Asgar - Drogon General: SciFi Alien Soul Mates Romance (A Drogons Fate Series Book 3)

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Asgar - Drogon General: SciFi Alien Soul Mates Romance (A Drogons Fate Series Book 3) Page 5

by T. J. Quinn

  There was a shock on Brynjar’s face.

  “Colborn told me there are no crippled people amongst your species, so we weren’t sure how my presence would affect you,” she continued. “If Asgar had left me behind, I’m sure Eskol would have found a way to kill me. He hated me from the beginning. So, all he did was save my life and protect your people’s interests, while we figured a way to solve this whole situation,” she insisted.

  “I should have told you about her immediately,” Asgar admitted.

  Brynjar took a look at the women before he walked towards Asgar.

  “Stay here, both of you. Remember you’re still collared,” Brynjar ordered as he pushed Asgar out of the room, taking him to the council’s room.

  Once out of the room, Asgar tried to explain why he had decided to keep Eleanor away, astonished to confirm she was the king’s soulmate.

  Brynjar forgave him for his lack of judgment but demanded to keep the woman with him. Sasha wasn’t very happy with it, especially knowing she had to leave her friend at the palace and go back to Asgar’s place. According to Asgar, he had been designated as her tutor until a soulmate claimed her so that she could learn more about the planet and its people.

  She didn’t want to be all alone with him. The passion they conjured each time they were together was too strong, and something told her she would get burned with its fire.

  His excuse of being her tutor was nothing but crap, and she knew it. He wanted her and intended to have her.

  In other circumstances, she wouldn’t have mind exploring the fierce passion they shared, but the possibility of being claimed by another man, and taken away from his side, cooled a lot of that fire. The last thing she needed was a broken heart.

  But he gave her no choice. She was forced to go back to his place.

  “This doesn’t make any sense, and you know it,” she grumbled as he took a seat in front of the steering wheel. “I should stay here with the rest of the women so that I can help Eleanor. She can’t be left alone for long periods.”

  “The King will make sure she lacks nothing, believe me,” he assured her.

  “Why should I believe you?” she protested, in a disdainful tone.

  “I don’t think you have a choice, right?” he cut her, in a cold tone.

  She snorted at him and remained in silence for the rest of the trip. She hated to feel helpless, with no way out. It stressed her like no other thing, and she wanted to shout her rage to the world, but as it was, she didn’t even have the privacy for that.

  She was the mighty captain new sex doll.

  They arrived at his place in just a few minutes, and she jumped out of the vehicle as soon as he parked it in front of the main door.

  “I’ll take Eleanor’s chair back to the palace. Will you be alright, by yourself?” he asked her before she was able to enter the house.

  “Yes, I’ll be perfectly fine,” she assured him, without bothering to turn and look at him.

  “Remember, you’re not allowed to go outside the property,” he said in a cold tone, and this time she turned around to stare at him.

  “Why don’t you confine me to my room? I’m sure that would be a lot easier for you,” she ranted. How dared he to activate the damn collar?

  “Don’t push me, Sasha. It’s been a hellish day, and the last thing I need is to go after you across town,” he grumbled, turning away and walking to where he spotted Eleanor’s slider.

  Sasha stormed towards the house and straight to her room. She needed to be alone. She was feeling so emotionally drained, she couldn’t cope with anything else, at least, not for a while.

  Incredibly, the place was spotless, and the bed tucked, but she was too upset to give that too much thought.

  Instead, she threw herself over the bed and allowed a lonely tear to roll down her cheeks.

  Her life had never been easy. Her parents had always treated her as a mistake none of them wanted to assume and she had spent her whole childhood without knowing how it felt to have a real home. She had never been welcomed in any of her parents’ home, especially when both of them formed new families where she had no place in.

  She was more than happy to move out with Eleanor and the nurse she had to hire soon after the accident. She was only sixteen, but her parents had been more than happy to let her move out. They wanted nothing to do with her and from that day on, she erased them from her life.

  They had turned her life a living hell for far too long. Incredibly, she found a real home with her best friend. Though they were completely different, they completed each other, making them the perfect duo.

  Life hadn’t been easy for either of them, but at least, they had each other for comfort and support. She knew Eleanor would always be there, to lend her a shoulder to lean on and that meant more than anything in her life.

  That’s why she was so protective of her and the reason she didn’t want to be away from her.

  Eleanor always thought she was the needy part in their relationship, but Sasha knew things weren’t like that. Her friend had been the pillar she had always used to move on and keep moving. She didn’t know to be without her.

  After a while, she got tired of staring at the ceiling, so she jumped out of bed and decided to go exploring the gardens. After all, he said she couldn’t leave the property. That should include the gardens, right?

  She grabbed a piece of fruit, a strange mix between a green apple and a peach from a tray in the kitchen and after peeling it, she left the house.

  The fruit was juicy and quite delicious. She probably shouldn’t be eating it alone, after all, she had no idea if she could be allergic to it, but she didn’t pay much attention to it.

  Instead, she strolled through the garden, appreciating the colorful flowers.

  But her attention wasn’t completely in the lovely garden. She kept looking at the main gate, waiting for his return.

