Lost and Found: A FIGHT Novel

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Lost and Found: A FIGHT Novel Page 7

by M Dauphin

  “Move, Gwynn,” Z growls quietly, his hand pressing firmly on my back now. I raise my head to glare at him and he’s looking down at me with a tight jaw. Shaking my head, I refuse to move. I’ve been a decent prisoner up until now, but there’s no way I’m walking into that place of my own accord.

  He sighs and chuckles, reaching into his pocket. My heart rate spikes… is this it? Has he finally had enough of me? Is he really going to shoot me over this? When he pulls out his phone and unlocks it I relax the smallest bit… until he opens an app. That’s when my heart sinks and I suddenly feel dizzy.

  “See that?” he says, smiling. The screen lights up brighter and I see, clear as day, Eddie walking into Dax’s room and picking him up out of the crib.

  My baby.

  “What the fuck is this?” I growl, not letting the tears that are threatening, fall.

  “Just a little reminder that you have nothing figured out. We’re everywhere, Gwynn. Don’t ever forget that.”

  I can’t pull my eyes away from the screen. I want to hold it… talk to them… let them know that I’m okay. The look on Eddie’s face is one I’ve never seen before. He’s scruffy now, his face tired… he looks absolutely worn down.

  Fucker probably isn’t sleeping a wink with worry. God I miss him.

  The camera must be perched somewhere on the bookshelf, sending a wave of unease through me when it dawns on me that this man was in my house.

  “Who the hell are you and what the fuck do you want from me?” I growl, unable to look away from the screen. I smile, letting a tear slip down my cheek as I watch Eddie bounce Dax around the room, calming him. The clock on the dresser reads 3:41. Jesus I wish I was there for this. I never realized how much I loved the middle of the nighttime with the baby until it was ripped away from me.

  “Cooperation, Gwynn. That’s all I ask for. Cooperate with me and do exactly as I ask and everything will be fine. No one has to get killed.” My stomach drops at his words… words he probably doesn’t mean.

  “I’m in,” I say, taking a brave breath. “I will cooperate as long as you don’t hurt them. Any of them.” I smile when I see Eddie finally lay Dax back down and lay a gentle kiss on his forehead. “Just please don’t hurt them.”

  He locks the screen and I want to rip it out of his hands and take it back just to see them once more.

  “I have power, Gwynn, to take everyone you’ve ever loved, down. You being gone from his life is all the ‘hurt’ I need to inflict right now.”

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “Your husband ruined my life. I’m determined to ruin his.” He shrugs. “That’s all you need to know. Now go in.” The girl at the door looks bored, smacking her gum and eyeing me with a look full of judgment as I pass by her. Watch your back, bitch.

  The minute I walk into the room I want to hurl, but swallow it down.

  He won’t hurt them if I play along.

  “Welcome home,” he says in my ear, his hand resting on my lower back.

  My entire body goes numb as his hand lowers slowly and grabs my ass.

  Fuck what I wouldn’t do right now to turn around and pummel this fucker.

  I’ll play along you sick fuck. And the minute you’re caught and being held in that Savage warehouse, I’ll be the first to slice the skin off your fucking body.

  He guides me past the throngs of women wearing nothing but panties, and down a dark hallway. A million questions run through my head but I don’t ask any of them.

  “And here’s your room,” he says, opening a door.

  I slowly walk in and look around and immediately want to throw up.

  “What the hell is this place?”

  “A brothel,” he says, walking in and closing the door behind him.

  “So, you’re going to sell my body?” I run my hands along the black satin sheets and close my eyes, counting to ten so I don’t attack him. Fuck I’ve never wanted to beat someone so hard before.

  “Something like that,” he shrugs. “Originally I was going to sell you to the system and wash my hands of you. But you, Gwynn… you’ve peaked my interest. Sex with a woman that’s pushed out two babies is ‘meh’,” he feigns indifference. “But having the chance to beat the wife of the man that plenty of people in this area would like to see suffer… now that’s a whole different story.”

