Grace Restored

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Grace Restored Page 19

by Toni Shiloh

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Guy had waited until the end of the day to ask Holly about Bible study. He didn’t know her religious preferences, and it felt weird to ask her in the workplace. He normally walked her to her car after the end of their shift, because his mother had raised him to always watch out for others. Plus, he was the town sheriff. Some things just made logical sense.

  As they headed toward her car, Guy took a deep breath and bridged the subject. “Hey, Holly, are you religious?”

  She stopped and looked at him, curiosity darkening her green eyes.

  “I you believe in God?”

  “I do. You didn’t see me at church last week?”

  He winced inwardly. How did he always miss the details when it came to her? “No sorry, I didn’t.”

  She laughed. “I’m not surprised. You looked very focus on your girlfriend.”

  The urge to tug at his collar pulled at him. He was thankful a cool breeze wafted by, cooling the heat rising up his neck.

  Holly laughed harder and Guy could only assume she’d recognized the look of embarrassment on his face.

  “It’s okay, Sheriff. Why do you ask?” She stopped at her car.

  “On Fridays, a group of us meet for Bible study. I wanted to know if you would like to come this Friday.”

  “That sounds awesome.” Her brow wrinkled. “Is it a couples only thing?”

  “No. My, uh...girlfriend and I just started dating. But there’s three of us guys and if you come this Friday there’ll be five women.”

  She worried the edge of her lip. “Let me check with my mom. If she can watch Sam, I’ll come. Could I invite my friend as well?”

  “Sure.” At least, he hoped Evan wouldn’t mind.

  She beamed at him. “Great, see you tomorrow, Sheriff.”

  “Bye, Holly.”

  He watched as she got in her car. The smile she had given him made him realize one thing. She wasn’t into him. He felt foolish for all the times he thought otherwise. Holly was just a friendly person.

  Guy ambled over to his SUV and got in. He tapped the steering wheel. Now that his mother was in town, the need to rush straight home remained absent. He could afford a few minutes of leisure. After glancing at his watch, Guy decided to head to the grocery store.

  The group had nominated him grill master for the next Bible study, so he needed to pick up a few items. He grabbed a basket and made his way to the meat section. He paused, taking in all the offerings. Maybe he could do kabobs. How many should he make? The group kept growing and growing.

  “Hey, Brother Pierre.”

  Guy turned and met Bishop Brown’s twinkling gaze. “Evening, Bishop.”

  The bishop offered a hand in greeting. “Are you enjoying Freedom Lake?”

  “I am. My girls love it.”

  The bishop’s grin widened. “Ah, yes. I heard one of the volunteers saying how cute and well-mannered they were.”

  Guy sighed in relief. It was always good to hear your children knew how to behave in public. Especially since they didn’t have a mother’s touch. He shifted his stance as the expectation of small talk pressed upon him. It felt weird to talk to a man of God. He never said two words to the pastor in Virginia. Point one for Freedom Lake. “They’re enjoying church.”

  “That’s great to hear. And you?”

  The man’s intense gaze made him slightly uncomfortable. Was he being judged? Guy gulped. Were members of the clergy clairvoyant? He hoped not. “I’m enjoying it. Your sermons give me food for thought.”

  “Good. If you aren’t thinking, then I’m not doing my job right.”

  Guy forced out a chuckle. The sermons made him think too much. “Hey, Bishop, can I ask you a question?”

  “Sure, Brother Pierre.”

  “I don’t know if you know, but I’m a widower and I was wondering. How...I mean is dating...”

  The Bishop nodded sagely. “It’s hard for widows and widowers to get back into the dating game. Are you feeling unfaithful?”


  “It’s a natural feeling. You went from pledging your whole life to another to wondering if you’ll have a second chance at happiness.”

  “Exactly.” His shoulders sagged. How had he known?

  “You’ll know when it’s time. These questions you’re asking yourself are another way of coping and dealing with your late wife’s death. If you want a simplistic answer, then yes it’s okay to date and eventually remarry.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  Bishop Brown clapped him on the back. “You’ll do just fine. Come see me if you ever need advice.”

