Empyrean: Return of the Fire Faery

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Empyrean: Return of the Fire Faery Page 16

by Twyla Turner

  I stood in front of the sword, looking it over curiously. The hilt was elegant. Gold pieces swirled up to wrap around the handle. The handle itself was wrapped with a dark red leather, possibly for grip. The sword itself was slender and looked lightweight. On closer inspection words and an intricate design were engraved on it. I reached out to touch the unfamiliar words that were written in another language when Valen’s deep voice reminded me of where I was and that I was not alone. I snatched my hand back as he spoke.

  “It says, Know thyself.”

  “It’s beautiful.

  “It’s a long sword with a gold swept hilt. Last used by one of my ancestors, centuries ago. It was used to fight the sickness once before. During what you on Earth would call The Dark Ages. We won that battle and haven’t had to use it again.” Valen explained.

  “The Faery Oracle said that I would be given a sword to help fight the darkness,” I told him, hoping that he’d offer it. “I was already given armor and a shield by the dwarves. And this sword actually matches those perfectly.”

  “Ah, well, this sword is not available for use. But I have many swords you can use when you’re finished training here.” Valen compromised as he held out his hand, gesturing towards the door to leave.

  “Uh…sure. That would be fine.” I agreed though I knew that it wasn’t going to be just any old sword I was supposed to use.

  I looked back at the gleaming, beautifully designed weapon as he led me out of the treasure room. That sword was supposed to be mine. I could feel it. I could even feel vibrations when I’d almost touched it like it was calling to me. I just needed to figure out how I was going to get it.


  “We take it! That’s how you get it.” Wakeley railed excitedly.

  “We can’t just take what isn’t ours!” I argued.

  It was about a half hour after my tour of the castle. I had walked to each of my friends’ rooms, gathering one at a time. Once I had the four faeries all wrangled together, we went down to the stables where a disgruntled Daegan was rooming with regular horses, to have a private conservation.

  “I say take it.” The crabby unicorn grumbled. “They didn’t respect me enough to put me in my own private area, but with horses. Horses! So who cares about his precious sword? He’s not using it.”

  “We cannot steal his sword!” I said slowly so that they couldn’t mistake my meaning.

  “We wouldn’t be stealing it. Just borrowing it till we win the battle. And if we lose, well, no one will be around to care.” Wakeley reasoned.

  I looked at Rafe, Saffi, and Rae. “And you guys agree with them?”

  Rafe rubbed the back of his neck while the other two cringed a bit. They obviously agreed with Wakeley and Daegan but didn’t want to say it out loud.

  “I can’t deal with any of you. The Oracle said that I would learn the four virtues of mankind and receive four weapons in return. I seriously don’t think stealing is a virtue of mankind. And stealing something is not the same as receiving something. I’ll take what I’m offered and nothing more. And that’s final. End of discussion.” I swiped my hands through the air, emphasizing my words.

  “This is just stupid!” Wakeley started to rant, and I could’ve sworn he called me dumb under his breath.

  My lips tightened, and I took a step towards him. Rafe saw my intentions and jumped in between us before I could reach the green faery.

  “I’m with Immy on this.” Rafe finally came to my defense. “She’s been right every other time. What makes this time any different? We’ll just have to be patient. The path that we need to take will eventually make itself known.” He finished and reached for my hand to squeeze it.

  His undulating imprints at the simple touch sent my heart pounding and fighter jets twirling and diving in my stomach. I still had a hard time believing that we could be lifemates. Something must have shifted temporarily in the universe when I was dragged to this realm. There was no way that this beautiful boy or the handsome elf king could find interest in me. I was no one.

  Stop that! Daegan shouted in my head.

  Sorry! I made a face at him and then refocused my attention on the main discussion.

  “Thanks, Rafe,” I smiled shyly at him.

  He winked at me.

  I swear all the winking was starting to make me think that these boys either had a tick or something was in their eye.

  “Fine. Whatever.” Wakeley threw up his hands. “If we’re all done here, I’m going back to my room.” He announced before storming off with Rae following close behind, more than likely to try and calm him down.

