Buck Wild (Bennett Boys Ranch Book 1)

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Buck Wild (Bennett Boys Ranch Book 1) Page 14

by Lauren Landish

  James raises a grumpy eyebrow at the half-ass remark but otherwise keeps his cool. “It was a solid stretch a week ago, and this was probably a fifteen-foot section laying flat in the dirt, letting the herd come and go as they wanted. We did see Shayanne up there—”

  I interrupt him, trying to lighten the mood. “Oh, but she said ‘we never saw her,’” I say, using air quotes to show her reluctance to be spotted. “And I saw the same spots. It looked like fresh tool marks on the wire, not week-old ones.”

  James gives me a grateful look, while Mark looks both more and less pissed. I guess it’d be easier to just know his little brother might have fucked up, but at the same time it’s good to know he didn’t. He rumbles, looking at James, “Shayanne?”

  “Yeah, she said she’d slipped out from chores, but that her dad had been mouthing to the boys about us being disrespectful and not taking his offer.”

  Mark’s face clouds, and he strokes his chin while looking at Mama and then Luke before saying anything. “Nothing concrete, I guess, but definitely something to keep an eye on. Those boys have been bullies since they were kids, and when Paul Tannen gets all riled up, I don’t know that I’d put it past him to do something like that either.”

  Mama interrupts, probably hoping to keep the peace at least through dinner. “I think we’d best let it lie for now, boys. No way to be sure it was a Tannen, and if we engage, they’re gonna get more hot under the collar. If it happens again or anything else, I’ll go over and have words with the man myself.”

  I see the guys all give each other pointed looks, and I have no doubt that if it comes to that, there’s no way they’re letting Mama go over there, at least not alone.

  As she gets up to get dessert, James pushes away from the table. Patting his belly, he gives her a smile. “Mama, I’m going to have to take a rain check on dessert tonight. I was planning on Sophie and I heading into town.”

  It’s news to me, but getting alone with James sounds like a great idea, so I happily play along.

  “Well, I guess I’ll just have to have a few more leftovers tonight,” Mama jokes. “And I just want to say it now, in front of everyone. Sophie, I know Briarbelle doesn’t need your care anymore . . . but you’re more than welcome in my house for dinner anytime you want. Or breakfast, or lunch even. Whatever meal you happen to turn up here for, I’ll feed you right.”

  She makes it obvious that she knows about me spending the night but gives me a wink, so she seems to be okay with it. Still, it’s hard not to blush furiously, especially as Luke rolls his eyes, obviously not looking forward to being kicked out of his bedroom more often.

  In fact, Luke can’t pass up a chance to get one little jab in on his brother while James gets his hat. “Does that mean I can sleep in my own bed tonight? Oh, and don’t worry about leftovers—I’m taking James’s dessert!”

  Mark growls as we leave, and I hear him mumbling, “Like hell you will.” Mama hushes them both, though, with a laugh, reminding them there’s two extra servings.

  We hop in Doc’s truck, and I fire up the engine, but James directs me to pull over off the main driveway and park behind the barn on the other side of the house. I turn in my seat to look at him, raising an eyebrow. “This doesn’t look like town to me. What are we doing over here?”

  Giving me a wink, he quickly climbs out of the truck and rushes around the front to open my door. Leaning in, without preamble he devours my mouth, taking our dinner-table teasing from a simmer to a bonfire in an instant. I grab his shirt, pulling him closer as my ass slides along the seat and my breasts squash against his body.

  He pulls me out of the truck, whispering in my ear, “I figure we’ve got thirty minutes while they’re eating dessert. Are you already slick and wet for me, or do you need a warm-up? God knows, I’m ready to be inside you, but I’ll be more than happy to have your apple bottom with a side of pussy for dessert first.”

  “Tempting,” I tease, tracing a hand along the outline of his cock in his jeans until he groans. “Maybe I didn’t have enough meat for dinner myself.”

  James gasps, cupping my breast through my shirt and sucking on my neck hard enough that I know I’m going to have an epic hickey there tomorrow. “Fuck it, Soph. You’d better be ready. Unbuckle your jeans, now.”