  “I will.”

  “Good. Have a blessed night, my brother.”

  He nodded in farewell. Despite the display of meat, Guy couldn’t focus on it. How had a simple run to the store churned up his emotions? What did it all mean? It was like he took a step backward and the early unease of dating Michelle had come back full force.

  Lord, please keep my mind calm. Please bring clarity to it. And if I can have a second chance at happiness with Michelle, help me reconcile my feelings about Charlene. Amen.

  THE WEEKEND WAS FINALLY here. Michelle shut down her computer. The mountain of paperwork she’d gone through this week had her eyes desiring a much needed break, but Tanya’s hearing would start in two weeks and she still felt ill prepared. Was she doing the right thing?

  She bit her lip. No, no one else would defend Tanya with the same zeal she had concerning the case. Breathe, you got this. Grabbing her purse, she paused at the doorway. Now wasn’t the time to think about it. Tonight, she would hang out with her friends at Evan’s place and just relax. Plus, Tanya was coming. Hopefully, she would be comfortable and okay with the group.

  Michelle had assured Tanya no one knew about her past and wouldn’t pass judgment. With any luck, the group would offer Tanya hope that life could and would get better. What about you? Did she feel like her life had gotten better? Michelle hadn’t really examined the reasons behind her decision, nor the emotions that followed before and after.

  When she had the abortion, Michelle had cried for what seemed like months. Her friends thought it was all over the death of her parents. Once she left for college, Michelle had shoved her emotions down into the darkest place where it could never resurface. Who knew this case would bring back every emotion as if it had been waiting on a bookshelf the entire time.

  And now Jo’s admonition to share with Guy echoed in her head repeatedly. She didn’t want to tell him. Goodness, she had no intention of telling anyone, but it had burst free from her when Tanya opened up to her. And Jo...Jo had a way with prying out information, like you would a bolted lock. Telling the father wouldn’t be the same.

  Not. At. All.

  She gasped. Guy was a father now. Would her secret impact him more than she could fathom? Anger was a natural assumption, but one she felt could be overcome. But now that he’d experienced the joy of fatherhood would he be able to forgive her? It no longer seemed like a realistic option.

  “Just get through Bible study.” She turned the light off and headed for the foyer.

  Tanya looked up from her desk. “Hey, boss. You ready?”

  “Tanya, please don’t call me that tonight.” She shook her head. “It’s Michelle or Chelle.”

  “I’ll try.”

  She thought she saw Tanya’s eye twitch. “You ready?”


  A glance next door told her Chloe was already gone. “I just need to go home and change out of this suit and then we can head over.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Silence descended as she drove home, making her coupe feel terribly claustrophobic. She tapped out a rhythm on the steering wheel. “So, there will be food. We usually eat and then go over the study.”

  “How many people will be there?”

  “Well, there’s the five of us who originally started. Then Guy will be there, plus his secretary.”

ho’s Guy?”

  “The Sheriff.”

  “Wait, what? Does he know...”

  “No. He knows you’re my secretary and that I’m handling a case for you, but that’s it. He’ll respect client confidentiality.”

  A glance at Tanya showed her face to be paler than usual. “Are you okay?”

  “I...yes.” Tanya closed her eyes and breathed in deeply. “As long as what happens at Bible study stays at Bible study, I’ll be fine.”

  She snorted. “Interesting phrase to associate with Bible study.”

  “Hey, it works, right?”

  “It does.” She patted Tanya’s arm. “You’ll be fine. Everyone in our group has problems, so you’ll fit right in.”

  Tanya chuckled. “A group for the hurting.”

  “A group trying to see how God fits in the grand scheme of things.”

  “I get that,” Tanya spoke softly. “It’s hard to believe in good when we’re surrounded by bad.”

  “That’s what gets me. All the bad that goes on. How can God be good? And how can He truly forgive?”