  With a deep sigh, she rubbed her eyes, trying to make some sense out of her feelings for him. Why was she so attracted to him? Wasn’t she supposed to fall for her alleged soulmate? Then, how could she explain the powerful passion that burned between them? Would she forget it as soon as her soulmate showed up? Was that even possible?

  She hated to have so many unanswered questions in her mind. It was exhausting trying to find answers for it when she had so little information on the facts.

  Perhaps, she should start praying for the so-called soulmate to show up as soon as possible. That way, she could leave him and forget she ever felt the way she was feeling.

  She let out a bitter laugh at her own thoughts. Who was she kidding? She had more chances going back home than forgetting Asgar.

  He had gotten himself under her skin, and she knew he would never leave.

  The muffled sound of his vehicle called her attention, and her whole body tensed up. He was home.

  Chapter Seven

  Her first instinct was to go meet him, but she forced herself to stay where she was. The last thing she wanted was for him to think she was eager to be with him.

  So she stayed where she was, and he walked to meet her.

  “I forgot you haven’t had anything to eat since this morning. You must be hungry,” he said when he reached her.

  She snorted, strolling away from him. “I had one of those green fruits you have in the kitchen,” she replied, in a cold tone.

  “That’s not enough. I will get you something else.”

  “I can wait for dinner time. There’s no point eating at this hour.” She rejected his offer. “Did you see Eleanor?”

  “No, I didn’t. I was told she had been taken to her room because she wasn’t feeling to well,” he explained, joining her.

  “She must be in a lot of pain,” she let out a sigh of sheer frustration.

  “I’m sure Brynjar will look after her,” he assured her.

  “Why should he? He’s the king, not Eleanor’s nurse,” she grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. “I should be there with her.”

  “That’s not happening.” His tone was firm, and she was sure he wasn’t changing his mind.

  “Why is it so important for you to have me here?” she poked him, looking for an honest answer.

  He arched his eyebrows, enhancing the ridges on his forehead, as a devious scowl cracked his lips. “I’m sure you’re not so naïve, Sasha. After all, I’ve already told you there are no unmated females on this planet,” he stated.

  “I’m not your damn slave. You said it yourself,” she spat through gritted teeth.

  “No, you aren’t. That’s a fact,” he agreed, closing the distance between them. “Slaves don’t have free will. They do what they’re told, whether they like it or not. I discovered they are no fun in bed,” he continued, standing so close to her she was forced to take a step back. “Instead, what we have together is entirely different.”

  “We don’t have a thing,” she grumbled, stretching her arm to keep him away from her.

  “Of course we do. It doesn’t matter if you chose to ignore it. It has its own will,” he assured her.

  “I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about,” she stepped back and turned away to escape his overwhelming presence and his words. They both knew she was running away, but she didn’t care.

  But he wasn’t ready to let her escape, and before she was able to take more than a few steps, he had captured her and pulled her into his tight embrace.

  “You can’t escape,” he murmured, with his lips pressed against hers, right before he claimed them in a passionate kiss.

  Being in his arms always melted away any resistance she might have been able to feign. Jolts of pleasure rushed through her whole body the minute he held her, ripping a moan from her lips.

  His tongue didn’t waste the opportunity and slid inside her mouth, making sure to conquer every single inch of it, reigniting the wildfire that always burned between them.

  Lost in the passion he conjured in her, she wrapped her arms around his strong neck, tilting her head to a side to give him full access to her mouth.

  His hands slid from her waist up, until he cradled her face, deepening the kiss as if he wanted to devour her soul through her mouth.

  His lips only left hers when they were both breathless. But he didn’t stop. His lips started tracing a trail of fire through her cheeks, towards her earlobes, where his teeth teased her sensitive skin, nibbling her gently.

  Her moans soon became whimpers as her arousal peaked like it never had. She wanted more. She needed more. And at that exact moment, she was willing to do anything to get what she wanted, disregarding any possible consequence.

  Asgar let his lips wander down her neck, combining kisses with nibbles, loving the way her body reacted to every one of his caresses.

  Her fingers buried in his hair and roaming through his head were driving him insane, and he knew he was very close to losing his self-control. His need for her was so strong his cock throbbed inside his pants, pressing against the fabric so hard he was afraid it would drill a hole in it.

  He wanted her. He needed her, so badly he had to have her. Somewhere, deep down, he knew he was rushing things, and that he might regret it, but his Drogon was so eager for her, he doubted he could stop.

  Before she knew it, Asgar had laid her on the ground, over the soft grass, always kissing her, all over her face, ears, and neck, not allowing any coherent thought to cross her mind.

  This was about feelings and sensations and nothing more.

  With fervent passion, he parted her legs and nestled between them, allowing her to feel for the first time just how much he wanted her, as he pressed his hips against hers.

  Sasha gasped for air when she felt him pressing against her.

  God, how was it possible he made her feel this way? She was so aroused, she could feel her wetness. She wanted him so badly, nothing else mattered.

  Her hands slid from his silky hair to his shoulders as she pulled his cape from them. She wanted to feel his skin under her fingers.

