To Take Up the Sword

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To Take Up the Sword Page 5

by Brynna Curry

“I still need to make a run through the rest of the house. The pantry is through that door on your left. Go in there and wait for me to check everything. I don’t want to take the chance someone will see you until I’m sure it’s safe.”

  He disappeared into the next room.

  She closed the kitchen curtains, locked the back door and shut herself in the pantry.

  * * * *

  Gabe checked the living room first, closing blinds and drapes and flipping on lights as he went. He cleared the first bedroom, which was through the hall and on the right, scanned the closet under the stairs and checked the rest of the lower level. Nothing out of order. No red flags. The attic was the same. Open floors, boards, insulation in some places, plywood floors in others, but nothing to warrant trouble.

  He locked the door leading to the attic stairs, and walked across the hall to the bathroom. Pulling back the shower curtain, he turned the faucet until steam fogged the mirror in the small room. Retrieving the bubble bath from under the sink, he poured it under the running water until the tub was filled, and went to get Lea.

  * * * *

  Gabe knocked on the pantry door. “It’s me, Lea.” He heard the snick of the lock unlatching from the other side, then she was stepping up to him, taking his hands in hers, prompting him to wrap his arms around her back. Her delicate touch burned a trail up his chest and around his neck, pulling him down to kiss her.

  He touched his lips to hers, dragging her into his kiss, and breathing in her heat. She was fierce, demanding that molten mating of taste and touch. His heart tripped, stumbled and fell. “Leannan.” Sweetheart. Lover. Her name tumbled from his lips.

  He felt her fingers weave through his hair, lock and hold him, just as she now held his heart. When had he fallen for her? When had his quest for vengeance become an all-out battle to protect his woman? My woman. Gabe liked the sound of that, but he couldn’t give her the words in his heart when he wasn’t sure she would welcome them.

  “I need you, Leannan. More than my next breath.”

  * * * *

  Lea took a step back, unsure of herself or her feelings for him. “Gabe. I don’t know what to say.”

  “You don’t have to say anything. Right now you need to rest. Come on. The house is as secure as I can make it. I ran you a hot bath. I thought it might help chase off the chill.”

  More like the fact she’d murdered someone. If only it were that easy. “Why are you changing the subject?” She crossed her arms in front of her chest in an unconscious effort to defend herself.

  “Because you aren’t ready to talk about it. Because if I don’t find something to do with my hands–as far away from you safely possible–I won’t be able to keep them off of you. Because I think you’re afraid of me. And I don’t know why. I’m a federal agent, Lea. The United States government rules my life. I have protocol I am bound by oath to follow.” He raked his hands through his hair and turned the power of those crystal blue eyes on hers.

  “I understand.” She held the connection, unwilling to look away first.

  “No, you don’t. I would break everyone of those rules I live by…”

  “Gabe.” Her breath caught.

  “…for you. For you, Leannan.”

  She watched Gabe walk toward the next room and followed him to the steaming bathroom. He left her there and came back a few seconds later with a bathrobe for her.

  “Here’s a robe. There’s not a lot of extra things kept here, but you’ll find some toiletries under the sink.” He turned to leave again.



  “I’m not afraid of you. I’m just…afraid.” She hoped he’d take the hint and she wouldn’t have to come out and say it. She watched his face as he realized what she meant.

  “I see.”

  “You’d be the first.”

  “You’ve never been with a man? How old are you?”


  “And you’ve never–.”

  “I was busy, okay? Going to college, getting my master’s degree. Teaching has always been my dream and I didn’t have time for a relationship and school. Besides, men aren’t particularly interested in old schoolmarms anyway at least not me. I don’t know how to be coy and hide what I feel for you. What you see is what you get.”

  “The men you’ve met must be crazy. You’re beautiful.”

  Gabe placed his hands on her face. They were warm and gentle, almost fiercely protective. His eyes were like bluebells. She could see more of herself in them than just her reflection. She saw her heart.

  “I won’t hurt you.”

  “I know.”

  “I’m right here, Lea, when you’re ready.” He kissed her gently and left her to her bath.

