Elixir of Life: A Novella (A Hank Boyd Adventure - Book 4) (The Hank Boyd Adventures)

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Elixir of Life: A Novella (A Hank Boyd Adventure - Book 4) (The Hank Boyd Adventures) Page 11

by Matthew James

  “Here they come again,” Nicole says, squeezing into me harder.

  I look up as hundreds—maybe thousands—of the Egyptian dung beetles begin to swarm around us. The Scarabaeus sacer was a symbol representing Ra the sun god. Scarabs roll balls of poop across the ground just as Ra rolled the sun across the sky during sunrise. A very odd symbolism if you ask me, but it’s not my job to explain it. I’m an archaeologist. I use the imagery of nations—no matter how weird they can sometimes be—as a tool, nothing more.

  Unfortunately for us, these aren’t the sacred and idolized version of the bug. These are the large and angry kind.

  “They’re as big as bats,” Nicole says, looking up into the funneling creatures. The scarabs move in unison, reminding me of a flock of birds or a school of fish. They then peel off their holding pattern above us and dive straight down, putting us in their crosshairs, reminding me of the scene from Twister when they look straight up the tornadoes skirt and get a glimpse of its inner wall.

  Speaking of horrible imagery…

  “Stay close,” I say, holding up my free hand. My left is wrapped protectively around Nicole as she buries her face in my chest. She knows what’s about to happen.

  Gonna get hot in here. I look around. I mean, ‘out’ here… Whatever… Either way, these bastards are about to fry.

  Just as I release the built-up energy beam and launch it into the fray, we hear a voice shout and echo through the field in front of us. As the scarab swarm is mostly annihilated, I glance down and see a large dark-skinned man, stroll towards us. Releasing Nicole, I step forward and get my first good look at him—Anepou Ansah. With every step he takes, the skin on his chest, neck, and face continue to reform and advance up his body.

  Holy shit…

  Stepping out of the weeds, now completely whole, he speaks, unconcerned of our presence.

  “I am Anepou… Where is the Architect?”

  I push Nicole behind me, putting myself between her and him. Thankfully, she doesn’t resist. Even the fearless Nicole Andersson knows when she’s outgunned.

  “Who?” I ask, playing dumb.

  “Rand Intari,” Anepou replies. “I know he’s here.”

  “Sorry,” I say, “it’s just us right now.”

  “And who are you?” he asks, his eye color beautifully silver.

  “Me? I’m Hank Boyd, Guardian of the Elixir of Life.”

  Anepou’s eyes narrow. “Guardian…what guardian?”

  I shrug and nonchalantly pick at one of my fingernails. “Rand was hiring and he said I had the right fiery personality.”

  I burst into flames and resist morphing into my battle form. I need to do this as Hank, not the other guy. My body fights my brain for a second but then I feel is a fuzzy sensation roll from head to toe. It’s as though an electrical wave is making its way up and down my body, using my muscles and blood vessels as its highway.

  Well, at least that worked.

  I smile at my own success and quickly launch at the momentarily stunned shirtless, skirt-wearing god of death. In the blink of an eye, I make contact and burn.


  Valladolid, Yucatan

  Rand shoved Nando through the back door, stopping suddenly as the wind around the neighborhood picked up. Most homes were modest in size, like Rand’s, and had yards of about a quarter of an acre. As you moved toward the center of town buildings became larger in square footage and more modern, but nothing like you’d see in most other city centers.

  He looked to the sky and concentrated on the air itself. Feeling it buffet his skin, he shook loose of his stupor and turned to his charge.

  “We’re out of time. Anepou is already here.”

  “How—” Nando stammered, “how do you know?”

  Rand closed his eyes. “I can hear her.”


  “Yes, she speaks to Anepou, telling him what she sees. Her voice is hidden within the breeze, only to be heard by those who know what to look for.”

  “Can she see us?” Nando asked.

  “No,” Rand replied, “she can’t, but she will be able to sense my presence. The Elixir is like a beacon to some. She will know where I am within reason.”

  “And Anepou?”

