Asgar - Drogon General: SciFi Alien Soul Mates Romance (A Drogons Fate Series Book 3)

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Asgar - Drogon General: SciFi Alien Soul Mates Romance (A Drogons Fate Series Book 3) Page 7

by T. J. Quinn

  Even still under the haze of her orgasm, Sasha missed him and grunted her disapproval. She wanted him.

  But he had no intention of leaving her. Instead, he crouched between her legs and pulled them up to her chest before he rested his cock’s head at her entrance.

  Sasha sobbed, looking at him, so powerful, so amazing and she couldn’t remember anything she wanted more than to be his, even if it killed her.

  The thought crossed her mind as she watched his huge cock ready to enter her, but she did nothing to stop him. She wasn’t afraid, not even a little bit.

  Pressing the back of her thighs against her chest, he pushed himself, slowly into her and inch by inch, he made his way inside her, until her eagerness and desire took over her, and she rocked her hips high to take him all the way into her very core.

  “Sasha!” he growled when he reached her womb.

  She moaned back, lost in the pleasure of finally having him buried inside her. “Don’t stop… please… don’t stop…” she demanded, locking her eyes with his.

  “Never… I’ll never stop,” he assured her, just before he started to thrust in and out of her, at first, slowly, but gradually increasing his speed until he was able to unleash his passion and take her the way he had been dreaming ever since he had laid eyes on her.

  Thrust after thrust, they were pushed to the edge and soon, with a loud growl he was coming deep inside her, dragging her with him through the wild turmoil of pleasure and bliss they had conjured.

  The waves of pleasure rushing through Asgar were so powerful, so strong, his body moved on its own will, and when he realized what he was doing, his fangs were out, and he was grazing the fair skin of her left breast, ready to take her essence.

  He pulled out, scared with the intensity of his feelings, hopping out of bed, struggling to control the urge of his Drogon to take his female as well.

  Still in bed, barely able to breathe, with her body still shuddering, Sasha leaned on her elbows to look at him, confused.

  What the hell had just happened?

  Before she could ask him, he disappeared through the door that connected their rooms, without uttering a word.

  Sasha let her body fall back to the mattress and closed her eyes, trying to make some sense of what had happened. Why had he left that way? Was that their way? To leave as soon as they got what they wanted?

  For some reason, that explanation didn’t make any sense. Something had happened. And the only thing she could think of was that he hadn’t been pleased with her, that somehow she had been a disappointment for him.

  She squeezed her eyes shut, determined to keep at bay the tears welling up inside her and not pay any attention to his rude actions.

  She had warned him this wasn’t a good idea. Perhaps now he would agree with her, and he would allow her to go back to the palace.

  She waited a few more minutes in bed, for her body to stop shaking before she left the bed and headed to the bathroom.

  Suddenly, she was feeling an urgent need of a bath, to wash away his scent from her skin and get rid of his essence that still oozed out of her, mixed with her own.

  When she returned to the room, with a clean tunic on, she stared at the bed for a few moments, before she decided she couldn’t sleep there. The place still reeked to him, to sweat and sex, and sure as hell, she didn’t need any reminder of what had just happened, so she left the room and went towards the one Eleanor had used their first night on the planet.

  Asgar stormed out of her room, furious with himself, and his lack of self-control. Needing to vent his rage, he changed into his Drogon form and flew out the window.

  He flew out to the ocean, unaware of the cold breeze or the fact he was completely naked.

  Asgar hadn’t been ready for the possibility he would act on instinct the moment he was coming inside her. Of course, he knew all about the mating process, he was aware that it involved the exchange of blood, but he hadn’t expected the pull to be so strong that he would do it unconsciously.

  He needed to talk to someone about it, because he had no idea how that could affect Sasha, since she was human and entirely different from them, especially in her inability to heal herself. He should have paid more attention to the legends about the alien soulmates, especially when he started looking for them. Now, he had almost hurt his other half, and he couldn’t be more furious with himself.

  He landed on a desert beach and walked along the waterline, trying to regain his self-control before he was able to go back home and try to explain his odd behavior to Sasha. He was sure she wouldn’t be very pleased.

  He went back to the house almost three hours later. Sure Sasha was already sleeping he decided not to disturb her, so he went straight to his bedroom, and after a quick shower, he threw himself on the bed, closing his eyes. But he wasn’t able to keep them close. He had to talk to her, even if it meant to wake her up. He couldn’t let her keep thinking he was an asshole, capable of abandoning a woman’s bed just seconds after he had had the best moment of his life.

  He jumped out of bed and walked in silence to her bedroom.

  The place was dark, but he had an excellent night vision, so he had no trouble realizing she wasn’t in bed.

  Startled, he turned on the lights and looked for her in her dressing room and in the bathing room, just to find them as empty as her room.

  About to panic, he forced himself to take a deep breath and think with his head instead of his irrational heart.

  Sasha was a brilliant woman; she wouldn’t run out in the middle of the night, in a place she knew nothing of, without even knowing what to expect, or what kind of dangers she might have to face.

