Battle for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #3)

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Battle for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #3) Page 14

by Sharon Cummin

  Ethan coughed from the other side of the room.

  “What?” Julie asked in shock.

  “You couldn't wait to leave our house yesterday. Wasn't your doctor boyfriend coming over? Didn't you want a back rub? From the bounce in your step and cocky comments, I just assumed you got that back rub and more last night,” Lisa said.

  “Did he show up?” Ethan asked. “Was it good?”

  “It was okay. He didn't rub my back,” she answered. “I'd rather not talk about sex right now.”

  “So, he's just okay?” Ethan answered in a raspy voice.

  She could tell he was getting mad. He knew damn well that guy didn't come over. She knew he was going to pick at her all day.

  “What could he have done to make him better than okay?” Ethan asked.

  “That's enough,” Gavin snapped. “I don't need to think about a guy touching my sister.”

  Ethan walked over to Julie and wrapped his arms around her from behind.

  “Like this?” Ethan asked, as he hugged her.

  Gavin's body straightened. He was stiff as a board. Ethan leaned down and put his head on her shoulder. He turned his face toward her and kissed her cheek.

  “What about this?” Ethan asked.

  Julie pulled away from him as Gavin came toward her.

  “Stop! Go back to your side of the room big brother. Ethan quit trying to make him mad. This is a happy day. There's going to be a new baby to love,” Julie said.

  She felt tears form and fought as hard as she could to stop them.

  “Back to your boyfriend,” Lisa said.

  Julie knew Lisa thought something was up between her and Ethan. Why was she pushing the boyfriend issue? Did she just want to see Julie squirm?

  “Speaking of the opposite sex,” Gavin said, as he shot a look across the room. “Did you guys know that Ethan is whipped now?”

  “What?” Lisa asked.

  “He took the day off a bit ago, remember? I couldn't believe it. You know how he is about work. I went by his house,” Gavin started.

  “Shut the fuck up,” Ethan snapped.

  “Tell me more. I could use another laugh right now,” Lisa said.

  “He had someone there. Ethan called in because of a woman. Can you believe that? There was a chick movie paused on the television, a bag of take out, dishes for two in the sink, and some little girly shoes by the door. I thought Julie was the only one with feet that small. Whoever she is,” Gavin said, as Lisa covered her mouth. “The woman deserves a medal for getting this guy to call in sick.”

  “I can't believe you just said that,” Ethan said. “It's not what you think.”

  “Do you have a girlfriend?” Lisa asked. “Are you in love?”

  “No, leave me alone. Every single one of you knows I don't do relationships. That's not who I am. Knock it off. I just had the worst meeting this morning and am in no mood to be messed with. Leave it alone,” he snapped.

  “Who did you have a meeting with?” Gavin asked.

  “It's not business related. I'm just trying to get some information about something. This morning I found out some stuff I wasn't happy about. I just don't feel like joking around right now. I'll be back in a bit. I'm going to the cafeteria to get something to drink,” Ethan said, as he walked out of the room.

  What was that about, Julie wondered? Was everything okay with him? He was fine when he left her house that morning. It had only been a couple of hours. She knew he kept so much to himself. Was he okay? She pulled out her phone to send him a message.

  “Are you okay?” she sent.

  “Sure am.” he replied.

  “Did you bring my panties? You were fine when you left this morning. What the heck happened to you in the last couple of hours?” she sent.

  “If you want to be honest with me about who called you that day, then I'll be up front about my meeting this morning. I have opened up to you about things I haven't told anyone, and you have given me nothing at all about you. I'm going to find out what you're hiding.”

  “I told you to drop it. I don't need anyone trying to figure me out. It's not that I want to keep things from you. I don't need any of you to think of me any differently. I know how all of you look at me. I'm the responsible doctor, and I'm always there when someone needs me. I don't want anyone to ever be disappointed in me. I am begging you to let this go. It was a phone call. That's all it was. Everything's fine. Why are you so determined to figure out who it is?” she sent.

  “It's not just a phone call. I know more than you think.”