  My eyes widen as he smiles through his words, like he’s the brightest fucking crayon in the box.

  “You see… this is where you’ll sleep. This is where I sleep. The only time you leave my side is when you go out for a fight.”

  “Just like the last two weeks,” I mumble.

  “Enough!” he bellows. “The attitude from you will end. Now. You’re my property, Gwynn Roe, and you will behave as such.”

  “Fuck you,” I spit. He storms over to me and takes a hold of my throat.

  “You will do as I say. Is that clear?”

  I glare at him, losing my oxygen intake rapidly, then give him a curt nod.

  “So I fight… that’s all I have to do?” I ask, rubbing my neck where his hand was just clamped.

  “Something like that,” he says, grinning as he reaches out for me. “And a little more.”

  He pulls me towards him, a movement that makes me want to kick him in the junk. I roll my eyes and turn my head to look at the wall. “Don’t worry,” he whispers, leaning in so close I can feel his breath on my ear. “I don’t like to share.”


  “You sure you have this all under control, Gary?” I hold out the keys to the gym to Red’s newest employee and watch as he takes a deep breath. I know he’s nervous, but he’s the best thing we have to a step-in owner. Cammy nor Ash would take it, partially because Cammy still believes Red’s going to come waltzing through that door any minute. I can’t force her to run this place in the mindset she’s in.

  “I do. You need your focus elsewhere, Eddie.” He reaches out and slowly takes the keys from my hand. “I promise to keep it in one piece.”

  I’m giving Gary the Gym.

  Not for good, but at least for as long as it takes to get Red back here. There are too many things on my plate and I was failing Cammy and the crew. I need to be a good dad, and a good fucking husband that finds his wife and obliterates everyone that was in the way of me finding her. In the few weeks it’s been I’ve managed to fail the gym on multiple occasions, and that can’t happen if Gwynn is going to have a gym to come back to.

  God I want her to come back.

  The text that came through two weeks ago is the only lead I’ve been given and it was from a burner phone with no way to trace what part of the world it came from. The minute I got home that night I checked the number and it was already a destroyed number. Whoever is playing with me is doing a fan-fucking-tastic job.

  I have men in all different parts of the world, places that my biggest enemies have connections, looking for her but there’s been no sightings.


  “This place is hers the minute she walks back into it, Eddie.” Gary breaks through my train of thought and tosses me the signed contract. “This paper is only here to make it legally easier on your family, but just like it says, this gym is hers when she gets back. No questions asked. I’m not stealing shit from my girl.”

  My fucking girl, dude.

  “Got it. Thank you for doing this, Gary. We all appreciate it.”

  “Just get her back, Eddie,” he says, then walks back to the office.

  I huff and shove the paper into my laptop bag then eye the gym. It’s one in the afternoon. There’s only three other people working out right now and one of them is an employee. I don’t have to be home for a few more hours, a workout actually seems great right about now.

  So, instead of heading home and searching dead ends on the computer, I head to the locker room and strip my shirt off, tossing it in a locker before heading to the punching bag.

  I start small, squaring myself after each hit, waiting for the bag to come ba
ck to the perfect spot, but within minutes I’m wailing on it as hard as I can. Each hit cracks my resolve a little bit more.

  She’s fucking gone. I feel it in my bones. She left and she’s not coming back until I find her. I just want to curl up and go with her, but I can’t. I have to keep our family together while I do my best and keep hitting dead ends. I can fucking find anything on anyone, but the one person I need in my life to survive goes missing and I can’t find diddly fucking shit!

  “Aaah!” I bellow, letting all of my anger out on this bag. Fuck! Every time I close my eyes at night I see that picture of her, bloodied and swollen, half awake. There’s nothing at all I can do for her, wherever she is, and it makes me rage so fucking hard.




  Beads of sweat drip down body and fall to the floor but I keep going.




  “Plan on beating it till it apologizes, man?” Ash’s voice breaks my concentration.

  I turn, huffing, and wipe the sweat from my brow with my arm. He nods at my hands and helps me remove one of my gloves.

