Witches of Three: Charlene

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Witches of Three: Charlene Page 7

by Temple Hogan

  “You’ll have to take extra precautions until we pick him up,” he said.

  “There would be no reason for him to single me out,” Charlie protested.

  “We can’t be sure. Foster, who was supposed to bring him in, said Nolan received a phone call while he was being patched up. Made the nurses and doctors angry, but he wouldn’t shut off his phone. Shortly after, he slipped away without waiting for the antibiotics emergency had for him. He said he was going to the bathroom and disappeared after that.”

  “Do you think someone warned him?”

  “It could be.”

  “But who would be able to warn him that he’d been tagged as the man who shot a cop?”

  Nick shrugged, thin-lipped, then he glanced at Charlie and forced a smile. “I’ll help with the dishes,” he volunteered.

  “That’s not necessary. I have a dish washer.”

  “I’ll wipe the counters,” he offered.

  They settled into an easy mood, cleaning the kitchen, chatting about nothing of any real consequence. Although Nick laughed easily and seemed attentive, she knew he was mulling over what had happened. When the dishes were done, they took a bottle of wine and settled on the sofa in front of the gas fireplace where they talked and drank and kissed and sometimes just sat silent and contemplative. Charlie wasn’t aware she’d dozed until Nick nudged her and ordered her to bed. She was conscious of him turning off lights and fireplace and putting away the glasses and the remainder of the wine.

  She stumbled to the bathroom, brushed her teeth and showered and donned her satin pajamas. They weren’t sexy, but they’d already done sexy for the night. Nick whistled when he saw her in her pajamas. She fell into bed and napped while he was in the bathroom. She felt him get into bed, felt him pull her close and cradle her against his chest. She’d never felt anything so wonderful. She felt safe in his arms, although she would have said she had nothing to fear. Still, it was good to feel his big, warm body wrapped around her so protectively.

  When she woke, he was still there, sound asleep. She lay studying his relaxed features. She’d never seen him like this before, all vulnerable and unaware that he looked like a beloved little boy. Her heart squeezed with some emotion she hadn’t felt yet, a combination of love, protectiveness, desire, trust and so many more complicated feelings that made up a relationship. She glanced at the clock and gave a start. He woke up and stared at her then at the sunlight pouring through the window. Cursing, he leaped out of bed and grabbed his clothes.

  “Well, there goes your reputation,” he snarled. She knew he was angry with himself.

  “My reputation will survive,” she said, rising to dress. They ended up in the bathroom at the same time, staring at themselves in the mirror.

  “We make a pretty couple,” she said lightly.

  “Yeah, we belong,” he said with such certainty her heart trembled. “But you know if we get married, it will change things for us.”

  “How?” she asked curiously. “You won’t find me sexy anymore?”

  He quirked an eyebrow at her. “You’ll be sexy until the day you die,” he said. “The change will be that we can’t work in the same precinct. One of us will have to transfer, and because I’m a captain, it’ll have to be you.”

  Charlie contemplated what he’d said. “I’ll miss the guys I’ve worked with, but if that’s what it takes, I’ll transfer.”

  He reached along the counter and touched her hand with his little finger in a way that made her heart melt.

  “I’m sorry it will disrupt your life,” he said softly.

  “You’re worth it.” She smiled at him, and he drew her into his arms and kissed her.

  “There’s something else we need to talk about,” she said reluctantly.

  He’d asked her to marry him last night, and she’d agreed. It was time she told him everything. He might not want to marry a witch. He glanced at his watch.

  “Look at the time,” he said. “I’d better go.” He kissed her hastily and hurried away.

  She stood looking in the mirror a long while after. Well, she had tried. It wasn’t her fault if he’d rushed off. She thought of the ways their lives would change. She had agreed so willingly to give up working in his precinct. Would she have given up being a cop if that was what it took? She was very afraid she would. Nothing seemed as important as having Nick in her life. How did a well-behaved, hardworking witch get in this fix?

  When she arrived at the station, everyone was quiet with their heads down. Loud voices came from Nick’s office.

