Still Falling

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Still Falling Page 9

by Costa, Bella

  “Actually Arnold, if you wouldn’t mind, a small brandy liquor would go down really nicely.”

  “It would be my pleasure.” He smiled and headed to the bar.

  It was delicious and before it was finished the waiter had put another tumbler of the amber liquid in front of her. Truth be told, Serena and the Richie’s had been so engrossed in their conversation that no one noticed the attentions of the waiter who made sure that no one at the table ever had an empty glass.

  Mavis conceded defeat first, insisting that it was time her and her husband got their beauty sleep.

  “Please don’t stand Serena. Here are our contact details. As soon as you have some spare time, come and visit us. That’s an order.” Mavis bent down and gave her a kiss on the cheek and Arnold patted her paternally on the shoulders in agreement.

  Serena glanced at the remaining couple at the table. Another pair young and in love and lost in their own world. Glancing around the room she realised how late it had become. The room was nearly empty. Green Eyes and Marie were huddled up at the bar and by now there were more hotel staff in the room than guests. She decided to leave the lovebirds to it and ask reception to call her a taxi.

  Serena gathered her long skirt to avoid standing on the hem and stood.

  “Okay, too much alcohol!” she muttered softly to herself. Concentrating deeply on staying upright and walking straight she started to make her way to the reception area. It was a lot more difficult than she had expected. Especially in the heels she was wearing. And it was so warm in here. She used her small clutch purse to fan her face and blew a stray strand of hair from her eyes.

  Must stop for a break.

  She was feeling more drunk by the minute. She studied a beautiful horse figurine in black stone. It stood up on its hind legs from a stainless pedestal positioned between two doorways. It reminded her of something but the fog in her brain wouldn’t allow her to put a finger on it.

  “Just how much did I have to drink?” Serena asked the horse. When it didn’t reply she giggled and decided to attempt the rest of the long walk to the front desk.


  Assured by the perfectly attired man at the desk that a taxi would be along shortly, Serena felt it would be better to stand outside and get some fresh air than sit on a soft sofa in the lounge and fall asleep. She giggled again as she imagined the very proper hotel manager trying to decide what to do with a very improper sleeping lady in his posh lounge. Hiccupping a thank you to the elegantly attired doorman who graciously saw her through the hotels front door, she stepped into the cool portico that separated the hotels entrance from the pavement like a border post separating the public riffraff from the royalty within. She only had to step off one little step to reach the pavement. She dismounted from that step spectacularly!

  “Oh Shit!” she squealed as her heel twisted out from under her and she fell forward, careening into a solid tuxedo clad torso that had just had the misfortune stepping into her path. Strong arms held her upright until her feet caught up with her.

  Honestly Serena, and on the front step of the Hyatt of all places!

  She giggled again. Placing her hands squarely in the middle of the very solid chest which had saved her from a swift introduction to a very posh pavement, she squinted with one eye to the face that belonged to the chest, but couldn’t make out the details.

  “Thank you very much Mr. Chest for being there when I needed you!”

  No that didn’t sound right.....oh what the hell!

  “You are drunk!”

  His voice rumbled from deep within his chest, through her fingers, along her arms and into the pit of her stomach. Somewhere inside alarm bells were trying to ring but the alcohol had gagged them.

  “I think you may very well be right, Mr. Chest! How good of you to notice.”

  She was no longer capable of standing on her own feet. It was funny. Mr. Chest was funny. The pavement swaying like a fat lady doing the waltz was funny.

  Well the ground can move as much as it long as Mr. Chest stands still.

  Marco stood there for a full minute, unsure what to do with Serena. The concierge had offered assistance, advising him that a taxi had been called. The wench will pass out in the taxi. This is not good. He thought to himself.

  Eventually he lifted her into his arms and advised the Concierge to cancel the taxi. He carried her to the main elevator ignoring the amused glances of staff and hotels guests alike. Once inside he dropped her feet back to the floor. Steadying her against his body he held her close until the elevator reached the right floor. Lifting her again he took her to his room.