  Rand looked into Nando’s worried eyes, his own flaring and sparking. “He will flatten this city to find me.”

  “And kill those who get in his way,” Nando added, sighing, “right…”

  “Let’s go.”

  Rand headed for the rear of his property, coming upon a rusted chain-link fence. They pushed through it and continued into an unbuilt section of woods. On the other side would be a second, less used road.

  Valladolid had an odd founding compared to most cities. It was first settled in 1543 by the nephew of a famous Spanish Conquistador. But after two years, it was moved and relocated further inland due in part to the complaints of the early settlers, including, among other things, mosquitos and the uncomfortable coastal humidity.

  In 1545, Valladolid was rebuilt directly atop the town of Zaci, much to the chagrin of the native populace. The Spanish even had the audacity to tear down the local’s homes and reuse the pieces for their own. The following year the displaced Mayans revolted against the intruders, but unable to match the Spanish’s might, they failed and life went on.

  Eventually, a large number of natives rioted and killed dozens of the settlers, causing anarchy throughout the city. Homes were burned and those not killed, beaten in the streets. Unfortunately for Rand, he saw it all first hand. It was another reason he stayed in Valladolid. The civil unrest reminded him of what the outside intrusion of one civilization can do to another if they force themselves upon the other. It’s exactly what he feared when he advised against such rash behavior that night in the gallery.

  Anepou and Gwyn had no such fear.

  “I own the land here as well,” Rand explained, forcing himself to shove aside the grim memory of the city’s sacking. He continued forward into the undeveloped lot. “I like to keep my privacy here. When the farm across the road closed, I bought it too.”

  “How much money do you have?” Nando asked, honestly interested.

  Rand looked over his shoulder. “Technically, I’m the richest man alive. That is if you consider me to be an actual man.”

  Nando’s jaw hung open as he started off again, following the wealthiest being on Earth. It really shouldn’t have hit him as hard as it did, however. Rand was thousands of years old and accumulating that kind of wealth wouldn’t have been too hard.

  Rand explained further. “I have been on the lookout for anything that could help me, buying into multiple scientific companies and news companies. I wanted to see and hear everything the world had to offer, including that of my Order peers. If they came up for breath or started a ruckus somewhere, I wanted to know about it. Then, as those companies expanded, I sold the shares and bought into others.”

  “So, you’re basically an immortal, and from the sounds of your accent, Greek, Warren Buffet.” Nando slyly commented.

  Rand stopped, turned and looked over Nando’s shoulder, checking their rears. “Warren is a nice man—a very wise man—but he doesn’t have anything on me. Plus, I use this accent because it makes me sound more dignified, don’t you think?”

  A flash from the other side of the house got both men’s attention, as did a pair of roars. A battle was raging on and neither Rand nor Nando knew what exactly was happening. Footsteps greeted them as Nicole came into view at the edge of the wooded area.

  “In here!” Nando shouted, cupping his hands around his mouth. She quickly joined them, breathing heavily and worried.

  “Hank…Anepou…” She stood and looked at Rand. “They’re fighting one another.”

  “Did Hank change again?” Nando asked.

  Nicole just nodded. “Sort of… He stayed in his usual form but wields the fire nonetheless.

  “I cannot get involved, Nicole. You, more than anyone, know what’s at stake if I d

  “And what of the man selflessly standing up for you?” she asked, getting angrier. “What happens if he’s slaughtered on your front porch? What will you say then?”

  Rand turned but didn’t leave. His head dipped and his shoulders dropped. “I want to help, Hank, I really do…” he turned around with tears welling in his eyes. One fell and rolled down his cheek. It was gold, just like his blood. “…but if Anepou was to get the Elixir, everyone would suffer—not just Hank. The world would fall into darkness.”

  Nicole looked back towards the house and then bit her lip in thought. She faced Rand and stood tall. “What about me?”

  “What about you?” Nando asked, not understanding.

  “I can help…” she eyed Rand, “…if you give me the ability to.”

  He shook his head. “Your body could get torn apart!”

