The Worse for Were: In Love With Her Werewolf Husband of Convenience (Legendary Consultants)

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The Worse for Were: In Love With Her Werewolf Husband of Convenience (Legendary Consultants) Page 8

by Abigail Owen

  That changed now.


  Tala trotted ahead of Marrok, keeping her distance all the way back to the cabin, past it, and into the woods where their belongings were stashed. Her wolf tried to ignore how incredible he smelled—woodsy, earthy. Alpha. He gave off such an air of confidence, she couldn’t help but respond to it. At the same time, her animal was…angry? No that wasn’t it.

  Tala observed her wolf’s reactions closely—her animal side was attracted to Marrok, respected him, but resented him too. Enough that she wanted to take a hunk out of him. Why? Because he was too alpha for her? No. As far as Tala could tell, her wolf viewed Marrok, in both his forms, as her equal. Perhaps that was it? No other alpha could claim equal status until now, and her wolf took that as a threat? No. That wasn’t it either. Whatever drove her animal, a dark emotion swirled inside her. One more f’ing complication.

  Before Tala could pinpoint the issue, they arrived at their camp. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, willing the change. Her spine’s realignment was always the worst part, worse than her shoulders or legs, worse than her skin, which tingled as the fur receded in millions of tiny pinpricks. While she was used to the pain, it never lessened. Finally human, she swiftly pulled on a pair of jeans and navy cotton tank top. She wrapped a thick leather belt around her waist and twisted her hair up, securing it with her hair sticks. Finally, she pulled on a pair of hiking boots and tied them up.

  She turned and caught the shadow of a person behind her. With a growl she dropped into a crouch, hand at her waist for the razor blades hidden in her belt. Marrok, also dressed in jeans and black t-shirt that did amazing things for his abs and arms, stepped out from behind a tree, arms raised. “Whoa, killer. It’s me.”

  She narrowed her eyes as she relaxed her stance. “You should know better than to sneak up on an alpha.” Her wolf growled her agreement.

  He tossed her a charming smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Even when I’m appreciating her from afar?”

  She rolled her eyes, unimpressed, and headed toward the cabin where their forces were gathered, guarding the survivors of the fight until she and Marrok could determine what to do with them. “I believe that is called stalking.”

  He shrugged, but a grin lingered on his lips. Unrepentant alpha. They walked in silence a minute, before Marrok slowed her with a hand on her arm. “Can I run an idea past you before we go out there?”

  He was asking, not telling. That alone had her wolf pricking her ears. Curiosity piqued despite her determination to remain distant, Tala stopped and faced him, arms crossed. “What?”

  “After we settle all this—” He waved an arm toward the cabin, out of sight through the thick trees and undergrowth. “—I propose you and I stay here, at the cabin.”

  She drew her brows down. “What for?”

  He searched her eyes, but she gave him nothing.

  “You’ve said I have to share being alpha, and I have to earn you…”

  Her heartrate sped up, and with effort she forced it back to normal and gave a small nod for him to continue.

  “I want to do that. It seems to me, the best way is to spend time alone, without our packs watching and the pressures of leading. If we got to know each other better—” He waved a hand.

  Tala tried not to find the fact that he was floundering with what had to be a new situation—wooing a woman to his side—endearing. “You want to take a honeymoon?”

  His amazing blue eyes flared with desire, only to be banked to smoldering. Tala swallowed. “No sex,” Marrok said.

  Okay…. Her wolf cocked her head. “No sex?” Tala said slowly.

  “Correct. In addition to getting to know each other better, we’d spend time hammering out details for our packs. Together. Then, when we return to our packs, we’ll be on the same page.”

  She had to admit his plan had merit. More important, he was asking her, not telling her. That alone was a step in the right direction. Can we keep our hands off each other though? Even now her body strained toward him; she wanted his hands on her body, him inside her, over her, around her.

  “I think we can, if we both agree. Alphas have more willpower than most.” Marrok interrupted her contemplation.

