Hard Love_A BWWM Sports Romance

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Hard Love_A BWWM Sports Romance Page 2

by Peyton Banks

  “A charity auction. Some of the guys from the team will allow themselves to be auctioned off. They auction other things off, but usually the players are the ones that bring in the big money. It will be fun.”

  That did sound like fun. Not that she could ever afford to participate in an auction of that magnitude, but it wouldn’t hurt to work the event. Might even draw up some extra clients.

  “Can you go or not?” Trissa asked, tapping her long fingernails on Jada’s desk.

  “When is it?”

  “Next weekend. Matter of fact, you are going. We are going to get you out of the house, get drunk in the name of charity, and hopefully find someone for you to get laid.”

  * * *

  Reiner had come to the conclusion that his trainer was trying to kill him. His body ached in ways that he didn’t even know it could. There would be no question that as soon as they were finish with the workout, he would be soaking in an ice bath.

  “You make this look easy, old man,” Jerry joked with him as Reiner jogged back to him.

  “The new recruits will be starting this week. I got to be able to hang with them.” Reiner laughed, sweat dripping off his face.

  “Let’s do some quick release drills, then I’ll let you go,” Jerry announced, throwing the pigskin to him.

  Reiner cradled the familiar object in his hand. For as long as he could remember, he’d held a football in his hands. He had fond memories of his father tossing the ball to him and his brother when they were barely able to walk.

  His younger brother, Andre, was also in the league. He played for the Predators organization. Once a year their two teams collided, and their parents tried to remain neutral.

  The Predators and Knights were rivals, and the media continually jumped on the fact that the two Strickland brothers were playing against each other. He and Andre were competitive and played on the media each year. It was something they’d always done growing up. Reiner released a snort knowing that this year he’d be kicking his younger brother’s ass.

  An hour later, Reiner came out of the showers with his towel wrapped around his waist.

  “What’s up, General?” his good friend and center, Ben Barber, called out to him from his seat in front of his locker.

  “What’s up, Ben?” Reiner gave his center a salute walking over to his locker.

  “You participating in the auction this weekend?” Ben asked.

  Reiner rolled his eyes at the mention of the Knights annual auction. He knew it was a charity event and drew millions of dollars for whatever organization the team sponsored the event for.

  “Nah, you know I don’t do that.” Reiner shook his head, throwing his clothes on.

  “Aw, come on. This year it’s a pediatric foundation they are donating the money to,” a new voice said as he came into the room.

  “Cashman!” They all said in unison.

  Kevin Cash, one of his good friends, was one of the top running backs of all time. Kevin was young, African American, and lived life to the fullest.

  “Kev’s right. It’s for the children. Come help the babies. You know if you auction yourself off, you’d go for top dollar,” Ben said.

  “You know how the women love them some Reiner Strickland,” Kevin snorted, pulling his jeans on.

  “I don’t know. With moves like you got, they may forget all about me.” Reiner laughed.

  “Ya’ll white boys need to get some rhythm,” Kevin taunted, spinning in place. It was the same joke that Kevin had made for years about him and Ben.

  “I’m good. Auctioning myself off, I don’t know,” Reiner muttered, drawing his shirt over his head. The women sometimes turned into straight savages. He didn’t know what they thought they were getting when they paid their money for a date with them.

  “It would be fun. Think of it as good publicity,” Kevin said. “It’s for an awesome cause.”

  “Ya’ll doing it?” Reiner asked.

  Kevin and Ben were two of his closest friends. If they were doing it, then he would do it. They had played on the same team for years. Together, they were known as the Three Musketeers. The three of them on the field together was an unstoppable force.

  “This will be my first year,” Kevin replied, turning with a shit-eating grin on his face. “I’ll bless the ladies with the Cashman’s presence at the auction.”

  Ben and Reiner rolled their eyes at their friend. Whenever Kevin started talking about himself in third person, they were all in trouble.

  “I’m doing it, too,” Ben laughed.

  “Then I guess I’ll do it.” Reiner smiled at his friends celebrating.

  “This will be fucking epic. The Three Musketeers headlining the auction.” Kevin danced in place. The running back was known for his creative dances whenever he scored a touchdown.

  A few other team members came into the locker room, laughing at Kevin’s antics.

  Reiner shook his head at his friend. He picked up his duffle bag and tossed it over his shoulder.

  “Let’s go grab a bite to eat,” Ben said, coming to stand over by him.

  “I’m in. I’m famished,” Kevin announced, grabbing his bag.

  “Well, hell. Let’s go get something to eat,” Reiner announced, laughing as he and the guys made their way from the locker room.

  “I’ll let Lindsey know you’re in for the auction. The front office is going to be ecstatic,” Ben proclaimed.

  “I just pray I don’t regret it,” Reiner muttered. He had heard of some horror stories from women losing their shit, thinking that the money they paid would come with sexual favors. Not that he couldn’t have any woman he wanted, he just didn’t like the feeling of being used as a sex symbol.

  “You’ll be fine. Just get a backup bidder,” Kevin suggested when they exited the building and headed toward their cars.

  “Backup bidder?” Reiner glanced at Kevin.

