Victory RUN: Collected Victory RUN 1, 2, 3

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Victory RUN: Collected Victory RUN 1, 2, 3 Page 52

by Devon Hartford

  He’s into it instantly, kissing back with hot passion. Our lips melt together. His tongue finds mine and I feel his fire.

  Kellan and I haven’t kissed since the night we met.

  Why did I wait so long to do it again?

  His fire heals me. It burns away all my anger, all my tension, all my pain, all my sadness, all my doubt.

  Or so I think.

  His lips relax.

  His mind is now elsewhere.

  I lift my head, breaking our kiss, and look him in the eyes, “Something wrong?”

  “Not with me,” he says quietly. “But you’re flipping out right now.”

  “No I’m not,” I deny.

  “Let’s go inside,” he sighs.

  “What?” I grin, “Don’t you want to have sex in the back seat of a Dodge Charger? I know I always have.”

  He smiles and shakes his head, “Me too.”

  “Oh, come on,” I scoff, “You’ve probably had sex a hundred times in the back of this car.”

  “Are you kidding? And stain the upholstery?” he quips.

  “Hah!” I blurt.

  He grins.

  I wrap my fists in his shirt, “Let’s stain the upholstery.”

  “As much as I like the sound of that, you’re not you right now. You’re on some kind of a mission. I can feel it. You’re running away from something.”

  I laugh, “Are you my therapist all of a sudden?” I lean back against the steering wheel, giving myself some distance. This huge car is suddenly way too small for the two of us.

  “You don’t need to be a therapist to see how whack you’re acting.”

  I frown, “Whack? I’m not whack.”

  He arches an eyebrow, “You sure?”

  I glare at him.

  He arches his eyebrows higher.

  I roll my eyes and climb back into the passenger seat. I fold my arms across my chest. “I was going to have sex with you tonight. Now you’re out of luck.”

  Kellan shakes his head and snickers, “I think I’ll get by.”

  “I was going to give you a blowjob too, because you’ve been so nice.”

  “While I appreciate the offer…” he smiles.

  I cut him off, “The offer is off the table.”

  “I’ll deal,” he winks.

  I glare at him and say snootily, “You had your chance.”

  “Is that a threat?” he smiles and his eyes twinkle.

  It’s impossible to be mad at him.

  “Let’s go inside,” he suggests, “kick off our shoes and relax.”

  “Fine, but I’m not talking about my feelings, Mr. Therapist. Or blowing you.”

  He laughs and climbs out of the car.

  Chapter 110


  I climb out of the Charger and we both close our doors. I circle around to Kellan.

  He offers me his hand, “Come on.”

  I scowl, “I’m not holding your hand. You had your chance.” I fold my arms together, hiding my hands in my armpits.

  Kellan grins and motions expectantly.

  I sigh like a pouty teenager and grab his hand.

  He pulls me along the walkway that runs between his building and the one next door. It’s dark, but as always, the city lights reflect off the ocean mist overhead and there’s plenty of light to see by. The walkway leads to the quiet courtyard outside his front door and we go inside.

  Kellan automatically grabs bedding out of the linen closet in his L-shaped hallway and walks toward the couch..

  “You don’t need to do that,” I say.

  “You just wanna sleep on the cushions?” he asks, holding the stack of folded sheets in one hand.

  “No. I’m sleeping with you.”

  He huffs a laugh and puts the sheets back in the closet. “Okay. But no blowjobs”

  “Right,” I grin, “no blowjobs.”

  He turns around and walks into his bedroom, flipping the light on.

  I follow him.

  I haven’t been in his bedroom before. I carefully avoided it the last time I was here. “Hey! You have my Jimi Hendrix poster!”

  “Same one,” Kellan grins, ‘Bought it in high school.”

  “I knew you were awesome!” I laugh.

  “Me too,” he smirks.

  I drop onto his bed and bounce more than necessary, “This is comfy.”

