Angel_Rochon Bears

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Angel_Rochon Bears Page 9

by Moxie North

  “Migraines? My brother is a doctor. I can call him,” he offered. He felt his animal panicking at the thought of their mate hurting. How did you fix that?

  “No, thanks. I’m under medical care. Thank you for your concern. I’m going to go home and settle in for the night. Maybe I’ll see you around?”

  Becca was just trying to be nice. The headache that was niggling at her before was now creeping up. It wasn’t a whole brain, fuzzy headache yet, just a normal one. Over the years, she had become gun-shy with normal headaches. Before she knew it, her vision started getting halos, and if she got to her medication in time, she could suffer through it. If she didn’t, she could be facing days of hiding in a dark, quiet room and occasionally vomiting from the pain.

  That was not what she wanted her weekend to look like at all.

  “I don’t like the idea of you going home alone if you don’t feel good.”

  “Sorry to break it to you, but I always go home alone.” Gee, that made her sound lame. “I’ve taken care of myself for many years. Thanks for the concern, though.”

  Becca hoped he took the hint and let her go without more guilt tripping. Why she felt guilty about something that was totally mutual, she didn’t know. Of course, it might be that she was trying to leave him standing in the parking lot was what was making her feel shady.

  Not needing a man, especially a young one telling her what to do, Becca added a little more annoyance to her voice when she said, “Look, I appreciate your concern. I’m fine. Last night was fun, but you can go on with your life knowing that I’m a big girl that can take care of myself. Now I’m going home. Alone. Goodnight.”

  “I don’t like it,” he said gruffly. His hands were fisting open and closed as he struggled to figure out how to keep her near him. He wanted to tuck her into bed, make her dinner (not that he knew how to cook), and ensure she was safe. Her being home alone made his bear very unhappy.

  Angel reached out and grabbed her hand into his. “Wait,” he started, “I—uh—”

  “Angel, I’m tired. I want to go; please respect that.” She didn’t want to hurt him, but there was a good chance that they could keep doing this for hours. He seemed like the persistent type. After the previous night, she knew he had almost unlimited patience.

  Becca’s headache was getting worse. She could feel the twist of nausea start in her stomach. No sleep, alcohol, stress, and a jolt of adrenaline from being surprised was the perfect recipe for a migraine.

  Reaching for the handle of her car, she managed to just wrap her fingers around it when her head was engulfed in a pair of warm, strong hands.

  She turned in shock and was unable to even get a peep out before Angel’s mouth was on hers. A smart girl would have pushed him away, maybe thrown in a dramatic slap across the face for good measure. She was not a smart girl.

  Her mouth opened under his, and he swept his tongue into her mouth as she moaned. Damn, it hadn’t been a dream. He was a great kisser.

  Becca was losing her air and reared back, his hands still cupping her jaw. “Angel…”

  “Fuck, sorry. I just—I needed that,” he said.

  “Well, consider it a goodnight kiss. I have to go.” She felt like she was detangling herself from an octopus before getting her door open and shaking off his hold. It felt awful pushing him away. It was unnatural and made her stomach twist. There was something about him without a doubt that was terrifying and attractive.

  Pulling the door wider, she slid between it and Angel and got in. She paused to make sure she wouldn’t catch any of his body parts as she closed the door. He was still standing at her window looking confused and frustrated. She glanced up and saw him staring at her, his bright eyes reflecting the late afternoon light.

  Starting the car, she turned away and drove away from Angel Rochon.

  Chapter 17

  Becca wondered if you could think too loud. A normal person would say no, but she knew better.

  Her drive home from work had been stressful. Luckily, she was able to get home on autopilot because her mind was only on Angel. She felt exactly like she thought she would leaving him in the parking lot staring after her.

  She felt like a bitch.

  Granted, she didn’t owe him a thing. He had no claims on her, and why he would even want her was baffling. She was too old for him, and he was acting like she’d broken his heart or something.