  Tala blinked, and her face flared hot. Had she said that aloud? How many of her thoughts had come out of her mouth? “How long are you thinking?”

  “A week to start. More or less depending on the progress we make.”

  Now he was making this sound like a business deal only. Irritation lanced through her. Their marriage was a business deal only. She had no right or reason to wish for…more.

  “There’s only one bed in there.” She indicated the cabin with a wave.

  “I’ll sleep on the couch.”

  She would not be disappointed. She’d told him he had to earn his way back into her bed, and she meant it. Tala pursed her lips. “Okay.”

  Again he searched her expression, eyes intent. Usually a master at hiding her emotions, she honestly had no idea what she was feeling, and, therefore, what he was seeing. Or what he felt about her agreement. He was equally proficient at concealing his emotions. Though, if she had to guess, satisfaction was a big part of his reaction. Satisfaction and…relief. Relief? That emotion would indicate an emotional investment in this working.

  Of course, he’s invested, dummy. His pack needs the peace as much as yours.

  Marrok touched her hand softly. “I want this to work for us as much as for our people.”

  Was the man a mind reader?

  Abruptly he turned on his heel and headed toward the cabin. Tala followed more slowly, running her mind over his actions and words. A small beacon of hope sparked inside her. Maybe this mating could work after all. The cautious voice in her head, not that of her wolf, who was anything but cautious and still wary, but her own self, warned her to reserve judgment.

  She’d give Marrok a week. Then they’d see.


  Marrok eavesdropped with zero shame as Tala and Shyla said their goodbyes.

  “Are you sure about this?” Shyla asked, glancing at the cabin where he waited inside.

  After the fight Delilah’s people had taken the red-haired witch in hand but left the werewolves to him and Tala. After a brief discussion—see, he could include Tala in decisions—their packs had split the wolves who’d survived between them. They would hold them prisoner until a decision could be made what to do with them permanently. Marrok agreed with his mate—finding out more about them and how Kaios had sunk his claws into them outweighed punishment or action temporarily.

  Castor had taken Leia home to Austin almost immediately. A tension had existed between the demigod and his nymph, which told Marrok all was not as Castor wished it to be with his nymph, but they’d figure it out. Marrok had his own mate to worry about.

  Tala’s back was stiff as she talked to her sister. He wished he could see her expression. She did an annoyingly efficient job hiding her thoughts, but he’d seen a vulnerability in her eyes when he’d suggested this break for the two of them. That flash of doubt and wariness had gutted him. Had he done that to her? Could two alphas lead together? Everything had seemed simpler when Delilah had first brought them together to propose their mating as a solution to both packs’ problems.

  Determination straightened his spine. He’d make sure they could lead together. Or he’d give up his position as alpha.

  “Our pack is worth it,” Tala murmured to her sister. Her words were low, but his werewolf hearing picked them up.

  The pack. Was that all she was interested in saving?

  Marrok moved away from the front door and into the tiny kitchen with the window that looked out over the field. He stared outside, debating his next move.

  Protect our mate, his wolf pushed at him.

  Protect? But she wasn’t in danger. At least, not right now, and he doubted she’d appreciate that kind of effort.

  Protect, his wolf urged.

sp; Did he mean care for? His wolf gave a happy tail wag. Take care of his mate. The idea settled in Marrok’s heart. Tala was independent, strong, tough. Had she ever let anyone take care of her? Would she let him?

  They were about to find out. Hunger gnawed at his stomach, and he was sure his mate had to be hungry too. Shifting and fighting took a great deal of energy. Marrok turned to the cupboard to take stock of their food. Finding ingredients for an easy spaghetti, he grabbed a pot and filled it with water.

  He’d start taking care of his mate with something small. Dinner.


  “What’s this?” Tala couldn’t contain her shocked outburst at finding Marrok in the kitchen. Alpha males did not cook. Period. Hell, she was an alpha female, and she didn’t cook either. Nevertheless, the cabin filled with the mouthwatering scent of ground beef, and a pot of water boiled softly on the cooktop. Her stomach chose that instant to gurgle, and her wolf lolled her tongue at the prospect of food. Dang, she was famished.

