Empyrean: Return of the Fire Faery

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Empyrean: Return of the Fire Faery Page 27

by Twyla Turner

  They stormed into the dark, musty prison cell and pulled us to our feet, shoving us through the doorway and down the tower steps. They took us back through the twisting and turning corridors. Finally, the ogres stopped in front of massive wooden double doors, guarded by creatures that I recognized as trolls. The crusty looking trolls pulled the doors open, and I looked inside with trepidation.

  The ogre that had been pushing me along shoved me hard in the back, sending me stumbling forward into the room. When I righted myself, I looked back at the ogre. And if looks could kill, he would’ve keeled over right then and there. The others were shoved in as well until we were standing in the middle of a type of arena. It was almost like some sort of Medieval Times stadium.

  I looked up and could see the dark sky. The arena was open air, but to prevent anyone from escaping the ceiling was made of a webbing of chains supported by metal rods. The first few rows surrounding the outside of the oval arena were like regular stadium stands made of concrete benches. That was where the ogres, trolls, and imps sat. Up above were a few rows of T-shaped posts that the dragons and gryphons perched on. Directly in the center of the seating, a few rows up, was a dining table, where Hafgrim sat back on his hind legs. A feast for an entire kingdom was spread out before him, with no guests to share it with.

  Not that anyone would want what was served. The heads and full bodies of creatures I would rather not know about, sat on steaming platters. What looked like giant pies, moved as if something was still alive inside of them. Just the sight of the grotesque food made me want to throw up in my mouth.

  Hafgrim unfolded his arms from his chest and gestured around the arena. “Welcome!” His voice boomed. “For tonight’s celebration, you are our guests of honor.”

  “Why do I have a feeling that I’m not gonna like this celebration as much as the others I’ve been to since I’ve been here?” I said under my breath to Rafe.

  “Hmm…gut feeling, maybe?” He responded dryly.

  “Our guests always have the pleasure of also being our entertainment and…dinner.” Hafgrim’s sinister voice and words sent tingles down my spine. “A fight to the death, if you will. And it’s always so much more exciting when it’s between friends. Or even lovers.”

  I looked over at Rafe and Daegan and the three others. I prayed that Hafgrim didn’t mean what I thought he did. Unfortunately, I was not so lucky.

  “Honestly, I’m too impatient to wait for the main event. So, we might as well start with that first.” Hafgrim said as he rubbed his hands together. “Lifemate against lifemate.” His eyes focused on me, then Rafe. “To the death. Loser gets fed to the dragons. Hell, why not the winner too?” He laughed uproariously. “Then the others will be a free-for-all. Tossed to the crowd to be pulled apart like roasted chicken.” The crowd in question cheered loudly in anticipation of the carnage their leader had described.

  “And if we choose not to fight?” I asked defiantly.

  Hafgrim leaned forward. “Then I will make you,” he practically growled. He turned to one of the ogres. “Give them their weapons.”

  I watched as the ogre stepped forward. He held in his hands my sword, along with four others.

  “Just blue and red,” Hafgrim instructed, obviously referring to Rafe and myself. Like we were nothing more than game pieces to a board game.

  I reluctantly took my sword, and Rafe did the same. We glanced at each other. The look in Rafe’s eyes, I knew were a mirror of the look I was giving him. “I will never hurt you willing. Know that I love you.”

  The rest of the ogres pulled back the other faeries and Daegan. Which left Rafe and me in the middle of the arena. We just stood there, looking at each other. Neither of us dared to move. I would not willingly raise my sword against him. And apparently, neither would he.

  “Fight!” Hafgrim bellowed.

  I flinched, but other than that continued to remain still.

  “That’s fine.” I looked over at the leader of Myrkur, and he smiled. My heart sank because I knew what was coming next would not be good. “Forcing you will make it so much more interesting anyway. Nothing like looking into the eyes of your lover as they unknowingly plunge a blade into your heart. And the best part of all is when they come to and realize what they’ve done.” Hafgrim clapped his hands together with glee. “It’s magical, really.”

  I felt Rafe grip my hand tightly, and I looked up at him. His imprints rippled hypnotically, and I felt the tingles travel up my body.