  She couldn’t help but look behind her as she drove. She expected to see some suspicious car tailing her. Of course, there wasn’t, but it didn’t help her stress level.

  By the time she got home, the headache was spreading. Hoping to catch it before it got too bad, she took one of her pills and started a bath. Putting in all her bubbles and bath salts, she lit some candles, turned off the lights, and sunk into the hot water.

  Leaning her head back, she closed her eyes and tried her best to relax. Anticipation of a headache was a dreadful part of the experience. When you knew it was coming, you went through the stages of grief. Denial, anger, but never really acceptance because part of you always hoped for a miracle.

  The darkness behind her eyes had started with black; then colors started swirling as the pain increased. Becca knew if she opened her eyes, the room would have a bright halo effect. Her eyes created fluctuating colors around objects as her sight tried to keep up with the random nerve firings in her brain.

  Somehow, she managed to get herself out of the tub, wrapped in a towel, and she crawled into bed. The pain poured over her. The left side of her head felt like it was caving in. Her neck muscles were knotted and burning. Becca scrabbled to her nightstand where she kept another bottle of medication. She shook another pill out and swallowed it with a swig of water she kept in the drawer for emergencies.

  Knowing she had to relax, she took a deep breath as the first tear rolled down her cheek. Today was not a good day.

  Angel pulled up to the hospital and parked in the visitor spaces. He texted his brother Eddie and told him he needed to see him; it was an emergency.

  He ran into the hospital and straight to his brother’s office. Eddie spent so much time there that he had an office with a large couch that he would sleep on during long shifts. His mate Gemma worked at the hospital too.

  He made sure to knock loudly at his brother’s door because he’d once caught his brother and Gemma doing other things besides just sitting on that couch, and he wasn’t going to make that mistake again.

  “Come in,” the voice came from the other side.

  Opening the door, he poked his head in with his eyes closed.

  “Don’t be an asshole,” Eddie said from his desk.

  Stepping in, Angel peeked an eye open and scanned the room. “I told you it was an emergency. Shouldn’t you have met me at the door?”

  “No, the last time you said it was an emergency I was standing outside with three ER staff members and a gurney. You needed gas money,” Eddie reminded him.

  “It was an emergency for me,” Angel said, taking a seat across from his brother.

  “What is it today? Splinter? Need me to tell mom that you did something you shouldn’t have? Sexually transmitted disease?”

  “Hah, you’re a riot. I came to you for non-monetary and non-medical advice,” Angel said as he sighed and rubbed his hand over his eyes.

  Eddie could see his brother was struggling with something. Usually, Angel was all sarcasm and flippant attitude. Today, he looked confused and agitated.

  “Dude, what is up with you? Your whole vibe is making my bear cranky.”

  “That’s because you’re a prissy polar bear,” Angel said, without any heat behind it.

  “Okay, now I know there is something wrong. You love giving me shit about my bear, and that comment was barely even trying.”

  “I hooked up with this woman I met at The Chinook last night. It was amazing, like better than amazing. I woke up this morning, and she was gone.”

  “So she snuck out. Can’t be the first time that’s hap
pened to you,” Eddie said with a snort.

  “No, not the first time. But it was the first time it got me so riled up that I had to talk to Cage about it.”

  Eddie took that in. His brother was never one to think anyone could give him advice. He respected their Alpha, but he thought he could figure things out on his own. He met a woman that he liked, but if it wasn’t his mate, then his bear would never be happy. So what was the point in getting twisted up about some girl?

  “You know that a woman that isn’t your mate is just going to bring you heartache. You spent the night with her. Trust me; you can’t force that kind of thing.”

  “I get that. I didn’t understand why my bear cared so much about her. He was riding me about seeing her again. So I asked Cage about what I should do. He said to make sure she was all right, and it would settle my bear.”

  “Did you?”

  “Managed to track her down, yeah. She wouldn’t see me. So I sniffed out her car and waited for her to get off work.”

