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Harmony Page 15

by Sienna Mynx

  The request made sense. Romano paced a bit thinking it through. He stopped and glanced up. “This Milo person? What’s his relationship with the boy?”

  “Not sure,” Antonio shrugged. “Why?”

  “Strange. If he was hiding the boy and he’s friends with Harmony then why not tell her?”

  “Who the fuck knows Vinnie. We get the kid we get the jump on where the booze is. You’re right to think it’s not at the pier. The boy knows where it is. Collins will be busy with holding off our guys. It’s the best plan.”

  “Okay. Not a word of this. You and I will take care of the boy.”

  Antonio grinned. “Sure Vinnie, whatever you say.”

  Time slowed to a painful crawl, each minute hammered in the memory of the past. She could feel every grievous emotion tenfold. Her breath quickened and her cheeks felt warm with shame. She gulped hard, hot tears slipped and she quickly wiped them away. Harmony rose from the bed on shaky legs. Her embarrassment had now turned to raw fury. How dare that woman say the things she said to her? She never wanted to disgrace her Grams or herself. She just wanted to find a place in a world where a woman like her often had none. Mabel was wrong. Hell maybe even Grams was wrong. Singing at The Cotton wasn’t her downfall. Jazz had provided her with a mindless solidity that helped camouflage the deep despair and loneliness in her heart after losing all the people she loved.

  Harmony inhaled slowly and calmed herself. At first she’d dismissed the giddy feeling of contentment she felt in the night when she slept in Romano’s arms. Not anymore. The man had been straight from the start and he treated her kinder than Mabel and half the others who turned their nose up when she walked down the street. He loved her voice, her body. Hell he even said he loved her feet. Harmony laughed out loud until her spirit broke and she began to sob. To hell with Mabel and any judgmental witches like her. She wasn’t going to carry shame over being who she was anymore.

  “Hi beautiful.”

  “Vinnie?” She turned to find him standing in the doorway. She sniffed and wiped under her eyes to make sure they were dry. He walked in and she smiled brightly. “Your business done already?”

  “Not quite. I had to come check on you. Mabel get you settled in?”

  Harmony nodded. She tried to sidestep him but he drew her into his arms. “Were you crying?”

  “Huh? No. I’m just, emotional. Missing Willie.”

  “That’s the second reason why I came upstairs. I got the best news Doll. Gonna make you smile.”

  “You do?”

  He smirked. “I’ll have your brother here tonight. Plan to bring him in myself.”

  A cry of relief broke from her lips. “You found him? You found Willie?”

  “Didn’t I tell you I would?”

  Harmony threw her arms around him and kissed him passionately. She felt the warm glow of joy spread through her within his kiss. She could devour him whole, with her body humming with excitement. Romano chuckled and she peppered his face with more kisses. “Yes! Yes! But how did you do it? Where is he?” She lowered her arms. Romano kept her snug in his embrace. He dropped his forehead to hers when he spoke.

  “This Milo person, you sure he’s a friend?”

  “Milo? Yes, he was Lewis’s best friend. Why?”

  “My men say he’s the one that hid your brother, been keeping him at St. Mary’s. Now why would he do that and not tell you?”

  Harmony pushed until she broke free of his embrace. “That’s a lie. Milo wouldn’t do that, he’s not that type of guy. He wanted to help me find Willie. Your men are wrong!”

  “I got it from a reliable source.”

  “I don’t care! It’s a lie!”

  “Harmony, listen.”

  “No. It just can’t be. Milo is like family to us both. Even if he helpin’ Willie he wouldn’t lie to me. Not after he knew I was going…”

  She stopped herself. She couldn’t look him in the eye and say the rest. Milo knew she would go as far as to sleep with Vinnie Romano to find Willie. He was sick with jealousy over it. She saw it all over his face. He would have never let her go through with it if he had Willie. “It’s not true,” she said sadly.

  “Harmony,” he grabbed her hand. “Slow down. Neither of us can be sure of the man’s motives right now. Maybe he did it to protect you both. Sometimes the less everyone knows the better. Either way I’ll bring your brother to you personally. Keep my promise.” He kissed her hand. “Does that make you happy?”

  It took considerable effort to keep from squealing with joy then frustration. She couldn’t figure Milo on this one. She had no clue what was going through Willie’s head either. None of it made sense.

  One look into her lover’s eyes and she saw how much he wanted to please her so she let the disappointment in Milo go. Her hand went up softly over his chest; her face drew closer to his. “Yes, that makes me happy, Vinnie. Thank you so much,” she said with her mouth only centimeters from his.

  “I want to take you out on my land,” he breathed, his gaze lowered to her lips and he licked his own. “We can have lunch. How does that sound?”

  Being so close to him forced her heartbeat to skyrocket. “But you said you’d go get Willie? I need to see him Vinnie. I need to see him now.”

