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For Her: A Malsum Pass Novel

Page 12

by Kimberly Forrest

  Now wearing a smug smile of her own due to the accuracy of her throw she stood there with hands on hips waiting for his reaction. He turned, his smile positively evil as he stalked her, the predator unmistakable. “So my kitten wants to play does she?” He said just before he pounced.

  They tussled in the snow, rolling and laughing. Alek releasing mock growls of ferocity while Daisy squealed in delight. When they were both lying on the ground, out of breath and smiling, Daisy propped her elbows on his chest and grinned down at him. “What does it mean?” She asked.

  “What does what mean?” He returned slyly lifting his head to steal a kiss.

  “Dolgozhdannyi.” She murmured against his lips.

  Alek released a purr. “You called me your long-awaited.”

  Daisy smiled softly, her heart in her eyes. “It fits.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “Did you know that Mrs. Potter used to compete at ballroom dancing?” Daisy asked through chattering teeth, hoping that conversation would warm up her face.

  The wind had picked up, as had the snow, and they were walking back toward Mrs. Potter’s house. Alek didn’t seem to be bothered by the cold but she was grateful when he wrapped one arm across her shoulders and pulled her close to his body. It made for an unsteady gait but she wasn’t going to complain.

  “Did she?” He sighed wistfully. “My mother used to love to dance. She taught me several.” He turned his head and grinned at Daisy, “She would say that while dad was out hunting it was my job to stand in for him as her dance partner.” Then an outright chuckle. "She never let me dip her though. She said I needed to grow some before she’d subject herself to the possibility of crashing to the floor.”

  Daisy laughed and squeezed his arm. “That sounds like it was a lot of fun.”

  He smiled, “Mm, it was.” He retreated into his own musings for a moment and then said, “You’ve given me an idea.”

  “Oh?” Daisy prompted when he didn’t say more.

  “Eloise has been so unbelievably generous, not only letting the room but inviting me into her life and treating me like family. I’ve been trying to think of something I can do to repay her – aside from money, obviously – before I go. A night of dancing may be just the thing.”

  Daisy hated the thought of his leaving but then recalled that she had every intention of going with him. An image of Lily popped into her head. She was definitely dreading that conversation. She pushed it aside for now and got back to the topic at hand. “Do you think she’ll be able? I mean with the cane and all?”

  Alek released a hearty laugh. “Sometimes I swear she has that cane just to bang it on the floor to get people’s attention. She’s still got some moves left in her, I’m sure.”

  Daisy grinned. “Well then, I think that sounds perfect. Whatever you need from me, let me know. I’ll be more than happy to help.”

  Rubbing a hand briskly over her arms he picked up the pace a bit as the house came into view. “For right now, let’s get you inside and warmed up before you freeze solid.”

  Daisy looked up at the sky that was still spewing snow. “I should probably head back home. The sun will be setting soon.”

  “At least come in for a few minutes to get warm. Have some tea. You can say hello to Eloise since she was sleeping earlier. Plus you need to check your word of the day and listen to,” Alek paused, tilting his head slightly to listen, “ah, Charlie Rich singing about the most beautiful girl in the world.”

  Since Daisy didn’t really want to leave Alek, it certainly didn’t take much arm twisting to talk her into in. When they walked through the door, Mrs. Potter was sitting at her sewing machine with her back to them. The machine whirred for a few seconds as she fed the fabric through, stopped briefly while she adjusted the material and then began whirring again. “Did you kids have a nice walk?” Mrs. Potter asked, not bothering to turn around.

  The house was so warm it felt like Daisy had just entered the tropics and she gratefully shed her coat. “We had to cut it short. The snow is really picking up out there.”

  Mrs. Potter stopped and turned, her eyes moving between Daisy and Alek who stood right by her side. Her face split into a delighted grin and her eyes twinkled as she let out a cackle. “It must have been a really nice walk to put those smiles on both your faces.” She let out a dreamy smile of her own. “I use to love walks with my Harold. Now there was a man who could put a smile on a gal’s face and keep it there for weeks.”

  Daisy felt her cheeks heat with a blush. She cleared her throat. “I think I’ll go make some tea.” She said.

  Turning toward the kitchen she escaped Mrs. Potter’s too knowing eyes but she couldn’t escape the cackle that followed. “I don’t know what she’s blushing about. It was just a walk.” A thump of her cane and the sewing machine started up again.

  Alek joined her in the kitchen a moment later, pressed up against her back and wrapped his arms around her waist before he nuzzled her neck. “She’s happy for us or she would have beat me over the head with her cane. Don’t doubt it.”

  Daisy leaned her head back against his shoulder and was treated to soft nibbles along her exposed throat. “I can’t believe she knew. Am I that obvious?”