  “Sit here and stay.” He growled settling her on a foot rest. He swiftly removed her heels along with his watch and the contents of his pockets before standing her up and walking her into the shower.

  “What the.....” She had started to protest as the cold water from the extra large shower head drenched them both, but ended up spluttering and spitting the water out instead. Within seconds she was shivering uncontrollably, her body’s efforts at trying to keep warm, burning up some of the alcohol in her system. Her head cleared a fraction. Enough to realise that the cold shower was not a pleasant place to be, but not enough to know what to do about it. Slowly Marco turned up the temperature of the shower to just above lukewarm and waited. Amused he realised that he couldn’t really say for certain if the cold shower had been for her benefit or his. They stood like that for ages, her head against his chest, his arms folded around her to keep her upright. Her body felt good against his. It felt so natural and right, so inappropriate. When she finally stopped shivering he reached with one hand and slowly lowered the zip of her dress. Once undone the heavy wet fabric of the long black tunic dress, peeled off her like a second skin and dropped to the floor around her feet. He then steadied her with his hands on her hips and stepped back a fraction.

  “Lift your arms.” He ordered and he peeled her camisole over her head catching her again before she toppled over.

  He then guided her into the corner of the large shower and leant her against the wall. Still under the enormous rainfall shower head he stripped off his own wet clothes.

  “Mmmmm Mr. Chest, you are such a gentleman.” She purred. He watched her face cautiously as his clothes joined hers on the shower floor. She was only barely conscious. No wonder a young boy like that had been able to take advantage of her. How could she be so irresponsible? Switching the water off, he wrapped a towel around his waist and grabbed a large, complimentary dressing gown, pulling her forward and wrapping her in it like a cocoon. She was coming round a little and he watched in amusement at Serena’s attempts at being playfully seductive.

  Freeing one of her arms she coyly ran the tip of her finger down his bare chest and along the trail of soft curly hair that disappeared under the thick white towel around his hips. Then with her eye lashes fluttering she lifted the same finger in the air and curled it toward her indicating she wanted him to follow. She managed a few clumsy steps to the entrance of the bathroom. Leaning seductively with her back against the door-less entrance and using her free arm, she raised the hem of the robe to expose one bent knee. Arms crossed and fingers drumming a little rhythm on his biceps, Marco waited for the alcohol fuzz to kick back in. He didn’t have to wait long. Serena slid down the wall in a heap of flying limps and white terrycloth to land in a heap on the floor. On top of the heap her dark soft lips smiled sheepishly.


  “Woman, you need twenty four hour supervision. Let’s get you up.”

  He managed to walk her to the large bed in his spacious suite. Sitting down on the edge of the bed he ordered her to kneel on the floor in front of him.

  “Why Mr. Chest....and here I thought you were a gentleman. Why don’t you kneel down on the floor in front of me!”

  “Christ Serena! One day I just might! But for now I want to dry your hair. Just do as you’re told!”

  Pouting she obeyed and steadying herself on his
knees, she slipped down to the floor. Marco gently towel dried her hair. At some point Serena had folded her arms on his knees and put her head down. Her hair was as dry as he was going to get it with a towel and although the suite had a hairdryer it was inconveniently on the other side of the room. Gently he finger combed her hair back, releasing any tangles from the towel. She must have washed her hair before going out tonight because he could still smell her shampoo.

  That little runt is supposed to be looking after her. What the hell is she doing out on her own this late at night and so drunk?

  He grasped her under her arms and lifted her with him as he rose from the bed. With gentle encouragement he walked her around the side of the bed. He pulled the covers back and removed the robe before laying her down.

  “Hi honey, I’m home...” she mumbled, snickering as she drifted off to sleep.

  “Oh God woman you are intolerable!”