  “I’m ready for whatever you guys want to do. Just let me know if anything changes.” Saffi said before heading back to her room.

  “You’re doing the right thing, even though I’d be happy to piss off the elf king. Making me stay with horses.” Daegan grumbled.

  “We get it, Daegan.” I raised an irritated eyebrow at him. “You’re offended to be sharing a stable with horses. You are a beautiful and majestic creature that deserves better. Blah…blah-blah…blah…blah. Does all that sound about right?”

  Daegan gave me a scathing look. Which was pretty impressive for someone with a horse face. “Oh, why don’t you just go and make out already? Maybe it’ll give you a better attitude.” He gave my flushed face a big toothy grin, before sauntering off like he didn’t have a care in the world.

  That just left Rafe, me, and Daegan’s embarrassing parting statement in the middle of the quiet stables. The only noises were the whinnies and shuffles of the horses. I wondered if he could hear my heart nearly beating its way out of my chest in the silence.

  It was because I was looking down at the floor that I saw him step closer to me, his boots making their way into my line of sight. His index finger touched my chin, and he applied light pressure, forcing me to look up. His cobalt blue eyes were so intense as they gazed into mine.

  “So where were we?” He asked, and I looked at him in confusion before he clarified. “Arissa. Tiana. Gertrude…” Rafe listed off the names he’d made up for my freckles as he touched each one. I felt heat spread across my cheeks, probably enhancing the very marks he was naming. “And do you know why I won’t name them after males?” I shook my head, unable to speak. “Because I have no plans to kiss any men anytime soon.” He grinned at me before he leaned down towards me.

  My breath hitched in my throat when his full lips touched my cheek. He kissed a spot, called off a name, and then moved on to the next. “Marta.” Kiss. “Anastasia.” Kiss. “Beatrice.” Kiss. Goosebumps spread down my body, and my heart roared in my ears.

  He lifted his face a fraction of an inch from my skin. His eyes searched mine. He was so close that I could see the flecks of silver that shot through his blue irises.

  “And last…” He raised his hand to my mouth. His index finger touched my bottom lip. “I’ll name this one, Temptation.”

  “W-Why?” I whispered.

  “Because every time I look at it, I’m tempted to kiss it.”

  My knees turned to liquid. Luckily, he wrapped his arms around me before I face planted on the ground. Incredibly soft pink lips touched mine, and I saw his imprints go haywire before I closed my eyes. The kiss started out slow and exploratory. Quick and gentle little pecks. Then as we got used to each other, we wanted to taste more, learn more. So the kisses became much more urgent.

  Rafe walked me backward, inside an empty stall. He backed me up against the wall. He broke the kiss for just a few beats so that he could raise his hands to my face. His hands cupped either side of my head and tilted my face up towards him. Then he dove back in, and his mouth devoured mine. His tongue peeked out to flick against my lips and my mouth opened on a gasp. He took advantage of the access and his tongue stroked against mine. I hesitated, unsure of what to do. Finally, my tongue stroked his back shyly, and he moaned deep in his throat.

  His hands slid up into my hair, and he held me still as his mouth plundered. My body shivered
at the intense kisses. I felt something hard pressed against my belly, and realized it was his arousal. Liquid heat spread through my core and I felt wetness saturate my undergarments. It felt like heaven, but at the same time scared me half to death. It was so much to take all at once. I pressed my hands against his solid chest and turned my head to the side. I needed a moment to think. To think before it went too far. Rafe kissed my cheek and then rested his forehead against my hair.

  “I-I just need a moment.” I stammered, gasping for breath.

  “I’m sorry, Immy. I didn’t mean to get so carried away.” He said breathlessly as he shook his head back and forth against mine.

  “It’s okay. I kinda did too.” I whispered as I tried to catch my breath.

  Rafe raised his head, giving me just a little space.

  “Look at me, Immy.” Rafe’s voice was unlike I’d ever heard it before. It sounded deeper and huskier. It sent a shiver down my spine.