  “I think we were both looking rather pleased with ourselves so it was probably easy for her to deduce we’d been doing more than walking.” Alek said, kissing the shell of her ear and shooting delicious shivers of pleasure down her spine.

  Daisy purred as she indulged in Alek’s petting until the kettle whistled. Pulling away, she turned the burner off and poured the hot water into the tea pot. “Cookies?” She asked, glancing over her shoulder.

  She nearly gasped when she saw Alek’s eyes were pure gold, his gaze hot with need. He growled low, “I’d rather eat you.”

  Daisy’s face went hot again with another blush, but she couldn’t deny the thrill his words gave her. Feeling bold, she pressed herself against him and nipped the hard line of his jaw. “Tease”.

  Alek grinned wickedly, took the kettle from her to place back on the stove before he yanked her into his arms for a devouring kiss.

  Daisy had no idea how long they stood there, clasped together in their mutual need, when suddenly a thump of a cane followed by, “I thought we were having tea!” had them jumping apart like guilty children.

  They stared at each other for a moment, lips twitching with suppressed mirth before they both burst out laughing.

  Daisy hated to leave, but as the light through the window began to fade, she knew she had no choice. Saying her goodbyes and pulling on her outerwear for the trek home Alek surprised her when he rose and did the same. “I’ll walk you home.” He said.

  Daisy waited until they were outside before protesting. “It’s really not necessary and I don’t want you to get into trouble if we come across the patrol.”

  Alek stuffed his hands in his pockets and shrugged. “They know I’m in the area. Worst case scenario, they turn me away at the borderline but at least at that point they can take over and see you safely home.” He dropped a quick kiss on her nose.

  Daisy grunted, her lips twisting in a frown. “I may not be the best fighter but I don’t need a babysitter.”

  Alek eyed her for a moment before pulling her into a hug, one hand stroking the nape of her neck in a soothing motion. “I didn’t mean to sting your pride, kitten. But you’re mine now and I’ve had too much taken away from me in my life to be careless with you. Please don’t begrudge me my concern.”

  His words tugged at her heart and she shook her head. “Fine” she grinned, “but only because it’ll give me another opportunity to kiss you goodnight.”

  Alek laughed. “That works too.”

  As luck would have it, they missed the patrol though Alek said he could smell that the male wasn’t too far away, and Alek was able to walk her the entire way home. Unfortunately, Daisy had barely gotten a taste of Alek’s goodnight kiss when the door opened and Lily was standing there with a shoulder
propped against the doorframe. She raised an eyebrow. “Well, invite him in, Daisy so that I can grill him proper.” With that she turned and walked back into the cabin, fully expecting Daisy and Alek to follow.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Alek sat on the couch, Daisy beside him while Lillian Munroe-Kramer sat in the recliner across from them and stared at him with piercingly bright green eyes. Her relaxed posture didn’t fool him. Since he’d begun watching these females he’d seen them in their mock fights with both the wolves and each other several times. While Daisy tended to be easily distractible and generally uninterested in the sport her sister was a fierce opponent and could definitely be classified as deadly. And right now, he was the prey she was tracking.

  “Is it your intention to seduce my sister, make her fall in love with you, and then abandon her when you leave, Mr. Stepanov?” Lily snapped off the first volley.

  “Well so much for pleasantries.” Daisy groaned beside him.

  He gave her knee an encouraging squeeze but kept his attention on Lily. “That’s not my intention at all.”

  Lily gave a circling motion with a raised hand signaling for him to continue. “Explain.”

  He was uncomfortable now. Daisy’s plans were hers to explain, but allowing her to field that question was akin to hiding behind her skirts, and showing such appalling weakness in front of Lily would not make a good impression on such a dominant female. “Daisy is a woman grown, with her own mind and her own plans for the future. What she chooses to do with it is her choice and I’ll stand by her no matter her decision. She’s aware that I made a vow to my brothers that I must keep.”

  Lily looked from Alek to Daisy and then back again before her eyes widened slightly and then narrowed. She stood up and walked to the door, her posture as regal as any queen. She opened the door and made a sweeping motion toward it with her arm. “Good night, Mr. Stepanov.”

  Daisy stood and walked him to the door nervously biting her lip. He wanted to soothe it with his thumb but restrained himself. It was more than obvious that Lily’s own restraint was held by a very thin thread at the moment. It would take little to push her over the edge into violence.

  At the door, Daisy and Lily stared at each other, communicating with their eyes as only sisters could. A moment later, he and Daisy were out on the stoop and Daisy was closing the door behind them. She shivered and Alek wrapped his arms around her.

  “I’m sorry,” Daisy said, her voice muffled against his shoulder. “I didn’t think she would pounce on you like that.”

