My Cup Runs Over: The Ultimate and Final Deception

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My Cup Runs Over: The Ultimate and Final Deception Page 6

by Will Brown

  The minute they entered the stage, their DJ began scratching and spinning the special effects from their music, as they began rapping.

  Come on; just put your hands up!

  Just put your hands up come on!

  We’ve got a new way of doing thangs!

  Yes, we will take the blame!

  To, bring you something new!

  Doing what we do!

  We wanna, freak this party!

  We wanna, pump this party!

  Just wanna, have a party

  So come on and reb it up!

  Do wanna, do wanna, do wanna, reb it up!

  DDG made a name for themselves at the right time. They started out by rapping and turning out college campuses and frat step shows with their performances, selling mix tapes out of their car while trying to finish school in South Carolina. Now they were the hottest rap group around, with a new hot single called (Reb It Up).

  Rap music actually originated in the North, found its path down the West Coast and through the south, becoming a cultural revolution in the music industry; giving young people a voice to express their political and social awareness through music, while using DJ’s, turntables and spitting mad lyrics.

  After performing five songs, the crowd was ecstatic and couldn’t wait for the next act to come on stage. The comedian, Little Joe, was loving every minute, ready to go back out on stage and give more of his talent. The group Impulse prepared themselves to come out.

  “Yeah, yeah, what’s up man?” Little Joe asked one of the males in the audience, sitting close to the front of the stage. “Are you having a good time? Is that your girl, or did you buy her from the 7/11 store?” The audience went wild in laughter.

  He then asked, “So what kind of car are you driving. Huh?” The man answered, “I’m driving a Cadillac!”

  Little Joe screamed out. “A Cadillac? Now you know you lying. You know you lying! You know why I know you lying?” The audience was waiting eagerly with anticipation for what was to happen next. “Yo ass is lying because I see that bus card sticking out of your shirt pocket. Look at him, talking about he’s driving a Cadillac! Boy I tell you. Yeah I know. You driving the baddest Cadillac in town, the number 14 bus and you can get about fifty people in it too! Anybody want to get a transfer after the show to the other side of town? Just see this gentleman right here and he’ll make sure you get home. Now don’t get it twisted if you wait on him all of yawl will be catching a cab!” The audience was almost on the floor they laughed so hard.

  “Ladies and gentleman I would like to bring on this next act. Now I have to tell you, these are some fouine women. I didn’t know how to leave backstage! I was there counting my money and ready to give it up they so damn fouine. They’re so fouine; I’ll steal food stamps and then sell them, just to go out to dinner with any one of their asses. Ladies and gentleman here they are, the fouinest girls in town. Impulse!!”

  The group was from Pensacola, Florida and came out wearing hot pants with thigh boots as they began strutting across the stage to sing their hearts out. Not only could they sing, but they could dance as well. Each girl had a lead voice, making it easy for them to go in and out of songs without realizing who was singing. And Little Joe wasn’t lying. They were beautiful. Their album was also taking all the major cities by storm and they were just returning from performing in Japan, Singapore and Germany.

  T-Bird and Andre couldn’t ask for anything better. The show was going perfect. T. met the girls for the first time in the city while attending the music awards and offered them to join her tour. With notoriety overseas, this was their opportunity to gain more state side exposure. An invitation to be on tour with T-Bird? It was a no brainer.

  After almost thirty minutes of singing the group did their debut song entitled (Secrets), a great ballad to end their performance. Immediately Little Joe returned to the stage to continue making the audience laugh. All the acts took the time to congregate together and express how excited they were about each other’s performances. Meanwhile, T-Bird’s band began to prepare for hitting the stage to close the show.

  “So how yawl feeling? Is everything all right? How about the people up in the balcony? Yawl all right up there? All right, don’t try to slip and fall just because you way up at the top. I’ll have to be the first to tell you, the owner already done told us they don’t have no damn insurance! We still in the ghetto, believe that...”

