Curse Of The Men In Black: Return Of The UFO Terrorists

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Curse Of The Men In Black: Return Of The UFO Terrorists Page 13

by Timothy Beckley

  After five research and investigation trips to Canada, the task is not yet complete. The final conclusions may only be reached upon meeting the anonymous Guardian who holds the keys and answers to many questions. The single most important question that remains to be answered is: "How did Guardian know that the craft was going to land at that time and place?".

  My remaining efforts will be focused on establishing a dialogue with Guardian. His decision to remain anonymous is in my opinion prudent. Removing public anonymity can only put the dialogue with Guardian. His decision to remain anonymous is in my opinion prudent. Removing public anonymity can only put the focus on his credibility and integrity instead of the incredible event itself. My objective will be to encourage his cooperation upon confirming his identity and ascertain the rationale to his methodology and determine the level of veracity of his claims.

  BoB Oechsler

  The Insiders Report

  By Bob Oechsler Investigating The Guardian Enigma

  NBC's "Unsolved Mysteries" airs video of landed UFO craft. FOX's "Sightings" features this landmark UFO landing case.

  A strange series of events unfolded during the summer of 1991 in a rural area about 20 miles west of Ottawa in the Ontario Province of Eastern Canada. Out of the rolling hills and heavily wooded swamp lands of West Carleton Township, residents were reporting surrealistic screams, excruciating cries of tormented agony that warned off all attempts by residents to investigate. Those that went to the edge of the forest land to look into the matter were met not only with silence at first, but an eerie permeating sensation of fear that seemed to hang over the area. The strange silence was penetrated by a startling scream like no other sound experienced before. Even the dogs would not venture into the area as their keen senses warded them off ahead of their inquisitive masters. This was but one of a pattern of unusual events that rained down on this sparsely populated residential former farming estate community that summer. One individual now known publicly as Guardian had the courage to investigate and report his unique findings of unusual activity.

  Guardian began reporting in late 1989 to UFO research organizations in Canada that American and Canadian Security Agencies were engaged in a conspiracy of silence. He anonymously claimed that UFO sightings in the Ontario region had intensified in the 1980's (specifically around nuclear power generating stations) and that on November 4, 1989 Canadian Defense (sic) Department radars picked up a globe shaped object traveling at a phenomenal speed over Carp, Ontario. The UFO, Guardian reported, abruptly stopped and dropped like a stone. He claimed that the ship landed in deep swamp in a rural area of West Carleton Twp. While monitoring satellites traced the movements of the alien occupants, two AH-64 Apache choppers and a UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter descended on the area the following night. Guardian says they carried full weapon loads and were part of a covert American unit that specialized in the recovery of alien craft. Independent UFO investigations revealed no less than three eye witnesses confirming the hovering craft over the swamp area, sounds of explosions, military vehicles and personnel with no identification marks blocking off a main access road to the swamp area. Guardian reported the recovery of "three reptilian fetus headed beings" listed as Class I NTEs (Non Terrestrial Entities) identified as muscular, grey-white skinned humanoids.

  Guardian's rather elaborate report details a matrixed dielectric magnesium alloy craft driven by pulsed electromagnetic fields generated by a cold fusion reactor. He reveals that the craft was of a military nature and coldly calculates a mission designed to pit human species against human species in an ideological war to further strain east-west relations. His expressed knowledge of alien installed human implants, military operations, high technology EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) weapons and ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) waves calibrated to the same wavelength as the human brain to subliminally control test subjects all suggest an extraordinary intimate involvement in these events. If his assertions are correct, then we humans are in for a tough time regardless of the official secrecy surrounding these issues. Guardian warns of an impending hostile invasion much like the concerns expressed numerous times by former President Ronald Reagan about a potential "Force from outer space". He reports that data aboard the recovered sphere explains why the aliens are so comfortable on our world. They preceded humans on the evolutionary scale by millions of years and that their civilization was destroyed 65 million years ago during an interdimensional war forcing them to leave the earth. Now they have chosen to attempt to reclaim what was once theirs.

  Guardian was not the only one to report evidence of UFOs and alien entities in the township of West Carleton. Alana Masters (pseudonym) reported to the local press in September 1989 that her daughter had been making drawings of a ghost with big black eyes and spoke of unusual dreams and visitors at night. One evening before retiring, Alana was drawn to a winnow looking out over her back yard by a bright light. Concerned about the unusual shape of the object idling silently out back, she went to check on her two and a half year old daughter. Upon opening the door she was startled to see two beings that had really dark eyes and glowed a whitish yellow color. One of the entities turned toward Alana and the next thing she remembered was waking up on the sofa the next morning. Alana's neighbor reported seeing a glowing creature of like description appearing to be taking ground samples from the back yard and another in her house. She said she never would have mentioned the event were it not for Alana's report. The Canadian National Research Council reported over 100 UFO sightings reports during the same period.

