by Gerard Colby
Andean Times
Anthropology Resource Center newsletter
Atlas magazine
Aviation Directory
Aviation Week
Beyond (JAARS newsletter)
Boletín Indigenista (Mexico City)
Brazil Herald (Rio de Janeiro)
Brazilian Information Bulletin
Bulletin of the American Anthropological Association
Business Latin America
Business Week
Central American Bulletin
Charlotte News and Observer
Chicago Tribune
Christian Century
Christian Science Monitor
Christianity Today
El Comercio (Quito)
El Comercio (Lima)
Conservative Digest
Correo (Lima)
La Crónica (Lima)
Cultural Survival newsletter
Current Anthropology
Dallas Morning News
El Día (Mexico City)
El Diario (La Paz)
Engineering and Mining Journal
El Espectador (Bogotá)
Evangelical Mission Quarterly
El Excelsior (La Paz)
El Expreso (Lima)
Facts on File
Financial Times
Foreign Affairs
Harvard Crimson
Houston Chronicle
In Other Words
Indígena (Berkeley, California)
International Police Academy Review
IWGIA Newsletter
Jornal do Brasil (Rio de Janeiro)
Latin America Economic Report (London)
Latinamerica Press (Lima)
The Lima Times
Miami Herald
Mother Jones
NACLA Report on the Americas
National Catholic Reporter
National Geographic
New England Journal of Medicine
New York magazine
New York Times
New York Times Magazine
News from Survival International
O Estado de São Paulo (São Paulo)
O Globo (Rio de Janeiro)
Oil and Gas Journal
The Oklahoma Daily (Norman)
Peruvian Times (Lima)
La Prensa (Lima)
Prensa Latina (Panama City)
St. Albans Messenger (Vermont)
St. Petersburg Times (Florida)
San Jose Mercury News (California)
Technical Abstract Bulletin
Texas Business
El Tiempo (Bogotá)
El Tiempo (Quito)
Toronto Globe
La Tribuna (Pôrto Velho)
Ultima Noticias (Quito)
U.S. News and World Report
Village Voice
Wall Street Journal
Washington Post
Washington Star-News
Wycliffe Associates Newsletter
Dwight D. Eisenhower Library (Abilene, Kansas)
Ann Whitman file
White House Central Files
Confidential File
Official File
White House Office File
Office of the Special Assistant for National Security Affairs
Papers of:
Elmer Bennett
Mark Bortman
Joseph Dodge
General James Doolittle
Gordon Gray
C. D. Jackson
Department of State, Colombia file
U.S. Council on Foreign Economic Policy
U.S. President’s Advisory Committee on Government Organization
Franklin D. Roosevelt Library (Hyde Park, New York)
President’s Official Files
President’s Personal File
President’s Secretary’s file
President’s Special Committee to Study the Rubber Situation
Papers of:
Adolf Berle, Jr.
Morris L. Cooke
Harry L. Hopkins
Gerald Ford Library (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
Papers of:
James M. Cannon
Robert Hartmann, interview with Nelson Rockefeller, December 2, 1977
Trevor Armbrister, interview with Nelson Rockefeller, October 21, 1977
Mike Turner, interview with Nelson Rockefeller, December 21, 1977
Leo Cherne
Edward Hutchinson
Congressional Research Service investigation of Nelson A. Rockefeller
Harry S. Truman Library (Independence, Missouri)
White House Central Files
Confidential File
Official File
President’s Official Files
Secretary’s File
Permanent File
Post-Presidential Papers
Papers of:
Henry Bennett
Merwin Bohan
William A. Brophy
Clark Clifford
Oscar Chapman
Kenneth Iverson
Herschel V. Johnson
Edward G. Miller, Jr.
Dillon S. Myer
Philleo Nash
Sidney Souers
James Webb
John F. Kennedy Library (Boston, Massachusetts)
National Security Files (including Special Group Meetings)
White House Central Files
Oral history interview with Roswell Gilpatric
Oral history interview with Walter Sheridan
Papers of Luther H. Hodges
Papers of Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.