  Her mate turned and grinned over his shoulder, his eyes crinkling in a playful way that tugged at her heart.

  “Spaghetti.” He waved at a jar of sauce on the counter with his spatula. “Nothing fancy.”

  Why did a simple act like cooking dinner for her make her feel all warm and fuzzy? Tala wasn’t sure she wanted to inspect the emotion further.

  “Can I help?” Doing something, anything, would make this uncomfortable, stomach- churning sensation go away.

  “You can sit and take a break.”

  Tala eyed the small wood table with two chairs as if it were snake that might bite her.


  “I don’t sit still well,” she muttered.

  Marrok’s deep laugh pulled her out of her head. She hadn’t meant to say that out loud. His rumbling laugh warmed her from the inside out, and she liked the sound. Wouldn’t mind hearing more. Her shoulders slumped. She wasn’t funny or amusing, so getting him to laugh with her was about as likely as making the change without pain. Irritation followed closely on the heels of her uncharacteristic self-pity. Why did she care anyway?

  To distract herself, she set the table and got them both water. Enjoying the blast of cool against her skin, she got the ice out of trays from the freezer, popping each cube out with a satisfying push.

  Then she pulled together a basic salad from the few fresh veggies in the fridge. She searched the cabinets. “Only olive oil for dressing I’m afraid.”

  “That’s fine.”

  Out of things to do to help, she finally sat. With nothing else to focus on, she watched her mate as he shuffled around the small space. His movement smooth and easy, he obviously was comfortable in a kitchen. And damn he had a fantastic butt. Images of grabbing his butt in the throes of passion, digging her claws into him, kneading him, assailed her. She forced her gaze away, focusing instead on the view outside the window.

  Thankfully, he put a plate down in front of her only a few minutes later. A soft moan escaped her as the first tangy bite hit her tongue. Hungry didn’t begin to describe the yawning pit in her stomach. “This is good.”


  A tension in his voice had her glancing up to find him staring at her lips with utter fascination. An answering heat flared and settled low, but Marrok dragged his gaze away, breaking the intimacy that connected them.

  They spent the first few minutes concentrating on eating. The change always made her ravenous, as did fighting and running. After today, she could eat an entire elephant and still be hungry.


  She glanced up at Marrok’s hesitation to find him watching her with interest. She raised her eyebrows questioningly.

  “Tell me about your family,” he prompted.

  Now she dropped her brows in a frown as she finished chewing a bite. “Why?”

  “Other than Shyla, they weren’t at the mating ceremony. Are they still alive?”

  She shook her head. “My parents died about five years ago. Car crash.”

  He reached across and gave her hand a squeeze. “I’m sorry.”

  That he truly meant it gave her an odd warm fuzzy sensation again. His hand against hers was also warm…and strong, and managed to send sizzles of sensation though her. At a simple touch. Gad, she was turning into a wimp with him.

  “Were you close?” he asked.

  She dropped he gaze and twirled a noodle on her fork. “Yes. They were devoted to each other. Both betas, they were childhood sweethearts.”

  “Rare for betas to give birth to an alpha.”

  “Two of us. Shyla’s alpha too.”

  He grinned. “No interest in leading, I take it.”

  She pursed her lips. “Zero.”

  “But you wanted to be alpha?” The question was one she was used to.

  She shrugged. “My parents were idealists. They raised me to believe all the bloodshed was preventable. They believed a woman alpha would bring reason to the role which could end the fighting, saving lives on both sides.”

  “So they encouraged you to become alpha?”

  “Not entirely. Their idea of a woman alpha was more theoretical. But I’m…driven, and I agreed with them. If I could end the fighting, that would be worth everything it took to become alpha.” As well as everything she sacrificed personally. Uncomfortable talking about herself this much, she tilted her head, curiosity getting the better of her. “What about you?”

