Violet Aches for Blake (Encounter Bay)

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Violet Aches for Blake (Encounter Bay) Page 1

by Emily Bruce

  Copyright © 2018 by Emily Bruce

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This book is a work of fiction. All the names, characters, locations and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, things, living or dead locales or events is entirely coincidental.

  Violet Aches for Blake

  A Romantic Comedy

  By Emily Bruce

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for taking the time to read my work. I hope you find this book funny. I aim to write entertaining, easy-read romantic stories, that make you laugh and brighten your day. I hope you have as much fun reading this as I did writing it.

  Emily Bruce.


  For Jason, the love of my life.



  Violet Stone was just your average run-of-the mill 30-year-old. Okay, so she hadn’t found her one true love yet, but 30 was the new 20, right? And, it’s not like she lived in a city where there were eligible men in abundance.

  In a small town like Encounter Bay, you only had a few to choose from. So, she may have gotten her heart broken at age 17 and never fully recovered, but it wasn’t like she still had feelings for him.

  Okay, fine! So, she stalked his social media accounts every chance she got! But it’s not every day that someone you used to know becomes famous! And it didn’t matter that he happened to be your best friend’s big brother, it’s not like he was coming back here ever. She could keep her desperate crush a secret forever, right?


  Blake Wilson was living the dream. At least that’s what the tabloids wrote, at 35 Blake had made it big in Hollywood, so big that he could no longer go grocery shopping without the tabloids speculating about what he was doing with all that toilet paper.

  Famous people shit too, damn it!

  After being in Hollywood for so long, Blake made a bold decision. He was moving home. Back to Encounter Bay, away from the paparazzi, and back (fingers crossed) into the arms of the only girl that made his heart beat faster. Over the years Blake had measured every woman against his twerp little sister’s best friend. There was just something about Violet. He just hoped that she could forgive him for what happened all those years ago…

  Chapter 1


  A cool sea breeze swirled around Violet Stone, picking up her shoulder-length hair and blowing it into her face, obscuring her vision as she hurried down the cracked slabs of concrete that was now the sidewalk along Main Street.

  Main Street, Encounter Bay consisted of a small business district of about 15 shops either side of the road. They were situated one street back from the stunning turquoise water and towering sand dunes that kept tourists flocking to the small coastal town.

  Recently, the Mayor had decided to give Main Street a refurbishment and change all the facades on the old and tired looking shopping strip. He called it a ‘tactical rejuvenation project’ and claimed it would bring in more tourists and money to Encounter Bay.

  So, gone were the mismatched shops and the colorful awnings, along with the large multicolored umbrellas that shaded the tables and chairs that used to be dotted along the tiny shopping strip of Violet’s childhood. They had been replaced with uniform beach shack facades, painted in a variety of vibrant colors, each appeared brighter than the next. Violet hated the new look Encounter Bay. It looked too commercial, its character had been stolen, it no longer had that sleepy seaside town feel.

  “Tactical rejuvenation, my ass,” She muttered to herself, as she wobbled in her heels and tried to negotiate the broken path. In the last phase of the development, they were finally replacing the uneven sidewalk that ran along the left side of the tiny shopping strip. Violet huffed and slowed down as she focused on the path in front of her, concentrating on the crumbled slabs of concrete that were now jutting out at alarming angles.

  She didn’t have time for this!!

  The sound of construction workers yelling at her to stop startled her, but she could barely hear anything over the sound of their jackhammers as they tore up the tired looking pavement.

  Teetering on her heels and concentrating on keeping herself vertical, she put her head down and pretended not to hear them yelling. Didn’t they understand that this was an emergency? And she so did not have time to cross the street and use the other sidewalk, like the yellow sign she stepped over had suggested.

  “Hey! Lady! Can’t you read?” yelled a large fluoro-clad man in a white hard hat. His tattooed arm darted out, making a grab for her as Violet wobbled on her heels past him, she jumped one step to the side, just out of reach.

  Violet:1 Fat Construction worker: 0.

  She kept up the pace moving as fast as she could, the local diner slash café was the next shop along. In a small town like Encounter Bay, most businesses were mixed, but Mr. Chan took it to the next level when he opened the dry cleaner slash fish shop last year. The clothes smelt fishy and the fish tasted like detergent. After a few complaints, he finally saw the light and shut down the fish side of the business to concentrate on the dry-cleaning. But if you asked Violet, the clothes still smelt a little fishy.

  The vibrant blue façade, that if you looked at too long made your eyes hurt, of the diner slash café finally came into view.

  She was nearly there!

  Stumbling on an elevated piece of pavement that came out of nowhere, she felt herself falling, but managed to keep herself upright as she smashed into the diner door with a thump.

  Like, face against the glass, door rattling, making a fool out of herself thump.

  Pulling herself together and hurrying in, the trademark diner bell dinged furiously as Violet wrangled with the door.

  What was it with this door?

  Every time she came in here, she swore that door made it difficult. Just last week her brand new pink trenchcoat was nearly ripped clean from her body when she accidentally shut the door with half the coat still in it.