Library of Congress (Washington, D.C.)
Papers of Josephus Daniels
Lyndon B. Johnson Library (Austin, Texas)
Confidential File
Countries Series
National Security File
Country Series (particularly Brazil and Peru)
Name File (particularly David Rockefeller and Billy Graham)
Oral history interview with Lincoln Gordon
Oral history interview with Thomas C. Mann
Oral history interview with Nelson Rockefeller
Oral history interview with Laurance Rockefeller
White House Central Files
Country Series
White House Diary Files
National Security Archives (Washington, D.C.)
Research records of John Marks, author of The Search for the “Manchurian Candidate”
Rockefeller Archive Center (Tarrytown, New York)
Papers of:
Wayne G. Broehl
John R. Camp
Raymond Fosdick
Frederick T. Gates
Benjamin Washburn
Archives of:
The Agricultural Development Council
The American International Association for Economic and Social Development (AIA)
The Asia Society
The General Education Board
The International Basic Economy Corporation (IBEC)
The International Education Board
Laura Spellman Rockefeller Memorial
The Rockefeller Family
John D. Rockefeller
The Office of the Messrs. Rockefeller General Files
John D. Rockefeller, Senior, 1918–1937
John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Personal Papers
John D. Rockefeller 3rd Papers
Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller Papers
Business Interests, 1886–1961
Civic Interests, 1899–1961
Economic Reform Interests, 1894–1961
Educational Interests, 1896–1961
Religious Interests, 1894–1962
Rockefeller Boards, 1899–1961
d Affairs, 1896–1961
The Population Council
The Rockefeller Brothers Fund
The Rockefeller Foundation
Rockefeller Sanitary Commission
Sealantic Fund
Townsend Archives (Waxhaw, North Carolina)
Papers of William Cameron Townsend
University of Oklahoma (Norman, Oklahoma)
Western History Collections
Papers of Elmer Thomas
United States National Archives (Washington, D.C.)
Diplomatic Branch—Records and Analysis Reports
Modern Military Records
Records of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Department of Agriculture Records
Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations
Department of State Records
Washington National Archives Record Center (Suitland, Maryland)
Record Group 218, Records of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, South America
Record Group 319, Army Intelligence
Record Group 229, Records of the Office of Inter-American Affairs and the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, particularly:
Amazon Basin Project
Berent Friele
Commercial and Financial Division
Industrial Development
Inland Waterways
Inter-American Indian Institute
Minutes of Meetings
National Indian Institute
Rubber, 1942
Rubber Investigations
Spaeth Data
Strategic Materials
Yale University Library (New Haven, Connecticut)
The Private Papers of John Collier
Philip Agee, Amsterdam.
Javier Albó, La Paz, Bolivia.
Consuelo Alfaro, Lima, Peru.
John Alsop, Mexico City, Mexico.
Rolando Andrade, Lima, Peru.
Jomingo Antuni Ch, Cuenca, Ecuador.
Nestor Arboleda, Quito, Ecuador.
Nell Arvelo-Jiménez, Madison, Wisconsin.
Consuelo Ayacucho, Lima, Peru.
Felipe Ayala, Iquitos, Peru.
Monsignor Correa Yepes Belarmino, Bishop of Vaupés, Bogotá, Colombia.
Oskar Beltran Figuerido, Villavicencio, Colombia.
Cesar Benalcazar, Quito, Ecuador.
Barbara Bentley, London, England.
Marie Berg, SIL base, Lomalinda, Colombia.
Jacob Bernstein, New York City, New York (phone interview).
John Bishop, SIL base at Limoncocha, Ecuador.
José Blandon, Bayano, Panama.
Gertrude Blom, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.
Edward Boer, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Lynn Bollinger, Dallas, Texas.
Victor Daniel Bonilla, Bogotá, Colombia.
Roger Booth and Anne-Marie Seiler-Baldiger, Leticia, Colombia, and Basel, Switzerland.
Randy Borman, SIL base at Limoncocha, Ecuador.
Rev. Roy Bourgeois, La Paz, Bolivia.
Robert K. Brown, Boulder, Colorado.