  * * * *

  Gabe closed the bathroom door and tried to block the wishful images of Lea skimming out of her clothes and slipping into the hot frothy water. Splashing sounds beckoned him to turn around. He fought back the need, but it felt like he was denying his soul. Work. If he switched gears, maybe he could stop thinking about peaches-and-cream skin slicked with soap. Innocent. He had to remember that, to move forward with care. Let her set the pace, even if it killed him. No wonder Lea was so responsive–she’d yet to learn how to hide her more basic nature.

  Stop thinking about her. Call Mac and update him, get his ETA. He pulled out his cell and dialed Mac’s number. Maybe he’d gotten a location on Ashton Smythe.

  “Gabe. Give me an update.”

  “Made it to the safe house, but we left a disaster at the motel.” Gabe paced across the old hardwood floors; with every step they creaked their complaint.

  “I saw the news report, and was concerned until I heard about the missing vehicle. Everyone thinks you’re dead. Give me a rundown.”

  His voice chilled. “Three thugs caught up with us there. After they killed the desk clerk, they opened fire on the room. Lea heard them coming, woke me, which gave us time to get in place to counter their attack. However, after I took out two of them, the third man came in the back door and attempted to shoot me in the head. Lea, positioned behind the bathroom door out of sight, took him out before he could get the shot off.”

  “How is she?”


  “I know you, Gabe. Don’t try to lie to me. I can tell you’re worried and if you are, there is a reason. Talk to me.”

  “She’s shaken up. Scared and tired of running. She’s been dealing with the stress of threats and stalker type behavior for a while now. I think killing that dirtbag is something that will take time for her to get over.”

  “Where is she now?”

  “In the bathtub. God, you just had to remind me.” Gabe raked a hand through his hair in frustration.

  Mac laughed at his growl. “I admire your restraint.”

  “She’s… How did this happen?”

  “I thought you still had a thing for Serena.”

  “Whatever we had is nothing compared to what I feel for Lea. I can’t breathe when she’s near me. Not only would I kill for her, but I’d die for her without a moment’s hesitation. I think I’ve lost my mind.”

  “You’re serious.”

  “I just have to figure out a way to tell her without scaring her away.”

  “Sometimes show is better than tell.”

  “Well. That’s not an option.”


  “Yeah. Believe me, I know.” He heard footsteps behind him. “What’s your ETA?”

  “She’s standing behind you, isn’t she?”

  “You got it.”

  “Eight tomorrow morning. Rest well.”

  Gabe hung up on Mac’s laughter.

  * * * *

  Lea stood in the bedroom doorway and waited for Gabe to end his phone call. “Shower’s free. I think I’ll go lie down for a little while, if you think it’s safe.”

  “Go ahead and sleep awhile. Mac will be here at eight tomorrow morning.” He growled at her, slipping out of his shoes and sho
ving them under his side of the bed.

  “Are you angry with me?”

  “No. I’m going to get a shower.” He stripped off his shirt as he went, leaving it draped on the end of the bed, and all but ran for the bathroom.

  Lea stretched out on the bed. The mattress was soft and giving, but as tired as she was, she couldn’t fall asleep. She wanted to forget she’d killed a man. Forget the reason she’d pulled the trigger, not to save herself, but to save the man she loved. She loved Gabriel Spiller. So why was she sitting on an empty bed alone, when the man she loved, trusted, needed, was just down the hall waiting?

  Chapter 7

  “I love you, Gabe. I’m tired of waiting. Will you be with me?” Lea loosened the knot at her waist, allowing the robe the fall to the floor. Gabe turned toward the sound of her voice. Standing fully naked outside the shower, she was unashamed of her love and need for this man. He opened the door and bent his head to kiss her lips. Gabe held his hand out to her. She felt the strength and warmth of it as she placed hers into it, then stepped into the tub. He encircled her, pulling her hard against him and under the hot spray. Smiling, she moaned at the heat and curved her back, moving even closer.

  “Be sure, Leannan.”