  I nod, grinning like a loon, or maybe like a horny woman about to get exactly what she wants, and do as he says, pulling my jeans and panties down to pile on top of my boots. James does the same before spinning me in place and pushing my head down to the bench seat.

  James stops, and when I glance back over my shoulder, I can see that he’s staring at me, and I hope I look just like his fantasy. He steps closer, kicking my feet as wide as they’ll go and caressing my bare cheeks. He grabs me and pulls me open, and I feel his eyes taking in every inch of my wet pussy and my asshole. “Mmm . . . you look sexy as fuck right now, Soph.

  “You are ready for me,” James says, his voice near incredulous, like he can’t believe that I’m ready to go, but he does that to me. Just one word or look, and I’d gladly take him.

  “Of course I am,” I tease, wiggling my ass for him. He lets go, and I momentarily wonder what he’s doing, and then I feel it—a sharp, stinging slap on my right ass cheek, bright and hot and wonderful.

  I gasp at first, but it quickly turns into a moan as I wiggle my ass for more. I’ve never really experimented with spanking before, but right now, I’d happily and willingly go along with whatever James wants. It all just turns me on more. “Please?”

  He obliges, reaching across to smack the other cheek and then tracing a fingertip across each cheek, soothing the sting. His right hand dips down to my pussy, now dripping wet, and he chuckles.

  “Oh, you definitely liked that, didn’t you?” he asks cockily. “Even your pretty little asshole is quivering. I could fuck you any way I wanted right now, and you’d love it, wouldn’t you?”

  I’m wanton at this point, so I just grab the seat in front of me harder, pushing my ass back in invitation. James pulls my cheeks apart again, bending down slightly to slip his cock to my entrance. He pauses for a moment, and I can feel myself involuntarily pulsing against him, trying to pull him inside my body.

  James runs a finger along my spine, his voice pure gravel. “I’m memorizing this moment, right here. My fucking fantasy—hell, better than anything I imagined—come to life.”

  The sweetness mixed in with the sexy is my undoing, and I squeeze my eyes shut before an emotional tear can leak out. My heart tightens in my chest, and I’m caught up. This is supposed to be just a fun fling, but when he says stuff like that, I can’t help but get my emotions tied up too.

  Before that thought can take root, though, he rears back and slams into me in one powerful thrust. All thoughts except overwhelming lust are obliterated from my mind as James immediately starts pounding me relentlessly, giving me no time to adjust to his size or the fullness he creates inside me, and it feels overwhelming and awesome.

  One of James’s hands tightens around my hip, his fingers digging in hard as I lift to my toes as predicted, arching even more to offer him as much access as possible, wanting him as deep as he can go.

  His other hand grabs my ponytail, firmly pressing my cheek to the seat as I press back against him, fighting for more and more.

  It’s too good, and I start to make instinctive, primal noises, moans and cries escaping my lips until he shushes me. “Gotta be quieter than that or you’ll have the whole family out here wondering what’s happening by the barn. I’m gonna make you come so hard, all over my cock, but you gotta keep it down.”

  I nod, biting my forearm nearly hard enough to draw blood in an attempt to mute myself before I remember my earlier challenge. Give it to me, James . . . but I’m going to give it right back to you.

  I start to clench my inner muscles in rhythm with his driving thrusts, milking him with every thrust. Smiling, I meet his thrusts, pushing my ass back and making our hips smack together.

James feels it immediately and leans over me, growling in my ear, “No way, naughty girl. I’m not coming before you do. Go ahead and keep squeezing my cock tight, it feels so damn good, but I know it drives you crazy too. Keep doing it, and we’ll both go . . . together. Even?”

  It takes all my self-control to not abandon myself again, and I turn my head, giving him a short nod. “Even.”

  We create a punishing pace, pushing and pulling, squeezing and releasing, and it’s only moments before I moan from deep in my chest. “Now . . . I’m coming, James.”

  He pulls back and slams deep into me harder than ever, sending me hurtling off the edge, lost in the pleasure. Through the haze of it all I hear him gasp. “Me, too, Soph. Fuuck—”

  The feeling of his cock pulsing inside me, filling me with his seed and laying claim to my entire body heightens my orgasm, a delightful warm sensation coursing through me. Collapsing over me fully, his weight makes me lose my tiptoe touch with the ground, and my legs slide on the gravel behind me as we pant for breath.

