
Home > Romance > Claimed > Page 1
Claimed Page 1

by Lexie Davis

  Evernight Publishing ®

  Copyright© 2015 Lexie Davis

  ISBN: 978-1-77233-504-0

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Kerry Genova


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Charming Bastards MC, 1

  Lexie Davis

  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter One

  “I’ve got to do it. There’s no way around it.”

  Layla Roberts went over the bills before her knowing her bank account didn’t have enough zeros to cover the total. She let out a breath, wishing there was another way. Being a sex slave to the Charming Bastards MC was not her goal in life. Her mother had done that and ended up dead due to taking too many pills. She had three kid sisters and one of them had cancer. She barely made enough money on her own much less enough to cover that kind of cost. Her aunt had custody of her sisters due to a misunderstanding with the police. Working four jobs had barely kept a roof over her head and she needed an extra four jobs to pay for her sister’s chemotherapy treatments.

  Layla stared at the looming figure and shook her head. Her father was the president of the Charming Bastards MC. He lived a life of hopping from one pussy to the next and sniffing cocaine off some addict’s ass. He’d been caught for possession and illegal firearms. Much to his club’s detriment, he now spent his days serving time in the state penitentiary.

  Which meant in all the ways that counted, Silver was the acting president now. Layla pursed her lips. Tyke “Silver” Silverman. The arrogant asshole that had a crush on her from the time she hit puberty. He had been twenty-one when she was thirteen which put him around thirty-three now. The only way to get out of her financial debt was to get him to pay it off. And that always came with a price.

  Layla stood from the chair and went to the fridge. One bottle of water and half of a packet of cheese slices sat in her refrigerator. The depressing sight had her nearly in tears. Life wasn’t supposed to be this hard for a twenty-five-year-old. She was supposed to go to college. She was supposed to party and have fun with friends. Her life consisted of sleeping and working. If she wasn’t working, she was thinking about work because bills didn’t pay themselves.

  People were shitty tippers too.

  Layla reached for her phone, deciding that if she didn’t call him now, she’d back out. She’d never get enough courage to actually get the words out of her mouth and the upgrade from her shitty apartment would be a lice infested cardboard box on the street.

  She knew he’d help her. Her father would require him to. Despite everything, she was the only child her father ever claimed. He was proud of her. He shielded her from most of the MC life and sat with her at her mother’s funeral in one of the only times she ever remembered him comforting anyone.

  She needed help, and they would help her.

  For a price.

  She dialed the number and put it on speakerphone. She didn’t want to sound desperate though she was. She didn’t want to sound too eager to please though she knew she’d damn well do anything he wanted if he helped her financial troubles. And she knew what he wanted. The thought scared her a little bit.

  “Who the fuck is this?” The gruff voice didn’t sound like Silver, but Layla went with it.

  “Layla. Layla Roberts. I’m looking for Silver.”

  Some shuffling happened and a softer, more baritone voice came on the line. “Hello?”


  “Yeah. Who is this?”

  “Layla.” When he didn’t say anything, she added, “Layla Roberts.”

  “I know who you are. What do you want?”

  What did she want? Layla swallowed hard and lifted her phone, pacing her small kitchen. She was never the best at asking people for things.

  “I need your help.” She turned and decided to grab the bottle of water from the fridge. “Can we talk? Maybe meet somewhere?”

  “Are you at home?”

  She glanced around. “Yeah.”

  “I’ll be over in a minute.”

  He hung up and she stared at her phone. Oh, hell. What did she get herself into? Taking a look around the apartment, she decided to tidy up. He probably didn’t give one fuck about her lack of proper housecleaning, but she needed something to do other than hiding from him.

  The unmistakable roar of a motorcycle sounded outside her window sometime later and Layla sucked in a breath. She watched the window as a shadow appeared, walking up the sidewalk toward her front door. A moment of panic froze her. She waited until his knuckles rapped on the door before she jolted out of it.

  Taking one step at a time, she reached the door and slid the lock back before opening it. It took her a moment to catch her breath. Silver had always been handsome but damn, time only made him better. Hard eyes narrowed at her as she stared. Underneath all the leather and the rough attitude was a hard body that she wouldn’t mind exploring. She let out a breath and moved out of the way, allowing him inside.

  “What do you need help with?” He glanced around. “Where’s all your stuff?”

  Her stuff. And she’d been worried about it being messy. “I had to sell it.”

  She motioned for him to take a seat on the lumpy gold couch she’d bought at Goodwill for fifty bucks. She scratched her head trying to figure out how to get the words out.

  “I need money.” There. She’d said it. Thankfully, as he sat, he didn’t look too surprised. Or offended. She worried that he’d be offended and walk out the door he came in without so much as another word. “Chrissy has chemo and it takes up a huge chunk of my income. I’ve tried to pay for it by getting another job but I work four jobs and the bills keep piling up. I’m about to get evicted and I don’t have any money for food. My sisters live with my aunt and…they depend on me.”

  She licked her lips. “I wouldn’t ask if there were any other options.”