  “What’s going on? Who’s he got in there?” she asked Ray Somnes.

  He shrugged and didn’t meet her gaze. “Ralph,” he said abruptly.

  “Oh.” She didn’t want to pry, but she couldn’t help wondering what it was about.

  Suddenly, the shouting escalated, and the sound of crashing furniture came to them. Several men ran to the office. Charlie followed. When the door was thrown open, they saw Nick and Ralph Latimer wrapped in a deadlock hold.

  “Sir!” Sam Turner said loudly, and the two men broke apart.

  Nick straightened his shoulders, shrugging his uniform back in place then glared at Latimer, who stood wiping at his bloody mouth.

  “Get out of here,” Nick ordered. “You’re suspended for the rest of the week. I’ll see you get transferred to another precinct.”

  “I don’t want to leave this one,” Ralph said belligerently. “If you try to get rid of me, everyone will know what I know.” He grinned, and Nick stepped forward and gripped the front of his uniform.

  “If you mention this to another soul, I’ll kill you,” he said hotly.

  “Captain,” Turner said again sharply.

  “Get out of my sight,” Nick said, letting go of Ralph’s shirtfront with a shove that sent him stumbling backward.

  With an insolent leer, Ralph left the office. The other officers made room for him to pass then slowly dispersed. Charlie could do nothing else than leave as well, but not before Nick called out to her.

  “Spencer, you and Somnes patrol today.”

  “Yes, sir,” she answered and looked at Ray Somnes, Ralph’s partner.

  He nodded that he’d heard and turned away to get his cap. They took one of the cruisers and set out. They’d have to patrol two routes today, which made for a long day. Ray drove, and Charlie tried to concentrate on the streets around her.

  “What was that all about?” she finally asked Ray.

  He shrugged, which she interpreted that he didn’t know.

  “Ralph’s been pushing the captain’s buttons for a while now. I’ve talked to Ralph about it, but he just won’t listen.”

  “Why would he do that?” Charlie asked. “Nick’s easy to work for.”

  “Ralph’s got his own issues,” Ray said in a tone that closed the subject.

  By the time they finished their rounds, Charlie was exhausted and headed straight home. Standing under a hot stream of water, she felt the tension ease a little and thought she hadn’t even been aware she was tense. But of course, she would have been. Ralph had been snooping around too much, and she feared he’d found out about Nick and her.

  Wrapped in her terry robe, she dried her hair and half-heartedly arranged it with her fingers when the doorbell rang. Thinking it was Nick, she rushed down the hall to the front door and threw it open. No one was there.

  “Hello?” she called, looking around. The streetlights were on, but dark shadows pooled around trees and bushes. “Is anyone there?”

  She stepped out on the stoop and realized her porch light was out. A shiver passed through her, and she took a step backward, but it was too late. She heard a rushing sound, and a man was there at her side, seizing her arms and shoving her back into her foyer. She opened her mouth to scream, but he clamped his hand over her lips. She felt metal push into her neck and realized it was a gun. He was going to kill her, and she struggled frantically, but he was stronger than her. She willed her mind to calmness and tried to b
link the gun away, but she was too late. She heard the sound of a shot, felt a hot pain along her jaw and dropped to the ground, no longer able to support herself.

  At the same time, there was a scuffle at the door and feet running then Nick was there, his face twisted with fury and terror, his hands reaching for her. The last thing she remembered was him calling for an ambulance.

  She came to in a hospital bed with her jaw swaddled in bandages. Nick leaned against the windowsill, and when she moved her head, he rushed to her.

  “Are you in pain?” he asked, taking her hand, a world of worry in his eyes.

  She shook her head and clutched his hand.

  “Who shot me?” she asked and was surprised at how hoarse her voice sounded.

  “I didn’t get a good look at him.”

  “So you didn’t get him?”

  Nick’s gaze didn’t meet hers.

  “He got away. He ran out the back of your condo as if he knew right where to go. I didn’t pursue him. I was too worried about helping you.”

