The Butterfly Conspiracy

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The Butterfly Conspiracy Page 16

by James Nelson

  “I thought they found it in Britt’s bedroom?” Phillip asked.

  Jeanette turned to Phillip, “They did. We were going to tell the police but then I got a call from someone who sounded a lot like Moon Murchie telling me he had information about Britt’s murder. He told us to meet him up at the cave.”

  “So who put the knife up in the ceiling tiles above Britt’s bed?” Uncle Phil asked.

  Stephen spoke up, “It had to be the killer trying to frame me.”

  Phillip rose from his chair. “I need to see where you found the knife, Stephen.”

  Chapter 43

  Stephen and Jeanette followed Phillip up the staircase. When they got to the library, Phillip turned the lion head and the bookcase swung open. He entered the dark opening and turned on the light switch. They all entered the passageway.

  “When I designed the manor, I tried to duplicate the house in the movie as much as possible. As you know, in the movie, the secret passageway goes to the Mad Doctor’s hidden laboratory. Well, I didn’t need a laboratory, but I thought it would be fun to have it go over to Britt’s house. I never told her I had built this. The first time I used it, I scared her senseless. Britt was quietly reading a book, when suddenly the bookcase in her living room swung open and I stepped out. I thought it was quite a joke, but unfortunately, she didn’t see the humor in it.” As he spoke, Phillip ducked under the big model airplane hanging from the low ceiling.

  Stephen stopped to look at the plane. “That looks like the plane the army used to attack the Piltdown Man in your movie.”

  “Yes it is. It’s a model of a Curtiss Helldiver Naval training plane. You have a very good eye for detail, Stephen. It was also the same type of plane that shot down King Kong. That’s where I got the idea.”

  Stephen took a step closer and touched the wing. “It’s quite a model.”

  “Its wingspan is over six feet wide and it’s heavier than it looks. It’s all metal. I keep it safe up here because I’ll probably use it in a movie again sometime.”

  Stephen left the airplane and hurried to catch up to Jeanette and Phillip as they approached a turn in the corridor.

  “This is where I screamed last time,” Jeanette said to Phillip. “I didn’t know you stored the big bear up here.”

  “I had to put it somewhere. Britt wanted me to get rid of it. I told her I may need to use it again as a prop so we agreed to keep it up here.”

  “Well, it really gave me a start when we were walking down the corridor last time,” Jeanette said with a laugh.

  Through the dim light, they spotted the huge stuffed bear halfway down the corridor, pushed against the wall. As they approached, the bear suddenly pivoted and moved towards them.

  Jeanette muffled a scream as Phillip stopped and motioned for them to be quiet. Phillip watched as a shadowy figure struggled to lift something from inside of the bear’s cavity.

  A man emerged from behind the bear, stuffing clothes into a canvas bag.

  Phillip stepped forward, “Bobby, what are you doing here?”

  The guard looked up with a startled look on his face.

  “Oh, Phillip…I’m, uh…I’m just cleaning up some trash I found.”

  “What sort of trash?” Phillip asked as he reached for the bag.

  Bobby swung the bag behind him and pulled a small revolver out of his waistband.

  “Hold it, Phillip. Don’t move.” Bobby’s voice was suddenly different. It was a voice in command. Stephen had never heard Bobby speak to Phillip like that before.

  Undaunted by the gun, Phillip moved closer to Bobby. The guard looked startled and let go of the bag. The bag opened as it hit the floor and a bloody shirt fell out.

  “Stay back, Phillip, I’m warning you.” Bobbie said.

  “Bobby, what’s going on here?” Phillip demanded.

  “Just picking up some evidence.” Bobby replied as he shot a glare at Stephen.

  “Evidence?” Phillip asked. “If this is evidence, we’ll need this to help clear Stephen.” Phillip reached out to take the bag.

  Bobby leveled the gun at Phillip. “You got a point there. Finding my bloody clothes would probably go a long way to clearing that nephew of yours, but it wouldn’t do much for me.”

