Happy Hour (Racing on the Edge)

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Happy Hour (Racing on the Edge) Page 9

by Shey Stahl

  What the hell?

  I felt movement on the bed and someone groan beside me. Once I turned my head, I groaned myself.

  Not only did I know that particular groan but even so much as turning my head, hurt like hell. Bringing my arm up, I covered my face to block out the blinding light coming in from the morning or afternoon sun.

  I continued to lay there for a moment trying to remember anything that happened last night when reality hit me—slapped me across the face actually.

  It came back to me in flashes.

  The race, the bar, Chelsea, the dancing, that kissing, Purple Rain.

  And then in a rush, without warning, the sex came back to me based on the soreness between my legs.

  Then who came back to me...Jameson...oh god.

  What if he regretted it? What if he doesn’t even remember what we did?

  I turned over onto my back, covering my head with a pillow now, wondering what I was thinking last night. Friends with benefits, geez, you have truly lost your mind this time.

  Just as I decided that I would be perfectly content never removing my head from under that pillow, Jameson groaned loudly beside me and flung an arm around my waist.

  It was at that point I realized I was still completely naked, in bed with Jameson Riley, my best friend.

  While I was starting to regret not putting some clothes on before we went to bed, he grunted and moved closer, pressed my body against his and oh my...he was hard.

  What did I do next? I started giggling.


  Because I was completely inappropriate like that. When I was nervous, I giggled and right then, I couldn’t speak, I could barely even think so I giggled.

  “Uhgg...Sway,” Jameson groaned once again covering his head with a pillow. “Stop laughing...head hurts...”

  Well, at least he knows it’s me beside him.

  This had me giggling even more because me, Sway Reins, slept with my best friend Jameson Riley.

  “Oh...god...you have to stop laughing.” Jameson groaned again, tossing a pillow at me.

  His legs tangled with mine under the sheets, his erection pressed against my thigh.

  I had the sudden urge to stick my head under the sheets and get a good look at him since I didn’t see it last night. I refrained though.

  I giggled once more, my head throbbing at the noise and causing Jameson to cringe and tighten his grip around my waist. “I swear to god...if you don’t stop, I will push you out of this goddamn bed.” He warned in a serious rough voice.

  Eventually I stopped giggling and Jameson made no attempt to push me away or off the bed. Instead, he kept his arm firmly around my waist and his hips pushed against my thigh.

  Before I could decide what was going to happen next, his cell phone started ringing on the nightstand beside me.

  “Fuck...that’s worse than you laughing.” Jameson grumbled reaching over me pressing his chest against my own.

  Completely on top of me, he answered the phone. “What?”

  I was hyperventilating.

  Let me take a moment here to really explain what kind of position we were in. I was lying on my back, legs spread, completely naked—kind of like last night. Jameson was completely naked as well, on top of me, between my legs with his camshaft pressing against my crankcase.

  We were in quite the predicament here.

  “What time do I have to be there?” Jameson sighed. I could tell by the voice coming through the receiver that he was talking to Alley. “Wait...what time is it now?” Jameson looked around the room searching for a clock.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I looked at the alarm clock to see that it was already four in the afternoon.

  Great, my flight leaves at eight tonight.

  I tried to push Jameson away so I could get up and get dressed but he grabbed my hand with his and pushed it above my head.

  Apparently, I wasn’t going anywhere.

  His eyes narrowed at me, shaking his head no. “Yeah—Alley, I’ll be there at six. I need a few...hours though.” Jameson added with a wink.

  Say what?

  Alley apparently wasn’t happy about this judging by the screaming. “Bye Alley.” He simply said tossing his phone on the floor.

  My head turned, looking anywhere but in his eyes that I could feel penetrating me, speaking of penetrating, I could feel something else awfully close to penetration.

  Jameson let go of my hands and placed his right hand against my cheek forcing me to look at him.

  “Look at me, honey.” He asked softly kissing along my jaw.

