My Cup Runs Over: The Ultimate and Final Deception

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My Cup Runs Over: The Ultimate and Final Deception Page 13

by Will Brown

  Listening to Shaun made her even more upset. But he was right. “I apologize. I didn’t mean to be so cold. I’m just thinking about my career and also the transition for the foundation. That alone is going to be enough for me and I don’t know where I’m going to get the strength to do it.”

  “Look, I just want you to know that I’m here if you get tired of talking to Trey, Q and JJ. Well, I think I better leave now.”

  Immediately she grabbed his arm as he attempted to leave. “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I’ll talk to you later” she said solemnly, allowing him to walk out the door. All she could do was sit in the chair, disappointed over what she'd said, knowing she wanted to be with him, but her pride would not allow her tell him the truth. She used the excuse of prioritizing her life while seeking some time to heal.


  Tuesday afternoon and Carlotta’s father finally arrives to visit her. Still disappointed with the fact he was such a racist made the visit bittersweet. However, no one in the world was going to persuade her to leave Trey. She had already fallen in love with him. His status, personality, character and caliber of friends as well as clientele made the biggest statement about the kind of man he was; the kind she wanted in her life. She was determined to stand up for herself; she was a mature woman and doing very well.

  Sitting down over a cup of coffee, she shared with Trey her father’s hatred of black people. Unprepared, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

  “Listen, this is not my fight and it isn’t yours either. My parents and grandparents fought for the freedom I’m experiencing this very moment. Even your mother’s bloodline goes back to slavery with white men raping our black women. And to add insult to injury, he slept with, impregnated, loved and married a black woman. I’m not living backwards. Not now. Not ever. So I’ll tell you what I’m going to do, I’m going to let you have your visit with your dad and you can let him know I don’t want to meet him. You are the one who definitely has to close some doors with him. I’m not going to stop seeing you so because of him or his racist views. I’ve got a lot of work to catch up on after going to Atlanta, so handle your business. I’ll be fine. I promise I’ll call you later. Go ahead and deal with your dad. Give me a kiss.. I’ve got to go.”

  “Trey, I don't blame you at all for the way you feel. I certainly understand and you’re right. Don’t worry. I already had this conversation with my mother and she is not condoning any of this. I am definitely gonna resolve this, one way or another.”

  When she met her father for lunch, it was close to 1p.m. It was one of the most intense moments she'd ever experienced. She told him she'd taken the remainder of the day off, giving them all the time they needed to talk. She told him about Trey and revealed that he was a black man. The irony of it all was no matter how white her father was, her mother was black, which made her black.

  Immediately his eyes widened. He became very angry and belligerent. Carlotta didn’t waste any time telling him that she was in love.

  “No… I can’t believe my daughter is telling me she’s in love with a nigga boy! I’m telling you if you stay with him, I’m going to disown you.”

  Carlotta just sat there trying to remain composed as he insulted her in public.

  “Excuse me father, but I refuse to be talked to like this. Yes, I’m you’re daughter, but I’m also an adult. This is my life. How dare you come and act like this. I love you.You’re my father. But I also love Trey and nothing is going to change my mind or break us apart and that includes you. I have a great career and will be finishing school shortly so you should be proud of me for that. I was planning on paying for your airline tickets and hotel accommodations, so you could attend my graduation ceremony and you act like this?”

  She then began to cry. “Trey is a wonderful man. He’s a businessman, owns his own company and treats me the way you treated my mother when you first met. I can’t ask for anything more than that. I think we should leave. The things you’ve said really hurt and I’ve heard enough. I’ll just take you to your hotel.”

  After dropping her father off, she called her mother to tell her what had taken place over lunch.

  “Carlotta, I’m not surprised and neither should you be” Her mother said. “I was hoping you didn’t get your feelings hurt but I see it happened anyway.”

  “Well, you can let him know the next time he sees me, I just maybe married. I don’t know if I even want to see him after today!”

  “No... don’t say that. He’s still your father and you have to show him respect, even if he’s being ignorant. You have to be the bigger person. Don’t worry. Everything is going to be fine. You are my daughter and I love you so much and want the best for you. I’ll deal with your father.”

  “Okay mother, I’ll call you later.”

  By the time she met Trey for dinner, he was eager to find out how seeing her father had gone. Just to look at her face gave him all the answers he needed. It was obvious that things didn’t turn out the way either of them had desired. After telling a few jokes to change the mood, Trey invited her to come with him to see JJ at the Tea Pot.

  It had been a year of hills and valleys for everyone and Trey was enjoying the best time of his life after meeting her. Meanwhile, Vision Mobile Net Inc. was continuing to grow and be a major trendsetter for the cellular industry. JJ and Vivian were putting their lives back together after conquering the battles in their marriage. They were rediscovering what love is supposed to be in order for two people to make it. Vivian had even completed two movie projects in New York with JJ’s brother Maurice and was ready to start a family. JJ was deadlocked on opening the new Tea Pot in London after Andre got shot.

