Tundra Witch

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Tundra Witch Page 23

by SL Perrine

Several of the acolytes bow and return to work. Others return to work after casting fearful glances at the door Giovanni just came through. Smoothing the wrinkles in his shirt, Giovanni crosses the chamber to the stone altar at its center. As he nears, the small form restrained on its surface turns its head and fixes him with scared, pleading eyes.

  “Papa, what’s happening?” Mila asks in a small, timid voice.

  “Shut up,” Giovanni orders as he verifies the restraints.

  “I don’t understand. What did I do to make you unhappy, papa?”

  “Not a thing, piccolo. Tonight, you make your father very happy.”

  “Then why am I here? Why have you chained me to this stone?”

  Giovanni caresses his daughter’s cheek. “Because, tonight, you fulfill your purpose, little one.”

  “What purpose, papa?”

  “Tonight, your blood will open a door and provide a vessel for a powerful being. One that will allow your father to change the world.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Giovanni bends down and screams into Mila’s face. “You’re not supposed to, worthless child!”

  Tears begin to flow down the little girl’s cheeks. “Papa?”

  “Are you really this stupid?” Giovanni shouts angrily as he snatches a long, knife from the altar and waves it before her face. “I’m going to carve your worthless heart out of your worthless body in the exact manner I have planned since the horrific moment I mounted your worthless mother and spilled my seed inside her. I created your insignificant life so I could take it on this fateful eve.”

  Mila’s tears continue, but her eyes grow hard as she attempts to use her power. “You’re a horrible man, father. I wish you weren’t my father. I wish Anthony were my Dad!”

  “But he’s not, and he’ll die with you tonight as well,” Giovanni replies as he lays the knife upon the altar again. “Forget about your power, little one. The altar beneath you is made from a stone that binds it.”

  “Momma will come for me. Anthony’s friends will come for me.”

  “Let’s pretend for a second that Mr. Jackson has friends, piccolo, although he doesn’t. He’s a pathetic man who led a pathetic life. And, if he did have friends, it would not avail you.” Giovanni gestures around the chamber. “This place is a fortress. What could they do against it or my men?”

  “Don’t call me piccolo ever again, you don’t have the right.”

  “I have every right. Everything in my life is of my own creation, Mila.” Giovanni gestures at the barathrum where it stands in the shadows. “Place the book on the altar.”

  The creature shuffles out of the shadows and drops the book on the altar with a resounding thud. “How long until the ritual, master?”

  “It will begin at sundown.”

  “How is Matteo whole?” Mila asks. “He was missing his head and arm earlier.”

  “Something of such consequence will not kill me and will only affect me for a short time,” the barathrum answers.

  “I wasn’t talking to you,” Mila spat venomously at the creature.

  “Don’t concern yourself with things that will no longer matter to you in a short while,” Giovanni tells Mila.

  “As you wish, father,” Mila mocks.

  “It’s good that you’ve accepted your fate, daughter,” Giovanni mocks in return.

  “You misunderstand. I won’t concern myself with things that won’t matter in a while.” She looks around the room at everything before returning her gaze to Giovanni. “Jax is more than you know, father, and, soon, he will ensure none of you matter. He’s coming for me.” She states with confidence. “You may have stolen my power, but I can feel his presence nearby, and his anger is growing by the minute. My mother is coming for me. The others are coming for me. They’re going to kill everyone in this building.” She raises her voice so that it echoes around the chamber. “Do you hear me? Death is coming for you all tonight!”

  Giovanni smacks his daughter across the face. “Shut your mouth, worthless child.”

  Mila smiles up at her father as a small trickle of blood makes its way across down her chin. “When Jax frees me, father, if he doesn’t kill you, I’m going to kill you myself. I will erase your evil blight from this world.”

  “Perhaps there is more of me in you than you know,” Giovanni replies with a twisted grin.