  “Mmm, I think we’d better get moving if we’re gonna make it back to my place before dark,” I finally say as James pulls out, my pussy immediately wanting more. I feel a slight chill as he steps back; I want more than his cock. I want his warmth, the shared experience with him, and the chance to be held in his arms, safer than if I was in Fort Knox. Still, I have to tease him a little. “If we don’t go, Luke’s liable to catch us, and I don’t think I could stand your brothers teasing you about us having truck sex while we sit at your Mama’s dinner table. You know they’d do it.”

  James immediately pulls me up, turning me to face him for a tender kiss, our lips smacking together three times before he looks down at me, smiling. “Not a chance in hell. I’d punch them or leverage one of their dirty secrets before I’d let them embarrass you like that. Now hurry up, woman. That shower of yours is gonna get some use.”

  I laugh as he runs around the front of the truck, yanking up his underwear and pants as he goes. He’s already seated inside, drumming on the dash to speed me up when I move to pull my undies and jeans in place. “How’d you do that so fast?”

  “I’m used to doing things in eight seconds or less,” James reminds me, before smirking as he cranks the engine. “Aren’t you glad I take longer on some things?”

  “Yep . . . but I’m also glad rodeo taught you something else.”

  “What’s that?” he asks, and I smirk.

  “To be ready for six or seven rides a night.”



  Stretching my arms over my head, I glance at the calendar on the wall, somehow amazed that weeks have passed since Sophie and I first met. We’ve found a good balance, her working all day with Doc, and me around the ranch, before meeting up for late nights and early mornings, sometimes in town, sometimes her joining my family for dinner at the ranch before . . . well, moving on to other things.

  It’s not perfect, we both know. If she stays at the ranch, she has to drive to town before the sun comes up to get Doc. If I stay at her place, I have to drive back out to the ranch even earlier, but somehow neither of us seems to mind the run of sleepless nights, as long as they’re spent together.

  It’s fun, playful, and sexy as hell to fuck her into exhaustion and then do it again in the middle of the night before we truly crash, needing a few hours of shut-eye to keep up our crazy pace.

  But tonight will be different. Tonight . . . we’re playing house the right way, with an overnight date and a long and lazy, and hopefully naked, morning. Pulling on fresh-pressed jeans and my favorite button-down, I holler at Luke, who’s sitting in the main room of the bunkhouse with his boots up, reading Sports Illustrated, “You sure you don’t mind covering for me tomorrow?”

  Luke hollers back, not missing a beat from the sound of a page turning, “Nope. Go have a good time with your woman. I’ll cover for you . . . just like I always do.”

  I hear the teasing note to his voice, but he’s not entirely joking. Luke has covered for me in more ways than one over the years, taking care of my chores when I flaked or once even telling Sheriff Bishop that I’d been camping in the back pasture with him all night so I couldn’t have possibly been over at the bonfire party that left a hundred bottles of beer behind. Empty, of course.

  Afterward, Luke still questioned me thoroughly about that one, though, to make sure I hadn’t done anything particularly stupid. Luckily, this time his covering for me isn’t quite so serious or last-minute. And, since he seems to approve of Sophie, he knows I’m not doing anything foolish.

  I adjust my boots and walk out into the main room, clapping him on the shoulder. “Alright, if you’re sure then. Thanks a lot, Luke. I’m off to pick up Sophie. We’ll see you at the Fourth Festival in town?”

  The Fourth Festival is one of the biggest summer events in town, where everyone shuts things down early in order to kick back and party a little. Luke nods, and I continue, “We’ll be at Sophie’s all night, then I’ll be back tomorrow afternoon sometime to finish up for the day.”

  “That’s fine . . . but you owe me a barbecue sandwich,” Luke says, glancing up. “One of the king-size ones too. None of that lite and healthy mustard sauce shit.”

  I laugh, nodding. “Okay. See you later.”

  I run out to my truck, where I can almost smell the light scent of Sophie’s bodywash as well as the headier, earthier scent of her arousal from the last time she was in here with me. It reminds me of what’s in store for today, and I’m humming along with the radio as I drive into town.