  He smiles and strips his shirt over his head. He looks like he did on stage at The Dive Bomb. Leather pants and boots and nothing but muscles for miles. I want to jump him right now and lick every inch.

  I ask, “Have you ever considered modeling?”

  “No. I’m too busy with music. Maybe when I’m a megastar I’ll have my own clothing line at Target or some shit, but until then, I could care less.” He slides open his mirrored closet door and tosses his shirt in a hamper.

  He lifts up one booted foot and slides the boot off while balancing on one leg. He repeats the process with the other.

  “How do you do that?” I marvel. “I always fall over.”


  He puts his boots away like a good boy. Kellan really is a clean and organized guy. Not anal, just not slobby.

  He unbuttons his leather pants and arches a questioning eyebrow.

  I’m leaning back on my elbows on his bed with my legs crossed, staring at his crotch, “Continue.”

  He unzips his leather pants and pushes them down, revealing black boxer briefs. He does the one leg trick and pulls off his leather pants, which he hangs in the closet. I can’t help but notice his black boxer briefs have a very nice, uh, profile.

  He smiles, “I’ll be right back.” He strolls into the bathroom and shuts the door.

  I haven’t moved an inch since I sat down on the bed. Now I jump to my feet, tear my too tight Avenged Sevenfold shirt off my head, throw it in a corner, unzip my spandex jeans, push them down as fast as I can, and nearly trip face first into the bedroom doorknob because I haven’t taken my boots off. I sit down on the carpet, my jeans around my ankles, and yank my boots off. It’s not very ladylike, but my focus is on speed. I peel my jeans off and throw them on top of my wadded shirt.

  “You okay out there?” Kellan hollers from the bathroom.

  “Yeah!” I shout.

  I unhook my black bra, toss it aside, and push my black thong down and kick it off my ankles, aiming generally for the corner with the rest of my clothes. Then I sit back down on the bed in the same position I was in earlier, but completely naked.

  I wait.

  I hope Kellan isn’t doing number two.

  Hurry up!

  Chapter 111


  I flush the toilet after taking a whiz and wash my hands. I run my hand through my hair out of habit before shutting off the light and opening the bathroom door.

  I turn to face my room and Victory is lying on my bed in the exact same position as when I walked out, but totally naked.

  I burst into loud laughter.

  I don’t know what I was expecting when I heard her banging around in the bedroom a minute ago, but it wasn’t this.

  A shocked look bounces across her face and she flings her arms over her breasts protectively. She sits up and turns her body sideways, hiding her crotch. Not that it was hanging out before.

  “What are you doing?” I chuckle.

  “Covering up, asshole!” She glares at me like I was trying to steal a look when I wasn’t supposed to.

  “Then why are you naked?” I’m smiling from ear to ear.

  “I thought I’d surprise you! I wasn’t expecting you to laugh at me!” She’s mad.

  “I wasn’t laughing at your body or anything.”

  “I’m confident of my body!” she growls.

  “Are you?”


  Ahhh, women. “Then why are you covering up?”

  “Because you laughed!”

  “Awww,” I say cutely. “I totally wasn’t laughing at your body. And from what I can still
see, you’re easily ten times hotter under your clothes than I thought.”

  She relaxes, “You’re not bullshitting, are you?”

  “Nope. I was laughing because I didn’t expect you to be naked when I walked out of my bathroom.”

  She frowns skeptically, “Really?”

  “Yes, really. If you want, go back to lying the way you were, I’ll just stand here for awhile and admire you. It’ll be better than a blowjob.”

  “Yeah, right,” she smirks and says cockily, “You haven’t had one of my blowjobs.”

  “That’s true. If you give head like you play guitar, I’m keeping you to myself.”

  “I told you,” she tosses her hair, “you lost your chance out in the car.”

  “I don’t get a do-over?” I chuckle.

  “Well, maybe this once,” she says seductively.

  “Okay. I’ll go back into the bathroom and come out again. This time, I won’t laugh. I’ll do something else.”

  “I don’t know if I like the sound of that…”

  “Trust me.”