  Chapter 25

  The sound of shoes on tile made Gianna come back to the present. Her hand resting on her stomach as she thought of the possibilities of a future with Anthony and the children. The conversation came back to her and made her think back to the drive and the words he said. The unabashed, enduring love of the woman I adore, more children, and the happily ever after.

  More children; he was talking about Mila. He wanted more children for them, together. “Well, if we survive this, you’ve definitely got your wish.” She said aloud as if he were there with her. Tears threatened her calm reserve as she thought of the outcomes at the end of the day. Things could go in their favor. She could have the happy life she had always imagined she would have had when she married. Gianna would give Anthony the life he had spoken of. They would raise their children together. Mila was as much his as she was Gianna’s. In her heart, she knew he loved that way.

  Again, she heard the steps moving through the house, searching. Were they looking for her? The steps skidded to a stop outside of her study. She’d retreated there to think, away from the debris of the previous night scattered about the manor.

  A knock on the door made her stand fast. Then Nico slipped inside. “There are many people requesting entry at the gate. Where are your friends?”

  “I think they went to Anthony’s apartment to feed. They got a delivery not long ago.”

  “A contact in the area?”

  “Yes. Who’s at the gate?”

  “They said they were from the Order.” He said, but unsure of his words at the same time.

  Gianna ran from the room. Her bare feet meeting with the cold tile in the hall woke her as the adrenaline coursed through her body. She felt a shift in her powers when she’d allowed herself to finally examine all that happened. Now, the surges came in small bursts as power filled every inch of her. She thought it would rip her from the inside out, but it hadn’t.

  She reached the staircase to the lower level and ran into Ravana at the bottom of the stairs. “They’re here. Showtime; you ready?”


  “Let’s get your family back.”

  Nico let the gate open allowing five large vans to pull up to the front of the manor. The men and women jumped out, all dressed in black except for the white logo on the breast of their jackets; a ‘V’ over a crescent moon. Nico looked at the vampires as Massimo joined them at the front door.

  “Friends of yours?”

  “Better; soldiers,” Ravana boasted and waved to her men to follow her inside.


  “Some,” Massimo said following along.

  She turned her back on Nico and led the way to the dining room. Someone had removed the table; chairs as well. Everyone filed into the room in perfect rows. They looked like an army standing inside the room. Each of them stood, feet apart, hands together in front of them. Ready and waiting for their orders.

  “Nico, we can use all the help we can get at this point. I’ll understand if you don’t want to join the fight.”

  “No, I’m in it. For Miss Mila, and for Jax. He kinda grew on me.”

  “Me too.” She offered him a faint smile.

  She couldn’t think of how much he’d grown on her until he was safely back in her arms again. She would show him herself just how much she cared for him, and never let him out of her sight again. Then beat the shit out of him for sacrificing himself to her sick bastard of a husband. “With any luck,” Gianna thought to herself, “I won’t need a divorce after today; hopefully the monster will be killed in battle.”

  Gianna moved into the dining room. She took place near
the front but off to the side, letting Ravana speak to her people.

  “Delia, it’s nice to see you’ve decided to leave the cave.”

  “Yeah, well, someone has to keep you in line. Goodness knows he’s not going to do it.” The short blonde said pointing at Massimo.

  “Now, Delia, you know I take great pride in leading her astray. It’s more fun that way.”

  “Yes, well how about this time we stick to the plan,” Delia said then looked at Gianna. “This must be Mrs. Moretti.”

  “Yes, Gianna, meet my Keeper, Delia.”

  “As in a ringmaster?”

  “No, in the Order Keepers are the keepers of knowledge. She’s like a walking, talking database of information. Very handy when in such spots as this. Shit in a fight, but great with information.”

  “Oh, thanks for the vote of confidence.” Delia smiled, and Gianna had to follow suit.

  The girl looked too neat to be any kind of fighter. Her blonde hair neatly in a bun. She wore a simple beige pencil skirt and white blouse with matching blazer. Given a chance she looked like she may be handy with a gun, or maybe just a taser. Gianna wouldn’t be handing her a sword anytime soon.