  “I love you, Immy.” He whispered fiercely. “Just know that. And I give you permission to do whatever you have to do to survive.” He looked me straight in the eye, trying to convey his exact meaning. I blinked back tears. “Do you understand me? Whatever you have to do.”

  I just shook my head. There was no way in hell that I was going to kill or even maim Rafe. I would have to come up with another plan, and fast.

  “You two are so sweet.” Hafgrim interrupted my attempt at brainstorming. “It’s going to be a real pleasure watching you fight to the death.”

  He smiled a particularly sinister smile and then closed his eyes. I watched with trepidation as a hazy mist lifted off of the evil centaur and floated across the arena, towards us. Rafe took a few steps back from me. My eyes followed the white vapor, till it stopped above us. Almost too fast for my eyes to catch, the mist shot down and leached into Rafe’s eyes, nose, and mouth. He lurched back as it entered his body. He closed his eyes and bowed his head. I watched as his jaw clenched and his hands balled into fists. Then his eyes flew open, and they were no longer his. The shocking, vibrant blue was gone. Now replaced with the same disturbing white-out eyes of the dark leader. Even Rafe’s imprints turned colors before my eyes. The blue within the markings slowly turned black, as if thick oil was being poured over them.

  Rafe looked at me, but it wasn’t him. The look of love he’d had in eyes a moment before, was now replaced with disdain. A slow, sideways smirk lifted one corner of his mouth, and I shuddered with fear. He started to advance towards me.

  “Rafe. It’s me. Immy.” I said as I took a few steps back.

  He raised his sword and gripped it tightly with both hands. My sword felt slippery in my damp palm. Rafe bared his teeth and charged me. I spun out of the way as he swiped his blade at my midsection. He stumbled from his momentum. I unfurled my new wings, using them for the first time as he came at me again. I shot up into the air as he tried to strike at me. He lifted his wings and followed me up. I anticipated his moves and darted out of the way. With every miss, the angrier he got. I hardly recognized him with the barely concealed hatred masking his beautiful face.

  Rafe flew towards me with lightning speed. I was unable to dodge him and our swords clashed as they locked in a giant X. His face was only inches from mine as he pushed with all his might. He propelled us down to the ground, and my feet skidded across the stone floor as he continued to push me.

  “Rafe, please!” I pleaded. “Wake up! It’s me! Your lifemate.”

  He only growled and pushed hard, forcing me down. If I didn’t do something, he would surely slice me wide open. I dropped my sword and ducked under his arm as he went flying forward. My sword clattered on the floor, and I dove to grab it. Rafe ran for me, taking advantage of my vulnerable position on the ground. He tried to hack at me like he was wielding an ax. But I rolled away from him, narrowly missing the sharp blade.

  Finally, I swiped at his leg, just so I could get him away from me so that I could get up. He didn’t see it coming, and my blade cut through his thigh. He gasped and clutched at his wounded leg. I hopped up off of the ground and heard the cheers from Hafgrim and his minions, at the first draw of blood. My stomach churned, and I felt physical pain at having hurt him.

  Rafe bellowed and ran at me. I tried to block and spin away from him, but he caught me around the neck as I spun. He brought his sword up to my neck, and I reached back to grab his crotch. He yelped and let me go as he doubled over in pain.

  “Rafe, sto
p!” I screamed, but he only advanced again.

  I was getting tired and weaker by the minute. But it seemed as though Rafe’s newfound hatred only fueled him on. He swiped at me, and I tried to hop back, but I wasn’t quick enough. His sword sliced into my side, and I cried out and stumbled backward. I couldn’t catch my footing and landed hard on my back. Rafe took that opportunity to get on top of me. Just as he brought his blade down to slice my head open, I used my sword to block the lethal blow. I held onto the handle of my sword with both hands, trying to press upward as he pressed down.

  My arms shook with the effort to hold him off. Again his face was inches from mine. His white-out eyes stared into mine completely dead and devoid of emotion. His blade came closer and closer to my face. I gritted my teeth, fighting the weakness of my muscles.

  “Please, Rafe.” I gasped. “I love you.”