  “I struggle with forgiveness.” Tanya said. “Is it even possible?” She turned in her seat, looking at Michelle. “Have you ever forgiven yourself?”

  She sighed, making the turn onto her street. “How do you forgive yourself for something you still regret? If someone could answer that, then maybe I could answer your question.” And finally feel peace.

  “Yeah, when you find the answer please share.”


  EVAN’S DRIVEWAY HAD already filled with cars. Guy slowed and pulled up to the curb instead. He stared at the front door. Since he was grill master tonight, he had to go in. He actually wanted to go in, but tonight felt different. It was the first Bible study he was attending since he and Michelle had started dating.

  Would it be awkward? Would their friends make it awkward?

  You’re making it awkward. Just go in and be yourself.

  He sighed. Easier said than done. Turning off the car, Guy opened the door before he could change his mind. If his girls had been with him, they’d be inside already. They loved hanging out with Michelle.

  And he hadn’t figured out how he felt about that yet. He rubbed the back of his neck. Lord, please let this Bible study be relaxing and not bring on more stress. He pictured his mother’s face. And please let it take a while.

  He knocked on the door. A few moments later, Evan opened it and welcomed him with a wide grin. “Hey, G Man. You will not believe the crowd tonight.”

  “I noticed the cars outside. I didn’t realize I was late.”

  “You’re not the only one. Chloe’s not here yet, either.”

  He cocked his head. “Why not?”

  “She’s dealing with some things. You know?”

  How could he have forgotten? “You’re right. Is she going to show?”

  “She better. You should see who Darryl’s been yacking it up all night with.”

  He followed Evan to the kitchen. Holly stood there and gave a small wave. Michelle was talking to a woman he assumed to be her secretary. His gaze stopped at Darryl, who was talking to a woman...that wasn’t Chloe. He frowned. He’d never seen his friend so animated.

  “Feels like the Twilight Zone up in here,” he murmured to Evan.

  “No kidding. The woman with Michelle is her secretary, Tanya. The woman D’s talking to is a friend of Holly’s. I think she said her name is Jordan. Apparently, she’s a pediatrician who’s looking for a house down here.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, tonight is going to be interesting.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  “Hi, everyone.”

  Michelle looked up at the sound of Chloe’s voice. Her friend’s smiled froze as she took in the unfamiliar faces and slowly her look turned into one of confusion. Chloe’s eyes darted around the room and stopped when they landed on Darryl. A blank mask stole across her face as Chloe made her way toward the kitchen.

  Michelle went around the counter and met her friend in a hug. “Hey, girl, how are you?”

  “Good. But I almost thought I was at the wrong house.”

  She laughed, hoping to ease her friends tension. “I invited Tanya and Guy invited his secretary, Holly, who invited her friend, Jordan. It’s a mouthful, I know.”

  Chloe glanced toward Darryl. “So that’s Jordan?”

  “Yes, she seems really nice.”

  “Uh huh.”

  Uh oh. Was Chloe actually jealous? “You okay, Chlo?”

  Chloe looked at her. “Of course.”

  The fakest smile Michelle had ever seen took up residence on Chloe’s face. What happened to her steadfastness? She could always count on Chloe to be reliable. To keep things on an even keel. “Chloe, you know you can talk to me, right?”

  Her friend’s dark eyes softened. “I do. I’m working through it, Chelle.”

  “Okay.” She hugged her friend again.

  “Hey, can I get everyone’s attention?”

  She let Chloe go and looked toward Evan. “Welcome everyone. I know we have a few new people, so I’ll introduce everyone really quick.” He shifted on the crutches. “I’ll go around the room. I’m Evan. This is Jo, Guy, Darryl, Jordan, Holly, Tanya, Michelle, and Chloe.”

  “For the newbies, welcome. We’ll sit down with the food and get down to business as soon as Guy finishes cooking the kabobs. He was late.”

  Guy groaned while everyone else laughed.

