Playing Dirty Book 2 of the Action! Series

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Playing Dirty Book 2 of the Action! Series Page 1

by GA Hauser


  Book Two in the Action! Series


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  Book Two of the Action! Series

  Copyright © G.A. HAUSER, 2009

  Cover art by Stephanie Vaughan

  ISBN Trade paperback: 978-1449-5929-6-7

  The GA Hauser Collection

  This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or business establishments, events or locales is coincidental.

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Chapter 1

  Wearing black jeans, a black shirt, black tie, and back suit jacket, new young cable television heartthrob Keith O’Leary waited backstage at Oprah for his introduction. Hearing his name shouted on stage, the AD directed him to go.

  Keith felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. His first job acting in a number one hit show had propelled him into the spotlight instantly. The only problem was…he was playing a gay character. And that character just happened to be in love with Carl Bronson, Keith’s co-star and secret lover.

  What had begun as two straight actors playing a romantic part had morphed into a reality that both Keith and Carl were trying to deal with. Being an out gay actor in Hollywood certainly had its pitfalls. And Keith’s agent, Adam Lewis, continuously warned him to be very careful.

  With all the internal dialogue spinning through his head from Adam to “deny, deny, deny”, Keith felt confident he could keep his private life private, and his professional composure no matter the accusation. He had to. His career depended on it.

  He jogged through the curtains to Oprah as they played the theme music for his hit show. Shaking her hand, he waved to the audience and smiled as they cheered wildly.

  “Keith O’Leary, ladies and gentlemen! Keith O’Leary!”

  Bowing, smiling broadly, Keith couldn’t believe the screams from the females in the audience. He was coaxed to have a seat and the noise level finally settled down.

  “Well! How does it feel to be the newest rising star on television?”

  “Wonderful.” Keith smiled as more cheers rang out.

  “Obviously, you already have many fans.”

  “I know! Thank you!” He waved at the audience.

  “Your first starring role, your first season, how are you coping with it all?”

  “It’s overwhelming. But I love it.” Keith felt calmer now that he was sitting and talking. The anticipation was worse than the reality.

  “Were you hesitant to star as a gay man who is out?”

  “No. I enjoy the challenge. I think the show helps to examine alternative lifestyles in a positive way.”

  Shrieking cheers emerged from the crowd.

  “I think many of the ladies are jealous you get to kiss that handsome co-star.”

  Keith blushed and smiled. “I bet!”

  “Is he as nice in person as he seems to be on TV?”

  “He’s great. Yes. Carl Bronson is a very nice guy.”

  “Did that fact make it easier for you?”

  “Yes. Of course.” Keith couldn’t wipe the smile from his face.

  “Do you get many fan letters from gay men? Thanking you for your support?”

  “Not yet. But I assume I will. I’m happy to bring to light a character who can show he’s not afraid to love a man. I think too much energy is wasted on ignorance and preventing gay marriage.”

  “I agree!”

  Keith smiled as the audience clapped in support.

  “Tell us what else you do. What are your hobbies?”

  As Keith talked about his life, he knew things would work out. It all felt right.


  Carl wanted to go with Keith and wait backstage but, wisely, he didn’t. The last thing either of them wanted to do was verify the already growing suspicion that he and Keith were real lovers. There was no way Carl was ready for that. He wanted a long career on television and especially in films. Unfortunately, out gay men did not get leading roles in romance or action movies. Not to his knowledge anyway.

  Reading the new script, waiting for Keith to come home, Carl daydreamed about a time when the men in Hollywood wouldn’t have to hide what they did. They weren’t there yet. But soon. Maybe soon.

  As he heard a key turning the lock of the door, his heart lit on fire. Standing from his position on the couch, he waited for his first glance of the man he adored.

  Seeing him come through the door and beaming, Carl knew Keith had done just fine. “Come here, baby.”

  Keith tossed his keys aside and hugged Carl tight. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, Keith.” Carl crushed him in his embrace and kissed his neck.


  “Yes, hello, remember me? I called you last week about the relationship between Carl Bronson and Keith O’Leary.”

  “Yes. I remember. Do you have anything else we can use?”

  “I will soon. How would you like evidence of their relationship?”

  “We’d love it. What do you have in mind?”

  “A videotape of them together, making love.”


  “I just want to know if I went to the trouble of getting it, you would use it.”

  “Are you kidding? Yes. We’ll use it. And we’ll pay you very well for it.”

  “I thought so. Good. I’ll be in touch with you soon.”

  “Great. I’ll be waiting.”

  Chapter 2

  Talent agent Adam Lewis stood at the check-out line at the grocery store with his attorney lover, Jack Larsen. Once he’d loaded the conveyer belt with their selections, he paused and read the headlines on the sleazy tabloid papers that sat in the rack nearby.