  Gabe trailed kisses down her throat, lightly nipping the corded muscles of her neck before moving lower to her curves, brushing the sides of her breasts with his fingertips.

  “I don’t know if I can stop myself if you change your mind.”

  “I’m sure.” Turning, she took the soap from him and began to slide it over his skin, exploring the ripples of muscle. With gentle strokes she learned his body, memorized it with her touch. Lea followed the soapy trail with her hands, tracing the planes and angles. A tremor rumbled underneath her fingertips as she passed over his stomach and followed the path of dark bronze hair leading down, letting the water sluice the soap away.

  Gabe skimmed her back when he reached behind her turning off the water. “Step out. We can play in the shower later. This time, this first time, I want you in bed.”

  He took her hand, helping her over the edge of the tub. Taking a bath towel off the rack, he began to dry her skin. Slowly he moved the coarsely textured cloth over her body, igniting tiny flames and leaving them smoldering. Her arms circled his neck as Gabe slid his hands under her knees and picked her up.

  Carrying her into the bedroom, Gabe laid her gently on the coverlet and devoured her with his eyes. She met his gaze boldly, allowing him to look his fill.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  He joined her on the bed, pressing hot openmouthed kisses down her throat and breasts.

  “So are you.” She smiled when he kissed her stomach. “Like an archangel with wicked intentions. That tickles.”

  “Just wait.” He slid lower, until his head rested at the apex of her thighs and he kissed her waiting heat.

  “Oh my God. What are you doing?” Every cell, even the tiniest essence of her burned with an aching heat.

  “Making love to you. I want to worship every inch of you.” And he did.

  “Come for me, Lea,” he said while lapping at her center. “I want to watch it take you over.” He continued suckling her until she bucked underneath his kiss, his very touch until she screamed his name.

  Sliding up her body, Gabe nestled between her thighs.

  “Open your eyes and look at me. I want to see your eyes when I fill you.”

  Lea fluttered her eyes open, pressed her hands to his face and pulled him close to take his mouth in a deep, desperate kiss.

  Her eyes met his in the low light as he gently pressed against her opening. “I love you, Lea.”

  “I love you, Gabe. It’s crazy, but I don’t care. I'm not sure when it happened, or how it happened so fast, but I do.”

  She kissed him, tangling her tongue with his as his hands slid around her, wrapping her legs around his waist. She cried out, more in surprise than in anguish, as Gabe sank into her.

  “Gabriel.” She whispered his name, knowing he waited for her body to relax and welcome him. “Don’t hold back with me. Ever. Gabriel.” Lea brushed a blond curl out of his eyes. Tiny worry lines had started to etch their way on his handsome face. The cost of protecting everyone but himself. “Love me.” She moved against him slowly at first, then faster when he joined her in a gentle rhythm as old as time itself. The ache became a raging need, leaving her quaking in Gabe’s arms.

  Chapter 8

  “You found them. I want details.”

  “Yes. I sent them to a safe house in Waynesboro, Tennessee where they have been since last night. I’m parked behind it now.” Mac whispered into his cellphone as he drove up the gravel driveway to park behind the old farmhouse. “Spiller is supposed to turn the diamonds over to me. Should I play it cool? Take the diamonds and walk away?”

  “I want those diamonds. Do whatever it takes to get them, or your sister will die.”

  “You bastard. She’s pregnant. Did you know that her husband was killed in Iraq a month after she found out? She’s fragile. I would have flipped on them for the money. You didn’t have to take her.” Mac heard Rebecca scream in the background. “You son of a bitch. I’ll kill you.”

  “Do what you’re told and she’ll be fine. You’ll be compensated.”

  “Enough to get us out of the country? The FBI doesn’t take kindly to dirty agents.”

  “Directions now, or I’ll cut her again. Maybe across her belly this time. I wonder how deep I need to cut to take off one of your niece’s fingers? Yes, lovely Rebecca told me she was going to have a little girl while she was begging for her life. Tell me how to get there.”

  “You’re not going to hurt them once you get the diamonds, are you?”

