The New Year Resolution

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The New Year Resolution Page 10

by Louise Rose-Innes

  Fine. Neither did she, but he didn’t have to be so goddamned cold about it.

  Okay, so he’d had a bad childhood and a father who didn’t care about him. She could understand how that would cause someone to learn from an early age how to mask their emotions, but he’d applied the brakes so swiftly Nicole was still reeling from the whiplash.

  It had only been a couple of hours since they’d had sex.

  Breathe. Calm down.

  Nicole forced herself to relax. What did it matter whether they had this conversation now or when they landed? It was always going to have the same result. As a scientist she knew that. In their case X times Y was never going to equal XY.

  So why was she so uptight about it?

  Because this has been the most incredible week of your life.

  It had. She’d been surrounded by the kind of luxury people like her only dream of. First-class travel... a stunning private island resort... interesting company... plus, of course, Ryan. The man of her dreams. Wealthy, handsome, sexy, intelligent.... What woman wouldn’t have a hard time letting him go?

  It was completely normal, she mused as she flung all her clothes into her suitcase, not caring whether they got creased. The man was a god. It was understandable she was a little uptight at his cold dismissal. Her pride was hurt, that was all. She’d get over it as soon as he was out of her sight.

  Finally, packed and ready, Nicole placed her luggage at the front door and took a much-needed stroll around the island to clear her head.

  She was passing an isolated section of beach when she heard a voice calling to her. She looked up. It was Dominic. He was strolling up the beach in shorts and a T-shirt, with his sunglasses, on looking suave and handsome.

  “I’m glad I caught you.” He was slightly breathless from his fast walk. “Don’t you leave today?”

  “Good memory.” Nicole smiled. “We leave in an hour.”

  Dominic lifted his glasses to his forehead, displaying his startlingly blue eyes.

  “I wanted to say goodbye. I know we didn’t really have a chance to get know each other but I was hoping maybe we could have dinner or something back in Johannesburg?”

  Nicole was flattered. She had to give Dominic credit for his persistence. He certainly wasn’t going to give up without a fight.

  “I don’t know,” she murmured, then blinked. What was she doing? Dominic was a sweet guy, and he was interested in her.

  Unlike Ryan.

  Suddenly Nicole was filled with anger. How dare Ryan dismiss her so coldly at breakfast – after all she’d done for him? He owed his bloody contract to her.

  Dominic looked at her expectantly.

  Nicole wrestled with her conscience. Sure, Dominic was a womanising playboy, but what harm would a date do? It might even be fun. Considering the number of times she actually went out in Pretoria, an evening with an attractive lawyer would be very nice indeed.

  Mistaking her hesitation for indecision, Dominic said, “I’m not sure what you’ve got going on with Ryan, but I’d still like to take you out.” He winked. “I think we’d have a lot of fun together.”

  Now what girl can refuse an offer like that?

  “Don’t you ever take no for an answer?”

  Dominic grinned. “Never.”

  Nicole threw her hands in the air. “Okay, you win.”

  Gratified, Dominic reached into his pocket and handed her his business card. “I’ll be waiting for your call,” he told her.

  Nicole acknowledged his invitation with a little tilt of her head. Under normal circumstances she’d be delighted at his proposition. He was a rich lawyer with an undeniable naughty side, just what she liked in a man. Going on a date with him would be fun and exciting and make a nice change from her mummy persona, and that of scientific lab rat.

  Yet she struggled to muster up much enthusiasm.

  As if sensing her disquiet he added wickedly, “I promise to get you over Mr Jackson. One date with me and, I swear, you’ll never think of him again.”

  That did make Nicole laugh. Really, the man was too arrogant for his own good.

  “I may have to hold you to that,” she teased, not entirely joking.

  Dominic looked pleased. “Great.”

  Then he surprised her by leaning forward and kissing her right on the lips. Nicole reeled back with shock.

  “Sorry,” he said, completely unperturbed. “I couldn’t resist. I’ve wanted to do that ever since I met you.”