  “Tonight Songbird,” He touched her cheek and all the blood in her body seemed to rush to that spot. “It’s best we pick him up after dark. Besides the day is nice, it’s warm. We can take my horse. She hasn’t been ridden in a while. Mabel has fixed us lunch.”

  “Yes. I’d like that. I, ah, I need to get some fresh air.”

  He withdrew and she could breathe with ease again. He walked towards the door then paused and cast her another one of his half-smiles. He really was pleased with himself.

  “Are you sure Milo was the one to keep Willie hidden?”

  “Positive. I’ll bring Milo here myself and make him answer for it.”

  “I still think maybe I should go with you to get Willie…”

  “No.” Romano said firmly. “Things are a bit tense on the streets now. I need to know you’re safe. You stay here where you belong.”

  Harmony frowned but nodded her obedience. He winked. “Good girl. I’ve already told Mabel to fix us a lunch. You pick it up and meet me out near the barn.”

  “Okay, Vinnie.”

  She watched him go. Harmony’s spirits lifted. The blow to her heart thanks to Mabel’s cruel words still stung. But she had hope. That’s what she found with Vinnie Romano. Hope. Wrong or right, she’d made her peace with it. Milo’s betrayal hurt deeply, but if he had kept Willie safe through all of this she’d find a way to forgive. Her gaze returned to the open doors and the landscape outside. This place reminded her of new beginnings. Maybe after things settled down she’d go West. She heard the frontier was full of Negroes trying to start new lives. A new start would do her and Willie some good. Her stomach fluttered at the thought of leaving Vinnie. He’d never leave New York, not for her. Even if he did, they could never have a real future, though the idea of it did make her smile. Harmony, stop, the man isn’t yours. Not really.

  “Can I have a word Boss?” Leftie asked. He stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting. A tight, firm look of disapproval hardened his features. Romano nodded that they’d speak freely in the room off to the right. When he followed Leftie in, he removed his pocket watch and checked the time. He’d have three maybe four hours with her before he’d leave with Antonio to bring in her brother. It would be enough time.

  “I trust you. I always have, even when I didn’t agree with you.”

  “What’s this about?”

  “Things are moving fast. You got a good two hundred men rolling out on Mickey Collins tonight. When it’s done things are going to change. It’s a big move.”

  “And?” Romano lowered to his chair. He didn’t see the point of rehashing his plans. He’d learned the ways of leading with a firm hand from his father. Though he’d never be that bastard, he wouldn’t explain his decisions
to anyone. Leftie was fishing for something and Romano didn’t like it.

  “So that makes you a leader, and men who lead need to be careful of their image. Careful to remind others of the balance of things, always focused.”

  “You saying I’m not?”

  “I’m saying the Negro woman has been a distraction, almost as bad as Annie was. And we both know how badly that ended. Antonio tells me that you found her brother, and you plan to pick him up personally? Tonight of all nights? What’s she really doing here Boss?”

  The question caught Romano by surprise. He knew Leftie would be concerned about the ramifications of the war he declared on Mickey Collins. There would be some fallout. If he started taking over Mickey’s territory it would rouse the suspicions of the Gambinos, The Five Points Gang. How Harmony fit into his plans should be of no concern to anyone but him. Though the comparison of Harmony’s need to save her brother and Annie’s heartbreak after he destroyed hers, was not lost on him.

  “I mean no disrespect, but it’s our business. These men are gong to risk their lives for you, and the lives of their families. You have to consider what your position means. It can’t be serious between you two? Right?”

  “Harmony Jones is here, she’ll be here tomorrow, and she’ll stay here for as long as I like.” He ground the words out between his teeth. “That’s all you need to know. That’s all the men need to know.”

  Leftie paced away. Romano glared, watching him struggle to choose the correct words. It didn’t matter. He’d already crossed the line. “All I’m saying is tonight we need you with us. And tomorrow when the gun smoke clears, we need the same. To be with us.”

  “Harmony is off limits. To all of you! You understand?”

  “Perfectly.” Leftie said.


  The Lion’s heart…

  Determined, Harmony entered the kitchen with her head high. Mabel had caught her off guard the first time, but this time she was ready for the meddlesome woman. The smell of baked bread, roasted meat and melted cheese made her mouth water. Mabel stood at the stove stirring something in a pot. She didn’t bother to turn around. Harmony let her gaze take a complete sweep of the kitchen. Mabel must have spent many a day cooking in this place because it had a homey lived in feel to it.

  The walls were lemon yellow and the kitchen cabinets and countertops ivory white. There was a knit dishcloth that matched the tablecloths hanging from the door of the stove. Her gaze fell upon the icy pitcher of lemonade with large round slices of lemons on the table and she started to approach.

  “The lunch he wanted for you both is on the counter, I placed a blanket at the bottom of the basket also.” Mabel spoke.

  Clearing her throat Harmony went to a cabinet and located a cup. She returned to the pitcher feeling completely parched. “I, ah, I want to talk to you,” she said as she poured.

  “You said your peace girl.”

  “I need to apologize.”