  In February of 1992 a video tape and several constructed documents arrived at my mailbox postmarked from Ottawa, Ontario. There was no return address, but the video tape was cleverly labeled with the name Guardian accompanied by an inked finger- print as a unique identifying reference. The documents contained a map of the same area as reported in the 1989 UFO landing event, but referenced a newer landing and retrieval occurring on August 18, 1991. The cover document was

  fabricated with a DND Department of National Defence) stencil, a maple leaf watermark and two photocopies of Polaroid flash pictures depicting events in the video. Other documents resembled typical FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) responses involving deleted classified data using a black "magic" marker. The documents contained the same ideology referred to in Guardian's 1989 report, but seemed to focus more on theology and Nostrodamus type apocalyptic proclamations. Had it not been for the exceptional video tape Guardian's reports would have no doubt been dismissed as the ravings of a misguided ideologist.

  Psychologists that I consulted reviewed the material and concluded that while there is evidence of pathology (perhaps sociopath) as it relates to the source's interpretation and explanation of the scenario, there exists no evidence of schizophrenia or other similar disorders. Guardian is clearly literate in some areas of ufology, but may lack the ability to discriminate extremist and conspiracy theorists viewpoints from traditional rationalists.

  In April of 1992, I completed a preliminary video analysis on the case. The video appears to be a series of edited takes from a longer video. This was determined as a result of several stops and starts with the observance of technical changes in the setting. For example in earlier sequences there appear to be several flares burning with billowing smoke rising from that general area, in later sequences it appears that the flares had burned out yet the remnants of smoke are still visible. The individual segments may however just be a product of starting and stopping the camera in order to conserve battery power. Guardian may have missed the initial landing due to late arrival. If he was influenced by the intelligence aboard the craft, he may have been affected in such a way as to inhibit filming of the departure of the object.

  The first segment that I examined depicts a wide angle nighttime field of view with a series of bright red fires or flares burning on the left side of the screen with smoke billowing up and to the right of the frame reference and an elliptical bright white light to the right of the frame on an approx
imate horizontal even plane with respect to the red lights. The luminosity of the flare activity is great enough to expose a tree line or forest area in the background not far from the luminous source. The segment depicts a variation of zooms in and out of the scene with slight panning action to the right and left. At the fully zoomed setting the camera is far enough away from the total scene so that both the left scene and right scene are still simultaneously visible, except during gross panning of the camera. The right side scene with the elliptical white light also exhibits a flashing blue strobe light vertically aligned above the primary light source. Residual light smearing is evident below and slightly bleeding to the right of both primary scenes. On the left scene the smear is red and on the right the smear is green with a central blue. This is typical of nighttime electronic photography and eyewitness reports typically confirm that smear color is reflective of the actual naked eye color observed in the prime light source. This segment runs 2 minutes and 20 seconds.

  The second segment commences with the photographer walking closer to the scene of the strobing lights, apparently at the full zoomed in setting or perhaps the view that exhibits only the flashing lights is such that the actual disc is initially obstructed by the terrain horizon on approach. During the initial frames smoke is visible which is apparently luminated by light from below the frame horizon. The smoke continues to be visible throughout the segment. Through a series of zoom sequences, apparently while the photographer is still walking, a clear image of what appears to be a disc shaped object is visible especially when examined frame by frame. There appears to be two flares or red colored fires at the left front leading edge of the disc but at least separated from the disc which does not appear to be damaged or on fire.

  The center of the top of the disc builds into a triangular shape or turret area. The flashing lights depicted in the previous segment resolve to a blue strobe that is oscillating about the outer portion of the top of the turret and each flash reflects off of the curved portion of the top side of the disc below. The strobe sequence is approximately 7.5 flashes per second and rotates vertically as opposed to typical horizontal strobes on emergency vehicles and aircraft. The luminosity intensity characteristics of the strobe are variable with high intensity flashes followed sequentially by low intensity flashes. On occasion during single frame analysis a square flash of light could be observed as the source of the strobe. On at least one frame it is conclusive that a squared light pattern was observed sourcing from amidships the turret area as opposed to the top of the turret and well above the area of observed reflection.

  Additional features apparent in this segment include a series of vertical slats, appendages or ridges that appear on the outside of the disc equidistant from each other. These features are luminated by the plasmatic like light source emanating from the underside of the craft. It would be easy for the casual observer to view these features as windows or square porthole like features due to the shadowing effect caused by the distortion of light distribution as a result of the protrusion of the vertical slats around the disc's leading edge.

  Another observed anomaly in this segment involves what appears to be a secondary moving strobe seen at times well above the primary strobing light. This is probably a product of the electronics in the form of a continuous ghost roll of the strobe that constantly repeats itself strobing from the bottom of the frame to the top much like a horizontal roll characteristic. It maintains a constant vertical alignment to the strobe and is consistent with experiments conducted using a vertical strobe. The segment runs for forty seconds.

  The third segment depicts the disc at an intermediate distance without change in zoom reference. There is still evidence of flares burning near the left front of the disc. It is the most significant segment for measuring the strobe frequency characteristics. As a side reference, an interesting correlation exists between the 7.5 strobe frequency in this video and the 7.5 oscillation observed in the video of a flying craft taken in Gulf Breeze, Florida in December 1987. It should be noted that a tripod is never used by the photographer. All segments are hand held and attention is not always given to the viewfinder for frame referencing. This segment shows no evidence of the signal flares depicted in the first segment so it is not possible to develop an actual chronology regarding these segment sequences. The segment runs for two minutes and seven seconds.