  I couldn’t help the tears that were forming. I tried—believe me I tried. When I finally looked at him, my emerald green meeting his smoldering green, I couldn’t place the emotion his held.

  Why am I doing this to myself? You know this isn’t going to change anything. This is stupid and one of the worst idea’s you’ve ever had.

  “You okay?” He asked leaning in to kiss me. His lips pressed to mine once, twice, three times and then his tongue grazed my lips. His other hand came up holding my face securely to his while he attacked my mouth with passionate hungry kisses that left me weak and incredibly vulnerable again.

  Hard and ready, all he would have to do is push once. Just as his hips flex forward, a loud knocking interrupts us.

  “Jameson, open the goddamn door!” Alley yelled outside smacking the door. “Don’t you ever hang up on me again asshole!”

  Jameson put his fingers to my lips while he pushed forward causing me to let out a loud moan, his hand covered my mouth chuckling above me with that damn smirk.

  I’m not all that surprised he was amused by this, he loved pissing Alley off. It was like a game for him. He’s not happy until she’s called him an asshole at least once throughout the day.

  “Shh...if we’re quiet...she’ll leave.” He whispered in my ear and pushed forward once more.

  I openly cried out when he bit down on my shoulder again, cut off by his mouth that clamped down on my own, causing both of us to groan.

  We moved together languorously but the door opening quickly interrupted us again.

  Jameson stopped suddenly and pulled back to look at me, his eyes wide with panic.

  Fuck, fuck fuck!

  “Jameson...she can’t see me in bed with you.” I whispered but silenced by a pillow covering my face.

  Was this supposed to be hot?

  For some morbid reason, it was. I really needed help if I was turned on by him holding a pillow over my face.

  I couldn’t see any more but I heard Alley’s heels clicking against the wood floor when she came into the bedroom. “Get out of bed you shit head!”

  “How the hell did you get a key?” Jameson growled back at her. And yes, in case you’re wondering he was still inside me, his body trembling to stay motionless.

  “I reserved the room for you. I have a key.” Alley replied with a sour edge. “For Christ sakes Jameson, you have a woman in bed with you?”

  Oh Alley...It’s even worse than you think.

  “Get out!” Jameson yelled in a no nonsense tone.

  “No,” she objected. “Get up!”

  “Well, I’m not getting up with you in the room.” He snorted. “I’m naked.”

  Yes you are, with me underneath you. He he he!

  “What the hell is taking so long in here?” Spencer’s bellowing tone echoed throughout. “Whoa...dude, who’s under there?”

  You couldn’t miss the inquisitiveness in his voice and I’m sure by that point he was trying to see who was underneath Jameson.

  I’m so glad my face was covered because it was the color of the devils ass right then and I was moments away from breaking out into a giggle fit. I giggle when I’m nervous. I can’t help it.

  It’s amazing the thoughts that go through your head when you’re naked and in this predicament. I won’t go into details but some were even alarming to me and I was used to my daily rambling thoughts.

  Jameson sighed lo
udly, throwing his head forward against my shoulder. “Get the fuck out!” he yelled loudly against the pillow vibrating my entire body with his menacing voice.

  This was so mortifying.

  And who joined the party next?


  “Jameson,” he began as he entered the room, I assumed.

  I couldn’t see to know this for sure but his voice suddenly tapered off when he took in the sight before him. I can only imagine what this must look like.

  “What the hell, why...” I heard him sigh dramatically. “I don’t even want to know.”

  By now, they were all in the bedroom of the hotel room. Spencer was laughing hysterically; Alley was yelling at Jameson, Jimi was yelling at Alley and Spencer to leave the room.

  Jameson, probably mortified, was shaking his head in disbelieve against the pillow over my head.

  I was now giggling.

  It was just so unbelievable...really, it was. Here I was lying underneath my best friend, his camshaft inserted in my crankcase with three other people in the room.

  Good times.