  Andre was finally well enough to move back to NJ from LA and confined to a wheelchair. His rehabilitation was a slow process but he wasn't giving up on walking again. He was beginning to move his legs and nothing was going to stop his grind in the music industry.

  T-Bird had finally finished the second half of her tour and was overseeing the foundation as Founder and President. Once again JJ used his organizational abilities to put together a staff of twenty instructors, jump starting the foundation’s curriculum for students who were about to begin classes. All from the funds coming from the state and grants.

  Still healing from the wounds caused by Darnell deception, she and Shaun were working on her second album. She also invited him to be the COO of her production/publishing company. Shaun was once again winning the heart of only woman he'd ever loved and proving true love always wins regardless of the trials or tribulations.

  Q decided to expand his business in Atlanta, in an effort to be closer to Desiree. However, she was not giving him the time of day. It was going to take a miracle to win her heart again; Q had finally met his match. His selfishness had cost him the best thing he'd ever had.

  As for Desiree, she expanded her vision and started her magazine company, based in N.Y.C., called “What’s Up”. She continued to see Andre right under everyone’s nose. No one had a clue they were an item as she nursed him back to health. No one except her cuz.


  By the time Trey and Carlotta arrived at the club, people were beginning to pour in for another night of partying. While sitting next to her in the booth, he took out a small box and sat it on the table, looking at her.

  “Pick it up. Open it.” He said.

  “Trey what are you doing?” She asked. He just smiled at her.

  “Look, I don’t even know how to say this, especially right now. So why don’t you just open it..."

  To her surprise, it was a diamond ring.“Well are you going to put it on?”

  Carlotta just stared at the ring, holding it in her hand. “Trey what are you trying to tell me?”

  “Well, do I have to spell it out for you? Here, let me help you put it on.Will you marry me Carlotta?”

  Almost immediately JJ walked up.

  “Is that what I think it is?” He asked. “T
hat’s what I’m talking about. Boy I see you finally learned something from me after all, huh?”

  He stopped a waiter.

  “Hey Brad, bring some of the best champagne in the house over to this table... we have a celebration going on here! I’ll be right back. I have to make my rounds...The rest of the gang should be here any minute. Wait until I tell them about this.”

  Octavia chose that moment to walked in with all five of her sisters. Trey had made it difficult for her to get to him but she was finally able to confront him face to face. Octavia was still Octavia. She looked fierce and ghetto fabulous as ever, wearing a tight body suit that showed off every part of her fabulous figure even pregnant. Nothing had changed; her ass stood out like a tree trunk. Her sisters possessed that same ghetto style swag. Even showing her "baby bump", she captured every man’s attention that passed. One look at Carlotta sitting in that VIP booth with Trey made her realize why she wasn’t getting any return calls from him. In the heat of anger, she walked over the ropes towards the booth. At that very moment, Amelia and Jessica walked over to have a seat next Carlotta.

  Vivian and Maurice were next. Then Q, Shaun and T-Bird showed up to take their places in the booth. Finally Desiree, who'd come to town to finish setting up her NY office, arrived in all her glory.They were all in awe, admiring Carlotta’s ring and wondering what Octavia was going to do next.

  “Well, well, well...what have we here? I see why you haven’t been returning my calls. Is this the bitch that’s been giving you warm glasses of milk at night? Um..Hm..”

  It seemed as if time stood still. “Come on Octavia, don’t do this. It’s embarrassing. Don’t humiliate yourself like this..." Trey was determined not to let er get under his skin or ruin this moment for him and Carlotta.

  “What do you mean.. you motherfucker. You’ve been avoiding all my calls, barring me from your office and using security to stop me from seeing you. Well, none of that’s gonna change the fact you’re my baby’s father..." She said.

  Everyone sat without saying a word. “Oh so you didn’t tell your new girlfriend that I'm pregnant... Hm.? Well, she better get used to warming bottles, making meals, being a babysitter. And, you know the best part? She has to deal with seeing me in her fuckin face.”

  Carlotta knew all about Octavia, hearing how she was a piece of work. She tried to maintain her composure.

  “Hey, let’s not spoil a perfect evening. We’re trying to have party so why don’t you go have a drink or something. Okay? We’re not going through this tonight with you Octavia.” Q said. “It’s been a long hot summer and I don’t know about you, but I’ve been through enough. The summer is about to end. Let’s just allow it to go out on a good note. You should be willing to celebrate yourself. You’re about to have a baby.”

  She stepped back, placing her hands on her hips and shouted..

  “No, I will not!” As she looked Trey straight in the eyes. “You’re going to talk to me and right now. Don’t make me show out in here because I will turn this place out and you know it. So don’t play with me.”

  Reading her body language from afar, JJ called for security on his radio.