Herbert Brussow, SIL base at Lomalinda, and Villavicencio, Colombia.
José Maria Bulnes, Mexico City, Mexico.
Donald Burns, La Paz, Bolivia.
Luis Campos, Quito, Ecuador.
Franklin Canelos, Quito, Ecuador.
Monsignor Marceliano Canyes, Bishop of Amazonas, Leticia, Colombia.
Carlos Carrasco, Lima, Peru.
Stephen Corry, London, England.
Montezuma Cruz, Pôrto Velho, Brazil.
Jaime Curtain, Panama City, Panama.
Col. Geoffrey de Meiss, Zurich, Switzerland (phone interview).
Isabel and Ricardo de Pozas, Mexico City, Mexico.
Fabio Dickson, Leticia, Colombia.
Martin Diskin, Managua, Nicaragua.
Julio Dixon, Panama City, Panama.
Norma Duffy, SIL base at Limoncocha, Ecuador.
Eduardo Escobar, Lima, Peru.
Carlos Esparza, Mexico City, Mexico.
Eduardo Espinel, SENA, Vallavicencio, Colombia.
Antonio Escobar Grizales, Villavicencio, Colombia.
Roger Fenton, Leticia, Colombia.
Robert Fink, Washington, D.C.
Jay Fippinger, Des Moines, Iowa.
Orville and Helen Floden, St. Petersburg, Florida.
René Fuerst, Geneva, Switzerland.
Jim Garrison, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Walter Gates, Boston, Massachusetts (phone interview).
Roger Ginger and Orville Johnson, SIL base at Limoncocha, Ecuador.
Margaret and James Goff, Lima, Peru.
Richard Gott, London, England.
Joe Grimes, SIL base, Tumi Chucua, Bolivia.
Allen Gus Grouget, Roslyn, Virginia.
Paco Guerrera, Cuernevaca, Mexico.
Jacinto Gutiérrez, Puira, Peru.
Jerry Hemming, Miami, Florida.
Jim Higgins, Underhill, Vermont (phone interview).
Barbara Hoch, SIL base at Tumi Chucua, Bolivia.
Ray Howell, Waxhaw, North Carolina.
Darryl Hunt, Lima, Peru.
Javier Hurtado, La Paz, Bolivia.
Rev. Gregorio Iriarte, La Paz, Bolivia.
Elan Jaworki, Lima, Peru.
Herman Jesson, Los Angeles, California.
David Judd, business manager, SIL base, Pôrto Velho, Brazil.
Darryl Keener, Long Beach, California.
John Kelly, Washington, D.C.
Ken Kensinger, Bennington, Vermont.
Tom Kirby, Villavicencio, Colombia.
Jim Kostman, Washington, D.C.
Michael Lambert, Boston, Massachusetts.
James Larrick, Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Rocque Lima, Lima, Peru.
Rev. Raul Macín, Mexico City, Mexico.
Scott Malone, Washington, D.C.
Victor Marchetti, Vienna, Virginia.
John Marks, Washington, D.C.
La Plaz Martinéz, Leticia, Colombia.
Bonnie Mass, Boston, Massachusetts.
Frank Maurovitch, Lima, Peru.
Nicole Maxwell, Bogotá, Colombia.
Bernie May, Waxhaw, North Carolina.
Daniel McCurry Quito, Ecuador.
Jim Miller, SIL base at Lomalinda, Colombia.
Nancy Modierno, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.
Lawrence J. Montgomery, Cross Anchor, South Carolina.
Thomas Moore, New York City, New York.
Filiberto Morales, Panama City, Panama.
Chip Morris, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.
Solomon Nahmad, Mexico City, Mexico.
Jim Nathans, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.
Marguerita Nolasco, Mexico City, Mexico.
William Nyman, Bogotá, Colombia.
Max Oldenberg, Leticia, Colombia.
Ronald D. Olson, Tumi Chucua, Beni, Bolivia.
Gonzales Olvido, Quito, Ecuador.
Manuel Palacios, Machala, Ecuador.