  “Ok, down to business,” Delia spoke out over what looked like an ocean of men from the Order. “What we know is the building in question is lined with lead. Communications between inside and out is going to be rough at best. The lining isn’t so thick that we can’t get a reading with the heat sensors, but in some cases, it’s harder to see through.

  “I was able to track down a blueprint registered with the city. However, it could be a bogus layout. Knowing what we’re up against, there may be a hidden room, or rooms, that aren’t on the blueprints. We’re going to need a couple men to scout ahead and check out the inside and report back. Purely reconnaissance, you are not to engage. Meet the rest of the party going to the stronghold on the south side of the perimeter around the property. Ravana and Massimo will each lead a team.”

  “Gia, you should go with Red. She has more experience with witchy powers.” Massimo offered.

  “You’re just saying that because you don’t want to be shown up by a girl.” Ravana teased.

  “Maybe.” He said letting each of the syllables linger on his tongue.

  “Men,” Ravana said turning back to the group. “Bradshaw and Evans, scout ahead. Stanford, you’re with us. Gia might need you for absorption.”

  “Absorption?” Gianna asked confused.

  “She’s a witch. Not as powerful as you in the same way, but in her own way. She’s a power bank. Think of her as a battery to recharge you. She pulls from plant-life and insects and stores the energy for anyone who may need it.”

  “Why doesn’t she just use it herself?

  “She can’t. That’s her active power. Her only ability. To provide for others.”

  The woman looked at Gianna and shrugged her shoulders. “I’m an anomaly.” She said as if it were perfectly normal to just feed others magic. “Kind of like you.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Well, I’ve never sensed the amount of power you have in any single witch. Maybe two or more together, but never in just one.”

  “Is that bad? Am I going to combust?”

  “No,” the girl laughed a little, “but I dare say you may suck the life out of me if you give in to the pull. Just be mindful of that while we're out there. Okay?”

  “Sure. If you say so.” Gianna grabbed her bag off the floor by the wall. She’d almost forgot about it. Pulling the manacles from inside she hands them to Ravana. “Don’t forget Matteo’s new accessories.”

  “What are those?” Delia asks intrigued. “Are those-”

  “Yes, though I’m not entirely sure of every magic and ingredient they’re infused with. My mother just told me it was otherworldly. I have their complete making in my BOS in the sanctuary.”

  “Can I see them?” Delia inquires with curious excitement.

  “Not right now. You’ll get to see them in debrief,” Ravana said waving Delia silent.

  “Then, there is this.” Gianna continues placing the dagger in Ravana’s hand.

  “Right. So, the plan is to get Matteo into the cuffs and stab him with this?” Ravana eyes the ruby.

  “Yes, but it has to be plunged into its heart.”

  “Right. So, we get this to Anthony after we free him.” Ravana gives Gianna a reassuring look and places the dagger in her empty hip holster.

  Gianna watched on silently as they divided up the rest of the teams. They would leave at sundown. The other two already left to get a layout of the building. They would contact Anthony if he were in a position for them to do so just so he knew help was on the way. Gianna hoped he wouldn’t believe she would leave them to whatever fate awaited them at the hands of Giovanni and his creation. “We’re coming for you. Hold on a little while longer.” She spoke to the air and willed it to reach him.

  The pain was nothing she’d ever felt before. It subsided the moment she thought of how much she hated the man she’d learned to call papa. A festering power slumbered deep inside her, and she felt it rising despite the stone’s magic. If she could get far enough away from that rock, she could help Anthony get them out of there.

  Mila faltered only once. She shouldn’t have shown her father her power. Now she knew the power was what he wanted to sacrifice to gain more for himself. How could a father be so cruel to a child he said he loved? How could she spend her ten years of life living with a monster and not see him for what he was? He tricked her and her mother for far too long. He was nothing to her now.

  Mila silently thought to herself. She refused to look at him as he continued to speak as if she wanted to know anything about his plan. She knew enough. He was going to kill her. His own child. Then Jax, and after that maybe even her mamma.

