Plan Bea

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Plan Bea Page 22

by Hilary Grossman

  “Makes sense.”

  “Walter and I actually did discuss marriage. And during the conversation, this idea hit me. Brody died and our relationship fell apart right around the time you and Cole were first engaged. I couldn’t think of a better way to try to make up for the past than to go back to the past, so to speak. I’ve regretted the fact I had no involvement in your wedding. I also felt terrible you abandoned your dreams because of my actions. I realized if you and I planned a wedding we’d be forced to spend time with each other, allowing us both the opportunity to get to know one another again. I also knew you’d never go along with it if I told you I wanted to throw you a vow renewal ceremony and reception. So instead I came up with Plan Bea,” my mother smirked at her pun. “I pretended I was getting married, and asked you to help me. I knew you’d go along with it. After all, you would have felt guilty to have said no to me.”

  “Boy, you sure have me pegged.” I reached over and squeezed her knee. “We really did get to know each other so much better during these last three months.”

  “I’m smarter than I look,” Beatrice joked. “I also knew you’d tell Connie about the wedding as soon as you found out about it.”

  “Which I did. Well, I actually waited until the next morning to make the phone call,” I clarified.

  “I also knew Connie would feel the need to call and congratulate me, even though I’ve barely been civil towards her over the years.”

  “Um, bitchy towards her would be a more accurate description, don’t you think.”

  “Yes.” My mother took a deep breath. “Fortunately for me, she’s a very kind and forgiving woman. This is hard for me to say, Annabel, but I am very thankful to her. These past years, she’s been the mother you deserved rather than the mother you had, the mother I was.”

  “Mom, don’t say that,” I said. Although her words were true, I hated to hear her say them out loud.

  “Annabel, it’s the truth. You know it and I know it. But the past is the past. The future I intend to change.” She smiled.

  “I know. So, did she call you?” Connie never mentioned speaking with my mother, and I never would have assumed she reached out to Beatrice, given their non-existent relationship.

  “Of course she did, probably as soon as you hung up with her. When we spoke I filled her in on my plan.”

  “Connie knew about this?” Shock filled my voice.

  And as if on cue there was a knock on the door. “Come in,” my mother and I answered in unison. Connie walked in, holding Violet’s hand. Violet was already in her dress. I guess the bag here with her name on it was empty. Connie was wearing the exact dress my mom was wearing. Behind Connie were her daughters, Shannon and Denise. My friend Cecelia picked up the rear. All three women were wearing the wine one shouldered dress that I had picked out for myself the day I went shopping with my mother.

  My eyes darted around at each of them. Connie dropped Violet’s hand and embraced my mom. “We did it, Bea!” She exclaimed triumphantly. “Walter showed us the picture. Her expression was priceless!”

  “I know! Oh, Connie, I wish you could have been here to see her first hand. She had no clue! Your timing is perfect. I was just telling Annabel about when we first spoke.” My mother confided.

  Then turning to me, my mom continued as all the girls sat down. Cecelia reached for the champagne bottle and poured a glass for Connie. Violet sat down on one of the big chairs and the makeup artist went to work on her face.

  “When I called Connie she loved the idea,” my mother said as she patted Connie’s leg. “She couldn’t wait to help me orchestrate everything. She and Cecelia compiled the guest list.” My mom smiled at Cecelia. “She told me who your best friend was, and gave me Cecelia’s phone number. Finally she arranged for the all the girls to meet me at the store and get fitted for their dresses. And speaking of dresses, ladies, you all look lovely!” Everyone smiled back at my mom.

  “So you guys all knew about this, and didn’t tell me?” I looked around at the women I cared about most in the world, as I pretended to be angry.

  “And ruin a surprise?” Denise asked as she winked at my mother.

  “We’d never do that!” Shannon chimed in.

  “Oh, it’s so much fun keeping secrets from you Anna Banana!” Cecelia added.

  “Speaking of secrets, did Cole know?”

  “No,” Connie answered. “He had no idea. But he knows now. Your mother arranged for the limo that picked him and the kids up to swing by my house first. He was shocked to see us in the car,” Connie gave Beatrice a conspiring grin. “On our way here I filled him in on the plan. He loved the idea and can’t wait to marry you again.”

  “It’s almost show time.” My mom said as she glanced at her watch. “Before we pose for the photographer and walk you down the aisle, I just want to tell you what your wedding present is.”

  “There’s more?” I asked, shocked. Although I needed nothing else at this moment, I was curious as to what my mother had up her sleeve. She was on a roll, and I was sure her present wouldn’t disappoint.

  “Yes. I’ve arranged a second honeymoon for you and Cole. You’re going to return to St. Kitts and stay in the same hotel where you were married, except this time you will be staying in one of their suites. The room is to die for!” she gushed.

  “When?” I asked as my mind raced. Although I would love nothing more than to jet off to the Caribbean tomorrow neither Cole nor I could just pick up and leave on a moment’s notice.