  “...Now don’t get no funny ideas. Better yet, if you fall down the steps, messing up this night, you will need an ambulance. Yeah that’s right. Because everybody in here will be whipping yo ass for messing up this show! Are we clear on that?!”

  The audience continued to laugh as he glanced backstage to see if the band was ready.

  “Well I guess they’re ready back there. I know I’m ready. It’s time to eat and I want a fish sandmich. Anybody hungry? Well meet me after the show. I’ll be selling fish sandmiches, on the corner for $2.00 and if you want a palm full of water that will be an extra .50 cents. Damn it! That’s right. Don’t you know water ain’t free no more? Shit--- Things so bad the government got us paying for sewer water. And they trying to kill us too! Now ain’t that a bitch! Shit somebody loan me a dollar. I need a snicker or sum-thin..." Little Joe had to laugh himself!

  "Well, I think they’re ready now. But let me say this. It’s been fun. I mean it’s really been big fun. We will be right back here tomorrow night doing the same damn thing all over again, at the same time. Now I have to tell you about this next act. I didn’t meet her until tonight, but one thing is for sure. She has a heart of gold. She’s just a sweet ole, down home country girl, and if you think all these other acts were good, wait until she comes out and does her thing. Are you ready? Well here she, from Newark, New Jersey, by way of NOLA, put your hands together for Ms. Tamara T-Bird Robinson!”

  The band began to play the four-song melody, just as they had rehearsed in the studio, beginning with (Loving You) (No Mountain High) (We In love Again) and (Tonight Is The Night). She wanted to dedicate those songs to Q, Trey and JJ, while the lights illuminated off of her outfit. She waived out to the audience.

  “How’s everybody doing tonight?” The audience responded without haste, as the cheers continued.

  “We love you T-Bird” one man yelled out.

  “I love you too bebe. I just want to take this time to thank you, the fans, for supporting us tonight and buying our music. We’ll always be grateful to you. Is that all right?”

  Another man in the audience then yelled out. “T-Bird you are fouine as hell baby! Can I make you my baby's mama?”

  Everyone couldn’t help but laugh while he made his point clear about how beautiful she was. T-Bird had to laugh herself as she walked across the stage.

  “We just want you to know that this is the first city to start this tour. Right here in Chicago. You are the first one, as we travel across the east and west coasts for the weeks to come.” The audience erupted in cheers again.

  Afterwards, she sat in a chair on the stage while addressing the audience,

  “At this time, I’d like to dedicate the remaining songs from my new album to you, my fans. Our fans.” As she included the previous acts. The band began playing the first hit single (Can’t Wait Another Minute), (Treasures) and finally (Lover, Lover). When T-Bird finished those last songs, all the groups came back on stage to perform the finale (Never Can Say Goodbye) to dimming lights and the lowering curtain.

  The media took more photographs of all the groups along with Little Joe, who had done an exceptional job, as MC, entertaining everyone. After the show, each group had a booth set up in the lobby to sign autographs and sell memorabilia. At the end of the night, the total from all the merchandise sold, bought in an additional $15,000.00 and it was only the first night.

  It was well past midnight before everyone left the venue. T-Bird wasn't passing up the opportunity to find a place to eat with everyone.

  “Don’t worry. I know a great place where
we can go and eat. We went there last night. Right Megan?” Melvin expressed.

  “Yeah.. it’s right around the corner. Man, I had some of the best chicken and waffles. Simply out of this world and I thought you could only get it like that in L.A. I have to say I’m impressed..”

  “I had two of those hot dogs this town is famous for and could hardly eat them both....”

  “Okay, you guys are making me even hungrier. Let’s just go so I can see for myself. I also just want to say, yawl are putting it down out there on that stage.”

  “Yeah and this is only the first night and already it’s off the chain. I know tomorrow is going to be off the hook.” Andre said! “Hey, are all the instruments secure inside the bus? We don’t want anything getting stolen. That’s how you make your living.”