  “I’m not asking you to make me like Hank. But all those people that settled in An’tala were given the Elixir, right? They were also given unique abilities as a result of it. Why not now, here, with me? Let me help Hank.”

  Mentioning Hank’s name again must’ve been enough, because a second golden tear rolled down the Architect’s face as his held up his hand. Taking out his small pocket knife again, he pierced his hand and let the golden plasma flow. As soon as it found oxygen, it began to bend to his will and gracefully floated towards Nicole’s face.

  “Stay calm and think of your duty.”

  She nodded.

  His eyes flashed into hers and the roiling liquid entered her body through her eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. When it touched her, Nicole’s own eyes immediately started to flash like strobe lights in a nightclub.

  “I will give you enough to help him, but only just enough. Whatever happens, the effects will last for a short period of time, maybe longer depending on the person.”

  “Longer?” Nando asked, watching.

  “Some hold onto the gifts for years after their first encounter, some lose it minutes after. I believe it’s based on the individuals will and inner strength, binding to their very being. While others, they think of it as pure luck.”

  Nicole’s body rose off the ground chest first, and her arms and legs went slack, looking like she was being abducted by aliens. Then, Rand closed his fist and cut off the flow of Elixir. But instead of simply falling to the ground in a heap, Nicole’s radiating body gracefully touched down, landing in a kneeling position as she breathed in deeply.

  “I feel…different,” she said, standing. She looked at her hands, turning them over a few times. “But not in a bad way—just…different.”

  Rand nodded. “It’s unpredictable what will happen to you from now on, but most agree that whatever natural abilities you had before will ultimately be pronounced—and then some. This isn’t science after all.”

  “What is it then?” Nando asked.

  “It’s…otherworldly science…”

  The ground beneath their feet rumbled and part of Rand’s fence groaned in protest and then fell with a clatter. Nicole looked at Rand one more time, seeing his eyes flash again as he calmed. She flexed her arms and back like she was feeling them for the first time.

  Whatever natural abilities you had before will ultimately be pronounced, she thought, recalling Rand’s words.

  She spun and ran back towards the house, feeling her leg muscles push harder and harder. The weariness of the last few days of traveling and fighting was gone. She felt renewed. She felt the same, but she also felt…new.

  I am new…

  If Nicole believed in anything about herself, it was her physical and mental traits. Her physical strength and willpower were her greatest gifts. She could only have done the things she did in her life because of them. Losing her husband took everything in her not to give up and throw in the metaphorical towel. Gaining Hank took just as much.

  Strength… Will…

  * * *

  As soon as I latch onto Anepou the guy goes and Houdinis me, crumbling to skin and bones. He quickly reassembles, though, and starts laughing. My methods—crude as they are—usually work. But not against this. I mean, he’s laughing at me with only half a lower jaw.

  Doesn’t look like I’ll be able to punch my way out of this fight.

  “Rand chose you?” Anepou says, mocking me as he stands before me fully regenerated.

  “And Thoth,” I reply. “Looks like the two highest ranking officials in An’tala agreed on who I was meant to be. You should listen to your bosses more often.”

  Focusing on the air around him, I charge it with heat and electricity. It suddenly crackles to life and strikes him down. He’s thrown back into the overgrown field, disappearing from view. The only visible evidence of him being there is a smoke trail left behind, starting with a charred piece of broken asphalt.

  A blur of motion spins me around as someone lands next to me. At first, I’m confused, but it’s not until the person’s long flowing locks of golden hair is pushed away from her face that I recognize the newcomer.

  “Nicole?” I ask, terrified. She’s in the form of a guardian, built like a tank and taller. While already tall for the average woman, Nicole is now as tall as me. She has no mouth to speak of and has eyes of swirling orichalcum—also like me. But her skin is something else altogether. First off, it’s white, not black, and her veins pulsate with the classic gold that Rand’s does. I look down at my hands and see the same gold flowing beneath my skin. It’s just like mine.



  “I wanted to help.” She holds up her hands. “This was the only way.”