  She felt powerless laying against the rock that muted her gifts and tried with all her strength to reach even a glimmer of her magic.

  “Are you listening to me?”

  “Why should I? You already said everything I needed to know. I can die peacefully knowing you never loved me. You never cared for me and only wanted me to fulfill your plans.”

  “Oh, daughter. Your death will not be peaceful. It will require lots of pain.” Mila winced as he laughed his way from the room, leaving her alone once again.

  As the sun went down, Gianna paced in her room. Waiting for the vampires to assemble their teams and let her know when they would be leaving. She couldn’t sit still, and she couldn’t keep herself from rubbing a hand absentmindedly across her abdomen. She had to make sure they survived this fight as much as Mila. She couldn’t imagine telling either of them about the babies. Babies. She couldn’t think of happy things until the ugly mess was over with.

  She was unsettled. Her power was scratching at the surface, trying to escape. She felt if she let it, she wouldn’t be able to reign it back in. Gianna reached out and picked up a trinket from her shattered dresser. Something to move idly in her hands, she tossed it back and forth. On the next toss, she felt ash between her fingers as she gazed off. Looking down she saw remnants of the item float to the floor on a breeze.

  “What is happening to me?” She spoke in a whispered breath that still garnered the attention of the redheaded vampire.

  “Your untapped potential is shining through.”

  “You knew this was going to happen?”

  “That you would start to exhibit more powers? Yes. Though I can’t be certain what they are. I can just sense them in you. I’m not a witch.”

  “How do you have that gift then?”

  “I was a hunter in my human life. I had gifts given to me by the powers that be, to help hunt the thing I now am. Sad really. To think I despise the very thing I excel at being.”

  “I wouldn’t say that. Maybe it’s fate.”

  “Fate to hate myself?”

  “No. You’re stronger now, and yet different. Maybe you were meant to be this way because
from where I’m standing it hasn’t changed who you are. The bad guys still lose by your hand.”

  “I suppose your right. I guess being a vile, evil creature hasn’t changed my disposition. Not where the undead and demons are concerned, anyway.”

  “Did you just call me vile?” Massimo’s voice echoed from the hall.

  “Eavesdropping again, are we?” Ravana gave her mate an evil glare, and he playfully swatted her backside as he entered the room. “Time to go, Red. Batter up.” He bent at the knees and brought his hands up like he had a baseball bat waving over his shoulder.

  He walked away leaving Ravana with a wide grin on her face. Gianna squared her shoulders and righted herself. “Time to go get my family back, because that…that playfulness and love, that’s worth this fight. Fated or not. I’ll fight till death to get that back.”

  “That a girl.”

  Chapter 26

  They made the drive to Giovanni’s stronghold in relative silence. The few words exchanged were between Ravana, Massimo, Delia, and Gianna. Those from The Order rode in silence, the only sounds they made were they occasional noises of weapons being gone over, cycled, or exchanged for something else. As she gazed around the back of the large van, she vaguely noted that each of Ravana’s soldiers was walking arsenals. Yet, knowing how Giovanni’s mind worked, Gianna still thought they were going in light against Giovanni and his men. Add the barathrum into the mix, and you had a cocktail of mayhem they were casually speeding towards.

  She looked at Ravana and Massimo. It was hard to believe that just a few days ago she never knew that vampires existed, but here they were. Monsters waging war against monsters, and her Anthony was possibly one as well. Maybe she was too. The magical energy had settled across her being in a mantle she recognized and was familiar with, but something else awaited her to call it forth. Something she had no knowledge of, or how to control when it emerged.

  She shuddered. It was strong, bestial even. Was the same power Ravana respected in Anthony, residing in her? How did it get there? Did Anthony transfer some of his ability to her through his magic? She shook her head to herself and looked up to find Ravana staring at her curiously. Her head cocked to one side with locks of hair falling across her face obscuring one eye.


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