  “Yeah man, everything is on lock down.” Melvin replied. “Everything is cool. So let’s jet.”

  As everyone walked around the corner, T-Bird thought about Darnell and the conversation they'd had earlier that morning. She was still wondering if he was really being honest with her about not returning her call. There was something in her spirit that wasn’t lining up with his excuse.

  By the time all the group members arrived at the cafe, there were more than 50 people waiting to be seated, talking about the show and how Little Joe was such a powerful force. The manager couldn’t be any happier!

  “Do you have enough room for all of us?” Andre asked. “We just finished a show tonight at the Town Hall and are really hungry."

  The manager smiled. “Oh, so you’re the group that was on the radio earlier today? I heard your entire interview and it was pretty good. I wish I could have attended the concert myself but, as you can see, I had my hands full! Give me a minute and I’ll prepare the rear section for all of you.”

  Minutes later he returned, escorting them to the back of the cafe. As they ordered, Little Joe began telling jokes again.

  “I’m ordering fish sandwiches so I can go outside and sell them.”

  Everybody started laughing again. “Now wait a minute, yawl remember I told the audience that I was going to be out on the corner after the show selling those sandwiches.”

  Melvin pointed to the door. “Well, you go right ahead and I’ll eat your food before it gets cold.”

  “Oh really? Then I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. I’m going to sneeze right over it and then I want you to tell how it taste.” Everybody was having so much fun laughing, they were almost crying. The manager made everyone as comfortable as possible, as he talked with them about the concert and the cities they were traveling to next.

  “I tell you what we’re going to do. Here are some tickets to tomorrow night’s show if you can make it,” Andre said, while handing them to him. “Now if you’re not going to use them then be sure to give them to a friend who can.”

  The manager couldn’t believe he was receiving the tickets. Not only that, but he was serving the very entertainers that were a part of the interview he heard on the radio. Before they could begin eating, people were coming over to the table for autographs. One young lady came over to Little Joe.

  “Excuse me... as you can see we had to come in here to get something to eat because you weren’t outside selling those fish sandwiches. So you know you have to give us an autograph..”

  Everyone began to laugh again. Little Joe yelled out to everyone, “I told you. Didn’t I tell you? I could have been making some money right now. I’ll tell you! You guys sure know how to blow a brother’s hustle. Thanks baby. I tell you what. Your meal is on me tonight. How about that?” The woman didn’t hesitate one minute to say thank you as she began screaming in excitement in front of her girlfriends.

  “Now after you finish eating you and all your girlfriends can just come on over here and go right home with me.”

  “What…Okay but be careful what you ask for. Are you sure you can handle all of us?” she asked while looking over the menu. “We’ll be over as soon as we’re finished eating. Thank you.”

  T-Bird looked at Andre shaking her head. She couldn’t believe how off the chain Little Joe was, driving everyone crazy. Those qualities made her want him around even more. She expressed this to Andre.

  “There’s no way we can afford to let him get away. I want him on the tour until we finish and I need you to work it out.”

  “No problem, I’ll talk to him and his manager tomorrow night and put the deal together.”

  Everyone began to eat while continuing to socialize with the people who continued to come over and talk to them about the concert. The young lady who received a meal on Little Joe returned back to the table with her girlfriends to talk with Little Joe and exchanged phone numbers with him, with the hope of possibly seeing him again. She then introduced her friends to all the members, with the possibility of attending future shows.

  “Man later for those groupies.” Andre said. “We’re gonna see plenty of that. Everybody better be careful; the next thing you know, somebody will be accusing you of rape. Believe me, I know all the tricks of the trade and you don’t want to face all that just for a booty call. You know what I mean? Business is business and you have to take care of that first, not your agenda. Remember everything you do affects all of us. On tour, we’re all one family and we have to look out for each other.”

  The drummer looked at Melvin. “He’s really trippin man. I’ve been through this before, too many times over the years so this ain’t nothing new to me. That’s why I bought my jimmies with me. I’m gonna have my fun. I can tell you that right now. I don’t know who he think he’s talking to because I left my parent's house a long time ago.”

