Battle for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #3)

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Battle for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #3) Page 12

by Sharon Cummin

  “He's been in trouble a few times, but nothing as big as that. Did she say when the last time she talked to him was or anything like that? I wonder how many times he's tried to contact her.” John said.

  “When we went to her house a little bit ago, there were flowers on the porch in a vase. There was no note. She was acting strange and wouldn't take them into her house. She grabbed a bag with some stuff and was back out of the house in minutes. I wrote down the florist they came from. I wonder if he was at her house. This guy could be dangerous. See if you can find out more. Maybe I'll hire a private investigator. It could be nothing. Maybe we're just overreacting.”

  The woman he ordered the food from walked up with two bags and handed them to Ethan. He thanked her and turned to walk out to the car.

  “See what you can find out. I'm keeping her with me all day. There is no way I'm taking her home until I know what's going on. Keep this shit between us. You hear me?” Ethan said.

  He said goodbye to John and stuck his phone into his pocket, as he walked to the car.

  Ethan could not stop thinking about everything with Julie the entire drive back to his house. What was he going to do? There was no way he could tell her what he found out. She would be so mad at him. He never remembered hearing about a guy named Jason, but when she was away at college, she didn't come home much. There was a time when she missed important family events. Gavin had been mad about her refusing to come home. She had been gone for about eight months straight. Did that have anything to do with it? Why the hell wouldn't she just be honest?

  Julie put her stuff in Ethan's bedroom and went back downstairs. He told her he had to do something in his office. She decided to get the food out and put a movie on while she waited for him. Ethan hurried to his office to look up the florist. He called them, but they had not made a delivery to her house that day. They said that a man came in and bought the flower arrangement Ethan explained to them. The man had paid cash and taken the flowers with him. He asked what the man looked like, but they could only tell him a couple of basic things like hair color and height. He wrote down what they told him. Was the guy who called her and the flower guy the same? He couldn't ask her who Jason was or what he looked like. Ethan slammed his hands on his desk just as his office door opened.

  “Sorry, I'll go wait downstairs. I didn't mean to bother you. I just wanted to see if you were going to be a long time,” Julie said, as she backed up and pulled the door closed.

  “Hey wait!” he yelled out.

  Ethan got up from his desk and ran down the stairs after her. She sat down on a couch in the living room.

  “I'm sorry about that,” he said. “I just had to take care of something and it's driving me crazy. Thanks for getting out plates and pouring our drinks. What movie are we watching?”

  He noticed that she seemed tense. As he thought back to little things that had happened the past few weeks, he thought about what John said about why that guy was in jail. Had he done something to her? Was she the one that fucker touched? Ethan felt his body stiffen. It couldn't have been her. Her family would have known, wouldn't they?

  Julie turned on a chick flick and looked over at him. He shook his head and laughed.

  “I'll give you this one, but I get to pick the next one,” he said.

  “I'm not watching porn with you,” she said.

  He got up, grabbed his plate, and sat down next to her.

  “Why did you put my plate way over there? Are you afraid you can't resist touching me?” he joked.

  “I can resist touching you. I won't touch you the rest of the day,” she said with a smile.

  “We'll see about that. You can't touch me until tomorrow morning. If you do, I'm going to take you over my knee and spank you. My hand's twitching just thinking about it,” he said, as he wiggled his hand at her.

  He was going to have some fun with her for sure. When they finished eating, Julie took their plates to the sink and told him she would be back in a minute. They were half way through the movie. Julie had just walked back into the room when Ethan's phone rang.

  “It's your brother. Can't he leave me alone for one day?” he asked.

  “Better you than me,” she laughed.

  He rolled his eyes as he answered the phone.

  “Hey Gavin, what's up?”

  Ethan looked at Julie and jumped up from the couch.

  “I'm in the bathroom. Can't this wait until tomorrow,” Ethan blurted out. “I'll be there in a minute.”

  He hung up his phone and looked at Julie.

  “Your brother's outside. What do you want to do?”

  “He can't know I'm here. There is no way. If he thought we were doing anything, he would lose his mind. You took the day off. Oh shit! I can't deal with him lecturing me right now. I'm going to your room. Keep him out of there,” Julie said, as she grabbed her purse and phone from the table.

  “We can tell him if you want to,” Ethan said.

  “What do you want to tell him? His little sister and best friend fucked last night. He would freak out. He doesn't think of me as a grown woman. He thinks of me as a little girl. I can't deal with him right now. Tell me when he's gone. I need to go home. This was a bad idea. You need to go to work.”

  “You take your ass to my room and keep it there. I'm not going to work and you aren't going home. Your brother is just being a pain in the ass. He's trying to figure out why I'm not at work.”

  Julie took off up the stairs and Ethan went to answer the door. Gavin walked in and looked at Ethan.

  “Why aren't you at work? I know you have been acting strange lately.”

  “What do you need me to sign?” Ethan asked. “Give me the stuff and then leave.”

  Gavin walked into the kitchen and looked around.

  “I need something to drink first,” he said, as he looked at the bag of food.

  Gavin opened the bag and looked into the food containers.