  At her stunned look he squeezed her arm. “Take care of yourself. I’ll see you in Johannesburg.” Then he strolled off, in the direction of the marina.

  It was only when she turned to walk back to the chalet Nicole heard a rustle behind her. Turning, she saw a flash of colour, before whoever was watching disappeared into the bushes.

  Nicole didn’t mention her meeting with Dominic to Ryan. The man had enough on his plate. But she did worry someone had seen Dominic give her his card, then kiss her. She only hoped it wasn’t anyone connected with Vincent. After all, Dominic had taken her by surprise with his kiss. It meant nothing and she didn’t want to jeopardise Ryan’s project at this late date.

  But nothing out of the ordinary occurred and soon they were packed and waiting to board the light airplane which would take them back to Pemba in Mozambique, where they would board a Boeing back to Johannesburg. First class, of course, as on the way there.

  The Mahlers were there to wave them off. Nicole felt really rotten as she smiled and hugged them goodbye, and promised to keep in touch. Damn Ryan for putting her into this position. Although, Nicole supposed she had only herself to blame. She had agreed to this charade after all.

  It was time.

  Nicole climbed the steps to the airplane and turned at the top to take one last look at the private island resort that had brought her so much pleasure in the last week. It lay as still and peaceful as it had when they’d arrived. The sky was as blue, the sand as dazzling white, and the palm trees were still dancing their lazy dance in the breeze. The island was unchanged.

  Unlike her.

  Blinking back tears at the sudden realisation, Nicole turned and stepped across the gangway into the plane. Somehow Ryan had weaselled his way into her heart and now she was going to have to make a mammoth effort to get over him.

  It was for the best, this way. Ryan was right about that. There was no room in his life for her, with his work and the project, and she had no space in her life for him. Olivia took preference and Nicole’s work took up the rest of her time. When would she fit in Ryan? It would never work. But that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt.

  Nicole tried not to look at Ryan as they flew back to the mainland. After they changed flights, she buried her nose in her book, concentrating on the complicated plot rather than the way Ryan’s nose tilted up ever so slightly at the end, or the way his long fingers danced over his laptop keyboard.

  She resisted the urge to place her hand on his firm thigh, only inches from hers, or lie her head on his broad shoulder as she had so many times over the last few days.

  Finally the tyres screeched down at OR Tambo International airport. Nicole heaved a sigh of relief. The torture was over.

  Nothing could have prepared Nicole for the media frenzy which greeted them when they emerged from the baggage collection. A myriad of flashing cameras and journalists with microphones descended on them like a swarm of bees.

  “Did you expect this?” Nicole shouted to Ryan over the crowd that had surrounded them.

  “I did get a tip-off,” Ryan admitted. “But I hoped it was nothing.”

  This certainly wasn’t nothing. A crowd of onlookers had joined the mêlée, curious to see if they were anyone famous.

  “Are you Ryan Jackson’s latest girlfriend?” a journalist from the British Sun asked.

  “Where have you been on holiday?” asked the Mirror.

  “Who is she, Ryan?” called a pretty brunette from the Daily Mail.

  “No comment!” Ryan grabbed Nic
ole’s hand and pulled her through the chaos. “The British press must have got wind of it. I don’t see any local newspapers here.”

  “Oh, that’s comforting,” replied Nicole, with a hefty dose of sarcasm.

  Hopefully her colleagues at the NRI wouldn’t see any of this. She wasn’t sure how her bosses would feel about her being linked to an international playboy.

  The swarm followed them through the airport and onto the pavement. Airport security had gathered and were watching them warily, ready to leap into action at the first sign of violence.

  Ryan got on the phone and made a call. Minutes later the Mercedes drove up and a door swung open.

  “Get in,” yelled a voice from inside.

  Ryan and Nicole dived into the car, which then sped off into the safe obscurity of the highway.

  “Well, I can’t say that’s ever happened to me before,” giggled Nicole, feeling rather overwhelmed.

  Ryan didn’t smile. “I’m sorry about that,” he murmured. “Chris, what the hell...?”