  The pressure on my sword eased just a fraction as I watch emotions play on his face. I saw the white of his eyes flicker to blue, and the blue of his markings fight against the black that concealed it. A look of recognition passed over his face.

  “I. Can’t. Stop.” He said haltingly as if he was fighting the darkness from within.

  The black in his imprints and the white in his eyes started to win the battle. My blade started to glow red, and the glare of it snapped me out of my despair. I used the last of my strength to push up. I bent my head back to look at the crowd. The dragons flapped their wings restlessly. I could actually feel their heat. Their fire.

  “You control all things fire.”

  I felt hot flames course through my veins. It was strange that I didn’t feel any pain, but felt its heat. I could sense extra strength coming from its energy. I pushed up, holding off Rafe’s blade from cleaving into my skull. I looked back at Hafgrim, and he laughed at our struggle. Anger fuel the fire within my veins as if someone poured gasoline on it.

  One by one, around the arena the dragons threw their flames like blow torches. Hafgrim looked at them in confusion. The dragons flapped their wings and flew off of their perches. Sweat trickled down my temple as I worked overtime to hold off Rafe’s death blow and to control my fire.

  The dragons hovered in front of Hafgrim and his table of grotesque food. Rafe pressed down harder, and the blade was a fraction of an inch away from my face.

  “What are you doing?!” Hafgrim yelled at his dragons. “Go sit down!”

  The dragons flapped their wings and screeched, but they remained where they were. I felt my insides and flesh get hotter. As I pushed Rafe back with trembling arms, I saw my imprints turn bright red. Even my eyes felt hot, and I knew they probably glowed amber.

  “I said, GO SIT DOWN!” Hafgrim barked.

  I looked back at the dark leader as I felt Rafe’s blade touch my cheek. “You turned mine against me. It’s only fair that you get a taste of your own medicine.” I shouted at the centaur.

  Hafgrim looked at me and his eyes widened.

  I felt the heat within my core, burst outward like a solar flare. “NOW!” I roared.

  The rush of energy and burst of heat threw Rafe off of me in a blast of fire from my flesh, just as the dragons shrieked, flames exploding from their mouths. At the last second, Hafgrim tried to block his body and face with his arms as he screamed. The fire engulfed him.

  “NO!!!” His cries of agony echoed through the room.

  I slowly got up from the floor. I lifted my sword and with all the strength I had left in me, I threw it like a javelin. The sword sailed across the room, and the blade struck its target. It sunk in the chest of the tortured centaur, silencing his cries and ending his agony.

  I closed my eyes and expelled a huge breath as my shoulders sagged with relief. The gash in my side from Rafe’s sword throbbed, and I clutched at it. I could feel the stickiness from my blood on my skin and clothes.

  The room had gone completely silent, and I opened my eyes. They widened in surprise. Around me, the dragons had formed a circle and bowed their heads reverently. I was humbled to have my enemy bow to me with respect. My power over fire bent them to my will. So while I had their cooperation, I figured I might as well use it.

  I walked forward, and the dragons moved to make a protective semicircle around me. I scanned the arena full of dark creatures with a look of authority.

  “The world can’t appreciate light without darkness. Good without evil. Joy without struggle.” I said loudly. Enough for everyone in the enormous room to hear. “But your reign, your time of overpowering good and light and joy is over. Empyrean and Earth have been infected with more than enough hate to last several lifetimes. Now is the time for love.” I paused to let it sink in. “You can keep your land, but this land is where you will stay. And whatever dark-doers you have on Earth, call them home. It’s time for both worlds to have some peace.” I finished.

  I sensed movement from the stands. I watched as a gryphon I recognized flew down to the arena floor. He landed a few feet away from me and the dragons surrounding me, shifted in agitation. I recognized the half eagle, half lion. It was Warley.

  “We will rise again,” he said defiantly.

  “Go ahead.” I taunted as I walked towards him and got within a few inches of his face. “But know this, Warley. I will burn Myrkur to the ground and eradicate the dark from this land for good.” I sneered in his face and for good measure, the dragons surrounding me blasted the air around us with scorching flames.