  “You must pretty hungry. Are you going to eat all this?” Gavin asked.

  “I had somewhere to be this morning. I picked up food on the way home. If it's any of your business, I plan to eat it for dinner too,” Ethan said.

  Gavin walked over to the sink and shook his head.

  “Two plates and two glasses,” Gavin said with a smile.

  “Are you a detective now? Do you want to check them for prints? What do you want?” Ethan asked.

  “I can't tell you the last time you took a day off work. I never thought I would see the day that a woman would have you calling in. Who is she? I have to know.”

  “Give me the papers and get out of my house,” Ethan snapped.

  Gavin laughed as he walked back out of the kitchen. He looked around the living room doorway and started laughing.

  “A chick flick, no shit,” Gavin said. “Where is she? I know she's here. I'll find out who she eventually. Is Ethan whipped?”

  Gavin threw some papers on the table by the front door and looked down. He pointed to the tennis shoes under the table.

  “She's got some little feet too. I guess Julie's not the only one. She'd be happy to know there is someone else out there with baby feet like hers.”

  Gavin laughed and looked at Ethan, who was barely holding himself together. When Gavin mentioned Julie, Ethan thought for sure he had figured it out.

  “Get out!” Ethan yelled.

  “All joking aside, I'm happy for you. I knew you would find someone to put up with you one day. I have to meet her. You have to bring her to dinner. Whoever she is, she deserves a medal. Someone actually got you to think of something besides work. She must be pretty amazing,” Gavin said. “I'm so happy for you.”

  “It's not what you think. We're just friends. I'm not in love or getting married and neither is she. Don't bring this up around the guys or the girls. I just needed a day off. It has nothing to do with her.”

  Ethan felt so guilty for everything. Gavin was on his side. He was being such a good friend. Little did he know, his litt
le sister was in a room just up the stairs. Gavin walked out. Ethan leaned forward and rested his head on the door.

  Chapter 19

  Julie sat on Ethan's bed while she thought about everything. She needed some time to herself. The night before with Ethan had been amazing. He made her feel so good when they were alone. She could laugh and be herself around him. They messed back and forth with each other. When she was with him, she felt safe. She had dated a couple of guys since college, but she never felt safe enough to be intimate with them. With Ethan, everything was different. Nothing about being with him scared her. The only time she was nervous was when he mentioned handcuffs. As soon as she reacted, he knew to back down and assure her that it was okay. The thought of not being with him sexually again made her sad. She couldn't make sense of her feelings. Julie didn't want a relationship with him. They had known each other way to long for that. He was best friends with her brother and they partnered on business deals. Ethan was a great friend, but that was all he could ever be.

  Julie had no idea why she was even thinking about him in that way. He was with a different woman almost every night. She didn't want someone like that. Ethan would never want to be with one woman forever. He was a player. Why was she even wasting her time thinking about a future with someone who would never want to be with her?

  She grabbed her purse, phone, and bag and went downstairs. When she saw him leaning with his head against the door, her heart broke. She put her stuff on the table and walked up behind him. Julie put her arms around his waist and put her head against his back. She could feel him breathing in and out. They stood silent for a moment.

  “We can't do this anymore. You know that right? I'm honestly not sure how I feel about it. You can be such an ass. It drives me crazy. You are also the sweetest, most amazing guy I know. I can't figure you out, Ethan. There is no way I will ever come between you and my brother. You have worked way to hard for what you have. I won't be any part of messing that up. I hope you find a good woman. You would be such a great husband. You care more than you'll ever admit. I used to think you were my prince, the man who was going to save me from the world. I will never regret the things we've done together. I've only been with one other man. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to be with anyone else after you. I can't imagine anyone ever making feel as good as you have. I need to go home now.”

  Ethan turned in her arms and wrapped his arms around her. She was shocked at how tight he held her.

  “Please stay here tonight. We don't have to do anything. I just want to spend a little more time with you. We can finish the movie and just talk. I'll take you home in the morning on my way to work. Please, just for tonight?” he asked.

  She shook her head yes and pulled away from him. One more night of feeling safe would be good. They finished watching the movie while she leaned against him with his arms wrapped around her. He felt so warm and comfortable. They barely spoke for the rest of the night. She just soaked up every single moment with him.

  Julie snuggled under the covers. When Ethan got into bed, she turned to face him. He brushed her hair from her face, as she looked into his eyes. She leaned forward and kissed him softly. Her tongue slid across his bottom lip as he opened up for her to enter his mouth. She pulled her body onto his and rubbed his growing cock against her entrance. Neither of them spoke as their kiss deepened and she slid him into her. She took him inside of her deeper and deeper. With her hands on his chest, she lifted her body so she could ride him. He lifted his hands to caress her naked breasts as she arched her back, pushing herself against his huge palms. She didn't want him hard and rough. It was about more than just getting laid. She wanted to feel him slowly moving in and out of her. It was something she wanted to be able to remember forever. Julie cared about him so much. Being with him like that was amazing. They both held each other as they made love. It was all she had ever dreamt of. She had rough and cocky Ethan the night before but was so happy to be with the other side of Ethan as well. Their moans ran together as she felt their breathing quicken in time with each other. It was like they were made for each other. A thin layer of sweat covered both of their bodies. She looked into his eyes as they both came apart together. It was the most intense orgasm she had ever had. Julie collapsed onto him. He rolled so she was next to him, without ever breaking his hold on her.