Jorge Pantaleis, La Paz, Bolivia.
Napoleon Peralta, Bogotá, Colombia.
José Pereira, Quito, Ecuador.
Kenneth Pike, International Linguistics Center, Dallas, Texas.
Daoina Pinheira, Pôrto Velho, Brazil.
Timothy Plowman, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Dennis Popp, La Jolla, California.
Paul Powlson, Yarinacocha, Peru.
Inez Pozzi-Escot, Lima, Peru.
Harry Priest, SIL base at Tumi Chucua, Bolivia.
Monsignor Léonides E. Proaño, Bishop of Riobamba, Ecuador.
L. Fletcher Prouty, Washington, D.C.
Thomas Quigley, Washington D.C.
Chris Rack, Boston, Massachusetts.
Robert Raffauf, Boston, Massachusetts.
Luis Rainoso, Lima, Peru.
Richard Rashke, Washington, D.C.
Scott Robinson, Tlayacapan, Mexico.
Armando Rojas, Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua.
Steve Romanoff, Worcester, Massachusetts.
Nemesio Rodriguez, Mexico City, Mexico.
Jesus San Roman, Iquitos, Peru.
José Roman, Iquitos, Peru.
Christopher Roper, London, England.
Timothy Ross, Bogotá, Colombia.
Bishop Samuel Ruiz Garcia, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.
Rachel Saint, SIL base at Limoncocha, Ecuador.
Caio Julio Salles Lanhoso Martins, Pôrto Velho, Brazil.
Padre Juan Santos Ortiz, Ecuador.
Rev. Paul Schlener, Marco, Brazil.
Ned Seelye, SIL base at Limoncocha, Ecuador.
Allan Shannon, Lima, Peru.
Richard Smith, Lima, Peru.
Gustavo Solis, Lima, Peru.
Rudolfo Stavenhagen, Mexico City, Mexico.
John Stockwell, Austin, Texas.
David Stoll, Boston, Massachusetts.
Paul Strike, Quito, Ecuador.
Sandy Tolan and Nancy Pistero, Prescott, Arizona (phone interview).
William Cameron Townsend, Waxhaw, North Carolina.
Yasushi Toyotomi, sheriff of FUNAI, Pôrto Velho, Brazil.
Mike Tsalickis, Tarpon Springs, Florida.
Fernando Umano, Puerto Lleras, Colombia.
Cam Uynh, Des Moines, Iowa.
Franz Vanderhoff, Mexico City, Mexico.
Erik Van Lennep, Strafford, Vermont (phone interview).
Stefano Varese, Oaxaca, Mexico, and Lima, Peru.
Dan Velie, SIL base at Yarinacocha, Peru.
Jay Vick, SIL base at Tumi Chucua, Bolivia.
Nelson Villagomez, Quito, Ecuador.
Claudio Mena Villamares, Quito, Ecuador.
Robert Wasserstrom, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.
Steve Weisman, London, England.
Thomas Weisman, Zurich, Switzerland.
Rev. Philip Wheaton, Washington, D.C.
Rev. William Wipfler, New York.
Consuelo Yanez, Quito, Ecuador.
Jim Yost, SIL base at Limoncocha, Ecuador.
W. Vaughn Young, Los Angeles, California.
Pilar Zarillas, Lima, Peru.
Former Peace Corps members, Washington, D.C.
Former employees of the Amazon Natural Drug Company
Former CIA employee, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Journalists, Bogotá, Colombia.
Confidential sources, Guatemala City, Guatemala.
Confidential sources, Leticia, Colombia.
Confidential sources, Lima, Peru.
Brazilian nut merchants, Pôrto Velho, Brazil.
News reporters, Pôrto Velho, Brazil.
Cuna Indians [names withheld], Bayano, Panama.
Cuna Indians [names withheld], Panama City, Panama.
Lacondón Indians [names withheld], San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.
Image Gallery
John D. Rockefeller Sr. (left) converses with his closest confidant and only son, John D. Rockefeller Jr., while walking along Manhattan streets, c. 1915. (Courtesy of the Rockefeller Archive Center)