  He didn’t say anything for a moment. Layla held her breath unable to read his thoughts. He could help her or turn her away. Those were the options. She didn’t need to fret over it, but all the same, it had been a very long time since she’d been involved in their world.

  “You need money,” he finally said. “How much?”

  She went to the table and grabbed the piece of paper she’d been staring at all night. When she handed it to him, she stood off to the side and waited. The consolidation of all her bills only meant she needed to get another job to cover them. There was no way she could work five jobs.

  “What does Torque say about this?” Silver’s dark gaze met hers. “Does he know?”

  “No.” She couldn’t bear telling her father. She definitely didn’t know what his reaction would be and honestly didn’t want to find out.

  He crumbled the paper. “Asking me for money comes with a price. A price that I’m pretty sure you cannot afford.”

  “I know the price.” Layla reached for her water bottle. “I told you if there was another way, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”

  He stared at her to the point he made her uncomfortable. “So you’re just going to become club property? Just like that? You’re going to suck member’s cocks and let them fuck that sweet little cunt of yours without thinking twice? ’Cause there will be no protesting.”

  She glanced down, playing with the cap from the water bottle.
“I said I knew the price. I know what I’m getting myself into.”

  “You think Torque will approve? His little girl taking Dooby’s dick in her ass. The guy likes anal something awful. He’d fuck you for days like that.”

  “Torque is not there. He’s in prison and he doesn’t need to know what I’m doing.”

  Silver chuckled. “Now, that’s where you’re wrong. He’s still president, sweetheart. I may be filling his shoes right now, but he’s still in control.”

  Layla licked her lips. “So you’re saying he’d say no.”

  “He’d say hell no. Maybe throw a few fucks in there as well.” Silver stood, his height towering over her. He smelled like leather and oil. His hair was a mess and the beard growth on his face was enough for him to look the part. He was a biker. Criminal mischief-maker as her father liked to put it. He did things she didn’t want to think about all without batting an eye.

  “Sorry to have wasted your time.”

  “Hold up.” He held a large hand out. “I said he wouldn’t approve of you being club property. I didn’t say that he wouldn’t approve of me giving you money.”

  She swallowed. Did he really mean what she thought he meant? “You’re going to give me money for nothing in return?”

  “I didn’t say that.” He took her in, assessing her body like a scientist with a microscope. “I’m technically the one helping you. I should reap all the rewards.”

  Layla paused. “What does that mean?”

  “I’ll give you the money in exchange for you becoming my property.” He paused for effect. “Take it or leave it.”

  Layla watched as he propped his hands up on his hips, waiting for her response. She would become his sexual plaything. It didn’t scare her so much as thrill her that his quirky fascination with her still existed. Sex was one thing. Beating was another. Since she’d offered to be club property, she knew both could come with the territory but with Silver being as possessive as he was, it could possibly work to her advantage.

  Chapter Two

  Silver watched as Layla went from jittery to completely grounded. The president of the Charming Bastards MC’s little girl was all grown up. She was nervous about becoming a sex toy for the members of the club, but the idea of becoming his sex toy had changed things drastically. Ever since she turned thirteen, she had a body he wanted to explore. It had been completely wrong at the time, but they were both grown up now. They could do grown-up things and not worry about it.

  And he had a long list of grown up things he wanted to do with her.

  “You want me to be your sex slave?”

  His gaze didn’t waver from hers. “Yes.”

  “And my dad would be okay with that?” she asked skeptically.

  “You’re the one that said he didn’t have to know.”

  “But you said…”

  “I said he wouldn’t approve of you becoming club property. This is my personal business. There is a huge difference.” Silver reached out and brushed his knuckle along her cheek. “And I don’t share what’s mine.”

  “And you’ll give me the money?”

  “Yes. Right now if you want it.”

  She glanced down. “For how long?”

  “As long as I want.”

  Her eyes met his. He waited for her to say something, but she kept her mouth shut. He saw the desperation. Her apartment was empty except for the ugly gold couch that smelled musty. He’d imagine that her bedroom didn’t fare much better. She had nothing which only meant that she was giving up nothing in their exchange.

  “Make your decision. I don’t have all day for you to stand here and contemplate.”

  “Okay.” She turned toward the small hand-me-down table where she’d been going over her bills. “I’ll do it.”

  Silver let a smile slowly spread across his face. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad of cash and tossed it to the table in front of her. “If it’s not enough I’ll get you more.”

  She stared at the money. “Just like that?”

  He didn’t say anything and she turned to face him. Layla was a pretty woman. She didn’t wear the four pounds of makeup like the other girls he fucked. Her dark brown hair fell past her shoulders, barely meeting the tips of her breasts. Silver reached out and brushed his finger around the tip of one breast, the tight nipple poking back against him. His cock had pressed painfully against his pants from the time he heard her voice on the phone.

  “Take off your clothes.”

  He stepped back and took a seat on the lumpy couch. Layla swiped her tongue along her bottom lip. He had plenty of time to fuck her like his imagination wanted, but right now, he wanted a test run. He wanted to see if she had what it took.

