Charlie Foxtrot

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Charlie Foxtrot Page 13

by Lani Lynn Vale

  Other than a few problems, like the fingernail mark at the very top, and the thicker lip on one side of the opening, it was pretty good.

  All things considering.

  Although once I had it finished, and removed from the wheel, I wasn’t up to throwing anymore pots.

  Not the kind I usually threw, anyway.

  After ten minutes of still no Foster, I went to the sink, washed my hands, and then got into the shower.

  I made sure to lock the door, though, just in case he tried to come in.

  He didn’t.

  When I got out, I dried quickly off and walked into his bedroom, surprised to see him sitting on the edge of the bed, watching the bathroom door.

  He looked at me.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked.

  I glanced up at him as I walked to my bag in the corner.

  Slipping the panties on underneath the towel, I said, “Wrong? Whatever would give you that idea?”

  My sarcasm knob was on full blast.

  And he could tell.

  His eyebrows rose. “What’s that supposed to mean? Alice said there was nothing wrong.”

  I snorted. “That’s rich.”

  Slipping my bra on, I followed it up with a short pair of shorts that were beyond indecent, and a tank top that said, ‘I love country boys.’

  Before I could pull the shirt all the way down, though, Foster was there.

  “Tell me,” he growled, eyes hot with ire.

  “I don’t want to talk to some chick about how good you are in bed. This isn’t a Kum-by-fucking-ya. I’m a real blood and bone woman. I don’t like sharing, and I’ve already proved that fact by divorcing my ex-husband who, apparently, had no problem with sharing. Maybe you ought to think about that next time before you call some old flame to watch over me,” I hissed at Foster. “One, who might I had, still wants to fuck you.”

  I surprised myself with the amount of venom I was able to pour into that little speech. Which apparently surprised Foster, too.

  “She said…what?” He asked incredulously, not moving back at all.

  “You fucking heard me.”

  He blinked, pushing into me until my back was pressed against the wall.

  “I know you’re pissed, but I don’t know what your deal is. What she said is not on me. What she said is on her,” he snapped. “Maybe you should stop thinking that every man is like that piece of shit you married.”

  I glared at him.

  “Get off me,” I hissed.

  He stepped back, giving me the space I’d asked for.

  Irrationally disappointed that he’d stepped back from me, giving me the space I’d requested, I walked past him into the bathroom.

  “Just leave me alone,” I said as I slammed the bathroom door.

  “Do you still want to come to the party with me?” Foster growled through the door.

  Opening the door, I glared at him, letting him know just what I wanted to do with his severed head with my eyes alone, and nodded once.

  “Yeah, I want to go to your fucking party with you,” I snarled.

  Then I slammed the door again.

  Or tried to.

  He caught it before the door could latch, forcing it open.

  Which, in turn, forced me backwards.

  I was still mad.

  He was still mad that I was mad at him.

  Which meant, when his mouth slammed down on mine, our kiss was angry.

  It wasn’t a soft kiss, either.

  It was hot, hard, and heavy.

  He nipped my lip hard, pulling back only long enough to take a hold of my shorts, rip the button free of the hole, and yank them forcefully down my legs.

  I heard a tearing sound, surprised when I felt a rush of excitement between my legs with the force he was using.

  Without any foreplay whatsoever, he twirled me around, and pushed me down roughly over the bathroom counter.

  My shirt and bra were immediately soaked by the water that’d been leftover from my morning routine, making my white tank top transparent.

  My nipples hardened as I looked up, watching him rip his own zipper down, eyes zeroed in on mine in the mirror.

  He didn’t waste time ripping a condom out of his wallet and slicking it on over his length.

  By the time the end of the condom covered all that it could cover, I was practically panting in need.

  Neither one of us said a word as he line his massive cock up with my pussy and slammed inside.

  He filled me to overflowing in one powerful thrust, knocking on the entrance to my womb with such force that I nearly came from the surprise of it all.

  When we’d had sex in the past, it was normally slow and sensual.

  This time, though, it spoke of need, want, and anger.

  Fuck, I thought as he started to move. He feels fucking divine taking up every inch of me.

  I felt heat rushing to my core, pooling pleasantly in my belly, waiting for the right moment to spill over.

  A particularly hard thrust had my eyes, which I hadn’t been aware had closed, open in surprise.

  I stared at him, watching his muscles flex as he took me faster and faster.

  Then when he had my gaze, he moved his hand from my hip, and swept his thumb over my back entrance.

  That forbidden place that I’d only dreamed about in the comfort of my dark bedroom.

  I gasped, asshole puckering in response, as I pushed back against him even harder.

  He didn’t say it, but the promise was there.

  It’d be some day. Maybe not today. Or tomorrow. But one day he’d claim every hole that belonged to me. And I’d let him.

  With that promise in my eyes, he pressed harder, inserting his thumb in that forbidden entrance.

  And I detonated.

  Fucking blew into tiny little pieces.

  My asshole clenched on his thumb, causing erotic tingles to shoot through my body.

  His triumphant grin was the last thing I saw as my vision went dark.