  I turn and walk into the bathroom and close the door. I grab something from under the sink and go to work. A minute later, I holler through the door, “You ready?”


  I open the door and walk out.

  Chapter 112


  I’m back to my original position on the bed and still completely naked when Kellan opens the bathroom door a second time. I throw my head back and blurt my own hearty laughter.

  Kellan has a Santa Claus beard of shaving cream all over his face. He grins, “Looks good, doesn’t it?”

  Then I notice Kellan’s boxer briefs are gone. My eyes pop as I stare at his huge erection.

  He says, “I told you I thought you were hot.”

  I don’t know what to do with the shaving cream all over his face, so I say doubtfully, “I’ve always wanted to have sex with Santa?” I begin giggling uncontrollably.

  “Do you think Mrs. Claus had a beard too?”

  “Do you want me to put one on?” I ask uncertainly.

  “No,” he chuckles.

  “Good,” I giggle.

  He walks into the bathroom and a moment later he walks out, wiping the shaving cream off with a big bath towel. “Better?”

  I nod.

  He tosses the towel into the bathroom. I hear it land on the floor.

  See, he’s not anal. He knows when to be spontaneous.

  He walks up to the edge of the bed and plants his fists on his hips. His cock is pointing at my face, but I’m reclining on the bed, so it’s several feet away.

  “How about that blow job?” he grins.

  “Ha!” I laugh.

  “I’m kidding.” He turns off the bedroom lights and eases onto the bed.

  I turn over and crawl up beside him. I lie my head on the pillow facing him and gaze into his eyes. Moonlight drizzles through the window above the headboard. Kellan grins at me.

  I can’t resist. I grab his cock and squeeze it gently.

  He smiles, “That’s not a toy. I hope you’ve read the instruction manual and all the safety warnings. You wouldn’t want it to go off in your hand.”

  I arch my eyebrow in the moonlight and say suggestively, “You think I should shoot it off some place else?”

  He chuckles, “Just point it where no one gets hurt.”

  “Does that mean you want to have sex tonight?”

  “I always want to have sex,” he scoffs.

  “I mean with me. Right now.” I stroke his heavy cock in my hand. It’s hot and throbs between my fingers.

  “It’s up to you. I’m fine either way.”

  “You sure?” I continue stroking.


  I establish a rhythm with my hand, pumping up and down. “I guess my body doesn’t turn you on?”

  “Gee,” he says sarcastically, “it’s pretty hard to tell.”

  “It’s pretty hard all right,” I murmur.

  We start to kiss. Our tongues touch tips, our lips press closed then open, tongues sliding in and out, lips pressing and releasing. The slicker our lips get, the more they slip and glide. His hand touches my cheek softly, his thumb circling my ear, brushing my hair back. His fingers trail down my neck and tickle my skin. The tickle echoes inside my body, streaming down into my chest and pouring down my belly between my legs.

  His hand pushes between my thighs, stiff fingers probing for my folds. I lift my knee and his fingers plunge into my wetness, bathing in my lazy heat. He finds my clit and goes to work with slippery strokes. Tingles tease me and flicker deep.

  I work the shaft of his cock as we kiss passionately for a long time. I’m shivering with pleasure, barely aware of what I’m doing with my hand but intimately and pleasurably aware of what he’s doing with his. It’s intense, overwhelming, and wonderful.

  I want more.

  I whisper, “I want you, Kellan. I want you now.”

  “Let me grab a condom.” He stands up from the bed.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To get a condom.”

  “Don’t you have a box by your bed like most guys?”

  He shakes his head, “I never have sex in here.”

  I chuckle, “Where do you have sex then?”

  “Usually someplace else.”

  “Really? But you keep your place so nice.”

  He shrugs, “What can I say? It’s my recording studio. It’s my sanctuary. I don’t like bringing chicks here. So I keep the condoms in the bathroom under the sink.”

  “So go get one already!” I grin.