  Warley backed away from me. Hatred burned in his eyes before he lifted off of the ground and flew up and out of the castle through the main entrance.

  “Any question?!” I shouted out to the other dark creatures. There were murmurs of no and multiple head shakes. “Good. Now release my friends and go back to your homes.”

  Gryphons and imps flew out of the room and the ogres and trolls quickly stumbled out after them. Daegan, Wakeley, Saffi, and Rae were released by the ogres that had held them captive during the fight. Some of the dragons moved nervously, and I turned to see what had disturbed them. It was Rafe. He limped towards my protective circle of fire-breathing guards.

  His intense blue eyes were once more back to normal. They stared at me now. Filled with love and regret. His imprints were blue again and shined a vibrant cobalt. The dragons refused to move to let him through, still protecting me.

  “It’s okay. Let him through.” I said softly.

  The dragons parted, and Rafe hobbled forward. The cut on his thigh hindered his progress. I rushed towards him, and he immediately gathered me into his arms.

  “I’m so sorry,” I said into his chest.

  “No, I’m sorry.” I felt him kiss the top of my wild hair. “You did what you had to do. God! I saw it all happening and couldn’t do anything to stop it. I had no control over my body. It was awful.” Rafe confessed painfully.

  “Don’t. Don’t beat yourself up. It’s over now.” I pulled back to look up at him.

  His jaw clenched as he gazed at me intensely. Then his mouth crushed mine in a desperate kiss. It was all rough lips, teeth, and tongues. As if we were kissing for the first and last time. His hands were in my hair, on my face, down my arms, and around my back. Everywhere. My fingers memorized his square jawline, the soft hairs at the nape of his neck, his broad shoulders, and strong chest. The possibility of losing each other had been so real, so close that our love and passion for one another practically erupted from every pore in our bodies. Like we couldn’t get enough of each other. Enough of our kisses and touches.

  A throat clearing pulled us from our heated reunion. I broke the kiss and turned in the direction of the interruption. Daegan and the other faeries stood a few feet from us, smiling brightly.

  “If you don’t mind, could you save the lovemaking until we get back to Hikari?” Daegan teased us. “I mean, you are making out in the middle of a circle of dragons in a castle made of creepy, black volcanic rock. Not exactly romantic, if you ask me.” He finished.

  “No one was asking you, Daegan,” I smirked a
t him.

  Rae stepped forward and held her hands out. Her healing ripples flowed over us, and I felt the throbbing pain in my side dissipate and then disappear altogether. Rafe stopped favoring one leg and was able to stand up straight again.

  “Thank you, Rae,” I said gratefully.

  She nodded and smiled, before stepping back to Wakeley. I turned to the dragons, and they looked at me expectantly. As if I was their new leader.

  “You’re free to go,” I said releasing them.

  “You are our mistress now. We go, where you go.” One dragon informed me.

  “Uh… Well, I’m going back to Hikari. To Faerien City. I’m not sure there is a place for dragons in the city.” I frowned and looked to the others for help. “Besides, can dark ones even live over in Hikari?”

  “I don’t know. It’s never been attempted before.” Rafe shrugged. “We can try. More protection just in case never hurt anyone.”

  “Your mother and father won’t freak out?” I asked skeptically.

  “If anything, it would be hilarious to see their faces.” He grinned mischievously.

  “This isn’t like bringing home a stray dog. This is several dragons we’re talking about.” I said as I looked at the six dragons.

  “I say do it!” Wakeley chimed in eagerly.

  “Okay.” I breathed. “It’s on you if Yaron and Aviana have a heart attack.” I looked at the dragons once more. “If you’re going to be coming along with us, I might as well ask. What are your names?”

  “I am Kaapo.” The first one started.






  Each one said their names down the line. Three females and three males.

  “Well, I’m Imogen.” I began and then introduced the others. “This is Rafe, Daegan, Saffi, Wakeley, and Rae. “If you’re coming with us to Hikari and Faerien City, you must vow to never hurt anyone again, unless it is in defense of good.”

  “We promise, Mistress Imogen,” Kaapo said, and they all bowed their heads.


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