  “I thought you weren't going to touch me,” he whispered brushing his hand through her hair.

  Julie laughed as she slid her fingers down his chest. Their breathing evened out as she melted into his arms with her head against his chest. Lost in thought, she was surprised when he whispered.

  “I don't want this to be it. I just wish you would talk to me.”

  Chapter 20

  Ethan woke to the sound of screaming.

  “No, Jason. Please stop. Get away from me. Help!”

  He sat up, turned the light on, and looked at Julie. She was curled up on the bed with sweat pouring down her face. She began yelling again.

  “No, No, No. Let me go. Please, let me go.”

  Ethan felt his whole body tighten. It was her. That fucker hurt her. Ethan touched her arm and called her name.

  “Julie, wake up. It's okay. Everything's okay. Wake up.”

  He shook her, trying to wake her as she cried out in her sleep. He felt so horrible watching her like that. Ethan grabbed her and pulled her close to his chest.

  “Julie, baby wake up. Everything's going to be okay. Please wake up.”

  He rubbed her back and held her against him, as he kissed her forehead. She opened her eyes and looked up at him. He held her cheeks and looked at her. Julie must have realized where she was, because she pulled away from him and stumbled out of the bed. With tears running down her face, she ran into his bathroom and closed the door.

  “Open the door.”

  “I need to be alone. You should have taken me home earlier. I need to go home,” she said between sobs.

  “Julie, I need you to open the door. It's just me. I need to see you. I need to know that you're okay.”

  “I'm fine. I need to go. This is so embarrassing. I can't believe that just happened. I can't talk about this with you.”

  “Open the door. I need you in my arms right now. Do you hear me?” he demanded.

  He heard the door unlock. When he opened the door, she was sitting on the floor with her arms around her legs. Ethan was so pissed. He was going to find out who that guy was and make sure she had nothing to fear again. What the hell did he do to her? Ethan bent down and scooped her into his arms. He walked them back to the bed and sat down with her curled against him, as she sobbed into his chest. Ethan could feel her entire body shaking. It broke his heart to watch her.

  “Julie, I really need you to talk to me about this. What was that dream about?” he asked.

  “I'm not sure. It was a nightmare. I can't remember what it was.”

  “You have no idea what it was about or who was in it?”

  “No, I can't remember,” she said.

  “Why do you lie to me? I know you are lying about the phone call and about the dream. I just want to help you,” he said.

  “I don't need any help. Everything is fine. I already told you about the call.”

  “Okay, you can keep lying to me. I promise you, I'm going to find out what happened. I know someone hurt you. I will find out who it is and what they did. They will never do it again. Do you hear me?” Ethan said.

  “Please, you have to drop it. I don't want you to get hurt. You have to leave this alone. I care about you and all of our friends. I need you to let this go for me and for you. You don't understand. I'm so embarrassed.”

  She tried to pull away and get off of his lap, but he held her still.

  “You are staying next to me for the rest of the night. Don't even think about trying to take off. I can't believe you don't trust me enough to talk to me. I told you so much about my life, but you won't let me into yours. I just don't get it. I won't tell Gavin anything. I jus
t want to keep you safe.”

  He pulled her up the bed with him. She leaned back and put her head on the pillow. He got behind her and held her tight. Finally, she fell back to sleep.

  When he woke up in the morning, she was still next to him. He kissed her on the back of the neck and took in her scent.

  “Good morning,” he whispered.

  She yawned and turned around to face him.

  “Good morning,” she said. “I'm so tired. I want to stay in your comfortable bed. I'll just take the Ferrari when I leave later.”

  “You think so,” he said as he laughed. “I don't know about that. You are more than welcome to stay. If you're staying in my bed, then so am I.”

  She laughed as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed his cheek.

  “Did you sleep well?” he asked.

  “I did, but I'm still tired.”

  He realized that she didn't remember having the nightmare. How could she forget that horrible dream when it scared the shit out of him?

  They both got ready and headed for the car. She had to be at work in two hours, so he drove her home to change her clothes. Ethan walked her to the door, waited for her to get ready, and walked her back out to her car.

  “You didn't have to stay for me to get ready for work,” she said.

  “I just wanted to make sure you got off to work safely,” he said.

  Ethan hugged her and closed her car door. He watched as her car disappeared from sight. Once he was at work, he called his brother to see if he knew anymore about the Jason guy. John hadn't gotten any new information. Ethan knew, after what he had witnessed during the night, there was way more to the story. He knew Julie would be so mad if she found out he was getting into her business. All that mattered to him was her safety.

  He called a private investigator that was coming directly to his office. Ethan called John and asked him to send him all of the information he received. John asked him if he was sure he wanted to hire someone? Did he really want to know that much about Julie's life?


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