  “Oh shit.”

  “What?” Jack asked, standing behind their cart.

  Adam picked up the paper and flipped pages until he came to the article he was interested in.


  Looking up at Jack’s concerned expression, Adam sighed, “It’s about Keith O’Leary and Carl Bronson.”


  “It says they’re real life lovers. Jack, Keith will be so upset when he sees this.”

  Jack tilted his head to the check-out girl who was beginning to scan their items. Adam set the paper on top of their groceries to purchase.

  Feeling sick to his stomach, knowing the conversations he’d had with Keith about how to react to the assumptions and interview questions, Adam hoped the tabloids wouldn’t go too far in their accusations. But it seemed they already had. Waiting until their groceries were bagged and paid for, Adam picked the paper back up and read the rest of the article while Jack pushed the cart beside him.

  “How bad is it?” Jack asked as he unlocked the trunk of their car.

  “Bad. Very bad.”

  “What the hell does it say?” Jack shifted the groceries over.

  “It says, ‘A source close to the one of the men claims that the steamy romance portrayed by the adorable Keith O’Leary and handsome Carl Bronson, (acting as Dennis Jason and Troy Wright on Forever Young) is more than just an act. The two men have shacked up in Bronson’s condo in Santa Monica and are in the midst of a passionate love affair.’”

  Jack shut the trunk and pushed the cart away. When he returned he sat behind the wheel of his Jaguar as Adam climbed into the passenger seat.

  “Jack, I’m really worried about how K
eith will react to this when he hears about it.”

  “What are you supposed to do about it?” Jack started the car.

  “I should get him a publicist and get these rumors quashed.”

  “They’re not rumors, Adam.” Jack pulled out of the parking spot.

  “I know. But it’ll kill his career. Once Forever Young is through, their futures as leading men will be too.”

  “Don’t be so pessimistic. It can’t really be that bad for actors who come out.”

  “Oh? Name one.”

  “What?” Jack asked.

  “Name one actor who has come out of the closet that is a big name in movies or TV.”


  “I rest my case.” Adam folded the paper and took out his mobile phone.

  “You’re calling him now?”

  “I have to. What choice do I have?” Adam felt Jack’s hand on his leg to comfort him. “Keith? Adam Lewis.”

  “Hello, Adam.”

  “Have you happened to have seen this week’s Inspirer?”

  “No. Why?”

  Adam clasped Jack’s hand tightly. “There’s an article about you and Carl living together.”

  “Already? How the hell did they figure it out? I’ve just moved in.”

  “It says there’s a source close to one of you. Any idea who that could be?”

  “No. But I’m going to find out.”

  “Look, in the meantime, let me hire you a publicist who can squash these rumors or at least battle them.”

  “Okay, Adam. Whatever you say.”

  “I’m afraid you’ll have to appear on someone’s talk show soon proclaiming your love for a woman. Just don’t jump on a couch when you do.”

  “Come on, Adam. Can’t I just say Carl and I are good friends? Carl even suggested we say we’re living together because we’re going green and carpooling.”

  Adam cracked up. Jack turned to look at him curiously. “I love it.”


  “Give it a try. Who knows?”

  “Thanks for the heads up, Adam.”

  “No problem, Keith. And I will get you a publicist.”


  “I’ll talk to you soon.” Adam hung up and smiled despite his fears.

  “So?” Jack asked.

  “He took it well. But he’s in trouble, Jack. Big trouble.”

  Jack raised Adam’s hand to his lips to kiss.

  Sighing sadly, Adam wished everyone could be as lucky as he and Jack were and not have to hide their true feelings.


  “What did he say?” Carl asked when Keith hung up.

  “He said there’s an article in the new weekly rag that outs us.”

  “Implies we’re gay? Or?”

  “No. Some ‘source’ says we’re lovers and living together.”

  “What source?” Carl set the script they were rehearsing down and closed the gap between them.

  “You don’t think Charlotte would let something like that leak out to boost ratings do you?”

  “How the heck would she figure out we were living together already?”

  “Spies?” Keith wrapped around Carl and held him tight.

  “This sucks. I didn’t think we’d be dealing with this so quickly.” Carl rubbed Keith’s back in comfort.

  “Adam’s hiring me a publicist. Maybe you should speak to the guy as well.” Keith leaned back so he could see Carl’s green eyes. The heat of Carl’s body was already making him excited.

  “I should. I’ll call my agent and see what he thinks.”

  Keith dug his hand into Carl’s thick, brown hair. “I wish we could just be honest.”

  “We’ve had this discussion before, Keith. We can’t.”