  The man in the back seat replied, “I couldn’t stop it, Ryan. Somehow you returning to SA leaked out and the office was inundated with calls from newspapers wanting confirmation. The new temp we hired last week gave them all the details.”

  “Sack her,” growled Ryan, unimpressed.

  “Hi, I’m Nicole,” said Nicole, leaning across Ryan to introduce herself to Chris.

  “Chris. Ryan’s PR assistant.” He clutched her hand as the car flew around a corner and onto the highway.

  “Ex-PR assistant,” grumbled Ryan.

  “Come on. This wasn’t my fault.” Chris looked seriously concerned, until Ryan cracked a brief smile and punched him on the shoulder. “You know I’m kidding, but seriously, I thought this shit was over.”

  “No way, buddy. Now they’ve got wind of your new girlfriend, its only beginning.”

  “I’m not his girlfriend,” said Nicole at exactly the same time as Ryan blurted out, “She’s not my girlfriend.”

  Chris held up a hand and snorted. “Okay, whatever.... I’m just saying they’re hungry for information.”

  Nicole looked horrified. Not about her, surely? She turned and gazed out of the window. This certainly put a different spin on things.

  Ryan swept a hand through his hair. “What a disaster!”

  In more ways than one. Now their secret liaison was not so secret anymore. Nicole would be dragged into his love/hate relationship with the international press who were bound to make a meal out of it. She was intelligent, beautiful and sexy. They would plaster her picture all over the papers. Tomorrow she’d be in every gossip magazine in London.

  This would make their fling impossible to hide. Plus, it would mean their agreement not to continue seeing each other would be noticeable. A breakup, just as the press publicised their relationship. How nice.

  Vincent Mahler would no doubt read all about it and call him up. Ryan Jackson involved in another scandal? Hopefully it wouldn’t make his benefactor pull out of their deal. The thought made his blood run cold. After all they’d been through to get this signed off? This was the last thing he needed.

  “We need to discuss strategy,” he told Chris. Then he glanced at Nicole. “I’m really sorry, but this could affect the deal with Vincent. If we don’t see each other again the press are going to assume you were a fling, or we’ve broken up, and it’s going to get nasty.”

  “You mean Vincent is going to know we lied to him?” confirmed Nicole, an edge to her voice.

  “I can’t have him pull out now. Not when we’re so close.”

  “You’re so close, you mean. This has nothing to do with me.” Nicole’s eyes were as cold as Ryan had ever seen them.

  “You’re involved now,” cut in Chris, not picking up on the vibes radiating between Nicole and Ryan.

  “No, you’re mistaken,” Nicole corrected. “I am not involved. I was asked to play along while we were on the island. It’s now over. I’m home and I want to return to my old life. I’m not interested in continuing with this façade any longer.”

  Ryan was silent. He understood where she was coming from but suspected it wasn’t going to be that easy. He knew firsthand how the media operated. Once they got their teeth into you it was a good few months before you became old news. Even then, if you ever did anything publically again, the old news stories were dredged up and you relived everything all over again. Nicole wasn’t going to be able to return to her old life now. But he didn’t say as much.

  “I respect your decision, of course,” he said diplomatically, “But can I ask you not to say anything about us not being together to the press? If Vincent got wind of it, it could destroy my chances of building the wind farm. He has to be under the impression we’re still together. At least for a while anyway, until I can talk to him about it.”

  Nicole frowned. “I really don’t like this subterfuge, Ryan. I suggest you talk to Vincent ASAP and clear the air. He needs to know the truth. In the mean time, don’t worry, I won’t talk to the press.”

  Ryan could see she hadn’t grasped the full impact of what that little demonstration at the airport had been about. She thought it was over, that she’d be left alone. Nicole wasn’t used to being a celebrity. She had no experience to draw on. Ryan knew it was only a matter of time before they figured out who she was and began hanging around her house, asking questions. Trying to get shots of her in her bikini, with her child.

  Christ, the child.

  Sighing, he leant back against the car seat. This was a total disaster. How on earth would Vincent react when he saw a picture of Nicole with her daughter? He’d know then he’d been duped.