  The old woman stopped stirring and cast her gaze over her shoulder. Harmony forced a polite smile to her face. She drank down the lemonade in three deep gulps. “I’m not apologizing for who I am, or for the choices I’ve made since my Grams died. I’m apologizing because I shouldn’t have yelled at you. It was disrespectful.”

  Mabel dried her hands on her apron and walked toward her. Her skin glistened with beads of perspiration. She had slender hands to be such a stout woman, and a heavy bosom that was proportional to her wide hips. “I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have spoken to you the way I did. Thing is, when I saw you with Vinnie…when I saw you two, it just made me sad.”

  “Don’t be. Vinnie and I are friends. I know that’s hard for you to believe but we are.”

  “You sure about that honey? I heard him in there just a minute ago yelling at his men about respecting his choice in you. Vinnie Romano is a complicated man. Been with him for many years, seen what losing Annie did to him. He hadn’t brought another woman home, and never here, until you.”

  “Oh that doesn’t mean anything,” Harmony said with a soft chuckle.

  Mabel narrowed her eyes and dropped her hands on her hips. “Open your eyes. He’s not like the rest of them, and that makes him even more dangerous because he won’t play by the rules. It ain’t never dawned on you why he ain’t bothered by your differences?” Mabel shook her head with a look of disgust. “Besides, a colored girl ain’t safe in a house full of these kinds of men! But I see you prancing around here like it’s the most natural thing.”

  “I did no such thing. I didn’t plan to come here, he forced me.”

  “He forced you to hold his hand out in them fields? Force you to kiss him the way I seen it?”

  Harmony chewed on her bottom lip and averted her gaze. Mabel released a patient sigh. “The man barely smiled around her, and he stopped smiling altogether when she run off. You been around him for what, days, a week or so, and I hear the man laughing?”

  “You think I’m trouble because I made him laugh?” Harmony wrinkled her nose and rolled her eyes.

  “I think you trouble because the more you make him feel anything for you the harder it will be for him when this game of yours ends. And a heartbroken Vinnie Romano ain’t a man none of us want to see again.”

  “It’s no game Mabel, I’m a hundred percent. And the truth is I do care for him. More than I should I suppose when I think on our short history. I can’t explain it, but you know him, like you said he’s different. That don’t make me dense, I know the score. When this is over we will go back to our lives.”

  Mabel looked her over. Harmony stood ramrod straight and matched her stare. The silence between them lengthened and for a second she considered the conversation over. When she turned to collect the basket Mabel spoke up again. Her voice absent of judgment was soft and almost pleading.

  “He has a lion’s heart.” Mabel warned. “Showed it to you didn’t he? Down in that cottage he don’t let nobody go in. You think that soft side of him the true side of him? Maybe it is, maybe it ain’t. Don’t change what he is and what you two will never be. Thing is Vinnie don’t think in those terms.”

  “This conversation is over. I’m done discussing it with you. What I have to say I’ll say to him.”

  “You’ll never be her!” Mabel shouted blocking her pass.

  “I suppose not,” Harmony said, a bit stunned by the tears in Mabel’s eyes. “Thing is I don’t want to be her, and to be honest I don’t think Vinnie wants it either. Since I’m sure I’m nothing like her.”

  Mabel managed a smile. “You look like your mother. She used to give Eloise the blues, a stubborn little girl, a stubborn woman. But you different, I sees it. Stronger, I see that too. I never saw it in my daughter. She broke when he needed her to be strong. She took the easy road, when I taught her to be a fighter. She give up, you won’t will you?”

  “I’m sorry what are we talking about?”

  “Annie. She my child.” Mabel said.

  The revelation flashed hot in Harmony’s mind. Annie is her child? Romano’s lost love was a colored woman? He’d done this before? She blinked at Mabel confused. The woman paled as well, with a lowered gaze Mabel took in a deep breath before she spoke. “Annie is my daughter, and she gone now because of Teek’s death. It drove her and Vinnie apart. Now he done gone and replaced her, with you. Not before she run off and replaced him with a man that could never love her the way he would.”

  “He never said…”

  Mabel shook her head. “He different Harmony, more than you know. I’m sorry for what I said earlier. Who am I to judge you? I just, I was surprised when he brought you here. I thought my Annie was special but if he could replace her…”

  “She probably is special to him. He and I, well we met under different circumstances I’m sure.”

  “No. I see the way he looks at you. He romancin’ you. Don’t deny it.”

  Harmony had no intention of denying it. He was indeed gentle, passionate, and even caring toward her after one day in
his arms. But she doubted his feelings for her could reach beyond a love affair he had with another woman so fast.

  “What happened between him and your daughter?”

  Mabel waved her hand and dismissed the question. “Here’s what you need to know. Vinnie making plans and they include you and this place. Already done asked me to go into town and get some dresses and shoes for you.”

  “I never asked for that.”

  “Wants me to open the house up and fill it with the things you like. Even told one of his men to bring up his phonograph and records. That mean he plans to stay here for awhile.”


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