  Carlotta had had enough! She got, standing next to Trey. “Is this the trick you’ve been trying to avoid?" She asked, while turning towards Octavia.

  “Yeah, I’m his new girlfriend all right. Carlotta is the name and you’re getting ready to remember it in the worst way.”

  Octavia crackled with attitude. “Bitch, I didn’t ask you to tell me who you are. You can go sit your ass back down in that chair and stay out of my conversation before you have a problem you can’t handle..." Octavia's sisters walked up.

  “Oh really?” Carlotta asked, as her southern drawl grew stronger. “You know Octavia, I heard you were a real gold digga but you know what? I’m going to make sure Trey doesn’t give you one dime. He told me all about how manipulative you are. Are you really sure that baby is his? I hear your ass is pretty popular around the way, so maybe you don’t know who the baby's father really is?”

  Octavia was furious, just about to ball up her fist to swing when Jessica and Amelia stood up. “I don’t think you want to do that.” Jessica said while breaking the champagne bottle and holding it in her hand.

  Immediately Amelia went into her purse and took out her Taser.

  “Look girly, girl. Don’t be foolish.” Octavia’s sister stood right behind her waiting for the next chain of events.

  Trey, T-Bird, Shaun, Vivian, Desiree and Q all stood up from behind the table at the booth.

  “Wait just a damn minute.” Desiree chimed in. “Octavia, it’s time for you to leave before you get thrown the hell out of here.”

  T-Bird didn’t hesitate to echo what her cuz had said. "That’s right.Enough is enough. We’re not going to have this shit in this club. Not tonight.”

  “Oh no honey.You better back your ass up. Or do you want take this outside?” Carlotta asked as she walked up to her with a switch blade in her hand. “Are you sure you want a problem you can’t solve? I would hate to see you lose you unborn baby. It wouldn’t be fair not knowing who the real father is. If you were in Mississippi, I would cut you from left to right. You don’t want to mess with me. Do you see this man? He belongs to me now! You see this ring? That means I’m his woman and you can’t do a damn thing about it. So why don’t you go find yo baby daddy while you still have the chance.” Carlotta wasn’t the only one possessing a knife; all of Octavia’s sister were all carrying too.

  As JJ rushed over with security, Octavia back away. “Okay bitch. But this ain’t over. As soon as I have this baby, you will see me again. Believe that...”

  Everyone was waiting to see what was going to happen next as Carlotta stood her ground. JJ walked up to Octavia and her sisters.

  "Okay, come on, you gotta go right now.” As the security personnel escorted them out of the club, Octavia turned around for one final word.

  “Don’t worry, that bitch won’t be around for long.We both know how much we have in common and how sweet this chocolate is. Don’t we? So we’ll just wait and see.” She said, as she walked towards the exit. “I’ll see your ass in court too and bring your new sweetheart with you. You’re going to need her to wipe the tears from your eyes when that judge tells you how much money you’ll have to give me. You haven’t seen the last of me. I promise you.”

  Before Trey could say a word, Carlotta put her hand across his lips, standing next to him with her hands on her hips in his defense. “We’ll see about that cause he’s not giving you a dime until after he takes a DNA, honey.”

  Trey was totally blown away by this side of Carlotta...something he'd never witnessed before and wasn't sure he wanted to be on the opposing side of it, as he gave her a hug.

  “You’ve got a lot of heart standing up to her like that.” Carlotta just reached for her glass filled with champagne.

  “What was I supposed to do, just sit there and watch her grand stand on you? I knew she was only trying to go off because she saw me here. I may be a southern bell but don’t let the light skin fool you. I can fight. I’ve had to fight all my life being light skinned and called half white. Maybe she’ll leave you alone now.”

  JJ came and sat down next to him and Vivian. “You bro?” He gripped his hand.

  “Yeah man, I’m cool. Carlotta and her friends were getting ready to get it in and whip Octavia’s ass. I’m glad she thought about her actions and decided to chill.

  “It’s about time somebody put her ass in her place.” JJ said as he began to snicker. “Now, I wouldn’t have let yawl mess up my club, beating that ass, because I’ve never had a fight in here. However outside, I wouldn’t have stopped it for nothing in this world.”

  Everyone began to laugh as JJ yelled out. “Come on. We have a celebration going on here. You two just got engaged.” Everyone began to cheer while holding up their glasses.

  “Let’s enjoy this night. It’s been a long year and one of the hottest and most unforge
ttable summers I can recall. This sip is for Andre, who couldn’t be here tonight, but he’s doing better,” JJ toasted, holding his glass high.

  “To Andre. To all of us. The good, the bad and the ugly. I love you guys”

  A new chapter had begun in each of their lives, sitting in their usual booth at the Tea Pot...

  Author Will Brown resides in Atlanta, Ga., where he enjoys writing and a career in music. He is the author of three books and is currently working on his fourth. I Surrender is due to release in the late spring of 2016.




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