Empyrean: Return of the Fire Faery

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Empyrean: Return of the Fire Faery Page 19

by Twyla Turner

  This was so not good. I blinked hard to keep from crying and tried to take deep breaths to keep from hyperventilating.

  “Wh-what are you?” I stuttered.

  The largest lion-bird thing flapped its wings and rose up off of the branch it had been perched on and landed in front of me. I would’ve backed up if it wasn’t for the fact that there was nothing behind me but air and ground hundreds of feet below.

  “We’re gryphons. And these imps are our henchmen.” The creature said in a sinister voice as he pointed to the two-horned devilish looking creatures. “My name is Warley, the leader here.”

  “Where is h-here?”

  “Dark Isle,” Warley answered.

  “Isle? As in island?”

  “Yes, that’s right. Just look around you, Imogen.” My head snapped up at hearing him call my name. “There’s nowhere you can go. No escape. The Dark Isle hovers above the land so that we can stand guard and protect what is ours against our enemies.” That explained why I wasn’t tied up. I couldn’t go anywhere either way.

  “Where are we now?” I asked to be sure I was right.

  “Unicris. Though it’s technically Myrkur now.” Warley grinned at me, and I shivered at the sinister smile.

  “W-Why am I here? Why did you take me?”

  “Don’t think we don’t know who you are.” He moved closer to me, hovering over me trying to make me cower. I fought my instincts to shrink back. “We know that you’re here to stop the war. To stop the spread of darkness through the land. And we can’t have that, now can we?”

  “Are y-you gonna kill me?” I fought the wobble in my voice.

  “Not yet, love.” He said as if he was making a remark about the weather. “First, things first. We have to lure your friends to us and kill them. We can’t have them trying to avenge your death.”

  The gathering of evil creatures shook their heads and murmured, “No.”

  “Now how about you just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show when your friends reach us.” He took several steps back to give me room to stand.

  I stood with my chin raised defiantly. I was scared to death, but they didn’t need to know that.

  “You will fail,” I said with a confidence I did not feel. Fake it till you make it.

  “Oh, you’re so sweet. Clueless, but sweet.” He turned to his minions. “Bring her back into the forest. I wouldn’t want her to get any ideas, by jumping off of the Isle, making a martyr out of her.”

  The imps converged on me and grasped my arms roughly. They pulled me back into the depths of the forest. I was all out of ideas to fix the mess I was in. Fear squeezed my heart and tears clogged my throat. I couldn’t let anything happen to my friends, but I didn’t know how to stop it.


  There was no reply.

  Daegan, please don’t come!

  Chapter 29


  We flew along beside Daegan as we sped across Empyrean. Without Immy, we were making great time, but I would’ve rather had her here and safe slowing us down more than anything else. It wouldn’t be long before we crossed over into the Unicris. I tried not to let it bother me, but I’d noticed that the darkness in the sky had become bigger and closer than normal. I could tell the others noticed as well. It was almost like, if we didn’t speak about it or admit it, it wouldn’t be real.

  “Anything, Daegan?” I asked. He’d said that he was calling out to her in his head every few minutes as we moved along.

  “Nothing yet, Rafe,” he sighed. His voice sounded more and more discouraged as we went.

  “We’ll find her,” Rae said softly and then cringed as if in pain.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” I said immediately.

  Rae slowed down, and we all slowed with her. She winced again and touched the back of her head.

  “I’m feeling pain. A throbbing pain in the back of my head. Like someone bashed me hard.” She tried to describe what she was feeling.

  “Do you think it’s Imogen?” I asked eagerly.

  “I can’t tell for sure. But it’s a pretty good chance.” She nodded.

  “I still don’t hear her in my thoughts,” Daegan confirmed before I could ask again.

  “Maybe if we go a little bit further, she’ll finally come through?” I suggested.

  “Let’s go!” Wakeley declared. As always, excited for danger.

  We took off once more, Daegan pushing himself even harder in the hopes of getting close enough to Immy to hear her thoughts. The day was quickly turning to evening. We kept up the pace until we were about a mile from Unicris. We were flying through a forest right on the edge of the province of unicorns when Daegan skidded to a stop.

  “Wait!” He shouted at us.

  We stopped and flew back over to him. All of our faces alight with excitement and fear.

  “I’ve got her!” He said happily. His eyes looked far off as if he were daydreaming. “She’s shouting for us not to come.” He looked confused. “Hold on.”

  I held my breath in anticipation. I’d seen Immy and Daegan have whole conversations with each other before, without actually speaking. So I could tell that he was having one with her now. The look on his face said that it would not be good news.

  “Rafe, it’s not good,” Daegan said, answering my thoughts.

  “What is it, Daegan? Tell me now!”

  “The gryphons and imps have her on the Dark Isle. They’ve destroyed Unicris and are holding the unicorns prisoner. Immy said that they plan on killing her, but not until they’ve killed us first. They’re waiting for us to come save her and then plan on ambushing us.” He finished in a rush.

  “Fantastic.” I rolled my eyes in frustration.

  “Is she alright?” Rae asked as she rubbed the back of her head.