  “Yup. Have someone there who can bid on your behalf should the person bidding on you appear to be a little crazy,” Kevin explained.

  “Hmm…” Reiner pondered that and found it to be the perfect solution.

  “You can afford it, Mr. Top Paid Quarterback,” Ben said, slapping him on the back. “Find someone to bid on you, and you pay the bill, thus still donating to charity and saving you from a potential stalker.”

  “You have backup bidder’s?” Reiner looked to both of them.

  “Hell yeah,” they replied in unison.

  Jada blew out a deep breath walking with Trissa. The hotel that housed the auction was breathtakingly gorgeous. No expense had been spared. Money and luxury screamed from the entrance when Trissa had the car taken by the valet for the event.

  “How did you come by these tickets?” Jada leaned over and asked her best friend as they made their way through the lobby.

  “Don’t worry about it. Just have fun,” Trissa urged her, guiding her toward the ballrooms where the auction was to take place. Trissa gave the attendant their tickets. He handed them their bidding cards, and then they were granted entrance to the auction.

  Jada’s nerves were getting to her. If she’d have known the auction called for formalwear, she might not have come. She’d tried to get out of going, but Trissa had shown up at her apartment with the perfect dress in hand.

  Jada had to admit, her friend knew how to shop. The little black number showed off her curves perfectly. The four-inch heels that Trissa let her borrow may not be going home with Trissa. Jada loved them. After doing her own makeup and hair, she had to admit she felt downright sexy.

  “I need a drink,” she muttered after they’d made it into the ballroom. The large bar caught her attention.

  “Hey, it’s a night to have some fun and relax. Let’s go. First round on me.” Trissa pushed her in the direction of the bar.

  “Nope, you got the tickets, so I’ll pay for the first and second rounds.” Jada laughed as they arrived at the counter. She caught the cute bartender’s eye and waved him over. They ordered their drinks and tu
rned to take in the room while they waited.

  Jada looked around and knew that she was out of her league. But she was going to use this opportunity to her advantage. She owned a trendy salon and would use this as a business networking event. She had packed her clutch full of business cards to pass out. Her plan for the night was to enjoy herself and mingle.

  But after her first drink.

  She needed a little liquid courage before she started working the room.

  Their drinks arrived, and Jada made sure to tip the bartender well. She took her first sip and groaned. It was made perfect.

  “I know that face.” Trissa sighed, crossing her legs.

  “What?” Jada turned innocent eyes to her best friend.

  “You have the expression of a determined businesswoman on your face. You are supposed to come to enjoy yourself. Not work.” Trissa shot her an accusing look.

  Jada cringed, knowing her best friend had read her well. “I just don’t want to pass up an opportunity. It’s free advertising for the salon,” she said with a shrug.

  “Okay, I get it. Give me some business cards. I’m sure you have some in your purse.”

  Jada laughed at how well her friend knew her. She placed her glass on the counter, turning to her friend. She fished out some cards and held them out. Trissa was frozen in place, staring off somewhere into the crowd.

  “What is it?” Jada tried to see what Trissa was looking at, but due to the amount of people filling up the ballroom, it was hard to tell.

  “Oh. My. God. I wish I had money. Lots of it,” she breathed as she turned to Jada with wide eyes.

  “Lots of money? What in the hell are you talking about?”

  Trissa grabbed the papers off the counter the door attendant had given her. Her gaze flew over the paper. A squeal came from her lips while she danced in her chair.

  “What?” Jada asked, officially curious. Her friend’s infectious nature was contagious. She laughed and took a sip of her drink.

  “The star quarterback for the team will be auctioned off. He’s the hottest player I have ever laid eyes on.” Trissa crushed the papers to her chest while a dream-like state passed through her eyes. “What I wouldn’t give to be able to bid on him. He’s going to go for lots of money. More than I certainly can afford.”

  “Well, once the salon takes off and we’re both wealthy, I promise we can come back and bid on men.”

  “Cheers to that!” Trissa held her glass up for a toast.

  They laughed as they clinked their glasses together. Jada finished her drink and signaled for another round. She could already feel the effects of the alcohol. One more, and her nervousness would be gone.

  The hairs on the back of her neck stood at attention. Jada had the feeling that someone was watching her. She turned her head and casually searched the crowd. She swiveled around in her chair, catching the eye of a few guys at the bar. She quickly avoided their gazes, trying not to draw any unwanted attention to herself.

  It has to be my nerves.

  “He’s cute,” Trissa noted, not missing the men eyeing her. She nodded to the guy who had smiled at her.

  “He’s not my type.” Jada grimaced. “He’s too short.”

  No, he wasn’t her type at all. She was naturally shorter than the average woman. She couldn’t be in heels, making her taller than her date. Nope, her type was the one that she’d let go. Tall, muscular, with a gorgeous smile and dimples.


  If she could kick herself in the butt she would. She should have grown a pair and just asked him for his number. So what if he would have rejected her. At least she wouldn’t be living with regret like she was now.

  Classical music began to play from the corner of the room where a small quartet was set up. She relaxed a little as she watched the musicians play.

  The bartender returned with their second round, grabbing her attention.