  I’m mumbling along to some George Strait as I get to Sophie’s house. I get out and knock on her door. “Soph?”

  “Close your eyes, Cowboy,” she calls from inside. “I want it to be a surprise!”

  I back up, putting my hat over my face as I hear Sophie unlock her door and step out.

  “Okay, Cowboy . . . how do I look?”

  I take my hat down, but I’m so shocked and turned on by what Sophie’s wearing that it tumbles from my fingers.

  The first thing I notice is the shorts . . . and shorts is the only word to describe them. Tight, denim, and hugging her hips, they’re cut high enough to make Daisy Duke herself blush. They’re sexy, like Sophie. And like Sophie, they’re not trashy at all.

  Dragging my eyes upward, I notice she’s wearing a white cutoff tank top underneath a checked shirt that she’s tied off to expose her flat, tanned stomach and highlight the swell of her breasts. Her hair’s pulled into twin ponytails, and she’s got a hat on that nearly matches mine, shading her eyes but revealing the bewitching bow of her smirking pink lips.

  She’s the perfect cowgirl for the Fourth, and I confirm it by looking down, forcing myself to ignore the sexy length of her legs to find a pair of relaxed high-heel cowboy boots. “My God.”

  Sophie grins and comes over, squatting down to pick up my hat and giving me a nice look down the inch of hollow between her breasts before standing up and plopping the hat on my head.

  “I’ll take that as James-grunt for you like the outfit,” she says cheekily, patting my chest. “You look pretty good too . . . if you can stop drooling and close your mouth.”

  I pull her close, hooking the belt loops on her shorts to press our bodies together as I look into her eyes. “You . . . are the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen,” I growl, running my thumbs over the soft skin on her sides. Thankfully, Sophie isn’t ticklish. “I’m going to have the best-looking girlfriend in all of Great Falls for today’s festival, and I don’t care if anyone wants to disagree with me. They’re a blind idiot.”

  “Girlfriend, huh?” Sophie asks, cupping my face. “I like the sound of that. By the way, you shaved.”

  “You said it makes it easier when we kiss . . . no skin burn.”

  Sophie nods, biting her lip. “Yeah . . . but you look damn sexy with a day’s worth of stubble,” Sophie sighs. “Guess you’ll just have to start shaving right before we start kissing and foreplay.”

  I laugh and walk her over to my truck. It’s not a far drive to the festival, which is being held this year in the touristy part of town at the Little League baseball complex. We find parking and get out, and Sophie takes my hand.

  “Wow,” she says as we enter through the fence, which has been festooned with plenty of red, white, and blue. “I’ve never been to a place like this before.”

  “Really?” I ask, looking around at the rides, booths, and tents that I’ve grown up with all my life. “This is your first fair?”

  “Well, yeah,” Sophie says. “I mean, I’ve been to fairs before—one time Jake had a business trip out to San Diego, and he took me to the Del Mar Fair, but it was nothing like this. The rides were bigger there, but . . .”

  “I gotcha,” I assure her. “Nothing quite like dirt and grass and a little country charm, is there? Come on, let’s see what we can do.”

  Sophie nods excitedly, and for the next two hours we wander the booths, playing some of the nearly impossible-to-win games. “Come on, I thought all you cowboys knew how to shoot!” she teases me after I leave a shred of black on the star-shaped target, failing to win her a big teddy bear. “What happened?”

  “What happened is the gun shoots faster than nearly anyone can adjust their aim to punch the shape out,” I admit. “Now, gimme a decent lever action, and I’ll shoot the feathers off a duck’s butt at two hundred meters.”

  We keep going, playing games, riding rides, and just generally enjoying ourselves. It’s refreshing, seeing all this through Sophie’s eyes. For her, all this is new: the tired, old Viking swing ride with its squealing motor is new and refreshing, the mostly rigged games a challenge instead of a waste of a dollar.

  “So, ready for some food?” I ask as we get off the Ferris wheel. “Maybe some funnel cake?”

  “First . . . I want to get you wet!” Sophie says, grabbing my hand and dragging me toward a big blue sign. “Come on, you’re a celebrity!”


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