  “Well gee, junior, that wasn’t creepy or stalkerish.”

  Angel snorted. “I remember you saying something about sitting outside the gas station for Gemma. Or did I just imagine that?”

  “That was different. She was my mate,” Eddie said confidently.

  “Yup, that is what makes it different.” Angel let that hang out there for a minute as he watched his brother.

  Eddie stared at Angel for a moment, his bear telling him that the change in his brother was something he should be able to recognize.

  “She’s your mate?” Eddie couldn’t keep the shock out of his voice. He thought he was young when he found his mate in his thirties. But his brother was still a cub!

  “Yeah, she’s my mate. I didn’t know what to say, man. I just couldn’t get the words out, not that I knew what those words were supposed to be. She wasn’t expecting to see me; obviously, since she snuck out on me. But showing up at her work was a little surprising to her.”

  Angel could feel his anger rising. His bear was frustrated that their mate was probably at home, taking care of herself while she wasn’t feeling good.

  He should be there, doing something. What that could be was a fucking mystery to him.

  “I can imagine that,” Eddie said.

  “She wasn’t feeling good. My bear said she was in pain, and she practically ran me over to get away.”

  Eddie stared at him. “Why was she in pain?”

  “It wasn’t me, asshole,” he growled.

  “Didn’t say that,” Eddie said.

  “She said she was getting a headache, a migraine. Not that I know the difference. But she didn’t look good.”

  “Migraines are not like a headache. It’s worse. There is pain, sometimes vomiting and it’s about as miserable as you can get. Medication doesn’t always work. Sound hurts, lights hurt, it’s not fun.”

  “Shit, what if she’s home by herself suffering? I can’t have that!” Angel’s voice was getting desperate.

  “First, you need to calm down. You don’t know anything about her. She isn’t going to let some stranger into her house, especially when she is feeling vulnerable.”

  “I know about her,” Angel said grumpily.

  “You had a one-night stand. Did you do a lot of talking?”

  “A bit. Her name is Rebecca.”

  “Rebecca what?”

  Angel had to ponder it for a bit. He remembered what he called her. Becks, baby, babe. He was sure she told him her full name at the bar. Or did she?

  “I don’t know,” he moaned, leaning forward and hiding his face in his hands again.

  “Well, did she move here? You would have met her in school before now.”

  Looking through his fingers at Eddie, he mumbled. “She’s older than me.”

  “How much older?”

  “Uh, thirty-something? Maybe late twenties?”

  “Fuck, dude. You couldn’t do this easy could you?”

  “Have you ever know me to do anything easy? How the hell am I supposed to do this? The fates know me; they should know that I shouldn’t have found my mate for two or three decades.”

  Chapter 18

  Eddie leaned back in his chair and propped his feet up on his desk. He had his mate, an amazing son that came with that mate and a new baby girl. His life was as golden as you could get. He did feel bad for Angel. He knew how serious this was for his little brother to find his mate when he was so immature. But maybe the fates decided that his lack of direction and inability to make a decision would be cured by tossing his mate into the mix.

  Eddie felt for that woman, though. Angel was not as bad as he used to be. He wasn’t as crazy as he was growing up. But he still lacked direction, and no matter how much gentle prodding he got from his family or his clan, he was still a little lost.

  “What else do you know?”

  “She works at the county. She smells like coconut and heaven. We fit like two puzzle pieces, and she is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.”

  “I’m sure of that. Nobody is as pretty as your mate. That is the honest truth. Did she like you?”

  “What do you mean did she like me? Why wouldn’t she?”

  Eddie raised his eyebrow at him.

  “She seemed to like me,” he mumbled.

  “Well, that’s something. You’re not ugly, so you have that going for you. On the other hand, you don’t like your job, although you still do it. You didn’t go to school. There is the fact you have a modicum of talent when it comes to music.” Eddie knew he was pushing his brother’s buttons, but he couldn’t help the taunt.