  “I think you’re right,” he said wearily. “I’ll have to talk to Vincent as soon as I can. He isn’t back for another two weeks, so I’ll have to wait until then.” Hopefully it wouldn’t be too long to wait. One photograph was all it took and his plans could be in tatters.

  Damn. This had seemed such a good idea at the time, now it was backfiring spectacularly.

  The driver dropped Nicole off outside her house in Pretoria. Ryan was relieved to see all was quiet. It was late afternoon, and the warm breeze shifted the Jacaranda petals across the pavement and lifted Nicole’s blonde hair off her shoulders. He offered to help her inside but she declined.

  “My mother and daughter are waiting for me,” she said, with a small smile. Obviously she didn’t want to introduce them to him.

  “I apologise for all this,” Ryan murmured, as she unlocked her front door. “I hope we can remain friends.”

  “No problem,” said Nicole, lightly. Ryan wondered if she’d be quite so compliant in a day or two when she had to battle reporters to get out of her driveway.

  “Just make sure you sort it out with Vincent. I don’t like lying to him. He doesn’t deserve it.”

  “I will,” promised Ryan, hoping he could get to Vincent before the news did. “Take care, Nicole.”

  Nicole gave him a shaky smile, before opening the door and disappearing inside. A few seconds later Ryan heard a small voice yell, “Mummy!” and the pattering of little feet on the floor. Nicole was home. Back to her life, in which he had no right to demand a part.


  “Who is he?” Nicole’s mom stared out of the lounge window at the small crowd of journalists gathered on the lawn. “An actor, or something?”

  “No, nothing like that,” Nicole replied, wondering how on earth they’d found out where she lived. The airport was one thing, but to surround her home like this....

  The telephone rang. Nicole answered.

  “Nicole, this is Heat magazine. We were wondering if you’d care to comment on your affair with Ryan Jackson?”

  Nicole hung up.

  “They’re everywhere,” she wailed. “How am I going to get to work tomorrow?”

  “They may have gone by then,” Nicole’s mom reassured her, but she didn’t look too confident.

  “And I’ll have to take Olivia to sch

  Nicole collapsed onto the couch, her head in her hands. “This is a nightmare. If I’d know this would happen I’d never have agreed to go with him.”

  “I thought it was supposed to be a secret?” pointed out Nicole’s mom.

  “That was the idea, yes,” mumbled Nicole. She glanced at the now drawn curtains. “Except I don’t think it is anymore.”

  There was a hoot and Nicole’s mom peeked out from the behind the curtains. “A black Mercedes has pulled up,” she announced.

  “Oh no. It’s got to be him.” Nicole got up and joined her mom at the window. Yup, that was him all right, giving the press a field day. Cameras clicked and microphones were shoved under his face as Ryan Jackson got out of the car.

  Nicole and her mom watched as Ryan coolly held up a hand and almost strolled towards the front door. He clutched a teddy bear in his right hand, and used the left to fend off journalists.

  “What is he doing?” hissed Nicole, frowning at the bear. “He’s only going to make things worse.”

  The doorbell sounded.

  “You could not answer it,” suggested Nicole’s mom.

  Nicole gave her a look. “I think they know we’re here.”

  On the second ring, Nicole opened the door a crack. “What do you want?” she asked, none too friendly.

  “Do you mind if I come inside?” asked Ryan. “It’s a little crowded out here.”

  Nicole sighed and opened the door just enough for him to squeeze through. As it was, his broad shoulders scraped on the door frame, forcing him to turn sideways. The bear was the last thing to enter the house before Nicole shut the door with a bang.

  Once inside Nicole and Ryan stood and stared at each other. It had been two days since he’d dropped her off and he still looked every inch as delectable as when she’d left him. Why couldn’t he have developed acne or something? Anything to stop her from wanting him so much. And what was it with the bear? A gift for Olivia? Why? He didn’t even know her. What made him think she wanted them to get acquainted?

  Nicole’s appreciative look changed to one of suspicion. What was he up to now?


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