  “Don’t look so petrified, dear.” My mother shook her head. “I know that you will need to arrange everything at work first.” My mother flashed Cecelia a knowing smile before continuing. “You actually don’t leave until the first week in September. However, tonight and tomorrow night you and Cole will be staying in the city. I’ve booked you a room at The Parker Meridian. First you will have breakfast at Norma’s.” My mouth watered as I thought of all the decadent breakfasts they serve. What they could do with waffles and pancakes was amazing. I doubted I would have the willpower to pass up the Nutella packed flapjacks.

  As I decided to forget about my diet, my mother continued, “I left the day open, so you can do whatever you like.” Beatrice winked at me. “But I did make early dinner reservations for you at I Trulli. After dinner, I got you first row tickets for a Broadway show.”

  I wrapped my arms around my mother and held her tight. “Wow, thank you so much. I can’t believe you did all this for me.”

  When the embrace ended I engulfed Connie in my arms. “And thank you so much for watching the kids this weekend.”

  “Don’t thank me, Anna. Patrick and I aren’t watching them,” Connie replied with a chuckle.

  “You’re not? I just assumed—”

  My mother cut me off. “They have other grandparents, you know,” Bea chided. “Other grandparents who love them, both of them.”


  AS THE PHOTOGRAPHER snapped what I prayed would be the last picture, Tommy, the country club’s manager, approached us. “Excuse me, everyone,” he said. “The guests are all here, and they’ve already taken their seats outside. We need to begin the ceremony soon if we want to stay on our schedule.” He glanced at his watch for emphasis.

  “We’ll begin the procession in a moment.” My mother replied as she touched her hair with her hands and made sure it was firmly place.

  Tommy turned around and began to walk out of the room but Walter stopped him. “Tommy, I am assuming that Judge Emerson arrived although I would have thought he’d stop by to see us before the ceremony.”

  Tommy looked around the room nervously, “Um. I don’t know. I assumed he was one of the gentlemen here.”

  Walter glanced down at his watch and shook his head and pursed his lips. He turned to my mother and whispered softly, “He hasn’t answered any of my texts. He better not have chickened out.” If I weren’t standing right next to Walter I wouldn’t have heard him. What did the judge have to be afraid of?

  Walter had insisted from early on, according to my mom, that one of his legal cronies would officiate the ceremony. I thought it was such a sweet gesture, but now, knowing my mother and Walter never intended to get legally married I didn’t understand why he made such a fuss. After all, Cole and I were just renewing our vows. Anyone could have done the honors, even Tommy, although he had his hands full this evening with my mother.

  As if he read my mind, Cecelia’s husband, Bryce, chimed in, “Don’t look so worried, Walter. What’s the worst? If the judge doesn’t show up I can always officiate. Let’s face it, the ceremony is really just for show anyway. And after all the chick flicks Cecelia has made me watch over the years I would probably do a kick ass job!”

  Cecelia gently punched her husband in the arm. “You are very funny especially since I think you like those movies even more than I do.” Then she turned to me and whispered, “You’d die if you knew how many times he made me watch Pretty Woman with him.”

  I laughed and Bryce smiled at Cecelia with such love in his eyes. It was crystal clear he totally adored her.

  “Thanks, Bryce,” Walter replied. “You’re very kind. Hopefully we won’t have to take you up on your offer. I can’t believe he isn’t here.”

  An incredibly handsome man appeared at the doorway and called out. “I’m here old man!” He kept talking as he approached us. “You never give me any credit. Just because I arrive late for lunch doesn’t mean I can’t be prompt when I want to be.”

  I heard a gasp.

  Before embracing the man in a huge hug Walter scolded, “Prompt would have brought you here fifteen minutes ago, Keith!”

  “Are you okay?” I asked Cecelia, as I grabbed ahold of her arm.

  She moistened her lips with her tongue. “Of course I am, why?” She asked as she wrung her hands.

  “All the color just drained out of your face.”

  Bryce turned his attention to his wife and put his hand on her forehead. “Sweetie, Anna’s right. You don’t look so hot. Are you feeling okay?”

  “Of course I am.” She took a deep breath. “Don’t be silly you two. I just remembered something I forgot to do at work and I got a little nervous, I’m fine. Really, I am. Stop staring at me like that, please.”

  Although I turned my focus on Keith Emerson I kept stealing glances in Cecelia’s direction. The judge was completely the opposite of what I had pictured Walter’s friend to look like. I expected him to be about Walter’s age. Instead he appeared to be closer to mine. He wore an Armani black pinstriped suit with a stunning multi-colored striped tie. He had dark brown hair, which was sprinkled with a few grays, ice-blue eyes, and chiseled features. I glanced at my sister-in-law’s expressions and I instantly knew I wasn’t the only one who noticed his good looks.

  “Good to see you again, Beatrice,” Keith said before giving my mother an air kiss. Although he turned to face me, I couldn’t help but think his eyes were focused on Cecelia who was standing beside me.

  “Hi! You must be Anna.” He then looked to my left, “and Cole?” he asked. We both nodded. “Wally told me all about you guys. Thanks for letting me be a part of your special day.”