  Either my eyes closed, or I had lost the ability to see, because when I finally came to once again, Foster had pulled out of me and stripped the condom from his length.

  He was working himself slowly.

  His big fist moving over the hard length of his cock.

  It looked so angry.

  He looked so angry.

  And when he bent down and lifted his pants over his raging erection, buttoning it, I knew that this wasn’t over.

  We’d have it out again later.

  He left without a backwards glance, but once again, the promise was there.

  And I would never know when it was coming.

  Chapter 19

  Want to piss off a woman? Just open your mouth. That usually works.

  -Words of wisdom


  I was still mad four hours later as we drove to Benton, Louisiana.

  So mad, in fact, that I hadn’t said a word to Foster in all that time.

  I wasn’t usually one for silent treatments, but I was fairly sure if I said a word to him, I’d probably turn into my mother, and I didn’t want him to witness that.

  I still wanted him to love me, after all.

  Not that he’d relayed those words to me.

  I hadn’t either, but still.

  I was a lovable woman. What was not to love?

  I played with a frayed piece of my jean shorts that were at the very top of my thighs.

  The seated position allowing even more of my legs to show than what was supposed to.

  The shorts were short to begin with, and I would’ve changed, but it seemed to annoy Foster that I was wearing something so revealing.

  It’s not like I was showing off my ass cheeks or anything, but if I bent over, they’d be visible.

  He hadn’t said a word, which was two points in his favor. Especially with the way he’d left me there, against the counter after he was done with me.

  I did notice how he never lost the erection our enti
re drive, though.

  Which secretly made me happy that he was suffering.

  I stared in complete shock at The Dixie Warden MC’s clubhouse.

  Foster hadn’t even waited for me.

  He’d freakin’ got out of the truck and started to walk inside without even waiting to see if I’d followed.

  Which pissed me off.

  Really, really bad.

  So what did I do?

  Absolutely nothing.

  I laid my seat back, grabbed Foster’s fleece line KPD parka, and draped it over myself before I closed my eyes and went to fucking sleep.

  Fuck him and his party.



  “Where’s Blake?” Viddy asked me.

  Viddy was my sister-in- law.

  She married Trance a few years ago and they had two beautiful children together.

  A girl and a boy.

  Both of which were currently playing at my feet. Or foot. They were both really interested in my new prosthesis.

  “No clue. Here somewhere, I’d guess,” I answered her, making a cursory effort to locate her.

  I wasn’t worried she’d be hurt by the men after her, though.

  The party we were at had a shit ton of security, mainly in the form of off duty police officers, Marines, Army Rangers, Navy SEALS, and many, many others.

  The clubhouse was also inside a ten foot razor wire lined fence that you had to have a code to get into.

  And seeing as this was one of the ‘family’ parties, no one but the families were here, which meant there wasn’t any club whores or hanger-ons allowed.

  “You don’t know?” Viddy asked in confusion. “You didn’t bring her in here?”

  I shook my head. “No. When I left her, she was giving me the silent treatment.”

  I was also surprised at my lack of control, which had mainly been the reason why I’d left her so abruptly.

  I didn’t pride myself in how I’d just treated her.

  In fact, I was just plain embarrassed in myself by the way I’d acted.

  “Trance!” Viddy called.

  Trance, who’d been at the bar talking with Kettle, one of his fellow Dixie Wardens members, turned his head to look at his wife.

  “What?” He called loudly over the crowd.

  “Your brother’s a dumbass!” She screamed.

  I shook my head in exasperation. “You don’t know that.”

  She turned her glare towards me as she said, “Yes I do.”

  “We already know he’s a dumbass!” Trance bellowed.

  Miller, who’d walked up behind us and snatched Trance’s son, Ford, up into his arms, started laughing. “That’s true. We already knew he was a dumbass.”

  Viddy turned her glare on me. “Go find her. Bring her to me.”

  I sighed, disentangled my foot from a very excited to see my ‘weird robot foot’ nephew, and left to find my giving-me-the-silent-treatment woman.

  A woman I couldn’t find fucking anywhere.

  Something I found out after twenty minutes of searching for her.

  That’s about when I started to freak out.

  She wouldn’t have tried to leave, right?

  The gate opens automatically from the inside.

  If she’d wanted to, she could’ve left with incredible ease.

  Rushing to my truck, I hopped inside and slammed the door.

  “We’re leaving already?” Blake asked tiredly.

  I nearly had a heart attack.

  Big bad SEAL that I was and all.

  “Fuck!” I groaned. “You scared the shit out of me.”

  “Sorry,” she whispered tiredly. “I’m sorry.”

  I closed my eyes and reached over the console to run my hand over her long hair. “Sorry for what? You didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “I had a nap, and got over my snit. I never meant to compare you to David. I know you’ll never be him. It’s just hard to stop my mouth sometime,” she whispered.

  Now I felt horrible.

  “You have nothing to apologize for, Blake. That was all me. I should’ve never left you with her,” I explained. “Not to mention I was acting like a child when you said what you had to say. Which all of it happened to be true. I just don’t like hearing I was wrong,” I explained.

  She tilted her head and kissed my wrist before asking a question that had my heart stalling in my chest, and then beating double time.