  “Thank you,” she said. “You saved my life. He had the gun pressed to my throat. I knew I was going to die.”

  “Not if I could help it.”

  “I wasn’t expecting you to come tonight.”

  “I wasn’t going to then something told me to go by your house. When I saw your door open and a strange man pushing his way in, I jumped out of my car and ran. It was like running through water or quicksand. I couldn’t get there fast enough.”

  “But you did,” she reminded softly.

  “I hit that door as hard as I could. It hadn’t closed all the way behind you, so it shot open and hit his shoulder, throwing him off-balance and ruining his aim. That’s how close I came to losing you.” He leaned over the bed and gathered her gently in her arms. “I thought I’d lost you.”

  “Not quite yet,” she said, returning his embrace.

  Finally, he drew away, pulled a chair up beside her bed and took her hand again.

  “There’s something else,” he said grimly and paused.

  “What?” she prodded when he didn’t continue.

  He took a deep breath and let it out. “Ralph Latimer was killed tonight.”

  “Ralph?” she asked in disbelief. “Do you think there’s a vendetta against the police? That’s three that have been shot or killed. What about Ray Somnes?”

  “I called while I was waiting for them to patch you up. He’s safe.”

  “Thank God for that.” She relaxed against her pillows. Unlike his partner, she liked Ray. “Why kill Latimer?” she asked.

  “It may have been just a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time,” Nick said.

  “Where was he when he was killed?”

  “Down on Lambert Street.” He hesitated. “They also found a dead woman. She’d been shot in the forehead.”

  “Sadie!” Charlie cried, jerking upright. Her head spun, and she collapsed back against the bed.

  “Was Sadie a black woman?” he asked.

  With tear-filled eyes, Charlie met his gaze, hope blooming in her chest. Slowly, she shook her head.

  “Then it wasn’t your informant,” he said. “Another innocent in the wrong place at the wrong time. She was a prostitute, but she didn’t deserve to be killed.”

  “Those women down on Lambert Street are desperate,” Charlie said bleakly. “They’re exploited and used. They don’t know how to extricate themselves from the lives they’re in so they are innocents.”

  “You know that’s why I love you so much,” Nick said. “For such a hardboiled cop, you’re a bleeding heart.” He squeezed her hand again. “I’ll stop talking to you now, so you can get some sleep. They gave you something for the pain, so you must be feeling the effects by now.”

  “Not now,” she answered and gave an enormous yawn.

  Nick’s eyes sparkled, and his lips curved into a smile.

  “Life’s going to be very interesting with you,” he said softly. He leaned forward, and she anticipated his kiss, when a shadow filled the doorway. Jerome Rodrigo held onto his walker and looked at them.

  “Am I interrupting?” he asked tentatively.

  “Geronimo,” Nick said, getting up and offering the chair to him. “Have a seat.”

  “You’re up and walking,” Charlie exclaimed, happy to see her partner.

  “Yeah, they’re just starting to let me move around,” Jerome answered, making his slow progress across the room and carefully settling himself into the chair Nick had vacated. He gave them a triumphant smile. “They were surprised there wasn’t more damage from the bullet. I told them police have a special guardian angel watching out for them.”

  “Well, some do,” Nick said, sitting on the foot of Charlie’s bed.

  Geronimo looked from him to Charlie, and she saw awareness grow in his eyes.

  “Did you hear about Ralph Latimer?” she said quickly to divert his thoughts. “He was shot down on Lambert Street.”

  “Oh man, that’s where they got me. Is he okay?” Geronimo asked.

  “He didn’t make it.” Nick got to his feet and looked at Charlie. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Spencer. Take care of yourself.” His voice was impersonal.

  “Captain,” Geronimo said. “I know. You don’t have to pretend.”

  “You know what, Geronimo?” Nick asked stiffly.

  “That you and Charlie—” He shrugged. “Ralph told me when he came by earlier today.”

  “Told you what?” Nick’s face was stern, his shoulders tense, but Geronimo wasn’t deterred.