  He helped her, unhooking the cape from his suit and he was about to take off the rest of his clothes when a man’s voice interrupted them.

  “Asgar, where are you?” the man shout from the house.

  For a moment, they stood still, unsure of what to do.

  “Damn, damn.” Asgar cursed resting his forehead on hers for a few seconds. “He won’t go away,” he informed her, getting up and helping her do the same.

  They were both breathless and still aroused. Desire and passion were written all over their faces.

  “Who’s he?” she managed to ask when the man shouted Asgar’s name once more.

  “It’s my younger brother, Eirik. He must have heard I was back,” he explained, picking up his cape from the ground.

  “Asgar, where are you?” the man shouted again.

  “A bit impatient isn’t he?” she asked, with a sarcastic tone.

  She should feel relieved someone had stopped them before it was too late, and she was sure she would feel it, in time, but right now, all she could feel was a raw frustration that was eating her alive.

  “Let’s go meet him, or he’ll warn the whole neighborhood he’s looking for me,” he said, with an apologetic smile on his face.

  She nodded and followed him, trying to calm down the beating of her heart and the heaving of her chest.

  He seemed to be struggling with the same, but that didn’t make her feel any happier.

  “Ah, here you are.” His brother shouted when he saw them coming from the garden. “And she must be one of the humans you brought back.”

  Eirik was a younger version of Asgar: same hair, same eyes, same features, but there was an air of carelessness, a product of his tender age, no doubt. He didn’t look much older than a teenager.

  “Eirik, she’s Sasha. Sasha, allow me to introduce you to my younger brother Eirik.” Asgar made the introductions.

  “It’s a pleasure meeting my first human female,” he replied, enthusiastic.

  “Thank you, Eirik,” she said with a wide smile. Unlike his older brother, he was quite harmless. “It’s a pleasure meeting you, too.”

  “What are you doing here, Eirik?” Asgar asked, with a frown, feeling a bit jealous of his own brother. Sasha never smiled at him that way, so open and unreservedly.

  “I was bored at home, so I thought I would come by and hear about the new females,” he explained, shrugging. “I wasn’t expecting to find one here, that’s for sure, but that only makes me happier that I came.”

  “We’re both tired and hungry, so why don’t you leave this visit for some other day?” Asgar suggested in a cold tone.

  “I’m sure he’s hungry too, aren’t you, Eirik?” Sasha asked, taking a step forward to where the other man was standing. “I’m sure he would love to join us for dinner,” she added with a huge smile.

  She wasn’t ready to be left alone with Asgar again. She needed to build back her defenses against him. Otherwise, she would fall for him hard, and that was the last thing she needed right now.

  “I’m always hungry,” Eirik nodded, ignoring his brother’s expression. “Sharing a meal with you will certainly make my day.”

  She chuckled and invited him in, leaving a very frustrated Asgar behind.

  He watched them disappear inside the house before he hit the wall with his fist. ‘Damn woman.’ He knew exactly what she was doing, and though it annoyed him very much, there wasn’t much he could do, not unless he wanted to throw his brother out of the house and that would only make things worse. He could imagine his mother flying to this house to find out what was going on. That was the last thing he needed.

  When he joined them in the kitchen, Eirik was ordering food from the nearest refectory for the three of them.

  “Why don’t you cook your own food?” she asked, intrigued.

  “I have no idea of how to cook a proper meal,” Eirik replied with a scowl. “Very few men learn how to cook, and those who do are the owners and employees on
the several refectories all over the planet,” he explained.

  “So, you buy all your food? Isn’t that expensive?” she asked again.

  “No, it’s not. This is a very rich planet, and we have learned to use its benefits without exploiting them, and that has provided all our people with enough income for whatever they want.” Asgar explained as he entered the house, clearly not very pleased with the whole situation.

  “That’s nice. I could have used something like that back home. Cooking was never my thing,” she said with a self-deprecating scowl. “How long does it take for the food to arrive?”

  “Five minutes or so. It’s teleported here,” Eirik explained.

  That astounded her, but then she remembered Egil had teleported all of the women from the lizard’s vessel into theirs. Back then she had been so upset she hadn’t paid much attention to it.

  “Nice. Enough time for me to take a bath and change clothes,” she said, and without waiting for an answer, she turned around and went straight to her room. She was feeling sweaty and wet. She was so aware of her arousal that she could smell it. How the hell was that even possible? What dark magic had he conjured over her to make her so weak in his presence? A single touch of his hand was enough to make her legs quiver, a kiss was enough to make her surrender to his will.

  Once in her bathroom, she stripped off her clothes, and headed straight to the shower stall, needing more than ever the soothing power of the orange liquid.

  She stayed there, just standing under the warm stream until she felt calm. Only then, did she bother to wash her hair and her body.

  Out of the bathroom, she put on one of the tunics Asgar had provided for her, and while she stood in front of the metallic mirror, she wished she had a comb. Her hair was starting to look like a rat’s nest.

  Asgar looked at his brother with an unfriendly expression.

  “What? What did I do now?” Eirik asked, amused.

  “You could have said no to her invitation,” he grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest, as he faced his brother.


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