  She sucked in a deep breath and let it out before lifting the hem of her shirt. Silver’s attention zeroed in on the best tits he’d seen in a long time. Her tight nipples were a few shades darker than her skin. She undid her shorts next and taking another deep breath and letting it out, she shoved them over her hips. The tiny garment slid down her shapely legs to the floor. Silver smiled at the sight she’d revealed. Even though she stood far enough away from him, the sight of her bare pussy was enough to make any man weep.

  “Come here.” He waved her over.

  She slowly went toward him and he grabbed her arm, pulling her so that she stood directly in front of him. Her sweet scent filled his nostrils as he took a deep breath. He brushed the tips of her breasts with his fingers, her nipples hardening from his touch. His touch drifted down her flat stomach, her soft skin mesmerizing to him. Everything about her had him craving more. He slipped his fingers between her thighs, feeling the smooth pussy he’d lusted after for a while. A small groan left his lips as he pushed a finger inside her tight sheath, her pussy wrapping around him like hot silk.

  “Do I live up to your satisfaction?”

  He stopped, watching her. He wanted to test her, to see if she’d hold true to her word. A small part of him felt like a bastard for even thinking it, but that small part came and went.

  Withdrawing his hand, he sat back. “My cock isn’t going to suck itself.”

  She blinked a few times. Instead of saying anything, she grabbed a pillow from the couch that had seen better days and dropped it to the floor between his feet. She knelt before him, reaching for his fly. Lowering the zipper over his erection, she took her precious fucking time to reach in and pull him out. Her small hands were soft as she gripped him, stroking him slightly before she lifted his cock out. Thankfully, she didn’t seem to need much instruction or scolding as she lowered her head, lapping at the tip.

  Silver was good at maintaining control. He’d had numerous blowjobs in his thirty-three years of life, but the feel of Layla’s tongue, stroking his cock like he was her favorite dessert had to be the best. He clutched her head as she took him into her warm mouth, sliding down as far as she could go. This woman was nirvana. Hot, wet nirvana. He watched his fat cock stretch her lips while she worked him. Silver tangled his fists in her long hair and pulled just enough to give her a bit of pain. She didn’t flinch. Her mouth worked him harder, her tongue teasing the underside of his cock as she withdrew.

  His wet dream had come alive. A woman that sucked him like a dream and liked a little pain with her pleasure. Ah, fuck, he lost his control. She tried licking him, but he took over, gripping the back of her head and thrusting into her mouth. His cock bumped the back of her throat and she swallowed. Silver groaned, the pleasure so intense he saw stars. What the fuck?

  He pushed her away almost immediately and lifted her chin to stare into her eyes. “Where the hell did you learn how to suck cock like that?”

  She snorted and stood. He watched her perfect ass walk away from him to get the water bottle on the table. After she drank some, she turned back to him. He waited, staring at her breasts, then her pussy.

  “I think trade secrets weren’t part of our deal.” She blinked a few times. “Are we done, or do you want something else?”

>   He licked his lips. “We’re done.”

  She nodded and grabbed her clothes from the floor. She pulled them on and turned back to the table, counting the money and determining what bills to pay with it. He tucked himself into his pants and stood. She more or less dismissed him instead of the other way around.

  “There will be time for that later.” He walked toward her. “You need to pack your stuff. You’re staying with me.”

  “I’m staying with you?” She frowned. “Where? The clubhouse?”

  “Go get your stuff.”

  She pursed her lips but didn’t say anything. When she left, her hot ass peeked out from the hem of her soft blue shorts. Damn him to hell. What the fuck did he do?

  Chapter Three

  “Well, look who decided to walk back into the club life.” One of the Charming Bastards women snorted as Layla walked by.

  Layla walked with a tote bag on her shoulder full of all the possessions she owned. Her father had only invited her to the clubhouse a few times in the past but he was always with her and she never left his sight unless she had to use the bathroom. This was an entirely different scenario.

  Silver pointed to the bar. “Go sit.”

  “Does Torque know she’s here? With you no less?”

  “It’s none of your fucking business, Lauren.”

  Another woman came up behind him and wrapped her arms around him. “Hey, baby.”

  Layla watched him pull the woman’s arms away from him, barely catching her hand before she cupped his crotch. Layla gave him her back. What he did was none of her business. She knew that. They weren’t in a relationship. He could go out and fuck anything in a skirt right in front of her if he wanted. But he didn’t share her with anyone. It seemed one-sided from her perspective, but most men were. They didn’t care about the feelings of women. They just wanted them for one thing: a hole to shove their cock in. And Silver made even more demanding rules for her. He got to decide when it ended. It could be tomorrow, next week, next year—she really didn’t know. Layla scraped her nail against the wooden bar top. She wasn’t entirely sure why she agreed to it. Maybe a small part of her liked that Silver still held some interest in her. With working all the time, she didn’t have many friends or boyfriends. What limited experience she had with sex came from wild nights in the back of a Toyota Corolla. And they weren’t that wild. She probably could have went to her father not that it mattered now. He would have given her the money without requiring anything of her. He would have taken her in with open arms and demand his minions to watch out for her, or more importantly not touch her.


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