  “Is it permanent?”

  She shakes her head. “Rand said it would wear off after a while, like those who ate from the trees only once.”

  I stroke a hand over her cheek as she smiles, or rather, as her cheekbones lift. If I wanted to kiss her, I wouldn’t be able to properly do it. But I trust her judgment, she knows what she’s doing. Nicole is the smartest person I’ve ever met. If she thinks this is a good idea, then it is.

  “Do you have any abilities?” I ask, looking back towards the field.

  “Besides leaping over Rand’s home and looking like this? I’m not sure yet.”

  I shrug. “Either way, you look fantastic.”


  I raise an eyebrow. “Have you seen what your body looks like? You’re basically wearing a skintight, see-through bodysuit.” She looks down in horror. “It’s like the chick from Ghost in the Shell. But don’t worry, none of your secrets have been revealed.”

  She slugs me in the shoulder and sends me flying into a parked car. It goes tumbling away as I slam to the ground forty feet away from Nicole.

  “Well,” I say, sitting up, “we know one of your abilities.” I stand and rub my already healed shoulder, adding to the drama a little. “You swing a mean hammer.”

  A form drops inbetween us, making me do a double take. It’s Anepou but he looks like a horror movie prop. He’s mostly bones with little else in the way of meat, but he’s quickly piecing himself back together. He looks between Nicole and I equally confused and enraged.

  “More of you?” he asks, his anger building.

  “She’s my intern—a temp really. She’s particularly good at damage assessment and potential insurance coverage of said damage. You know… Like a good neighbor, Nicole is there!”

  Fully together now, his form flickers with rage and he roars into the sky. Trusting in Nicole’s newfound gifts, I don’t make a move to guard her. Instead, I focus my attention on Anepou.

  He looks like an ebony god in real-life. He’s massive, tattooed, and carries a confidence about him that neither Nannot nor any of the Judges possessed. He’s not threatened by us in the least.

  We need to get his fight away from the city, I think, looking back towards the row of homes.

  I leap away and land fifty or so feet into the tall grass, hoping Nicole does the same. A crashing sound to my left tells me she did. Standing, she look
s at me and brushes away some dirt and…well, let’s hope it’s just dirt.

  She’s getting used to her new body. Gotta get her back in her human form.

  Anepou follows us into the derelict farm and dials up his best, raising his hands to the sky. Then, it happens… The already dimming sky turns to night, darkening as the seconds go by. Black clouds roll in from every direction, giving the field around us a creepy, horror movie vibe. He’s ready to end this before Nicole and I can do anything else to convince him otherwise.

  The plagues of Egypt, I think. God, I hope there aren’t any boils.

  “Stay near me and be ready,” I say to Nicole without looking away from our enemy. “I’m not sure what’s about to happen, but either way, it’s nothing good.”

  As I finish my sentence, the ground starts to rumble and the moans of the dead fill the air around us.


  Valladolid, Yucatan

  She watched from further down the block, still dressed as a local, unsure if she should intervene or not. Once perhaps, she could’ve singlehandedly taken on everyone there, but not now. While free from her mental suffering and bitter loneliness, she still felt something eating at her insides. Things were about to happen that desperately needed her talents—talents she no longer had the ability to employ.

  What have I done…

  These people selflessly helped free her from all the crippling weight forced upon her by her family. It was a weight she resisted from day one but was too mentally weak to fight back.

  I ‘was’ too weak…but not now.

  Voices erupted from behind her turning her around. She watched as two figures exited a large wooded area behind the home where Hank and Nicole just exited from. One man was younger, handsome, and had dark hair pulled back into a ponytail. The other—

  “The Architect,” she whispered to herself. If there was one man in all the world that could help her, it was him.

  ‘If’ he wanted to help. She and Rand Intari didn’t always agree on things over the years but she knew he’d aid her in what she was about to ask. The old man looked her direction, sizing her up. She needed to convince him that she was an ally and not a threat. Disrobing, she stepped away from the hooded coat and towards him, stopping until she was acknowledged.


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