  “Before that, I wanted to say something. As most of you know, I had a battle with the prosthetics and crutches and crutches are here to stay.” He grinned. “Thankfully, God blessed me with a woman who loves me as I am.” Evan cleared his throat.

  Michelle eyed her friend and almost laughed at the embarrassment upon her face.

  “After my accident, I didn’t think I would have a chance at happiness but the Lord proved me wrong.”

  Her heartbeat picked up speed. Why was Evan making a speech? The majority of them knew how he felt about Jo. Unless he was going to....

  He opened the kitchen drawer and drew out a rectangular jewelry box.

  She frowned. She thought for sure he was going to propose, not give the girl a necklace.

  “Jo, I wanted to give you something as a token of my love for you.” He placed the box in her open hands.

  “Ev.” A sappy look filled her face. Jo opened the box and even from across the room, Michelle could tell her friend’s hands were shaking. But the moment she opened the box, Jo stilled.

  What’s in the box?

  Her friend’s eyes darted back and forth as if she was reading something. She covered her mouth and looked at Evan. “Ev?”

  His grin remained fixed on his face but it held a hint of nerves. Slowly, he took his crutches and laid them against the wall. He clung to the side of the kitchen island as he lowered himself to kneel on his right knee.

  Chloe gasped beside her.

  Michelle’s mouth dropped open.

  “JoJo, I thought you made me happy when you agreed to give me another chance. Only, that doesn’t compare to how happy you’ll make me if you agree to be my wife. Marry me, Jo?”


  Michelle wiped at the tears that ran down her face. Her heart felt like it could burst with happiness for the couple as the two embraced. Jo turned around and Evan clasped the necklace around her neck.

  “What does the necklace say?” Tanya asked.

  Hear, hear!

  Jo sniffled. “It says ‘engaged’ and has today’s date on it. There’s a diamond ring pendant attached.”

  How perfect. How could she forget Jo wouldn’t be able to wear a ring while working. She walked over and clapped Evan on the back. “Good job.”

  His eyes seemed to twinkle with excitement. “Thanks. I’m a genius if I do say so.”

  “Ha.” She hugged Jo. “I’m so happy for you.” She pulled back. “So happy.”

  “Thanks, Chelle.” Jo leaned and hugged her again.
“You’re next.”’

  “No way,” she whispered back.

  She and Guy had too many issues to work through and their relationship had just started. He had kids. She didn’t. She had a secret. He didn’t. He’d even made the plunge regarding Christ already. She didn’t deserve him and knew it.

  Once the food was ready, they settled around the dining table. Michelle sat between Chloe and Tanya. She couldn’t help but notice how often Chloe glanced toward Darryl. He had sat between Guy and Jordan. Of course, he hadn’t said two words to Guy but had been talking to Jordan since the moment she walked in.

  “So how does this work?” Holly asked.

  Evan leaned forward. “One of us picks a Scripture to talk about. Last time Jo talked about helping others who have been through similar experience. Once Chloe talked about grace.”

  “Okay,” Guy’s secretary replied. “What’s the topic tonight and who’s leading it?”

  Michelle glanced at Holly, surprised she seemed into the study. Holly turned and caught her gaze and smiled shyly. Had she read the girl wrong? Maybe she was just shy and didn’t have an attitude. Wouldn’t be the first time she was wrong.

  “I’m leading it,” Darryl said.

  Chloe inhaled sharply. She reached for her friend’s hand under the table. Chloe gripped it like her life depended on it. Her hand was going to look like a rheumatoid arthritis patient afterward.

  “What’s the topic?” Jo asked.


  She dropped Chloe’s hand as if it had seared her. Why couldn’t people leave things in the past?

  Darryl cleared his throat. “If everyone’s ready to start, please turn to John chapter eight. I’m going to read from verse thirty-one to thirty-five.”

  As he read, his voice came out clear and confident. “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

  Time stopped. The roaring in her ears drowned out the rest of the words. The truth shall make you free? What did it mean?


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