  “Thanks, man,” I huff, grabbing the water bottle.

  “You’ve been at it for almost an hour now, Eddie.” He crosses his arms and watches me as I try to catch my breath. As much as I’ve worked out lately you’d think that would become easier and easier.

  “Yea,” I huff. “Hey thanks for the time check. I gotta run.” I un-Velcro the other mit and toss them at him.

  “Dude, if you need anyone—”

  “Nope. I’m fine. See ya later, Ash!” I jog back to the locker rooms to get away from him. I like Ash, I do, but I’m not about to have a heart to heart with him.

  Not with anyone.

  Tatum’s tried, but no fucking thank you. Feelings and shit have never been my strong suit. I’d rather punch a bag for a few hours.

  On the drive home I call Tatum.

  “What’s up?”

  “Anything new?”

  “It’s been three hours, Eddie.”

  “I know. A lot can happen in three hours, Savage.”

  “Yea,” he huffs. “A lot can.”

  “So, nothing?”

  “Nah man, I’m sorry. We’re still working on it, though. I fucking promise you we’re getting her back and I’m not stopping until she’s home.”

  “Yea. Thanks.” I hang up without saying goodbye and try to prepare myself to paste on the happy daddy face for the kids.

  It’s not hard.

  The minute I open the door, Angel comes barreling towards me and jumps into my arms. This is what I need. Innocence, pure and simple.

  “Hey, baby girl, how was your afternoon with Aunt Sarah?”

  “We played with Play-Doh. I made Mommy.”

  “Aww, I bet she’s beautiful.” I kiss her head before setting her down and grabbing a drink from the fridge.

  “She is. I miss her.” She sighs, for not even being five years old, she sure is mature.

  “I know, baby. Me too.”

  “When is she coming home?”

  “Soon, sweetheart. Soon.”


  “Hey, where’s Aunt Sarah and Dax?”

  She smiles and runs away, heading towards Dax’s bedroom.

  I down my water and follow her, pushing the door open to see Sarah on the floor with Dax, cheering him on. As I stand quietly and watch, I see my son roll over for the first time and the damn knot in my throat breaks and a tear slips down my cheek.

  “Hey, I didn’t see you there,” Sarah looks up from the floor, smiling. It fades when she sees me look away to dry my eyes. “He’s done it a few times today.”

  “Awesome.” Is all I can get out. I clear my throat and crawl down on the floor with my son. “Dax man!” He smiles at me and I get an even bigger smile when I start to act crazy for him.

  “Here, watch.” Sarah rolls him back over and I grab my phone to record this.

  Gwynn’s not here to see his milestones, and as horrible as this is, I can at least catch every moment for her to see when she comes home.

  Sarah starts playing with a toy with Dax, then sets it just to the side of him. He struggles for a bit, but soon he’s rolled his body over and is able to grab the toy.

  Angel, who’s been helping her little brother and cheering him on this whole time, erupts in cheers.

  God damn these kids are cute.

  I just wish Gwynn were here to see this.


  “How you doin?” Sarah knocks after announcing herself, walking into my office with a cup of tea.

  “Thank you,” I mumble, taking a sip without removing my eyes from the screen.

  “Eddie… I think it’s time you go to the authorities.”

  I roll my eyes at her insistent begging for me to go to the cops.

  “How many times do I need to tell you that’s just going to make things worse?”

  “Right, but you’ve been running a very legal business out of here. What are they going to find?”

  “So much shit I’d rather not talk about with you,” I mumble, going back to clicking.

  I’m currently searching phone records of men I put away in the last three years. I have to start somewhere, so I started with potential enemies. At first I was watching those that are most recent to hating me, but when I came up completely empty handed I figured I better go back a few years. Since then I’ve been over hundreds of cases and have found not so fond memories in these files.

  I’ve also found nothing that will lead to my girl.

  “Hey, John’s bringing the kids out. They fly in tomorrow. It’s break time at school. They have a week off so I figured a little trip would be nice. Plus, I really miss them.”