  Daegan was quiet for a moment before he started to speak again.

  “They hit her on the back of the head with something to knock her out, so she’d stop fighting them when they kidnapped her.” He paused and then continued. “She said that it had bled at one point, but it’s stopped now.”

  “Good,” Rae said and pulled her hand away from her head.

  “We’re going to have to wait for Valen and the elfin army. We can use our powers, but we still may not stop them all. We need the army as backup.” I suggested, and everyone nodded their heads in agreement. “Daegan, tell her we’ll get her out eventually.”

  “She says that we should just leave her,” Daegan answered after a few seconds.

  “Well you tell her, ‘Not on your life.’” My jaw clenched at the thought of even thinking about leaving her.

  “She said, to stop being a stubborn douche.” Daegan chuckled reluctantly at her unfailing feistiness.

  “Ask her if she has forgotten the conversation we had last night? I would die for you, Immy. That hasn’t changed in the last twenty-four hours.” I said sincerely and waited while Daegan relayed the message.

  “She said, ‘I know.’ She also asked that you be careful. That we’re all careful.” Daegan passed on her words.

  “Done.” I nodded. “We might as well make camp for the night and start bouncing around ideas. Whatever we come up with you can relay to Imogen. Or if she’s got any ideas, she can pass that along. Our next gauntlet has begun.”

  Chapter 30


  I could’ve jumped for joy when Daegan’s inner voice reached mine. Since I was surrounded by the imps and gryphons, I just sighed with relief instead. My emotions were torn. I was elated that they’d found me but scared that the dark creatures would kill them if they tried to rescue me. I knew that Rafe was willing to die for me. That didn’t mean I was ready for him to. Though, a small smile lifted the corners of my mouth slightly, knowing that he cared that much for me. If this ended badly, I could at least die knowing that I was truly cared for.

  You’re not going to die and neither are any of us! Daegan intruded on my thoughts.

  I know. I’m sorry for being morbid. So, maybe no
w you’ll be able to prove to your parents and your kind that you’re a hero and not some evil sorcerer. I attempted to lighten the mood.

  Maybe. It doesn’t really matter, though. I know what I am, and I don’t need their approval to be good. It would be nice, but I don’t need it. You and these four are now my family by choice, which just might be better than by blood. At least for me it is. Daegan thought sincerely.

  I tried to be inconspicuous as I wiped a tear that rolled down my cheek with my shoulder. Family for life.

  For life.

  A couple of imps that had gone hunting for the group came back just then with sacks loaded. The others murmured happily as the two turned their goody bags upside down, spilling out their contents. They were bags filled with rodents, and I frowned in disgust.

  The imps waited out of respect or fear of the gryphons while they took their food first. After the Gryphons had grabbed what they wanted with their sharp talons, the imps converged on the pile of dead rats and mice. Then they all proceeded to rip and claw at their meal with teeth and talons, eating the meat raw. I practically barfed at the same time as my stomach growled. I was so hungry, yet so disgusted at the same time. I hadn’t eaten in twenty-four hours. Worse than that, I hadn’t had anything to drink either.

  “Here you go, dearie.” One of the imps hissed out and tossed a dead rat at my feet.

  I cringed away from it, and they all started to laugh.

  “Beggars can’t be choosers.” Another one cackled.

  Daegan, they’re trying to starve me, and I’m dying of thirst.

  We’ll figure out a way to get you something to drink and maybe some food too if we can. Daegan responded immediately.


  A few hours later, the imps and gryphons sat perched on the branches of the dead trees, fast asleep. One of the imps was supposed to be on guard duty but had fallen asleep as well. Earlier, Daegan had asked me to let him know when everyone was sleep.

  Daegan? They’re all asleep.

  Okay, Immy. Is there any way that you could get away from them?

  I don’t think so. I’m afraid that if I move, it’ll wake them up.

  See if you can try. We may not be able to come and get you without them noticing, but we can at least get you some water and food.

  I’ll try.

  Alright. Come to the edge of the island, on the east side.


  I slowly stood up. Careful not to make any noise as I did. My heart started pounding with fear that I’d get caught, which unfortunately drowned out all other sound besides my erratic heartbeat. I tried my best to focus on the ground so I wouldn’t step on a twig. But the night was much darker now that the darkness of Myrkur had spread this far. There were no Northern Lights or glowing foliage. The very thing I tried so hard to avoid snapped under my bare foot. I gritted my teeth and cringed. It sounded so loud. And of course, the imp on guard came awake.

  “Hey! Where do you think you’re going?” It hissed under its breath, making sure not to wake the others. I couldn’t tell if the imps were male or female since they all looked similar.

  I slowly turned back towards the creature, trying to figure out what I was going to say. “I have to go to the bathroom.” It gave me a skeptical look. “Do you really think I’m dumb enough to jump? I do value my life, you know?” I gave the creature my best irritated teenager look.

  “Fine. But hurry back.” It finally conceded.