  “What are you talking about?” she sent.

  Julie left Lisa's room. She went to the cafeteria, but he wasn't there. When she couldn't find him anywhere, she went back to the room. He was sitting on the couch with his head back and eyes closed. Why did he have to be so gorgeous? His t-shirt pulled tightly on his chest and she wanted so badly to slide her tongue up his neck. Why was he wearing those damn jeans? She walked over to check on Lisa, trying to get her mind off of straddling him.

  A few minutes later, the door opened and Julie's doctor friend walked in.

  “I just wanted to come by and say hello. One of the nurses told me you were here. Are you excited?” he asked Lisa.

  Julie watched Ethan. She noticed his hands fist at his sides and his arms tighten. He kept his head back and eyes closed tightly.

  “I'm tired and excited,” Lisa said. “Did you and Julie have fun last night?”

  Oh shit, Julie thought. She saw Ethan's chest move as he chuckled to himself.

  “I didn't see Julie last night,” he answered before Julie could say anything. “I've been here. I'm getting ready to leave right now.”

  Julie turned away from them and walked over to the couch. The room got so quiet.

  “Well I just came by to say hello. Good luck. I'll see you later, Julie,” he said as he walked out of the room.

  “You didn't even hug him,” Lisa said. “I thought you got laid last night.”

  “I already told you to stop talking about her sex life,” Gavin snapped. “I don't need to picture her with any man.”

  “He's not my boyfriend. We're just friends. I brought him with me to stuff so you all thought I had a boyfriend,” Julie said.

  “What about yesterday?” Lisa asked. “You left to meet up with him. You totally got laid last night. You are happy and look amazing. I haven't seen you smile like that in a long time. Someone rocked your world. There is no way you can lie to me about that.”

  “How many drugs have they given you?” Becky asked Lisa. “I do agree with Lisa about some of that. You seem so much happier than you have in a long time. Who is he?”

  “Fine, I got laid,” Julie whispered. “Are you happy?”

  “I can't listen to this,” Gavin snapped.

  “Why not?” Julie asked. “You and Becky do it all the time. You are always hanging on each other. Do you think I want to think about that?”

  He walked over to the couch and sat down next to Ethan. John walked into the room as Lisa spoke.

  “Is he good to you? Do you love him?” Lisa asked.

  Julie looked toward the couch. Ethan was completely still. She knew he wasn't sleeping.

  “He's an amazing man. I can't deny that,” Julie answered.

  “Do you love him?” Lisa asked in a serious tone. “You didn't answer the question.”

  “Yes, I mean no,” Julie snapped. “I can't do this. I have to go. I'll be back later.”

  She felt tears run from her eyes, as she looked at Lisa and turned to hurry out of the room. John had a look of shock on his face as she passed him.


  Ethan's head shot up off the back of the couch, as he looked at Lisa. She stared into his eyes in shock. Gavin looked up just as surprised.

  “What the hell was that? Did she just admit that she slept with some guy last night? Why would you ask her if she loves him? What kind of an answer was that? Yes, I mean no,” Gavin asked.

  “I was
just joking around with her. I never expected that,” Lisa said keeping her eyes on Ethan. “Let her have a moment to herself. I think she felt like we were smothering her.”

  Ethan wanted to go after her. He knew if he left the room, Gavin would figure it out. He pulled his phone out of his pocket.

  “Where are you? I can't leave this room. Are you okay?” he sent.

  “I knew you weren't sleeping. You just let her ask me questions like that. I felt like something was sitting on my chest. I didn't mean to say what I said. I was confused. I meant to say no.” she replied.

  “I didn't know what to say. You were the one that said he was your boyfriend and that the sex was okay. What was I supposed to say? I know you didn't mean to say yes. Come back in here, so I know you're okay. You don't think I want to pull you close to me and hold you? I have to sit here and pretend that I wasn't buried deep inside of you last night. Do you have any idea how hard that is? Do you know how hard it was to be quiet when you said the sex was okay? I know you don't love me. I know I could never be good enough for you. That's just how it is. Get back in here.” he sent.