  That meant she had to be still somewhere in the house. He took another deep breath, trying to pick up on her scent and when he did, he went after her.

  She was in the room Eleanor had used when she was staying with them. Unwilling, to scare her, he had opened the door, making as less noise as possible, sighing relieved when he saw her silhouette in bed.

  She was asleep, so he decided to let her be, but he wasn’t going anywhere, so he walked to the bed and joined her, lying as close as he could without waking her up.

  They would have time to talk in the morning.

  The sunlight woke her up. Slowly, she opened up her eyes, just to find Asgar’s staring back at her. Incredibly, she was cuddled up against him, face to face.

  Annoyed, she tried to pull back, but he didn’t let her.

  “Good morning, Sasha,” he greeted her, in a soft tone.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” she grumbled, still squirming in his arms.

  “I’ll be wherever you are, and that includes the bed you chose to sleep in,” he said, in a calmer tone.

  “Really? That wasn’t the message you sent last night,” she said, oozing sarcasm.

  “I’m sorry about that. What I did was unforgivable, but the only reason I did it, was to protect you.”

  “Oh, come on… really? Protect me? Of what?” she mocked him, furious.

  He took a deep breath, trying to decide just how much of the truth would he dare to reveal to her. Letting her go, he took a seat in bed and looked at her.

  “Remember when Brynjar explained to you we are Drogons?” he asked, in a serious tone.

  She sat up too.

  “Yes, I do, but what does that have to do with any of this?”

  “This isn’t our original home planet,” he started to explain. “We come from a much hotter world, and we are a people of fire. When our home planet exploded, we had to find a new home, and this desert planet was the closest one we could find to the one we had.”

  “What happened to your planet?” she asked, curious, as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  “It exploded. Our sun died, and in the process, it destroyed all of the planets in its solar system,” he replied.

  “Alright, but I still don’t see what that has to do with what you did last night.”

  He took another d
eep breath. “Well, as people of fire, we have some peculiar characteristics.”

  “Like the fact you’re able to heal yourselves?”

  “Yes, and that we are shapeshifters,” he finally admitted.

  “Shapeshifters? What do you mean?” she asked, startled.

  “It means we change into a different creature, into a drogon, to be more specific,” he clarified.

  “And what the hell is a drogon?” she asked with a frown.

  He got up and took a few steps away from the bed, to show her, though not the whole transformation, the one they only used in combat, just the one that didn’t change him but that would show her what he was talking about.

  Sasha looked at him, not sure what to expect, but when the scales came out, all over his body and leathery wings, quite similar to the ones bats had displayed on his back, she knew. A drogon was nothing else than a dragon man, with claws and fangs included.

  She supposed she should be scared, but she wasn’t. Actually, she was fascinated with his change. She had never seen a creature so magnificent.

  “This part of me is a bit wilder than my regular one. Though I know it can surface when we’re copulating, I had always been able to control it,” he continued explained. “With you, last night, that control escaped me for a few seconds, and I have to admit that upset me.”

  She nodded, though she still didn’t quite understand. “Is it that problematic the possibility of you losing control?”

  “Yes, not only problematic but also dangerous,” he replied, changing back to his usual form.

  “I think you’re overreacting,” she said, jumping out of bed. “Next time, stay and talk. Running out never solves any problem,” she grumbled as she walked through him towards the bathroom.

  When she came out, he was still there waiting for her.

  “I know I made a mistake last night, and I assure you it won’t happen again,” he said, and she looked at him, trying to find out which part did he consider a mistake. “I won’t walk out on you again that way.”

  Though she wouldn’t admit it to herself, she felt relieved. The last thing she wanted was for him to regret one of the most amazing moments of her life. The pleasure she met in his arms had no comparison with any of her past experiences, and she was starting to think she would never experience it with anyone else.

  “Good. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m hungry. How can we get something to eat around here?” she asked, changing the subject.

  “I thought you would be a bit more disturbed with what I showed you,” he said, standing in front of her.

  She chuckled. “Hmmm, yes, I guess I should have been, but I’m not. I’m intrigued, yes, but after all, I’ve been through the past weeks, I suppose I need more to be disturbed,” she explained.

  “So, you’re not scared?” he asked her, with a faint smile.

  “No, I'm not afraid. Your drogon is quite amazing,” she assured him.

  This time his smile was wide. “That makes me happier than I can explain.”

  “We’ll have to explore that a bit more, but right now, all I want is to get something to eat,” she was feeling incredibly hungry. After the turmoil of emotions and feelings she had been through last night, she guessed it wasn’t that surprising.

  Chapter Ten

  He chuckled, guided her to the kitchen, and taught her how to use the screen on the wall to order the food.

  “I can’t read your language, so how the hell am I going to know what to order?” she grumbled looking at the strange characters displayed on the menu.

  “I guess you’ll have to learn,” he replied. “I can teach you.”

  “Yes, I guess that has to be on my list of future projects,” she said, scowling. “But right now I just want something to eat.”

  He touched a few things and prepared an order, sending it a few moments later. “Food will be her in a few minutes.”