  He walks into the bathroom. A moment later I hear him grunt, “Fuck!”

  “What?” I holler.

  He calls, “I’m out of condoms!”

  I drop my head into the pillow and laugh, “How can you be out of condoms? Doesn’t Trojan sponsor you or something? I can picture a big Trojan delivery truck backing up to your front door, ‘Beep! Beep! Beep!’ and dumping box after box on your porch.”

  He walks into the bedroom chuckling, “Funny. But no. Do you want me to go get some? There’s a Rite-Aid around the corner.”

  I sit up on the bed, “That depends. I’m still on the pill from when I was with Scott. Do you always use condoms when you have sex?”

  “Exclusively. And I get tested all the time. I’m clean.”

  I smile, “Then we don’t need condoms.” I hold out my arms to him.

  “Do you trust Scott?”


  That was the sound of my Funmobile screeching to a stop on the road of love.

  I wasn’t expecting that question from Kellan of all people. But one thing I know about Scott, he absolutely hates using condoms. I remember his big-titted mannequin at The Dive Bomb tonight.

  I sigh and say, “You mean, did Scott cheat on me and not tell me?”


  Wow. I hadn’t considered it until now. But Kellan makes a great point. Shit. I drop back into the pillows and stare at the ceiling. “I thought I trusted him. But look what happened to the band.”

  “Want me to go buy condoms?”

  “Fucking Scott!” I growl. I slap the bed in anger. “Time to go wait all day at the free clinic.”

  “I’m sure you’re fine,” Kellan encourages. “But you should get tested, just for peace of mind. I’ll go with you, if you want.”

  I sigh heavily, “Maybe this is the universe’s way of telling me that you and I are supposed to be in a band instead of having sex.”

  “Huh? I don’t get it.”

  I sit up on the bed again.

  Kellan leans against the door frame, completely naked. Even in the dim light, he looks incredible with his muscles and tattoos. I really want to have sex with him right now. But all signs point to no.

  I pull my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around them. I rest my chin on my knees forlornly.

  Kellan sits down on the edge of t
he bed next to me.

  Staring at the sheets, I say, “I guess I didn’t think this evening through. But, after Scott, I pretty much promised myself I was never sleeping with anyone in any band I was in from here on out.”

  “Makes sense.” Kellan nods with a vaguely surprised look on his face, “So, if we had sex tonight, you wouldn’t want to be in a band with me? Ever?”

  “Not if we’re sleeping together.” I look at him and wince, “Is that lame?”

  “Not after what you’ve been through with Scott. I totally get it.”

  “Still want to go to Rite Aid and get those condoms?” I laugh nervously.

  Kellan cracks a huge smile, “Hell no! I’d rather have you in my band!”

  I can’t decide if that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, or the sweetest thing any man has ever said to me in my entire life.

  Kellan rests a hand on my knee. “Victory, Gigi, you’re easily the hottest woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

  “Bullshit,” I chuckle.

  “I’m serious.”

  “Don’t give me that. There’s someone with bigger tits or a nicer ass or a prettier face out there. Heck, from what I’ve seen of the women you hang with, I bet you’ve already had sex with most of them.”

  He shakes his head, “It’s the balance of everything. You’re the perfect mix of the perfect parts. For me. I can’t explain it, but I knew it the second I laid eyes on you at The Cobra. The fact you shredded on your Fender was the crown jewel of your total royal rocker chick perfection,” he chuckles.

  I roll my eyes, but his compliments make me grin and blush.

  “Anyway,” he says resting a friendly hand on my foot, “I meant what I said at Liv’s place. Building a band that has career potential is harder than finding a wife. Mick and Keith have been together longer than any of their female relationships. Alex Lifeson and Geddy Lee of RUSH have been playing together since they were kids.”

  While Kellan speaks, I start to weep silently.

  He says, “Shit, Eddie and Alex Van Halen started playing together even younger than that.”

  My stomach clamps down and threatens to shoot out of my mouth, taking all my guts with it.


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