  “That you and Charlie were having an affair. He said he was going to expose you. He was really steamed because you suspended him and were planning to transfer him to some other precinct. He said he had a sweet deal going here, and he wouldn’t let you mess it up.”

  “Did he say what the deal was?” Nick asked, his shoulders relaxing a little.

  “Sorry, sir,” the young officer said, shaking his head. “I didn’t believe him at first, but coming in here just now, I saw how it is with both of you. I thought I should tell you about Ralph’s conversation so you can do something to protect yourselves.”

  “Thank you, Geronimo,” Charlie said. “We didn’t plan for this to happen.”

  “I don’t blame you,” he said. “When I first laid eyes on my wife, I knew she was the one for me, and I wouldn’t have let anything keep me from her.” He glanced at Nick. “I think the rules about fraternization are all wrong.”

  “Well, there are no real rules about it here in our department, but the scandals in Detroit over the last couple of years have made it a strong unspoken rule,” Nick said. “The reason is to protect subordinates.”

  Geronimo smiled at them. “I don’t figure Charlie needs protection from someone like you, sir. You’d never take advantage of your position. I figure you must have some pretty strong feelings for each other.”

  “We do,” Charlie said. “Thank you for your understanding.”

  “Like I said,” Geronimo answered with a shrug. “No one will hear anything from me about this. I know you guys will work it out.”

  “You’re a good man,” Nick said and shook his hand. “Before I go, I’d like to ask you some more about the day you were shot.”

  “All right,” Geronimo said. He’d stood and balanced himself with the walker, but now he put it aside again and collapsed back in the chair.

  “What was said just before the man pulled out his gun and shot you?”

  “I’ve been thinking about that,” he said. “I was asking if any of them had heard about a new supplier of drugs to the street. They all claimed not to know, except this white man with a scruffy beard and reddish hair. His eyes were cold as ice. I asked him directly, and he didn’t even answer. He just took out his gun and blasted away.”

  “Have you heard anything about missing drugs in the storage room?” Nick asked, and Geronimo’s eye grew larger.

  “No, sir, I haven’t, but—” He hesitated then ducked his
head. “I guess it doesn’t matter if I say anything now since he’s dead. Ralph asked me one time how hard I thought it would be to steal the drugs that we had captured.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  Geronimo shrugged. “I told him, I didn’t even want to think about it.”

  Nick nodded.

  “You were lucky with that abdomen shot,” he said.

  “I think the shooter would have finished me off if Charlie hadn’t been there. She acted quickly and stayed right by me to protect me.”

  “She’s a pretty terrific lady,” Nick said. “Do you need some help back to your room?”

  “Yeah, I think so. I’m getting pretty tired.” He glanced at Charlie. “Bet I beat you out of here,” he said with his big grin. Charlie laughed then put a hand over her jaw.

  “Get out of here,” she said good-naturedly.

  Chapter Seven

  Charlie won the bet. Geronimo’s injury had just been too serious for him to be discharged so soon. She made a point of dropping by his room to gloat, but he had taken a step backwards in his recovery, so she wished him well and told a couple of cop jokes that she hoped would raise his spirits. Against her protests, Nick had insisted on driving her home. He seemed distracted but kept up a monologue about the weather and other inconsequential things.

  “Is there something wrong?” she asked finally as they drew near her condo.

  “What could be wrong?” he asked, reaching over to take her hand. “My lady is coming home from the hospital. That makes my day.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked, not to be so easily deterred, but he just smiled at her and angled the car into her driveway.

  He busied himself with getting her out of the car and accompanying her up the walk as if she were an ambulatory patient. When he flung open her front door, she hesitated, remembering the feel of rough hands forcing her inside, of the gun pressed to her throat and the smell of cordite when the gun fired. She’d been mere inches from death, she realized.

  “Are you all right?” Nick asked, gazing at her. His arm was around her shoulder, but he made no effort to hurry her forward.

  “Yeah, just remembering how close I came to dying and being very grateful for you,” she said and stepped into her foyer.


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