  Angel let out a low growl. “Believe me, I can see clearly now that I haven’t given all that I could to my job. Up until the moment I saw her,I felt like I was just biding my time. I’m so excited to have found her, and at the same time totally embarrassed about how much I’ve been slacking. I wish I hadn’t wasted the last few years. I wish I had spent more time learning the business so I could ensure that I could provide for her. This is weighing heavy on me and I don’t want to screw this up with her.”

  That made Eddie laugh. “My two cents—you have to spend some time with her. Talk to her and try not to hump her leg like a dog.”

  That got him another growl.

  “I’m serious. You need to ask her out. See if she’ll see you. Find out about her, hopefully by asking, but if that doesn’t work, snoop. Check in and see if Tanner knows her. He knows everything in this town, even more than I do. It sounds like she may have a whole life that you don’t know about. Is she even single? Where does she live? What is her career? Does she have kids? These are all things you need to find out, and you need to do it delicately. No bulldozing in. Don’t tell her about yourself until you know for sure it’s something she’s willing to accept and that she can keep the secret.”

  Angel knew he was right. No matter how much his bear wanted to be with their mate. He could tell she could be easily spooked. What did a bear do if their mate rejected them? This was not something he wanted to find out about. He also didn’t want to be known as the bear that couldn’t land his mate.

  He needed to plan out how to find out who his mate was. If he could learn about her, he could make sure that he supported her in her wants and needs. There had to be a way for him to provide for her. His family was full of men with happy wives and families. They all seemed content as fuck to pet and coddle their mates, change diapers, and play peek-a-boo. Angel wanted that now more than ever. The switch in his goals was like experiencing whiplash. He totally got it now. Everything that had seemed like a mystery the day before now made sense.

  Shit, he was thinking about someone other than himself. This was not something he usually did, hell, ever did. He wasn’t a complete asshole, but in a clan as big as the Rochons, there was no lack of helping hands. Angel had always been happy to sit back and let everyone else do the heavy lifting. His selfishness wasn’t a cruel thing, more of an opportunity he took full advantage of. Now his years of av
oiding responsibility were coming back to bite him in the ass. The good thing is, he could change all of it. He had the brains and the drive to make changes to every aspect of his life.

  This time, he needed to take care of the woman that had just flipped his world upside down. He didn’t want anyone else near his mate. The feeling of belonging, the part of him that was no longer alone, was coming from somewhere deep inside him. The day before, Angel was thinking about his music and the new song he’d been writing. It was a mix of rock and country and currently was a ballad that he was writing on his guitar. Now that song was for her. Like it had always been for her.

  He also was thinking about how to get through the day at work without his boredom showing. Now he needed to show her and his clan that he could take care of his mate. Cage would give him the opportunity if he asked for it. Even if it was just a small way to prove that he could do the job and be an adult.

  Today, he had responsibilities. He had a drive to take care of another person. A human that had no idea about shifters but was now deeply entrenched in a world kept hidden from humans. Becks couldn’t begin to understand the depth of his need to make her his. That everything about her was perfect to him. Her body, her mind, her likes, and dislikes. They were the map to his future happiness. And his map was not beside him. He couldn’t follow the path to making her his without being with her.

  Angel looked up to see Eddie watching him. “I’m an asshole. She’s a woman with a life. How the hell am I going to convince her to give me a chance?”

  Eddie laughed. “This is one of those moments that I should be able to enjoy. Seeing you get your comeuppance. Instead, I know the pain you’re in, so I’m going to be kind. Just talk to her. You need to get to know her as much as she needs to find out who you are. You have the advantage. The need for her is all consuming. For her, you are some punk kid that she probably regrets spending the night with. Sounds like she has her shit together, and you're a complication. Show her you aren’t what she thinks. And above all, don’t fucking show her your bear until you are sure she’s committed to you. Your age puts you at a disadvantage and explaining your animal will just muddle up some already muddy waters.”


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