  “All of you shut up!” Jimi barked over them. “Get out now! Jameson, get this girl out of your goddamn room and get dressed. You have an interview with SPEED in less than two hours.”

  Jimi ushered Alley and Spencer out of the bedroom but I could still hear them arguing in the other room about why I wasn’t in my hotel room, which had me panicking again.

  Jameson removed the pillow from my face and smirked. “We need to get up...” he whispered in a low throaty voice but never attempted to move.

  Instead, he pulled back and then pushed into me again. His eyes fell closed with the motion. Mine did not. They were fixated on the door that was still wide fucking open. And though their backs were to the room, what if they turn around?

  “Jameson,” my eyes were very wide by this point. “we have to stop...” I pushed against his chest but he didn’t budge, just continued with tenacity. “Jameson...” I tried again but my voice faded when one of his hands fisted in my hair and the other reached down to my...ignition switch.

  “I can’t, Sway...I want you...” he moaned. “I can’t stop...I just can’t. Not after last night.”

  “Your family is right outside the door.” I whispered incredulously trying to point out the obvious reason why he had to stop.

  “Fuck ‘em.”

  “Jameson, get up!” Jimi bellowed from outside the bedroom.

  “Oh Goddamn it,” Jameson growled against my shoulder.

  I’ve talked about this before but this dirty heathen...has a quick fuse. All of a sudden, his arm raised, his left fist slammed into the headboard, the wood splintered and cracked loudly.

  “GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!” he roared causing me to jump. It’s been a while since I’ve heard him so angry.

  Have you ever seen a two-year old throw a fit?

  It usually happens suddenly and in the midst of this fit, their tiny arms flail around and they reach for anything they can to get their two-year old point across.

  That was Jameson when it came to his maturity level at times.

  So because punching the headboard did nothing, he then reached for anything he could reach without pulling out of me, which happened to an empty beer bottle.

  The glass shattered against the wall causing me to jump again and Alley to yelp.

  Jameson didn’t stop at just that. He then reached for the lamp on the nightstand and chucked it across the room as well, it too shattering.

  “I mean it!” He warned them in a blistering snarl. “Get the fuck out of this goddamn room right now!”

  No one said anything, including me. I just lied there motionless.

  They know he’ll just keep throwing shit until they left, he’d destroy the entire hotel just to get his point across.

  Believe me, he’s done this before.

  Finally, we heard the door close as they left. I sighed in relief, thankful Nancy and Emma didn’t join the party or worse, Tommy wherever the hell he disappeared to last night.

  Jameson was panting against me from the sudden onset of rage but his movements didn’t halter. His hands returned and fisted tightly against the pillow my head was resting on. His lips were at my neck now, trying to control his breathing but it was coming in irregular gasps. He managed to rasp out a, “Fuck, you feel good,” against my neck that left me shivering.

  With tender touches from rough hands, he performed a ravenous lap of my body. There was a carefulness that emerged with the way he held me closer than he did last night combined with a hunger I’d never seen other than in his racing.

  With the intoxicating haze lifted, the closeness I felt to him now was unlike anything I’d ever felt before.

  I knew this wasn’t going to last very long by the way he was moving against me but the idea of quick naughty illicit qualifying lap had me panting just as hard as him and giving way to the pleasure.

  My hands flew to his back as my fingernails sunk in, my orgasm over took me in waves, causing him to push into me harder and harder, pushing me further up the bed into the splintered headboard.

  We’re old friends, this headboard and me.

  After just a few quick thrusts, Jameson threw his head back exposing his neck for me, groaning my name.

  The sound vibrated my lips as I attacked his neck with wet kisses. He shuttered above of me and then collapsed against my chest.

  I welcomed the weight of his exhausted body, I’ve waited years to feel this man heavy, spent, and relaxed above me.

  As I was lying there trying to catch my own breath, I once again thought about what just happened and started giggling.

  Jameson growled while he nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck, his two-day scruff tickling my skin. “You’re going to give me a complex if you keep laughing at me like that.”

