’t do this” She sobbed out, squeezing her eyes shut and trying desperately to ignore his ministrations.

  “I could have you eating out of my hand Cherie if I wished it” he seductively whispered into her ear, right before he sucked her earlobe into his mouth and nipped it.

  She could feel the bulge of his sex pressing against her thighs and realized that he may very well disregard Pennington and take her for himself, in fact she was almost convinced that that would be the case.

  Should she tell him that she was with child? Would it make a difference? Lord Pennington would probably beat her so she would lose her child - lest it interfere with his plans of annulment, however the captain may let her keep the child and use her until she was so swollen that he was either not attracted to her anymore or couldn’t spend his lust on her because of her size. Of the two, Captain Sebastian was the safest option for her she supposed, but the idea of never seeing Salvador again was more painful than anything Sebastian or Pennington could do to her. She wanted her husband; she wanted to feel the safety of his arms and his reassurance that he would never let anything bad happen to her. Instead she was trapped beneath this French pirate who was very aroused and was taking liberties with her person as though he thought he had the right.

  “Chaton, I can see you are not in the mood and I for one prefer my woman purring with pleasure to a hissing fit.” He announced as he sat back on his heels to look over her.

  “Alas you are correct. I would give up much money if I was to take you from Pennington and I can’t say you are worth the fortune that I would forfeit. Maybe if you were willing?” He caught her eyes and held her in the intensity of his.

  “No.” she managed to croak out between sobs. “Your touch leaves me feeling filthy and degraded.” She tacked on through clenched teeth.

  His grin widened and for just a moment she thought she saw mischief in his eyes before they seductively caressed her breasts one last time before lifting himself off of her and off of the bed.

  “To make it up to you I will send you a bath.” He responded and then bowed before turning to the door and knocking on it. Within seconds the door was opened and she was once again alone and locked in what she was considering now to be her cell.

  Once again she rolled onto her stomach and cried into her pillow.


  They were making good time. The winds had picked up and were blowing in their favour. The sails caught the wind and their ship soared across the ocean waves.

  Salvador still had not shaken the incredible need to get home but had somehow managed – with Charles help – to stop pacing and get some food into his belly. To pass the time, he did push-ups and used their trunk as weights. Nothing would ease his mind until Katherine was in his arms and he was assured that they were all safe.

  When the door opened, he lowered himself to the ground from the last push-up he had done and rolled onto his back.

  “The captain wants to know if you want to be dropped off where he picked you up or if you want to sail straight into Oxford.” Charles enquired from the open doorway.

  “Oxford.” He replied without having to give it a second thought.

  Charles nodded and shut the door behind him.

  Charles had been his lifelin
e over the past 48 hours. He had informed the others that he was not well and that he preferred to be alone. In a way it wasn’t a lie, Salvador felt sick to his stomach with anxiety and worry and a bit mad at times when he wanted to claw his way out of the room and pick a fight with anyone - just to take some of the edge off.

  They were just short of two days travel before they reached port if the ship kept at the pace they were going and they didn’t run into any storms. The closer they got the more anxious he grew. Oddly enough, the town that they boarded from is miles closer to his estate than Oxford, but his gut was telling him that he needed to keep in the direction of the city. Rather than question his irrational feelings, he went with them and in the meantime tried to stay sane.

  Charles had kept himself occupied by sitting with the brothers and going over the blueprints for their new estate. He would have liked to be involved in that discussion but knew he would not be able to concentrate on them. Instead, he opted to continue to punish his body until he was so exhausted that he collapsed into a deep state of sleep.


  Katherine heard the door open again and decided to act the same as the last time. Stay on her belly and burry her face into the pillow.

  She could hear the shuffle of many feet and the random curse from one man or another. Eventually the noise stopped and she was once again locked in her room. She snuck a peek and noted that she was alone. In the middle of the floor stood a tub that took up almost all of the foot space in the room and was big enough for her to sink her body into. She was scared that the captain would time his next return for when she was safely in the tub and considered ignoring the temptation, but the thought of his lips and hands on her made her want to throw caution to the wind and wash him off of her skin. Then the memory of Pennington’s lips on her flashed through her mind and she leapt up and almost fell into the steaming water.

  Just as she began to wonder how she was going to manage this, the door opened again. She didn’t have enough time to turn to the bed as the captain strolled into the room and spun her around so her back was to his chest.


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