  A few minutes later she walked back into the room as if nothing ever happened. None of them brought it up again.

  “Look Lisa, you need to get this little man moving. I have to fly out tomorrow with Gavin. We'll be gone for four days. If he doesn't make an appearance, we'll have to wait until the weekend to see him. Can you put in a good word for us?” Ethan joked.

  “I'll see what I can do,” Lisa replied.

  They all sat for a few more hours. Julie was tired and snuggled up on the couch with her head on Gavin's leg. Ethan wanted so badly to have her curled up against him. He wanted to hold her while she slept. What are you thinking? He let out a sigh. What the hell?

  Julie stayed in the room with Lisa and Josh while they had the baby. Everyone else had to wait in a room down the hall. Ethan wanted everything to be okay for the baby. Once he knew the little guy was born, he would feel so much better. There was still the issue of Jason. Being in the hospital, he knew Julie was safe and let himself relax enough to take a small nap. All he could think about was being gone for four days with Julie at home alone. He had just gotten the information from the investigator that morning. Ethan was going to take the stuff on his trip and go over everything. He would have John drive by and make sure she was okay each day. When he got home, he would have all of the facts and she would be forced to talk to him about it.

  The door flew open. Julie hurried in to announce that baby Jack had been born and everything was great for mommy and baby. She had the biggest smile on her face. Ethan wanted to make her smile like that. Could he ever be the man she deserved? The man that would do everything he could to keep her safe and protect her? She deserved to feel good about herself and know that the man she was with would never do anything to hurt her. He could see in her eyes the love she had for the baby that had just been born. Could he ever be a family man?

  Chapter 23

  Julie was so tired when she finally left the hospital. It seemed like Lisa had been in labor forever. Staying up so late the night before didn't help either but was totally worth it. When she got home, she went straight to bed. The only lights she turned on were in her bathroom and bedroom. How could she be so exhausted?

  She closed her eyes and thought about the day that had just passed. How could she almost say she loved him? It had to have been how tired she was. What had he meant when he said he could never be good enough for her? How could he ever think that? It was her who would never be good enough for him.

  She opened her eyes to the sun beaming through the window. When had she fallen asleep? She really must have been exhausted. When Julie grabbed her phone to check her email, she noticed a text. Maybe it was from Ethan, she thought with a smile. He would be flying out soon with Gavin. Maybe he was saying goodbye. The text was from an unfamiliar number and had come in early the evening before. How had she missed it? She felt her hands shake. How could she still fear him after so many years had passed? Her eyes widened as she read it.

  “You're mine bitch. Stay away from him. I saw him leave your house this morning. He'll never have you. You are mine. It would do you good to remember that.”

  Julie dropped her phone on the bed. Tears filled her eyes as her body shook. Why? What was she going to do? He had to have been the one to leave those flowers. How did he know where she lived? Why wouldn't he just leave her alone?

  She was so scared and had no idea what to do. Should she call the police? What were they going to do? She had managed to keep him away from her family. There was no way she was getting them involved. Julie didn't know who could help her or what to do. Her mind kept going to Ethan. If Jason had seen Ethan leave her house, did that mean he knew who Ethan was? She was worried for his safety. Would Jason go after him? Julie had to keep Ethan safe. He never asked to be a part of her past.

  Julie picked her phone up and went to his number. She didn't know what else to do. He had to know. She had to warn him.

  “Hey, what's up?” Ethan asked.

  He sounded like he was out of breath.

  “Where are you?” she asked, trying to hide the fear in her voice.

  “I'm at the airport. Where are you? What's wrong?” he asked.

  “I thought you might still be at home.”

  “What's going on?” he asked in a harsh tone.

  “Have a good trip. I'm sorry for calling. I have to go,” she said.

  Julie knew he would be safe while he was out of town. She wanted to hurry and get him off the phone. At least she was the only one in danger.

  “Don't you dare hang up this phone. Did he call you again?” he asked.

  She heard a crash sound, but she couldn't tell if it came from inside the house or not.