  The robe had absorbed most of the moisture from the thin lace of her underwear so he felt certain she wouldn’t come to any harm if she slept in them tonight. He tucked her in and muted the light.

  “Shit. Why me!” he muttered with ragged breath. Quietly he retreated to the sitting room and made a call to the concierge.

  Chapter thirty two

  Three things fought for her attention as Serena reluctantly drifted away from a nearly perfect dream. The most beautiful man in the world had been at her beck and call. He belonged to her. But no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t see his face. Now in no particular order, she had a pressing urge to pee, an overwhelming need to brush her teeth and a persistent desire to take some strong painkillers for the pounding in her head.

  Eyes still closed she moved her head slowly to test its strength and groaned at the lancing pain that shot through her skull. She brought a hand up to rub her eyes, startled at how heavy her arm felt. Tenderly she opened her eyes to narrow slits, testing the light quality before committing to open them fully. The light levels were bearable.

  Oh this is bad!

  She thought looking up at the strange ceiling. Frantically she closed her eyes again and tried to replay the last twenty four hours in her mind.

  Doctor says I’m good...Check.

  Marie wanted a Chaperone...Check.

  Party at the Hyatt...Check.

  Sat with Mavis and Arnie...Check.

  Had a Brandy Liquor.....Okay defiantly more than one.

  Conversation with stone horse, embarrassing but ...Check.

  Little accident on steps.....Oh God Mr. Chest!

  What the hell happened after that?

  Wallowing in a spa bath being fed that was the dream....definitely the dream.

  Watching my own very private strip show as Mr. Chest removed his wet clothes? Shit was that part of the dream?

  Who the hell is Mr. Chest?

  Where is Mr. Chest?

  Serena stretched out tentative fingers on either side of her. Her left hand found something first. The edge of the bed.

  Good! Okay if Mr. Chest is in this bed, he will be on my right!

  Slowly she peeked through a thin slit to the right hand side of the huge expanse of the bed. The Chinese silk cover spread out in front of her in small smooth folds.

  We’re good. There is no one there.

  Looking beyond the bed, a little more alert now, Serena studied the huge room. Elegant, minimalistic and modern. She could tell that only the most expensive materials had been used to decorate the simple space. The overall effect was stunning. Sweeping her eyes left, she tried to see the end of the bed without lifting her head from the safety of the soft pillow.

  Kneeling on the floor at the foot of the bed.....why did I think of that? Maybe I really don’t want to know!

  She turned her head slowly to see what clues existed on the left of the room.

  Double Crap!

  “If you really want to spend so much time in my bed Serena, you are going to have to stop playing so hard to get!”

  Serena had no idea what to say and just stared like a rabbit caught in headlights. Marco sat in a small armchair, denim legs stretched out in front of him in that way that made her wish she was stronger. His bare feet crossed at the ankles. He wore a simple white T-shirt that clung to his body hiding nothing. His hair was ruffled and his face dark with stubble and emotion.

  He is angry! Sexy, gorgeous and angry!

  One arm hung loosely down the side of the chair. The other rested on the arm of the chair, a small tumbler held loosely in the grip of his long fingers.

  “Trust me. I can think of a thousand places I would rather be right now!”

  Like on your lap.

  Her voice didn’t sound convincing. Wincing, Serena pulled herself up on the pillows, taking the covers with her to preserve her modesty.

  If it still needed preserving! How the hell am I going to find out?

  “I should leave you suffer. Maybe you’ll think twice about being so irresponsible next time!”

  Marco reached for two small white tablets and a little brown one and handed them to her with the tumbler he had been holding.

  She looked at him questionably as she accepted them.

  “It’s just Ibuprofen, vitamin B complex and water.”

  She tipped her head back tenderly, not wanting to shake her brain around her skull too much and let the tablets fall onto the back of her tongue. The water was cool and sweet and good and while it made her mouth feel a little better it also reminded her that she needed the bathroom.