  I hesitantly looked up at him. My face was burning up with embarrassment. He brushed an errant hair out of my face and looked at me with complete sincerity in his eyes.

  “I would never pressure you to take it further than what you’re ready for.” Rafe brushed his thumbs across my cheeks softly and smiled down at me. “But I had to kiss you. I’ve wanted to kiss you, ever since you body-slammed me and put a sword to my throat.”

  “Really? Even then?”

  “Even then.” He nodded. “You were beautiful and fierce.”

  “I-I thought guys liked girls who were sweet or damsels in distress.” I blinked up at him, breathing the same air, we were so close.

  “Not this guy.” Rafe shook his head. “I want a girl who will put me in my place.”

  “Oh, I don’t have a problem with that,” I commented, and we both laughed, easing the tension slightly. “They call it bossy where I’m from.”

  “Eh, I’d call it lovingly assertive.” He chuckled, and an adorable sideways smirk spread across his face.

  God, he’s beautiful.

  Rafe leaned in again. He placed a soft kiss on the corner of my mouth. My eyelids fluttered shut. He raised up slightly to brush his lips across mine and then placed another kiss on the other side of my mouth. Finally, he brushed his lips once more to the center of my mouth and stopped there. He kept the kiss soft and gentle, though my pulse still beat erratically.

  He broke the kiss, squeezed his eyes shut, and pressed his forehead against mine. His harsh breath fanned against my face. His hands gripped my arms tightly, though not painfully.

  “We better go to bed. I mean our rooms. Separately.” He quickly clarified. “Before I go back on my word and pull you down into the hay.” He laughed at himself through clenched teeth.

  I nodded, though I didn’t move. I was hypnotized by his imprints. They rippled and fluctuated colors over and over again. Or maybe I was under a spell. The spell of my first kiss. Of feeling feminine, yet powerful. Feminine, because I felt soft and small, surrounded by his masculinity. And powerful in the fact that I could affect him so much. And gaining the knowledge that I could be both at the same time.

  Rafe pushed away from me and took a few steps back. I looked up at him. We stared at each other for a few tense moments. I could see his chest rise and fall harshly. His imprints were nearly black, they were such a dark blue.

  Not thinking, I licked and bit my kiss-swollen bottom lip, trying to soothe it. A hungry look passed over Rafe’s face. He took two long strides towards me. His hands dove into my hair, and he kissed me hard and quick just once. His tongue quickly diving in to taste me only for a moment. He released me like a hot potato, and then strode out of the stall.

  “Goodnight,” he said gruffly and disappeared.

  My fingertips touched my bruised lips. A smile of epic proportions spread across my face. I don’t think I’ve ever smiled so hard in my life. For good measure, I even threw in a happy dance in the middle of the horse stall. And I silently screamed as I jumped around in the hay.

  I knew it would help your attitude. I heard Daegan say, like the know-it-all he was.

  I froze in the middle of dancing like I’d been caught. I couldn’t see where he was, but it was obvious that the ornery unicorn was listening in on my inner dialogue. Oh, shut up! I replied snottily. I straightened my clothes, smoothed down my hair and walked out of the stall with my chin held high as I walked back to my room, like a boss.

  Chapter 23


  I was already down in the training grounds when Immy finally arrived. It was early, and she still looked a little sleepy. I had wanted to go to her rooms to see if she was okay. To make sure that I hadn’t went too far last night. But I figured it would be best to wait. An adorable, sleepy, and half dressed, Imogen near a warm bed was probably too tempting and more than likely, not a good idea for me at the moment. As it is, it was already hard for me to stay standing in my current spot as she walked down the stone steps to the courtyard, fully dressed and surround by people. I wanted to run up to her and kiss her senseless. The kisses from last night only fanned the flames, not cooled them. Hell, I had to discreetly adjust my pants to accommodate my raging hard on at the sight of her and the memory of the way she tasted.