  “I think we should start working the room,” Jada suggested.

  “You got it, boss,” Trissa giggled.

  Jada stood from the bench and took a healthy sip from her glass. She would have fun tonight. If nothing else happened, her and Trissa could get pissy drunk and have one hell of a time.

  * * *

  Reiner stared at the golden-skinned goddess who sat at the bar. He almost choked on his beer when he realized that the woman he couldn’t keep his eyes off of was Jada, the brown-skinned beauty he had rescued last week.

  He had regretted signing up for the auction the minute he’d entered the room. He hadn’t found a backup bidder to save his ass. His friends immediately shot down him using his sister or even mother. According to Ben and Kevin, it had to be someone not known.

  But now, as he stared across the room at Jada, he knew who he could have as his backup bidder.

  “Excuse me,” he murmured, walking away from some businessman and his wife who were season ticket holders.

  He quickly made his way through the crowd, not taking his gaze off Jada. His height gave him an advantage over the crowd as he navigated toward her. He watched her stand from her seat. Her curves were deliciously outlined by her tight black dress. Her heels showed off her calf muscles perfectly. He had never been a leg man, but seeing her in this dress had him craving to have her sexy legs wrapped around his waist.

  He had been a complete idiot the night of her rescue. He should have asked her for her number. When she’d driven off in her Uber, he’d then remembered that he didn’t have her number. He had really enjoyed her company in the short time in his truck that night. Even soaked to her core from the rain, he thought she had been gorgeous.

  Tonight, she literally took his breath away. She turned back to the bar, giving him a view of her ample ass in the dress, and he stumbled. His breath escaped him as if he had been punched in the solar plexus.

  He tugged at the collar on his tuxedo, breaking through the crowd. He paused, taking a deep breath before he made his way toward her. Her friend who she was speaking with froze in place as he approached. He’d seen the expression on her face a million times. She knew who he was. Her mouth flopped open before closing while he positioned himself right behind Jada.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” Jada laughed at her friend, unaware he was behind her.

  If he took one more step toward her, her ass would be tucked snuggly against his stiff cock. His member had definitely taken notice of Jada and was desperate to feel her body alongside his.

  Her friend nodded in his direction, bringing her glass to her lips.

  “What—oh!” Jada gasped, turning toward him. Her eyes widened as they met his. “Reiner?”

  “You know him?” her friend blurted out.

  “Jada.” He smiled at her, watching a grin spread across her face.

  “Yes. This is who I was telling you about who helped me when my car died last week.”

  “Reiner Strickland rescued you?” her friend’s voice ended on a shriek.

  “You know him?” Jada asked, glancing at her friend with confusion lining her face.

  He chuckled watching her friend slap her hand to her forehead and mutter incomprehensible words.

  “Don’t you pay attention when I drag you out to watch the football games? Reiner is the quarterback of the Knights!”

  Jada turned to him with large eyes. She blinked a few times staring up at him. With her high heels on, it gave her a little more height, but he still stood almost a foot taller than her. He actually liked her tiny stature. A protective streak for her appeared in his chest as he grabbed her hand.

  “Why didn’t you say something?” she asked, searching his eyes.

  For some reason, her reaction was not the one he was expecting. He was used to women fawning over him, but she seemed to be reacting the opposite way.

  She was almost withdrawing from him.

  “What did you want me to do? Announce what I do for a living when I helped you? I thought we enjoyed ourselves that night,” he murmured, stepping close to her. He knew he
was playing dirty and blocking her in but he didn’t want her to escape. The way her eyes flickered reminded him of a skittish horse. Growing up on a ranch, he knew the signs of someone about to bolt.

  “Well, I guess not,” she grumbled.

  “Can I ask you for a favor?” he asked. He knew that a few of the patrons of the bar recognized him by the increased chatter that was going on but he didn’t care. He had one person in his sights, and tonight, he wouldn’t let her go without getting her number.

  “Umm…that depends.” She sniffed, her tongue sliding across her bottom lip. Her delicate eyebrow rose to show her spunk.

  “Trust me?” he asked, the corners of his lips turning up in a smile at her sassiness.

  “I was always told not to trust someone I’ve only met once.”

  “Next time a hot professional athlete rescues you on the side of the road, make sure I’m with you,” Trissa whispered in her ear as they took their seats.

  Never in her wildest dreams would she have ever thought that she, Jada Dalton, would be bidding on one of the top quarterbacks in the NFL.

  “I swear I didn’t know who he was.” Jada groaned. Her two drinks had worn off, and her nervousness was increasing again. Her anxiety was high because she was bidding with someone else’s money. She’d never participated in an auction of this magnitude before. “I still don’t know why he wants me to do this.”

  “Girl. What don’t you understand?” Trissa rolled her eyes as she turned to Jada and leaned in closer. “He is the hottest man to ever touch a football in NFL history, and he is the top paid, single player going up for auction. These women here will be transforming into vultures as soon as he hits the stage.”

  Jada’s gaze wandered around the crowd that settled in the plush chairs. The energy was electric. Murmurs floated through the air, and she heard Reiner’s name more than once.


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