  Yeah, the door totally had it in for her.

  After managing to get into the diner and close the devil door, and have everyone in the diner stop what they were doing and stare. She let out a sigh of relief, she felt her cheeks heat as she scanned the bright and beachy space. The walls were painted a calming pale blue with large shells randomly hung all over the place. Bert didn’t want customers to forget they were by the beach.

  Violet spotted her BFF since kindergarten, Sophie, who was currently sitting in their regular booth smoothing down an expensive looking dress and fluffing her perfectly styled glossy long brown hair. She hurried over and slid into the booth opposite Sophie, tipping the salt and pepper shakers over. Sophie automatically righted the salt and pepper as she smiled up at her.

  “Okay, I’m here, what’s the emergency?” Violet asked, with a huff, throwing her handbag onto the empty side of the booth seat as she tried to catch her breath. She had been hauling ass for the last 20 minutes, trying to get here as fast as she could.

  She really should work out more.

  Darting out of the way of fat construction workers definitely counted as cardio, right?

  “Why are you breathing heavy?” Sophie asked, eyeing her strangely as she fanned her face with the laminated menu.

  “I was at an open house, I had to kick the buyers out and hurry back here!”

phie gasped and shook her head at Violet. “You could have just texted me back and we could have met up for drinks tonight.”

  Violet furrowed her brows.

  “But your text read ‘911 emergency’! Don’t you remember the Friend Agreement from the second grade? 911 means drop everything!”

  It was Sophie’s turn to furrow her brows.

  “You still go by that, Vi? That was like a million years ago!” she replied, laughing.

  Violet blew out a breath and put down the menu, peering across at her best friend. Sophie had fair skin and huge blue eyes. She was stunning. She came from a long line of superior genes and she was also in possession of one of those petite bodies. She could eat what she wanted and not gain a pound.

  If she wasn’t her best friend, she would be jealous enough to punch her in the face!

  “So, what’s the big emergency?” She asked, still feeling anxious and trying to control her labored breathing.

  “It’s the wedding! Jamie said he is putting his foot down! I’m not allowed to invite another person!” Sophie wailed. Throwing her hands up in the air and leaning back in her seat, she looked like she was on the verge of a meltdown.

  “Isn’t the guest list up to 300?” Violet asked, instantly feeling a calmness wash over her. Relaxing into the booth, she picked the menu up again and scanned it. If she had to listen to the latest wedding drama, she was going to get a big juicy burger and a large fries!

  All that cardio she had just done meant she could have carbs, right?!!

  “It’s up to 500! But I’ve left off my mother’s friends from her yacht club!” Sophie wailed.

  Yeah, this was so not an emergency…

  Violet plastered a concerned look on her face as she listened as Sophie enlightened her on the struggle of trying to fit just one more table into the already overstuffed venue. Violet looked around the small diner and made eye contact with Betty, the 75-year-old arthritic waitress who was like everyone’s grandmother. She even said inappropriate things at the most inappropriate times, just like the real deal. But, despite that, everyone still loved her and how could you not when she wore a 50s style red skirt with black glossy Maryjanes, frilly socks, and a white blouse as her uniform at the diner. Her choice, mind you.

  “If it isn’t my favorite little girls,” Betty said as she approached the table giving them a big smile, showing them that she was wearing a large portion of her pillbox red lipstick on her teeth today. Betty was also still under the impression that Violet and Sophie were 12, and not 30, and she liked to treat them as such.

  Violet smiled at the older lady. She had always marveled at the way she got the height on that beehive she had.

  It truly was impressive.

  “How are the wedding plans coming, my dear?” Betty asked, leaning her head closer to Sophie so she could hear the answer over the noise of the busy diner.

  “Oh, Betty, I’m just having a few problems with the seating arrangements. I left a couple of people off the invite list, and everyone has RSVPed, and the venue said they couldn’t add another table because it’s a fire hazard! How stupid is that? Another table is not a fire hazard! And then to top it all off, Jamie said I wasn’t allowed to invite another person! It’s just one huge nightmare!” Sophie wailed. Betty leaned in and rubbed Sophie’s back.

  “There there my dear, it will all work itself out. Just offer the venue some more money, money talks. If that doesn’t work just pay off the Fire Department, Russell has an online gambling addiction, but you didn’t hear that from me,” Betty said with a wink.

  Sophie gasped in shock, and Violet glanced at the elderly waitress.

  “The strait-laced fire chief has an online gambling addiction?” Sophie asked. Betty nodded, with a giant smirk on her face and a twinkle in her brown eyes.

  “How did you find out?” Sophie whispered, in a low voice.

  Betty leaned closer to the table. Violet leaned over closer to Betty and Sophie. “I heard him on the phone with his loan shark,” she said solemnly. Sophie’s eyes widened, and Violet had to catch herself from giggling. Betty was known to stretch the truth a little, but she was also an Olympic level town gossip and you didn’t want to be on her wrong side.

  “Just offer him some cash, it will solve your problem dear,” Betty said wisely, patting Sophie on the shoulder and giving her a huge smile. “I can’t wait for this wedding, it’s going to be lovely,” she added.