  Immy was dressed in form-fitting, black leather pants, and brown knee-high boots. A white, long-sleeved tunic ruffled in the warm morning breeze, but stayed put due to the black corset accentuating her thick waist, as well as two other parts of her body, I tried to ignore on a daily basis. Immy’s fiery hair was pulled up into a fluffy, coiling ponytail on top of her head. A few tendrils escaped to dance along her neck and temples. Her butterscotch skin glowed in the soft morning sunlight.

  I looked away from her before I did go up to her and kiss her. I tried to distract myself by focusing on something else and ended up noticing how many of the elf men were watching her as she walked forward. I glanced over at Valen and as I figured, he was staring her up and down as well. We had been preparing to spar with each other. At this particular moment, I couldn’t think of anything better to do than to take out all of my frustrations on the elf king.

  Immy walked up to us, and she looked up at me from under her copper eyelashes. The shy look melted away my frustrations in an instant. I wanted to wrap her up in my arms so badly, I could practically feel her soft curves pressed against me.

  “Morning, Immy.” My words came out raspier than normal.

  “Morning,” she said softly. She was unable to look me in the eye.

  “Hmm…Immy. Cute nickname. It suits you.” Valen grinned at her. My irritation immediately went back up to a ten at hearing her nickname out of the elf king’s mouth. “So are you ready to show us what you’re made of?”

  “Uh…sure,” she said self-consciously.

  “I’ll be a way tougher opponent than Rafe here.” He winked at her and then smirked at me.

  “Yeah, sure. You ready?” I practically growled as I grabbed a sword from Sabir, the elfin army captain.

  “Ooh, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning,” Valen smiled brightly.

  He grabbed the second sword Sabir had been holding and tossed it back and forth from hand to hand. I swiped my sword from side to side a few times. The blade sliced through the air, making a swishing sound. Immy stepped back with Sabir to watch from the sidelines, at a safe distance away.

  We both backed a few feet away from each. We got into our combat stances, knees slightly bent and swords at en garde. In the mood for a fight, I took the role of aggressor and lunged forward. Valen easily parried the attack and went on the counter-attack, aiming for my shoulder. I jumped out of the way, just out of reach. We both engaged at the same time and our swords locked together, creating a giant X.

  I pressed down with all my strength, forcing Valen down and back. I released the sword with my right hand and used my elbow to crack him across the jaw. Valen stumbled back, felt his chin with his free hand, and grinned at me as he spit out blood. Challenge accepted.

; Chapter 24


  I watched with my heart in my throat as the two young men tried to rip each other’s heads off. They both had broken out in a sweat within minutes of their sparring. They took a break for a few seconds to rip off their shirts and suddenly I felt like I was in the middle of some medieval maiden’s fantasy. Glistening muscles in mahogany and alabaster flexed and strained in the sunlight, as swords clashed together.

  For the first time, I was able to see that Rafe’s imprints did indeed travel down one side of his body. The blue markings disappeared into the waistband of his loose-fitting cotton pants. Several inappropriate images flashed before my eyes, as my mind tried to fill in the blanks of where those imprints could possibly go.

  I shook my head and again focused my attention back to the fight. At this point, they’d tossed aside their swords. Now, it had turned into an MMA wrestling match. And though Valen was a bit bigger than Rafe, the faery was apparently not having any of it today. Surprisingly, Rafe never used his wings to take advantage. They laid flush against his skin, unused.

  I’d finally had enough when they both had matching swollen eyes and bloody noses. I clenched my jaw and stormed out into the middle of the training grounds. Everyone had stopped or never even started their sparring because they were too busy watching these two fools beat each other to death. No one even looked like they were ready to jump in stop them. They were just enjoying the show.

  “Enough!” I shouted, and they stopped from jabbing each other directly in the face, not even attempting to dodge the blows. “It’s a freakin’ tie! Neither of you is better than the other. So can you stop trying to kill each other and actually train those of us who don’t know how to use a sword? I mean, cause I could find something else better to do than to watch Death Match 28.” My chest rose and fell rapidly from my harsh breaths.


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