  “I know.” Keith urged Carl from behind to kiss him. At the touch of their lips, Keith knew their relationship was worth fighting for. Their careers shouldn’t have to be sacrificed for it. Others had kept hidden in the closet for years. Somehow, they would manage to keep the wolves at bay.


  Carl lost himself on Keith’s tongue. As it entered his mouth, he felt burning rushes of pleasure all over his body. He and Keith had only recently begun acting in a show together as gay lovers. But the non-acting part of their relationship was even more recent. It was a case of reality imitating art. As their characters Dennis and Troy’s passion was emblazoned on the screen in Forever Young, he and Keith’s love had blossomed.

  Hearing those luscious, whimpering moans of Keith’s when he was hungry for sex, Carl tightened his grip around Keith’s body and began grinding his hips against Keith’s. When their erections pressed together, Carl felt his skin erupt with chills. The learning of their new lines had to be put on hold once again.

  Carl couldn’t get enough of Keith and it appeared Keith felt the same about him. The craving to be naked and penetrating each others’ bodies was so strong it was consuming.

  Digging his hand into Keith’s soft, blond hair, Carl deepened the already steaming kiss, opening his mouth wider receiving Keith’s tongue which felt as erect as his dick at the moment.

  Keith pulled Carl’s shirt out of his jeans, reaching his hands under it to touch his skin. His respirations rising in depth and speed, Carl broke the kiss to gasp for air and pressed his face into Keith’s neck to gnaw on it hungrily.

  “Bed…bedroom…now.” Keith arched his back and thrust his hips against Carl’s.

  Carl didn’t want to stop what they were doing. He dug his hand into Keith’s jeans and searched for his cock. Finding it had grown hard down the leg of his pants, Carl pulled his hand out and opened Keith’s zipper for better access.

  “Oh, God…” Keith groaned in agony. “Bed! Now!”

  Carl released Keith’s hard-on from his tight jeans, running his palm along it. “You fantastic mother-fucker.” Carl began urging them to the bedroom, still connected, still kissing and fondling.

  When they drew closer to the bed, Keith tilted back to pull his shirt over his head.

  Carl crouched down and licked Keith’s cock.

  “Augh!” Keith growled. “Naked! Bed! Now!”

  Trying not to laugh at Keith’s urgent tone, Carl gave Keith’s cock a last long, wet lap before he stood back and frantically stripped off his clothing.

  Stepping out of his jeans and socks, Carl started working on his shirt buttons as Keith leaned down and slipped Carl’s cock into his mouth. “Ah!” Carl gasped feeling Keith’s deep, wet heat. “Bed! Now!” he echoed Keith’s earlier plea.

  It made Keith crack up with laughter and Carl’s cock dropped out of his mouth when he did.

  Grabbing Keith around the waist, Carl picked him up and dove with him onto the king-sized mattress. The minute they were horizontal, Carl began squirming on Keith’s body, trapping it under him.

  “Fuck me. Fuck me,” Keith breathed between kisses, bending his knees and spreading his legs.

  Unable to calm his pulse or urges, Carl scrambled to reach for the lube and condoms in the nightstand drawer.

  As Keith waited impatiently, he hissed, “Do we need rubbers, Carl? Do we really need rubbers?”

  “I don’t know. I can’t think right now. Ask me again later.” Carl rolled one on and slathered lube all over it. Once he was ready, Carl pushed Keith’s legs back against Keith’s chest and pressed his dick into that waiting hole.

  “I can’t jack off like this,” Keith complained.

  “Tough. Wait.” Carl jammed his cock into Keith, rocking Keith back.

  Keith grabbed Carl’s face and tried to contort himself to reach his lips. When he couldn’t accomplish that either, he started urging Carl, “Come. Come in me. Come…”

  Carl felt his skin cover with chills. He thrust in deeper, faster, feeling his body rush with pleasure. Just as it began to overwhelm him, he opened his eyes and stared down into Keith bright blue irises. Shuddering as he came, Carl clenched his teeth and arched his back to get even deeper, balls deep.

  “That’s it, ba
by…” Keith panted. “That’s it.”

  Astounded at how intense the orgasms were with Keith, Carl took a few moments to come back to earth before he could function. Sweat ran down his temple to his neck, tickling his skin. Feeling slightly recuperated from the climax, Carl inched away, freeing Keith’s legs from their locked position. As he did, he pulled out, removing the rubber and dropping it gently to the carpet.

  Once Keith extended his legs, moaning at the relief of being released from the cramped position, Carl wedge himself between Keith’s thighs and drew Keith’s entire cock into his mouth.

  They had become so comfortable, so attuned to each other’s needs, Carl savored the chance at tasting Keith’s come. Not long ago it was strange, intimidating, to touch a man in those taboo places, to taste the sweetness of his seed. Not now. Now it was natural and wonderful, and Carl craved it like air.


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