  “Good. I would like to call Eleanor and find out how she is doing,” she asked as she took a seat at the kitchen table.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  She frowned. “Why not?”

  “Let’s give Brynjar a bit more time to get to know her before we start making demands,” he asked her. “He’s a fair man, but he was really furious yesterday with my poor judgment of keeping her existence in secret.”

  “We all agreed it was the best thing to do.”

  “But it was my duty, my responsibility,” he insisted. “Besides being my king, he’s also my best friend. I should have had a bit more faith in him.”

  “You shouldn’t blame yourself like that. I guess a lot was going on at the same time. And you never intended to keep her hidden forever.”

  “Of course not.”

  Two beeps warned them of the arrival of the food, and soon they were enjoying it. He had ordered pretty much the same thing they had eaten last night: meat and vegetables.

  “You always eat like this?” she asked, watching him devour his food.

  He looked at his plate. “Yes, I do. We spend a lot of energy, and we need to refuel it as often as possible.”

  “And I guess you never get fat,” she sighed, envying his metabolism.

  “No, our bodies discard anything useless or harmless to our bodies,” he explained, with a smile.

  “Isn’t there a way for me to become one of you?” she asked in a teasing tone, missing the strange expression that crossed his face. “I’m starting to think there are way too many advantages of being a drogon,” she added, picking a piece of meat with the strange fork the used. Unlike earthling forks, their pins weren’t lined up. Instead, they formed two lines of pins, not far from each other, that made eating a complicated process for a person not used to it.

  “We are a very unique species,” he agreed, not adding much more to the subject. It wasn’t the right moment, and he even doubted it would ever be.

  “So, what are the plans for today? Or do you plan on keeping me prisoner here?” she asked, as she finished the food she had on her plate.

  “I could take you on a tour around the city,” he suggested.

  “I guess we could, but I have to admit that doesn’t appeal to me that much. Your city is quite boring,” she said, scowling.

  “Boring? What do you mean?” he asked, puzzled.

  “Well, all your buildings and houses are made of the same material and painted with the same color,” she explained.

  “They’re not painted. The greridius, the metal we all use for our constructions, is used in its pure form.”

  “Why do you use it?” she asked, curious.

  “The greridius absorbs all of the sun’s energy and transfers it for the building’s use. That’s why we use it everywhere. We need heat for a comfortable life.”

  “Would adding some paint to it, alter its efficiency?”

  “I have no idea. I’ve never paid much importance to that kind of things.”

  “I’m sure no one has ever done that,” She stated, with a smirk. “What about a beach, a river, a park? Do you have any of those?”

  “Yes, in fact, there’s all of that, but not here in town. We would have to go to the outskirts.”

  She frowned. She wasn’t that fond of the wild nature as to drive for hours to enjoy it. “What about a mall, or some kind of market?” she asked. “I could use some clothes. These tunics and suits don’t do much for a girl’s good mood.”

  He chuckled. “Yes, we do have a market, but I’m afraid you’ll only find other versions of that.”

  She looked at him surprised. “You have to be kidding me. Your women all dress alike? With this kind of clothes?”

  “Yes, they do. Clothing has never been our priority,” he tried to explain.

  “What has been your priority then?” she asked, amazed.

  One thing was to be pragmatic and use only what would be beneficial for you, and the other thing was to forget all about beauty and feel good about yourself.

  “To protect our people and ma
ke this planet a better home for our people.”

  “How long have you been on this planet?”

  “Several thousand rotations,” he replied, not following her point.

  “Then, I’m sure you’ve done all you can to do that. It’s time to make it a nice place as well, colorful, and cheerful,” she said, in a firm tone. “I refuse to believe people are actually happy with such a monochromatic world, especially when nature has so many shades of color you could add to your own life.”

  He shrugged. “I have to admit I’ve never stopped to think of that.”

  “Well… we’ll have to do something about that,” she said in a cheerful tone. “For now you can take me to this market. I need some fabric and for you to take me to the palace.”

  “I told you it wasn’t a good idea…” he started to say, but she interrupted him.

  “I won’t bother Eleanor. I need Gil Ra’s help to get some decent clothes.”

  “Very well. Put on one of the suits you have in your dressing room and your cape. It’s too cold outside to wear a tunic,” he asked her.

  She nodded and quickly disappeared into her room, to come out a few minutes later wearing one of those formless suits she was starting to hate.

  He took her to the market on his vehicle and soon they were walking through the halls of the place. Like he had warned her, there wasn’t much to choose from. Suits, Tunics, and capes were basically the only things on sale.

  “Where can I find some fabric?” she asked him.

  “I have no idea,” he admitted.

  “Can you ask any of the sellers?” She asked him, as she took a closer look to a dark blue tunic in one of the stores.

  “You can do it yourself,” he suggested.

  She looked around, feeling a bit shy. Speaking with strangers had never been a problem to her, but although she was trying to ignore it, she was quite aware of the curious looks and murmurs her presence seemed to conjure.

  She knew Zuvrakians hadn’t had much contact with aliens on the planet so she could understand their curiosity, but it still felt a bit awkward.


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