  “Hurt them? No. Once I have what I want, this will all be over.”

  Mac proceeded to tell Smythe directions to the safe house.

  * * * *

  She woke to the sound of a car coming up the driveway. Grabbing the robe from the foot of the bed where Gabe had folded it during the night, Lea quickly slipped her arms into the flannel sleeves. She felt stiff and maybe just a little tired, but it was a small price to pay for last night. When had she fallen for Gabriel? When he’d first kissed her? Or in all the time since that first meeting in the cabin? She had known when her finger squeezed the trigger of his pistol, had broken the most hallowed commandment. And like everyone else she’d ever loved–mother, father, sister–she feared he would eventually leave her too. He had a dangerous job. Gabe could be killed at any moment, like her father and sister, in the line of duty.

  Lea walked to the window and peered around the edge of the blinds. A new silver Dodge Charger pulled behind the house before it disappeared from view. Could it be Mac? Had they slept that late?

  “Gabe. Wake up. Someone’s here.” She watched as he tossed the quilt aside and rose from the bed completely nude. He’s beautiful and he loves me. Gabe grabbed his jeans off the dresser, pulled them on and shoved his unloaded weapon into the back waistband. The clip went into his pocket, but he left the pistol for Lea on the nightstand. He walked over to her.

  “Good morning.” And then he kissed her as if they were alone in the world and nothing else mattered.

  “Mmm. Hi.”

  “Hi. Feel okay?”

  “I feel amazing. I wish we could go back to bed, but someone’s outside.”

  “Let’s take a look.” Lea took his hand in hers while he peeked outside through the blinds. “It’s Mac.”

  “Good. The sooner we are rid of those diamonds, the better. Come on and I’ll fix us some breakfast.”

  Gabe went ahead of her to answer Mac’s knock.

  * * * *

  Gabe opened the door for his partner.

  Lea watched the dark haired man take his hand to shake it.

  “Hey, Mac. This is Leannan O’Neil. She prefers Lea.”

  Lea watched a smile bloom across Gabe’s face and recalled just what he’d been doing the last time he’d spoken her g
iven name. She blushed.

  “Lea, then.”

  “Hi. It’s nice to meet you. I’m sure we’d both rather it was under better circumstances.” She took Gabe’s hand and snuggled closer to him, hyperaware she was only wearing her flannel robe. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to go get dressed.”

  Something’s wrong. Don’t trust him, Lea. Get Gabriel’s gun. Hurry.

  But Mac was his partner, right? Lea went into the bedroom, got dressed and retrieved the pistol from his nightstand. Holding it steady behind her back with the safety on, she went down to the kitchen doorway to listen.

  * * * *

  “It would seem you two solved your communication problem. Sex is an amazing equalizer.”

  Gabe glared at him. “None of your business, Mac. Butt out.”

  “You made it my business. And speaking of it, where are the diamonds?”

  “In my pocket.”

  “So Serena hid them in a Madonna figurine and gave them to her sister. No one thought she’d go to the little mouse for help. Smart. So let’s see them.”

  He pulled the small velvet pouch out of his pocket and set it on the table. Mac reached out to take the diamonds, but Gabe covered them with his palm.

  “Why, Mac? We were sitting ducks all along. Weren’t we? You led us right into a trap.”

  “Money is another great equalizer. Give me the diamonds, and I’ll be out of here. You and your lady can go back to your nice lives and I’ll hit the first flight to Mexico. End of story.” Mac pulled his pistol and pointed it at Gabe’s chest. “How did you know?”

  “I never said what kind of figurine. Only myself, Gueraldi’s men, and my informant knew about the Madonna. No one else. How long have you been dirty?”

  “I met Smythe in London about fifteen years ago.”

  He suddenly felt sick to his stomach. If only he hadn’t trusted him.

  “Let Lea walk out of here. She doesn’t know anything about the diamonds or Smythe.” I have to get Lea out of here.

  “I don’t think so. See, you gave me a bargaining chip. I have Leannan O’Neil, I get what I want. Diamonds now, or this little chat is over. Permanently.”


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