  “You know I love you, right?”

  I closed my eyes and felt the joy of those words burst through me.

  “Yeah, I figured you did.”

  “That’s it?” She asked laughingly.

  I snorted and dug my hands underneath her, then promptly hauled her into my chest.

  She straddled my legs before settling her ass down on my lap, bringing my jacket that’d been covering her with her.

  She wrapped it around us both before looping her arms around my neck and pulling my face to hers for a kiss.

  “And to answer your question,” I said, leaning forward. “I fucking love you, too.”

  “Fucking good,” she breathed, and then kissed me once again.

  My cock, which had already been not very happy with me, started to rage once again. Ten times worse now than it had been earlier.

  Each beat of my pulse had my cock throbbing with need in my pants.

  Something she felt, causing her to smile.

  “You want me, don’t you?” She exhaled.

  I squeezed her ass to keep her from rotating her hips like I knew she wanted to.

  “Yeah. I always fucking want you. It’s like a sickness in my brain. A disease that makes me only think of you and that hot, juicy pussy of yours,” I said candidly.

  She giggled and moved her hands to my belt before she started to open it, followed shortly by my pants.

  Then her hot little hand was on my cock, pumping it as she stared into my eyes.

  “You gonna come this time?” She asked with a grin.

  I pinched her ass.

  “Yeah,” I hesitated. “Put me inside you.”

  Helping her slide her indecently short shorts and panties over, she hovered over the head of my cock before she slowly dropped down onto me.

  “Oh, yeah,” she groaned as I filled her up fully.

  Her ass was resting on the top of my thighs as she swirled her hips around, allowing me to slip impossibly further inside of her.

  “Jesus,” I hissed, throwing my head back as I started to urge her to move with my hands.

  She took the hint, pumping her hips up and down on my cock, faster and faster.

  The security light that was above my truck turned on, but I ignored it.

  Her hot pussy held me captive as she moved, thrusting forward and back until I was ready to blow.

  “You have to get off. I don’t have a condom on,” I pleaded.

  She stopped completely, and I squeezed my eyes tightly shut as I willed my released to go back into my balls.

  But then her own release burst free from her.

  Her muscles tightened and clenched on my over sensitized cock, coaxing my dick into giving it what it wanted.

  I couldn’t stop it.

  It burst free of me and straight into her waiting heat.

  Hot, hard pulses gushed into her, bathing her willing womb in my essence.

  “Goddammit,” I said, squeezing my eyes tightly shut.

  My arms tightened around her waist, and my abs clenched.

  “Oops,” she said, smiling apologetically.

  I laughed and pulled her forward. “Birth control next week, please. I don’t think I can do condoms anymore.”

  She nodded against my face, her lips moving up and down on mine.

  “Now…what do I do about the mess?”


  She wasn’t wearing panties.

  Those short as fuck shorts, and she had nothing on underneath them.

  Not surprisingly, my cock was just as hard now as it had been
when I was inside of her in my truck.

  Oh, it’d gone down momentarily, but the moment she sat her ass on my lap once we got inside, it was raging and ready to go again.

  “What do you do, Blake?” Viddy asked. “I’ve got to say, I haven’t heard much about you. Foster’s pretty tight lipped.”

  Blake tossed me a glare over her shoulder. “Are you embarrassed of me?”

  I knew she was teasing, the others, however, did not.

  We were at a table with both of my brothers, and their wives, as well as a few other members of The Dixie Wardens.

  “I’m a dispatcher with KPD,” she answered, leaning forward to take a sip of her beer.

  “So you get to talk to Foster on your shift?” Viddy asked.

  Blake shook her head. “Yes and no. Most of the time I just dispatch calls to them through the computer. There are times, though, that they call in something that they’re doing and I talk to him. But ‘talk’ is not what we really do. We’re not allowed to do that over the radio.”

  Viddy nodded. “So you could be on the line with him in dangerous situations?”

  Blake shuttered, and I gave her a reassuring squeeze.

  “Yeah, I’ve already experienced that one. It wasn’t something that I would want to repeat. Ever,” she sighed. “But I love my job, and will keep doing it.”

  “Isn’t your ex a cop?” Mercy asked.

  She nodded at Mercy. “Yeah, he is.”

  She smiled at me sympathetically. “Miller told me about him. I’m sorry.”

  She shrugged. “It’s not that big of a deal. It’s something I’ve learned to live with. Plus, had David not cheated on me, I would’ve never left him, and I wouldn’t be with Foster right now.”

  Pushing her hair over her shoulder, I ran my nose along the back of her neck, causing her to giggle.

  Before another question could be thrown at Blake, Sebastian stopped at our table.

  “There’s a nice little note on the side of your car,” Sebastian said, startling me.

  Sebastian was the VP of The Dixie Wardens MC and a firefighter at the Benton Fire Department.

  So a ‘nice little note’ probably wasn’t a ‘nice little note,’ but more like a threatening note. Something he didn’t want Blake to know about.

  “Get up and let me go with Sebastian,” I said, patting her thigh.

  She moved up, and my eyes zeroed in on her bare ass cheeks before I moved.


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