  “I was raised not far from where we were mated until I was ten, at which point I moved to the pack community housing. My father was alpha before me, as you probably know.”

  She nodded around a sip of water. Everyone in the werewolf community knew of Channon Banes.

  “He wanted me to start without the pressure and recognition of being the alpha’s son.”

  “Who did you live with?”

  “My grandparents.”

  “That must’ve been hard for your mother?”

  “Maternal is not a word I’d use for her, but my grandparents were wonderful people. They disagreed with the fighting, which is why they lived away from the pack.”

  Which explained much of his willingness to seek peace, if he’d been raised believing the fighting to be wrong.

  “As you also know, your previous alpha killed my father.”

  She froze with her fork half-way to her mouth. Slowly she lowered it back to her place. “His death is why I challenged my alpha when I did.”

  Marrok leaned back in his chair, eyeing her thoughtfully. “Why?”

  “Your father’s death wasn’t warranted or right. He’d come to negotiate a truce. Eyolf killed him in cold blood.”

  “So you challenged him.” Marrok blew out a long breath and ran his hands through his hair, mussing the dark waves in an adorably haphazard fashion. “Thank you for that.”

  She glanced away and shrugged one shoulder. “It was the right thing to do. Eyolf made many bad decisions for my pack.” Time to change the subject. “Is your mother still alive?”

  “Yes.” The tightening around his mouth told her a tension existed between mother and son.

  “And not happy about your mating your enemy?” she guessed.

  His turn to shrug. “She’ll come around when we have her first grandchild.”

  Tala startled. Children. She honestly hadn’t thought that far ahead. Keeping their packs from killing each other and dealing with their mating was enough to keep her brain fully occupied.

  The mental image of carrying Marrok’s child in her belly, looking forward to the birth of that child, gave her butterflies. Nice ones. Shock splintered through her at the realization. She wanted a child. Not any child. Marrok’s.

  But could they get past this alpha issue?

  She did her best to hide her astonishment as they finished dinner. Marrok was surprisingly easy to talk to. Under his gentle questioning, Tala found herself opening up to him. After dinner, Tala insisted on doing the dishes since he’d cooked. They talked more while she washed the dishes, th
en naturally migrated to the loveseat in the small living area and talked more. Before she knew it, night had fallen.

  After Tala yawned for the fifth or sixth time, Marrok laughed. He stood and pulled her to her feet. “Time for bed, sleepyhead.”

  Warmth pooled low in her belly, and an answering desire danced in his eyes. Instead of pulling her into his arms, he stepped back.

  Her confusion must’ve shown on her face because he reached out and brushed her cheek. “I won’t come to your bed until you trust me.”

  Her eyes widened as disappointment warred with pride.

  “You told me I had to earn my way into your heart, and I mean to.”

  Actually she’d said bed, but okay. “I see.” She inhaled, gathering the strength to step away from him. With effort she did manage it, stepping back and over to the ladder leading to the loft, where the only bed was located. She glanced over her shoulder to find he hadn’t moved. “Goodnight.”

  “Night, mate.”


  Tala’s nose twitched as the rich aroma of coffee wafted to where she slept in the loft. She groaned as she rolled over and stretched. Sleep had eluded her last night as she’d lain in bed, with her incredibly sexy, frustrating mate downstairs on the floor. The small loveseat had not been big enough to hold his bulk. A thousand times she’d debated going to him, answering the clamoring needs of her body.

  But, in the end, she hadn’t.

  She’d meant it when she said he had to earn his way into her bed. This mission he was on now, caring for her, giving them time to discuss and agree on actions alone in order to present a united front to their people, was a decent start. Before she rushed into trusting him, though, she needed to see him carry it through when they had an audience.

  Sunlight poured in through the triangular window directly across from the loft. Another gorgeous spring day in the mountains. Her wolf perked up. Other than during the fight yesterday, Tala hadn’t released her animal side enough. Maybe later today she could take a run.


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