  I sigh and groan, turning around to face her.

  “Sare,” I sigh, using her childhood nickname. “You can go home, you know? You have a family, a husband that misses you. I’ll be fine here.”

  “I know you won’t, Eddie. I missed so much of your life. Hell, I probably ruined a good amount of the years of it too. I want to make up for that.” She chuckles. “It just really fucking sucks the circumstances in which I get to repay you.”

  “You don’t owe me anything,” I grumble, not wanting to be discussing anything about my past.

  Ever. Again.

  “I know you think that, but you’re not the one who left her younger brother in a house she knew could kill him. I’ve lived with it every day of my life… the worry of not knowing if you were alive, ate at me until the day Gwynn found me.” A tear slips down her cheek. “Eddie, you found your happy ever after even with everything you went through and it’s all been ripped away from you. I want to be here for you.”

  She wipes a tear from her cheek and I stand, walking over to her and silently wrap my arms around her.

  It was years from the day my sister walked out on me to the day we met again. Years. Standing here, holding her while she breaks down, reminds me all too well of those years we spent in that house.

  “I appreciate you, ya know,” I mumble into her hair.

  “I know.” She pulls back and sighs. “Can we get your wife the fuck home, though? I miss fucking my husband.”

  I bark out a laugh and shake my head.

  “Definitely a Roe,” I say. “Go to bed, big sis. Thanks for the tea.”

  “Night, little brother.”

  She clicks the door closed behind her and I curse. This whole thing is a horrible, fucking terrible situation, and I’m putting so many people out.

  Fuck, between practically forcing Gary to take over the gym to making my sister feel like she has to be here to babysit me… I’m ruining shit left and right.

  I pull up a picture of my Red I took the day of our family beach outing last year. She didn’t know she was pregnant yet, but looking at this picture and the way her skin glows, I can tell.

  Being able to be here for her for this pregnancy was amazing. I hate that
I failed her so much in the past, and I fucking hate that I’m failing her again now.

  I will find her. I will find my girl and I will make it up to her that I couldn’t find her sooner, every damn day of her life.

  It’s two in the morning before I finally decide to turn in for the night. I power down the computers and flick off the lights, grabbing my phone on the way out. As I pass by my bedroom I stop and stare at the made bed.

  And then I walk in.

  Red would be pissed if she knew these pussy thoughts going through my mind. This isn’t fucking me! I’m not the man to sit and pout when things aren’t going my way.

  I fucking lost my Red, though! And I can’t find her!

  “Jesus,” I huff, chuckling. I’m fucking fighting with myself right now because Red isn’t here to fight with me over this shit.

  I walk into the bedroom to grab clothes for the night and glance at the bed again.

  I need to fucking grow a pair.

  Growling, I pull back the covers and lie down, staring at the ceiling.

  As soon as I’ve accepted the fact that this bed is ten times nicer to sleep in than the one downstairs, and that it’s okay for me to sleep here without her, I hear my phone ringing from my pocket.

  This late?

  Throwing the covers back, I rush over to where I dropped my clothes and with shaky hands, pull my phone out of my pocket. My heart starts pounding when I see the out of country number. I swipe the screen and hold the phone to my ear.


  There’s nothing, though. I wait.

  And wait.

  And finally, a small gasp comes over the line and I swear to Christ it’s her.


  I’m fucking panicking right now.

  “Red!” I scream at the phone.

  I can only hear muffled background noises, though. It’s so goddamned hard to make out what they’re saying, but there’s definitely someone on the other end of the line.

  Running to my office, I click on the computers and head straight to the recording software, plugging in the cord to the headphone jack and turning the volume all the way up.

  The mumbles in the background are going at a rate of a normal conversation… someone wants me to hear whatever is being said, and they don’t want whoever it is that’s with them to know. When the phone call abruptly ends and the line goes silent I get to work on the recording to try to make out something worthwhile. It takes me almost ten minutes to unscramble the background noises, but then the voices come through.


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