  “Now, what will it be today?” Betty asked, beaming down at them, hand poised over the writing pad with her trusty pencil.

  Sophie ordered first. She ordered a small salad and a side of fries. She was trying to lose 2 pounds before her wedding, so she was watching her weight.

  Cue eye-roll.

  If only she had that problem.

  “And what will it be, my dear?” Betty asked, turning towards Violet, pushing her sizeable black plastic cats-eye style glasses up her nose and leaning in a little closer to take down her order.

  They were so retro they were cool.

  “Cheeseburger, fries, and a strawberry milkshake.”

  “Coming right up,” Betty beamed, jotting down the order. She turned to leave with a swish of her red skirt, then stopped and turned back to them. “You know Violet, if you’re trying to attract a man you should try a salad sometime. You know what they say, my dear – a moment on your lips, forever on your hips,” Betty shouted while looking her up and down.

  So loud that everyone in the diner stopped what they were doing, turned, and stared.

  “That will be all thanks, Betty,” Sophie said in a sing-song voice with a smile on her pretty face.

  “Do I look fat?” She hissed at Sophie as soon as Betty left.

  “Batty Betty strikes again, don’t worry. You look hot! Smoking hot!” Sophie said brushing off Betty’s comment with a wave and returning to wedding chatter and the gossip they had just heard about Russell.

  Violet wouldn’t say she was smoking hot, mildly warm maybe? She had shoulder length blonde hair, her eyes were an unusual color, they were nearly the same as an emerald, and were too big for her face. And if she could curb the ice cream addiction, she might be able to lose the 20 pounds she needed to.

  She eyed her best friend skeptically. She felt like a plain jane next to the stunning and always polished Sophie.

  She had dated a few guys over the years, only one of them had told her that he thought she was beautiful. That was before she caught him banging Brenda, the large bartender, in the alley behind Shoreline, Encounter Bay’s only bar.

  Ugh! This day was going downhill fast.

  Sophie picked up the wedding chatter again and Violet tried to listen, she really did. It wasn’t like she was jealous or anything, but damn it, she was jealous and so over hearing about the perfect James Winston Albert Devereaux the Third. Who preferred to go by his childhood nickname, Jamie. Personally, she found it kind of creepy that a grown-ass man went around insisting that people call him Jamie.

  Jamie was boring, stuck up, and stuffy. Sophie could do so much better. She just didn’t understand what Sophie saw in Jamie. But she was never going to say anything to Sophie.

  She was also pretty sure he was only marrying Sophie for her parents’ money. The Wilsons were loaded. For Sophie’s 21st birthday, they bought her a 5-million-dollar property on the Esplanade, overlooking Encounter Bay.

  She would never understand these rich people. Living in Encounter Bay her whole life, she had come from the working class community, not that there was any of them left nowadays. The sharp spike in house prices had made them all sell and leave the area. Now, most of the town belonged to the one-percenters. Having been Sophie’s BFF for a good 26 years, she had gotten used to the way the rich lived.

  Batty Betty interrupted her thought as she returned with Violet’s milkshake and Sophie’s water teetering on the slightly shaking tray.

  At least now she had something to do while Sophie droned on about flower arrangements.

  Taking a la
rge gulp of her milkshake and relishing the smooth strawberry creaminess, she tried to concentrate on what Sophie was saying.

  “Oh, guess what? I was talking to Mom this morning, and she said that Blake called her up out of the blue and said he’s coming home,” Sophie casually said, taking a sip of her water, unaware that the words she had just spoken had sent Violet into a state of panic.

  Violet felt her throat constrict, her heart rate spike, and her lady-bits violently clench all at the same time, causing the mouthful of milkshake to come exploding out of her mouth spraying all over Sophie and all over the table.

  Once again, everyone in the diner stopped and stared at them, and Violet felt her cheeks heat up.

  If she could just get through one day without people staring…

  Violet coughed and then looked down at the mess that was before her, poor Sophie was covered in tiny pale pink flecks, it was in her hair and all over her face and clothes. She had also managed to spray the table pink. She frantically pulled out her white work shirt, she didn’t have time to rush home and change. Looking down at the blouse, she was shocked to see that there wasn’t one speck of pale pink on it. Score!

  Looking back at her best friend, Violet watched on cringing as Sophie blinked a couple of times, then calmly grabbed some napkins and started wiping her face, hair, and clothes and then the table. This was why they were best friends. Sophie was used to her crazy.

  And yes, this was a little crazier than average.

  After mopping up most of the mess with the napkins in silence, Sophie glared at Violet and calmly said, “Soooo, are you going to tell me why you just sprayed me with half your milkshake when I mentioned that my brother was coming home?”

  Violet swallowed the lump in her throat and tried to think of a good excuse.


  She’s staring!

  “I choked, it had nothing to do with what you were saying, it was just a coincidence,” Violet replied, trying to make her voice sound as even as possible. She threw in a shoulder shrug and a strangled laugh to divert Sophie from the real reason.


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