  Phillip looked surprised. “You? What do you have to do with any of this?” he asked.

  “There’s a lot you don’t know, Phillip. Britt and I had plans. She showed me this passageway so I could come and see her whenever I wanted to.”

  “That is a lie.” Phillip shouted.

  “No it isn’t. We were moving to Hollywood and she was

  going to get me some acting jobs.”

  Bobby turned to Stephen. “Britt and I had a great thing going until your nephew here showed up. Then, all of a sudden, our plans changed. I wasn’t good enough, anymore. Hollywood was out. Britt found out that Stephen’s old man wrote Broadway plays. Now she wanted to be on Broadway. Britt thought I was just going to sit back and take being tossed aside like some washed up piece of crap.”

  Phillip interrupted, “Bobby, can’t you see. Britt was just using you. Then, when Stephen arrived, she started using him, too. He had nothing to do with any of this.”

  “He should have gone back home when I pushed him over the log slide.”

  Stephen exclaimed, “That was you?”

  Bobby continued, “It doesn’t matter. She’s history and I’m not taking the fall. That planted knife took any heat off me. Once I get rid of these bloody clothes, I’m in the clear.”

  “So, now we all know what happened, Bobby. Just give me the gun and this nightmare can all be over.” Phillip held out his hand.

  “I don’t think so.” Bobby motioned to Stephen. “Untie that plane behind you and toss me the ropes. Don’t try anything funny, or I’ll shoot your uncle and Jeanette, too.”

  Stephen reached up to the low ceiling and untied the ropes holding the airplane. He coiled the ropes into a tight ball, reached back and threw them directly at Bobby’s face.

  Bobby fell backwards and a shot rang out from the revolver. A brilliant flash illuminated the dark corridor and Phillip clutched his shoulder. Jeanette screamed and rushed over to him. Jeanette could see a small trickle of blood begin to ooze through Phillip’s fingers.

  Bobby struggled to his feet and pushed Jeanette away from Phillip. He shoved the gun into Phillip’s back and reached down to get the ropes Stephen had thrown at him.

  “Tie up your nephew.”

  Phillip didn’t move. Bobby aimed the gun near Phillip’s head and squeezed off a round. Phillip ducked as he heard the bullet zip just past his head.

  “Get moving.” Bobby motioned with the gun.

  Phillip walked over to Stephen. Stephen moved his hands behind his back. Paulie’s words echoed in Stephen’s head as Phillip started to tie him up. Stephen pushed the palms of his hands out slightly as Phillip wound the cord around his wrists. Phillip turned and faced Bobby when he was finished.

  “Stephen, sit down and don’t move. Phillip, now go and tie up Jeanette”.

  Bobby watched as Phillip was tying up Jeanette.

  “I’m sorry, Phillip. But this is the way it has to be. When I report a double murder and suicide to the cops, the heat will be off me. I’ll just go to Hollywood and make it on my own. To hell with Britt.”

  As Bobby talked, Stephen pushed his hands tightly together and felt the rope loosen. He looped his little finger around a coil and strained to pull it down. Slowly the loop inched free. He shook his hands and the cord fell from one hand. His hands were free.

  Bobby stepped forward and pointed the gun to the side of Phillip’s head. Stephen frantically searched the floor behind his back with his fingers. He grabbed on to something that was round and hard. It felt like some kind of wooden ball. With a flick of his wrist, he tossed the object down the corridor, trying hard not to move his arms or shoulders. The ball rolled down the corridor and crashed into a metal sign.

  Bobby spun around and pointe
d the gun in the direction of the noise. Stephen bolted to his feet and slammed low into Bobby’s knees, knocking him to the floor. The impact threw Bobby onto his back. Bobby squeezed off two rounds. Stephen grabbed for the revolver, trying to wrestle the gun away. Bobby hit Stephen in the face. Stephen grabbed Bobby’s wrist with both hands. He pounded the revolver against the concrete floor.