  “What was that noise?” Ethan yelled.

  “I don't know. I'm in my room. I got a text last night, but I didn't see it until today. I'm scared, Ethan.”

  “I'm on my way.”

  “Go with Gavin on the trip. Don't say anything to him. I'll call the police,” she said.

  “Call them. Stay where you are. I'm on my way. I'll call you right back. Call them now,” he snapped.


  Ethan was so scared. If that punk put one hand on her, he was going to kill him. He had to get there as fast as he could. She had to be okay.

  “I have to go. Here's everything you need for the meeting,” Ethan snapped, as he shoved his laptop bag at Gavin.

  “Where are you going?” Gavin asked. “I need you at this meeting. Do you know how huge this deal is? I can't believe you're not going. Is it that girl again? You need to think about things. This is millions of dollars. Are you going to throw it all away over some pussy?”

  “I don't care. I have to go. It's not what you think. I'm sorry,” Ethan snapped.

  He grabbed his other bag from the chair next to him and took off running. The file on Julie was in it. There was no way he wanted Gavin to see those papers. Julie could share that with him when she was ready. Ethan was so glad he was at the airport. It was much closer to Julie's place than his house was. He got in a cab and yelled for the driver to go. When he called Julie back, she didn't answer the phone.

  “Shit!” he yelled. “Get there as fast as you can.”

  The driver sped down the road. Ethan was relieved there was no traffic. Please be okay, he thought. What was Jason capable of? Why couldn't the guy just move on? He dialed her number nonstop. When she didn't answer, he called John. Had she had a chance to call the police? Did Jason have her? He made it there in record time. As soon as the cab pulled up, Ethan threw a hundred dollar bill into the front seat, grabbed his bag, and ran for the house.

  The front door wasn't locked. He walked in to see furniture thrown everywhere. Had she confronted him? What the hell happened? Ethan heard her yell from her room.

  “Let me go, Jason. Why are you doing this?”

  When he got to the door, it was locked. Runni
ng on pure adrenaline, he threw his shoulder into the door as hard as he could. The hinge busted and the cheap door popped open. The fear he saw in her eyes sent a shooting pain straight to his heart. Help her, he thought. You have to save her from that piece of shit. A creepy looking guy stood over her. Ethan saw red marks and scrapes on the side of her face, and her wrists were tied to her headboard.

  “If you know what's good for you, you'll leave now,” the guy said, as he turned to face Ethan.

  He had dark eyes and a beard starting to grow. It looked like he hadn't slept in days. The look in on his face was something Ethan couldn't place. He was either high or drunk off his ass.

  “Get away from her, Jason.” Ethan snapped.

  At that moment, Ethan was happy for the time he spent in the gym trying to forget his past.

  “How do you know my name? Who do you think you are? This is my woman. She always has been. There is no way some rich ass is going to take her from me. She is mine. Do you hear me?” Jason yelled.

  Julie curled her body up on her bed as she sobbed.

  Jason had stepped back a bit as he yelled at Ethan. She tried to move away from him, but her arms were tied to tight for her to move. She pulled as hard as she could to try to free herself but stopped when the ropes cut through her skin. Ethan walked toward Jason.

  “Why do you even want her? She's not worth anything. She's just a dumb bitch. If she would have listened to me like she was supposed to years ago, we wouldn't be here right now. Leave us alone,” Jason said as he lunged toward Ethan.

  Ethan drew his hand back and punched him in the face. Jason's eyes darkened as he jumped at Ethan and took him to the ground. When Ethan hit the ground, he felt a pop in his wrist as pain shot up his arm.

  “Fuck!” he yelled.

  All he could think about was keeping Julie safe. She was crying hysterically. There was no way she was going through what she did the last time. He would never let anything happen to her again. With all he could, Ethan flipped Jason onto his back and straddled his chest. Anger surged through his veins as he punched Jason in the face. He kept running through what the investigator told him Jason had done to her. She had been hurt badly and went through it all alone. He couldn't take it. How could anyone hurt her? Something snapped in his head and he unleashed it all.


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