  “Umm do you mind?” she asked flicking her eyes toward the doorway she assumed lead to the bathroom.

  “No I don’t mind at all. Help yourself!” His eyes twinkled, deepening the creases lining the corners.

  “A bit of privacy please!”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t follow!”

  Frustrated, Serena managed to wrap the meters of silk sheet, wool blanket and silk cover around her small body in a huge swirling bundle and climb out of the bed.

  “A little late to be shy now, isn’t it?” He teased still lounging in the small armchair in front of her.

  In defiance, Serena glared solidly at him for two counts and dropped the covers. She stepped over his outstretched legs and stalked across the room to the bathroom, swaying her hips as seductively as she knew how, hoping she wasn’t overdoing and making a fool of herself instead.

  Note to self....thank you for wearing decent underwear last night!

  Sitting on the loo she studied the bathroom. The walls were tiled to the ceiling in polished Tavertine stone. Except for one wall which was covered end to end in mirrored glass. Across a space large enough to do cartwheels was a large jetted spa bath with a waterfall tap. Down the other end of the bathroom was a large glass enclosed rain and steam shower.

  Just like the one Mr. Chest stripped off in....damn I hope that was just a dream.

  Finished she raided the larger than necessary vanity cupboard and found a toothbrush still in its wrapping.

  Thank God for small mercies.

  Serena studied herself in the mirror while brushing her teeth. She could tell she had gone to sleep with damp hair. She glanced over her shoulder at the shower again. All the carefully set smooth curls from last night were gone. Instead it fell around her shoulders in finger brushed waves. Her eyes were a little bloodshot but she hadn’t worn much makeup last night so her face looked puffy but clean. Apart from a small pair of studs, which were still in her ears, she hadn’t worn any other jewellery. Rinsing her mouth and patting it dry with a towel, she moved her attention further south.

  “Now I know I didn’t go out dressed like this last night!” she told the reflection.

  She hadn’t seen any clothes in the bedroom and a quick look around the bathroom told her there were none here either.

  “Well isn’t this just great.”

  Feeling better with clean teeth, and empty bladder and a fading headache, Serena went into full minx mode.

  She strode out of the
bathroom as though she was fully clothed on the catwalk and had nothing to be embarrassed about. She was more than a little disappointed to be greeted by an empty bedroom. She quickly checked bedroom again for clothes but only found a handful in the closet that belonged to him.

  Suddenly not feeling as brave as she had few minutes earlier she grabbed a soft blue linen shirt from a hanger and climbed into it. Rolling up the sleeves to her wrists she studied the outcome in mirror. The shirt tails fell most of the way down her thighs.

  Back in control!

  Soft voices filtered through from another room and she peeked through the door way. Stretching out before her was a huge double space. The walls alternated between soft eggshell plaster, Tavertine stone and seamless mirrors. The lighting was recessed behind the Tavertine panels and gave everything a soft glow. Arranged on the floor on one side of the room was a large oval table ready to seat ten people, a sleek black stone desk sat to one side and a mix of chairs and sofas surrounded a small coffee table.

  Taking a walk through the lounge area she noted a private terrace through a set of glass doors. Following the sound of dishes she moved through to the area where the long dining table dominated its space. She now noticed the small kitchen off to one side.

  Still twice the size of my kitchen!

  Marco glanced up at her and nodded approvingly. She looks damn good in my shirt.

  “Table. Now!”

  Serena was not used to been ordered around like this.

  “I’m not hungry.” She said pouting like a three year old.

  “I don’t care. Now are you going to sit at the table and eat your breakfast or am I going to have to strap you in and feed you?”

  Serena blushed at the mental image his threats created.

  “Ummm, what kind of straps?” she asked coyly.

  Marco glared at her, his expression unreadable. With a shake of his head, brushed his fingers through his hair and gathered up the tray. Laying out two settings at the table, opposite each other he pointed for her to sit.

  Actually I’m starving and this smells good.


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