  The forth segment proved to be more of a challenge to analyze. The segment commences with a close-up hand held shaky view of the upper strobe area without depicting the reflection area on the top side of the disc surface. It depicts a disembodied rising strobe feature which we were able to duplicate in laboratory tests. As the segment unfolds, it appears that the photographer is walking toward a crest in topography exposing the full disc with strobing features at a wide angle much the same as in segment two, absent the back- lighting effects of the luminated drifting smoke from the pyrotechnics activity. The photographer then zooms in closer to expose previously observed details of the disc and immediate surrounding terrain. It appears that the two flares at the front left of the disc have burned out, assuming the photographer's orientation to the disc is similar to previous segments. This segment runs for one minute and six seconds.

  Additional segments on the source video depict a variety of freeze frames related to the final close-up frames of the disc where a blue beam of light was apparently aimed directly at the camera from the disc itself. The tracking quality for most of the segment is quite poor. The bulk of the subject matter appears to relate to images of either photographs or actual video frames of an alien entity(s) of the generically typical gray (grey) variety with almond shaped black eyes. The facial features contain a dominant protrusion or snout which an eyewitness described as "pig nosed". Sequential images show one eyelid closing and other changes in facial features. The entity(s) appear to be self luminating as no external light source is evident capable of luminating the hands and facial features. Guardian sent one researcher an 8 x 10 black and white print of such a creature posed in the terrain depicted by the Polaroid prints with the foreground luminated by flash. These final segments run just over 26 minutes duration.

  In order to estimate the actual distance of the disc from the camera, I conducted a field test using only Sony CCD 4 Lux 8x Zoom video camera. A 1000 foot course was laid out at 100 foot intervals. I then recorded wide angle and zoom variations of an ordinary highway road flare in like nighttime conditions to that of the source video. The comparative results suggested that the disc shaped craft in the source video, at it's closest point, would be approximately 500 to 700 feet from the camera assuming an object of 50 feet in diameter. A 25 foot diameter craft would place the camera at 1000 to 1200 feet at closest approach. The latter proved to be the most viable following a field investigation which located the site where the video was taken.

  It was immediately apparent when comparing the nighttime video sequences from both cameras that the source video was taken with a field production quality camera probably costing tens of thousands of dollars. The color retention is extraordinary even from the perspective of my own personal experience with broadcast quality field production camera systems. Considering the ultra high luminosity characteristics of the bright white light emanating from the bottom of the disc structure, it is surprising that the camera was able to retain the red coloring of the flares. The flares or flare mix in pots are exhibiting a significant amount of smoke giving indications of an active localized thermal environment with a wind velocity and direction that would later prove consistent with meteorological reports for the date and time period reported. My tests with ordinary road flares did not exhibit the same amount of smoke, nor did my camera retain the red color as that of the source camera. Test conclusions tend to validate that a high technology camera was used and that the pyrotechnics were no less than military grade.

  Preliminary Conclusions

  (Prior to Field Investigation) The evidence suggests the depiction of a real event. It can not be determin
ed at this time whether the source is providing credible information relative to the depicted events in the video tape. Nonetheless I am convinced at this time that the events do not appear to represent a fabrication or hoax in the form of scale modeling. An actual field event seems to be unfolding in the video segments. It would appear unlikely that the photographer just happened onto the scene with at least six packs of Polaroid film (assuming there in fact exists 60 Polaroid prints of the scene as inferred from Guardian's documents) and a field production quality video camera accompanied by the requisite power source equipment. Subsequent field investigation supported this conclusion due to sight limitations in surrounding topography.

  In spite of the quality of the camera, the photographer does not appear to be experienced with the equipment. It should also be noted that there is no evidence that the source sender of the written and video materials is the photographer. It is surprising that no tripod was used, rarely are cameras of that quality carried without the optional use of a tripod.

  The disc appears to be active throughout all segments and is static (not moving relative) to the environment. The disc is not on a perfect horizontal plane to the camera but is tilted slightly rising to approximately five degrees on the right side. This position might be a product of the topography of the terrain where the disc appears to be resting.

  The appearance of the disc could be likened to an upside down frying pan without the handle and with a conical shaped turret at the center top. It has vertical ridges or protruding flange elements at equidistant intervals around and extending beyond the leading edge of the disc. The underside appears to be quite hot in terms of light temperature. There should be significant evidence of physical effects relative to this light frequency phenomenon at the landing site where this event occurred.

  Initial evaluation of the entity images on the video and other photographic material suggested that it might be easy to fake such images using a protective fencing or hockey face mask and black jumpsuit costuming. If the entity images were faked however, a dichotomy in logic would exist if in fact the video of the disc is authentic. A more intensive analysis of the entity images detected obvious changes in facial features that are not consistent with the mask hypothesis. And the apparent self luminosity characteristic infers a strange complexity associated with the images that would have to border on a Hollywood level make-up job.


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