  I quickly stumbled my way through the forest. Luckily, we weren’t too far from the eastern side of the floating isle. Once I cleared the trees, I stepped gingerly towards the edge. I didn’t want to make the same mistake I’d made earlier in the day and almost fall off the island.

  I’m here! I called to Daegan.

  Okay. We’re sending something your way. He called back.

  I looked down at where they should be, and I could just make out the blue of Rafe’s wings. Daegan blended in with the night so I couldn’t see him, but I knew he was there. It was so dark, I couldn’t see much of anything. But then I saw something shadowy floating towards me. It floated just above my head, and I reached up to grab it. I almost cried when I realized that it was my canteen with some bread tied to it with a string that Rafe had lifted up to me with his power over water.

  Oh my God! Thank you so much! Thank you, Daegan. And tell Rafe, thank you for me. I said gratefully.

  Of course, Immy. We couldn’t let you starve or die of thirst. Daegan said back. I was already chugging the water when he spoke again. Rafe said not to drink all the water.

  I smiled. He knew me so well. I broke off some of the bread and took a bite. I was so hungry, it was like eating steak. It tasted that good.

  I slowly made my way back to where the dark creatures were gathered, taking a few more sips of water and eating a few more bites of bread. A few feet from where they were sleeping, I hid the canteen and the rest of my bread under some dead moss and grass.

  I made it back to my spot against the large barren tree. I rested my head back against the rough bark. My eyes became heavy as I was finally able to drift off to sleep, now that the hunger pangs had subsided, and my thirst was mildly satisfied.

  Chapter 31


  When morning broke, the light barely touched our camp in the forest. The darkness was spreading, and I knew we had to take action soon. It also killed me to know that Immy was right there above us, and I couldn’t do anything to get to her. I was becoming antsy and didn’t want to wait any longer.

  We had decided to camp at the edge of the forest. I looked up through the trees at the giant floating island where they were holding Immy. Crumbling rock and dirt, hanging vines and roots, made up the jagged bottom of the island. Everything about it was dark and depressing. The trees were dead and charred black. From the ground, the top of one large tree could be seen sprouting up from the middle of the dead forest. I could only imagine how Imogen was feeling. She must be terrified.

  “I can’t just sit here while she’s up there half starving to death with the dark ones!” I paced back and forth, already wide awake as everyone was still wiping the sleep from their eyes.

  “There isn’t much we can do right now, Rafe,” Saffi said, her voice muffled as she pressed a hand to her mouth to stifle a yawn. “Only three of us have powers we can use for a fight, and though we went through quite a bit of training, we still don’t have enough numbers to fight them. Besides, Immy is one of our best fighters and she’s up there.” Saffi pointed up to emphasize her point. “We have to wait for Valen and the elfin army.”

  “They probably won’t be here until tomorrow. I don’t know if we can afford to wait that long. And who knows what’s happening to the unicorns as well.” I looked at Daegan with sympathy.

  Daegan nodded his head before he spoke. “That’s why I’ve decided to go to them in the middle of the night. To make sure they’re okay.”

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Saffi asked with concern.

  “I have to know that they’re alright. And with my black coat, I doubt that anyone would even see me as I go.” He said.

  I had to admit, he had a point. His dark coat blended perfectly with the night.

  “Do whatever you have to do, Daegan. I know I would if I was in your situation and my family was being held captive.” I said solemnly.

  “Thanks, Rafe.”


  I covered the imprints on my face, neck, and hand with mud. I took my long dark blue jacket and placed it over my wings to hide their bright color. Once I was covered, I hopped up onto Daegan’s back and laid flush against his back and neck with my jacket over me to blend into the night.

  I had told Daegan earlier that I was going to go with him to check on the other unicorns. There was no way that I was going to let him go alone. He’d agreed reluctantly. He told Immy of our plans, and she’d wished us luck. I knew she was still awake waiting to hear how things went. If I wasn’t grateful for anything else, I was for the fac
t that she and Daegan could communicate with each other through their minds. Otherwise, I would have done something utterly stupid to try and save her, since I wouldn’t have known that she was okay for the time being.

  “Okay, let’s go,” I whispered to Daegan.

  I stayed flush against him, hidden under the cover of my jacket as he walked slowly and quietly across the rapidly dying terrain that had once been lush and colorful. I felt Daegan tense and slow down as we neared the wall of now dead shrubs that surrounded the unicorns’ home.

  “I can see imp guards on either side of the passageway to get into Unicris,” Daegan whispered. “I know of a secret passage, made for this very reason.”

  I patted his flank to let him know that I understood. The less we spoke, the better. He silently made his way around to the back of the wall of shrubs. I couldn’t see any possible way to get in when Daegan touched his silver horn to part of the bush, and the dry, thorny foliage moved to either side to create a doorway. I felt Daegan relax slightly as he made his way inside. He walked slowly through the winding lanes of his once beautiful home. The weeping willows’ vines looked barren and sinister in the dark.

  Daegan walked through the area until we finally stumbled upon the other unicorns corralled together. They were surrounded by vines with deadly looking thorns protruding from them to keep them in place.

  “Mother. Father.” Daegan whispered softly, though loud enough to be heard.


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