  Andre walked right over. “Yeah that may be true, but I set the rules and they will be respected. If you fuck up one time you’ll be off the tour. You got that. Chump?” Melvin just looked at the drummer.

  “Look man chill out! Andre’s cool but I’m gonna tell you right now he’s strictly business. Let’s do the right thing. I want to see what else he has to offer after this tour is over and I want to get paid. Remember, he still has a new group in London that he’ll be bringing here soon and you never know when he can use us.”

  Afterwards, no one said a word, deciding to keep their opinions to themselves. It was 3 in the morning by the time the left the cafe...

  The Show

  When she arrived back at the hotel, T-Bird had a message waiting from JJ, wanting to know how the show went and letting her know the Wednesday night, talent night was continuously growing. There were new poetry readers along with up and coming singers. Looking at the clock, there was no way she was returning his call at this hour. The weather in Chicago offered a cool breeze that sailed through the air off the waters of the great lakes and the only thing T-Bird desired was more sleep; there was another full day of events ahead.

  By 8 o’clock Andre was ringing her phone.

  “Good morning, are you awake yet? We’ve got another interview on the morning show at 10 o’clock.”

  “…What? I don’t have a choice. I’m just not sure my body’s connecting with my mind just yet. Give me a minute. I’ll be ready and meet you downstairs shortly,” she yawned hard and stretched even harder.

  On the way to the radio station, he looked at T-Bird, handing her a bundle of papers.

  “What's this?” she asked while looking them over.

  “What do think? We’ve got Little Joe on the tour... that’s what it is! I was able to make it happen. Me and his manger created the whole contract online last night while you were performing and put the deal together. You did say you didn’t want him to get away, didn’t you? I don’t want you to think I don’t know what I’m doing. Your ex taught me well.”

  “Okay you made your point. So now what?”

  “Listen, I’ve got thirty minutes to finalize this contract and our last interview is at 1:30 with WBLK. After that, we can chill for the rest of the day.”

  “Fabulous, absolutely fabulous. I will not hesitate to get b
ack to my room and yes Shaun taught you well. Furthermore I have to return JJ’s call.” She continued.

  The moment they finished her 1:30 interview, T-Bird couldn’t wait to call JJ to give him an update.

  “JJ, you won’t believe this comedian we have opening for us. This guy is phenomenal! We couldn’t resist adding him; he’s just that good. If he ever performed at the Tea Pot, you would have him signed somewhere in L.A in no time! Little Joe is the real deal.”

  “Is that right?” JJ asked. "Well, I can’t wait to meet him and I’ll do whatever I can to help him out.”

  “Great, I just wanted to return your call and let you and the guys know I‘m doing fine,”

  “Sounds good and tell Andre I’ll talk to him later.”

  Meanwhile, Andre was on the phone talking to Little Joe’s Manager. He had already heard about him and Shaun’s reputation, knew they were strictly business and didn’t play around if anyone tried to cross them by not paying them their money. There would be consequences.

  “Andre, I’ve been waiting on you. I heard you guys did really well last night. Huh? The contract is cool and I can live with getting 3%.”

  “Yeah Chicago showed us a lot of love. I don’t think we could have asked for more” Andre answered.

  “Little Joe told me you guys are treating him real good being on the bill. I’m wishing you the best. I’m signing the contract and faxing it back to you. It’s nice doing business with you. Little Joe has a great future ahead of him. Call me if you need me. I know you have a million things to do.”

  ”You’re right and as they say, time is money. Don’t worry I’ll be in touch. Nice doing business with you too.” Andre ended the call with pure satisfaction written all over his face.

  Before T-Bird could relax, her phone was ringing again; Darnell was on the other end.

  “Hey baby. So how are things going?” he said, hoping to keep the conversation upbeat and positive since he wasn’t on her good side.


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