  “We really appreciate you doing this, Keith,” Cole answered. Then, he began to introduce the judge to everyone. As my husband rattled off everyone’s names I noticed Cecelia was chewing the cuticles of her perfectly manicured nails. Her emerald green eyes were fixed on the judge as she backed away from the group. Cole introduced her last, “Finally this is our dear friend, Cecelia.”

  “Hello, Cecelia,” Keith said slowly. He appeared to be studying her. Their eyes locked for a few seconds. She looked even more nervous than she did before as she twirled a long strand of red hair around her index finger.

  He was grinning at her. She gave him a closed mouth smile in return before whispering, “Hi.” She coughed twice before she turned her back to him and focused her attention on fixing her husband’s perfect tie.

  “Are we done with introductions?” My mother asked in a very business-like tone. “You all heard Tommy. We have a schedule to keep.” She clapped her hands, for emphasis. “Come on. We have guests waiting and a wedding to put on! Now Keith, you, scoot. Get outside under the canopy. Everyone else, let’s line up and head over to the fairway. I certainly hope everyone remembers the order we are walking down the aisle.”

  Walter patted Keith on the back and the judge walked out of the room. When he reached the doorway he paused for a second and turned around. When his eyes met Cecelia’s he smiled. She looked at her shoes in response.

  Beatrice reached down and grabbed my children’s hands and escorted them out of the room. Everyone followed her, but Cole and I hung back for a moment. He leaned down and gave me a tender kiss.

  “When my mom told me what Beatrice had in mind, I was shocked, but I was thrilled too. I’m so happy to get to marry you again, Beautiful. You’re the best thing to ever happen to me and I love you more than words can ever express.”

  “I love you too Cole,” I replied as I stroked his check. “And you know what the best part of this wedding is?”

  He cocked an eyebrow at me.

  “We can enjoy every second of it. We won’t have any pre-wedding jitters. We already know we found our happily ever after.”


  Cole and I met up with our family and friends outside on the golf course. Beatrice had everyone gathered slightly off to the side from where our guests sat. She clearly took charge of the situation because everyone was lined up perfectly and ready to go. With a nod of her head, the cellist and the flute player began to play a classical song, which I think was written by Bach, although I did fail music history in high school.

  Cole walked down the aisle first with his parents.

  Tears filled my eyes as I saw my little boy take the basket of rose peddles from Walter’s hands so that he could hold them for his big sister. With her cast, Violet couldn’t handle holding the basket and dropping the petals. But together they made a wonderful team and were able to accomplish the task perfectly. I loved how close they were. In so many ways they reminded me of Brody and myself. I looked up at the sky and blew a kiss upward. I wanted to send love to my little brother who I missed terribly. I had no doubt in my mind he was looking down on us right now. I felt his presence and his love so strongly. A large part of me knew he was finally able to rest in peace knowing my relationship with our mother was repaired. He would have hated what went on between us all these years.

  Cole’s sisters and their husbands walked down the aisle next. Then Cecelia and Bryce walked down. She still seemed off to me. She walked stiffly; she appeared so tense. I wondered what was bothering her. She seemed perfectly fine until the judge entered the room. After he arrived, her entire mood and demeanor changed. Bryce kissed his wife when they reached the altar. He turned to the right to stand by the men and she walked to the left.

  I hated to see Cecelia upset. I hoped I would be able to get her to open up to me after the ceremony, but I doubted it. Even though she has always been there for me I knew she found it difficult to share her innermost troubles and fears. It’s funny she had such an outgoing personality, yet she was also extremely private. She kept her feelings very close to her heart.

  My mother turned to me, squeezed my hand and asked, “Are you ready, darling?”

  I smiled wide. “Completely.”

  Walter turned to me. “Thank you for letting me escort you down the aisle. I’ve spent so many years wondering what my little girl would have been like had she had the opportunity to grow up. I’d like to imagine she’d have turned out exactly like you, Anna.” He kissed me.

  A tear rolled down my cheek. My mom reached over and wiped it away. “Stop that now, Walter. You’re making her cry. What is the matter with you? We can’t have her mascara run!”

  I laughed. My mom knew exactly how to end a sentimental moment. I kissed Walter. “I always wanted a dad like you too, you know.”

  He beamed at me and
we began to walk down the aisle. I was in shock as I looked from side to side. Every row was filled with family and friends from every aspect of my life. I couldn’t believe my mom was able to pull this off. Also, I couldn’t stop wondering how much time she must have spent with Connie, my sisters-in-law, and Cecelia to have accomplished this.

  When we approached the altar I handed my bouquet of flowers to my mother and then I reached for my husband’s hand. I turned to the right and faced Cole.

  “Family and friends,” Judge Emerson began in his deep, clear voice. “Thank you so much for joining Annabel and Cole on this exquisite evening. As we stand here on this vast golf course, under the twinkling stars, I can’t help but think of all the beauty there is in this world. To me, however, there is nothing more beautiful than finding everlasting love. Love isn’t easy. It takes a lot of effort. Many times the endeavor is hard and people give up prematurely, which is heartbreaking to me. Because then, they miss out on the joy and happiness only true love brings.” He paused and glanced to my left.


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