  Bobby let go of the gun, grabbing Stephen in a head lock and wrestling with him to the ground. They rolled into boxes, knocking movie props around them. Bobby struggled to his feet, pulling Stephen up by his shirt. He punched Stephen in the stomach. Stephen stumbled backwards trying to catch his balance. Bobby reached down, tossing boxes aside as he searched for the gun.

  Stephen saw a metallic glint as a box went sailing into the air. Bobby bent down to grab the gun. Stephen had rolled over next to the model airplane. He reached for the plane. It was heavy, much heavier than it looked. He raised the plane over his head and threw it at Bobby as hard as he could.

  As Bobby rose with the gun, he saw something big sailing towards him. He tried to duck as the sharp wing of the airplane clipped his throat. Bobby tried to scream as he crumpled to the floor. He dropped the gun and frantically grabbed his throat with both hands as he gasped for breath.

  Stephen rushed over, picked up the gun, and held it on Bobby as he untied Jeanette’s hands. He handed the gun to Jeanette. “Make sure Bobby doesn’t try anything while I tie him up.”

  Bobby lay on his back as a pool of blood formed under his head. Stephen rolled him over and used the rope that had bound Jeanette to tie Bobby’s hands. He double checked to make sure the binding was tight. Stephen walked over to his uncle.

  “How’s your shoulder?”

  “It’s not bad, I’m lucky the bullet just grazed me.”

  Stephen walked over to Jeanette and took back the gun.

  “I’ll stay here and cover Bobby, Jeanette go call the police and an ambulance.”

  Phillip said, “I’ll stay here with you, Stephen.”

  Chapter 44

  It was three days later and Stella Moorehouse was sitting in the trophy room scrutinizing the group. Scott and was sitting in a leather chair. King was lying on a rug at his feet. Stephen and Jeanette were sitting in the love seat, holding hands. Phillip was in his overstuffed chair next to the roaring fire. Joe walked in with his arm in a sling, eating a sandwich Cora had just slipped him.

  Stella addressed the crowd, “First off, I want to ask Joe how he is doing?”

  “I’m just fine, Mrs. Moorehouse. The doctor said I’ll only have to wear this sling for a few more weeks.”

  “That’s wonderful.” She looked relieved. “Well, I think you have all changed my mind after all. Once Phillip decided to tell me what was really going on, I came out as soon as possible with the intention of bringing Stephen back to New York immediately.”

  “And what did I tell you, Stella?” Phillip asked with a smile.

  “You said that everything was fine and that Stephen had made some wonderful friends. You told me the worst was over and he should be allowed to stay for the rest of the summer, as planned.”

  “And?” Stephen asked.

  “After all the terrible things that had happened, I couldn’t image allowing you to stay. But I must say, after spending the day with all of you, I think the best thing would be for Stephen to remain here and have the summer we all envisioned he would have.”

  A cheer went up from the crowd.

  “But..,” Stella interjected. “I have another plan.”

  A hush immediately filled the room.

  “As you know, my husband Martin can not be with us today because he, very wisely, decided to seek treatment for a problem he has. I would very much like him to have the opportunity to meet all of you. It would be so wonderful if you could share your stories with Martin of how you all helped Stephen in his times of need. So, with that in mind, when Stephen returns to go to art school, I would love to have you all come for a visit and stay with us in New York City. I’ll make all the arrangements and will pay for everyone’s trip.”

  The room went wild.

  “Joe, did you ever think wearing that bear skin rug would wind up getting you a free trip to New York City?” Scott asked.

  “Since I’ve never even been across the bridge to Lower Michigan, I’d have to say that would be a no!” Joe laughed.

  “And, Jeanette,” Stella said.

  Jeanette turned from Scott and Joe.


  “I think you may have to come a few days early, since after talking to Stephen, it looks like the Moorehouse family will be seeing quite a bit more of you in the future.”

  Jeanette turned a pretty shade of pink, poked Stephen in the arm and said, “Oh, Stephen!”




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