  I giggled again.

  Eventually Jameson made it to the bathroom to get ready. Once dressed, he sat down on the bed next to me.

  I was still wrapped in the sheet because I didn’t have any clothes. Jameson ripped my underwear and bra off with his teeth, destroying them last night. I ripped my shirt off like a whore, so that left just my skirt and heels.

  “You should probably get dressed,” he suggested running his fingers through his hair. “Even though I prefer you naked,” He winked.

  “I would...but I don’t have any clothes.” I reminded him. “There in my room.”

  He raised an eyebrow at me and then smirked. “Sorry, I guess I lost control last night.” His fingers lightly traced the mark.

  I shrugged pulling the sheet up further since I was feeling exposed. “It happens.” I looked away from his gaze.

  I was really starting to freak out and felt like bursting into tears at any moment having agreed to any of this.

  There seemed to be a suffocating silence lingering when Jameson moved closer to me on the bed but didn’t look up. Gently, he took my hand in his own, rubbing it softy. “Don’t leave tonight.” He pleaded although he spoke more to the ground than me.

  I didn’t look up; my eyes remained fixated on the bed as a pensive silence lingered once again. “Jameson, I can’t stay. Charlie needs me at the track.”

  He nodded once taking a deep breath. “Please.” He mumbled softly, almost too softly that I couldn’t hear him.


  Jameson still hadn’t looked up even though I was staring at him now. I had never seen him act like this before so I asked again. “Why do you want me to stay, Jameson?”

  Tell me you want me to stay because you love me.

  He tilted his head to one side before answering. “Because, I need you here,” His eyes slowly met mine and I saw an emotion I couldn’t quite place again. It was as if he was begging me not to pry. “I...you...keep me grounded.” He offered me a bolster smile, the restlessness from last night returned. “Come with me to Pocono and Michigan. Then we’re in Sonoma again...you can go back after that. It’s closer to Washington anyways

  I groaned leaning my head against the headboard, looking up at the white ceiling. “What are we doing Jameson?”

  “What do you mean?” He actually sounded confused.

  How can one person be so clueless to this!

  “This,” I motioned to the bed. “What is this?”

  I have to know what he thinks. Does he want more? Will he ever want more?

  I leaned my head forward again, looking into his eyes. That’s when I see that this isn’t going to be what I hoped but I also saw that emotion that I couldn’t place. He was hiding something behind those beautiful eyes.

  “We’re friends...” he paused swallowing. “But I’d like to keep doing what we just did...I liked it.” He took a drink of water from the bottle he’d been holding, concealing his smirk.

  “What if someone else comes along that’s not a friend and you want that with her?”

  You sound like a jealous high school girl.

  “That won’t happen.” His sounded almost disgusted that I asked that.

  “You’re Jameson Riley—you have women throwing themselves at you. Why me?”

  “Because Sway, you’re my best friend.” Jameson sighed again, leaning back against the bed on his elbows.

  It distracted me when his shirt came up revealing the sharp lines of the hips leading down to the promise land.

  Before I could get too distracted, Jameson’s voice interrupted me. “I trust you and I can’t trust anyone right now.” He leaned closer to me pulling my legs against his chest. “This can be fun Sway, let’s just...have a good time together. Keep it simple.”

  Have a good time? Keep it simple?

  Can you do that? Maybe.

  Can you do this without getting your heart broken? Doubtful.

  Do you want to have fun? Absolutely.

  Do you want to stay with him? Without a doubt.

  I’m so screwed.

  I knew my reasoning is completely off and incredibly stupid. I knew I was going to get hurt but I decided, once again, to put Jameson’s needs above my own and reached for my cell phone to call Charlie.

  The conversation with Charlie didn’t go as planned. And it wasn’t even his anger that upset me the most. It was the disappointment that I would be with Jameson again for a few weeks. I think his exact quote was, “Sway, he’s using you. It’s a shame that a girl as smart as you can’t see that.”


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