  Alek nuzzled his face in her hair and then chuckled. “I’ve faced down fur traders with whips, opposing factions ready to slit my throat, and just recently, an angry pack of wolves. I didn’t flinch in the face of any of it but they all pale in comparison to your sister.” He gave a mock shudder. “She’s terrifying.”

  Daisy chortled so hard she snorted and Alek realized in that moment, in a sudden burst of clarity, how very much he loved this woman. Cupping her face, she was still laughing as he stroked his thumbs over her cheeks. “I love you, Daisy.”

  Her laughter died, her face filling with wonder and he knew he would remember this moment for the rest of his life; holding this woman in his arms as the day turned to night and snow fell softly around them. She took a shuddering breath. “I love you so much.” She whispered and he pressed his lips to hers. A sweet kiss, filled with the emotion that was overflowing inside of him. This woman was his home. Wherever she was, that was the place he would return to. No matter should she choose to come with him on his mission or stay here, he would always return to her because she held his heart.

  Daisy felt like she was floating on a cloud, a sappy smile wreathing her face as she bid goodnight to Alek and went back into the cabin. Alek loved her… she was lighter than air… Until a loud bang had her falling back to earth with a thump.

  “You’re planning on leaving with him aren’t you?” Her sister growled as she opened cupboards and banged them shut looking for something. Daisy sighed. She would have liked to have basked in Alek’s declaration of love a little bit longer.

  “Did he make promises? Shower you with compliments? Play on your dreams? Don’t believe it, Daisy. Men lie! They say what they think you need to hear to get your agreement and the next thing you know you’re trapped by your own word!” Lily was panting hard, her fingers up by her mouth as if she was going to start biting her nails, her eyes held a slightly panicked gleam.

  “What are you looking for?” Daisy asked quietly.

  “What?” Lily asked looking confused.

  “In the cupboards.” She said carefully. “What were you looking for?”

  Lily shook her head, scrubbed her hands roughly over her face and then collapsed in a kitchen chair looking suddenly exhausted. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before slowly blowing it out. “Tell me.”

  Quietly Daisy repeated what Alek had told her about the fur traders, what he had gone through, and how he had teamed up with two other males he had been raised with to take the organization down fully. She explained about how the traders had changed tactics and were now taking female shifters and for what purpose. She shared how abused and traumatized those women were. Then she reached out and gripped Lily’s hand in her own, her voice becoming animated. “Don’t you see, Lily? We can help these women. It’s like we’ve been training for this our whole lives. Don’t you want to be part of something bigger? Don’t you want to make a difference?”

  Lily tugged her hand gently from Daisy’s grip, stood up and began methodically making coffee. Daisy sat quietly, waiting for her to speak. Several moments passed before Lily said, “No, Daisy, that’s not what I want at all.”

  She turned and leaned back against the countertop to look at her sister. “I get it, I do. As soon as we left the pride and you learned that there was a whole big world out there, you’ve wanted something different, something bigger than this.” She said motioning with her hand around the cabin. She eyed Daisy, her lips twisting in a frown, “But I don’t. It may sound heartless and cruel but right now I can’t think of saving strangers when I could barely save myself.”

  Daisy stood up quickly from her chair and wrapped Lily in a hug. “Oh, Lily, no, it’s okay.”

  “I like it here, Daisy. For the first time in years I actually feel safe. I know you want more than this and I won’t hold you back, but I need a place that’s safe and secure and that place is here.” Lily sniffed and Daisy realized her formidable sister was close to crying and she squeezed her tighter.

  Daisy stroked a hand down her back, smoothing her sister’s long tawny hair. “There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  Lily pulled back and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. Taking a shuddering breath she asked, “So, what is it you intend to do to help these women?”

  Daisy’s face became animated again. “Well, Alek and the other two will be the ones who find them and release them but considering what those women have gone through the last thing they’re going to want to deal with is more males asking them questions.”

  Lily nodded. “You’re absolutely right. So you’ll be their first friendly face.”

  Daisy grinned, “Exactly. Plus, if I can get those women talking they may be able to describe their abductors and I can sketch it out for the team so they have a visual to go with and find more of those bastards.”

  “Speaking of,” Lily said grabbing a plastic grocery bag off the table and handing it Daisy. “Tarvahl dropped your sketchpad off at the diner this morning after you left.”

  Daisy pulled it out of the bag and smiled. “I wondered where this was.”

  Lily sighed, her head nodding as she contemplated Daisy. “It’s a solid plan, Daisy. That life wouldn’t be for me, but I can understand how it would be the right path for you.”

  Daisy’s face filled with love for her sister and she hugged her again. “Thank you, Lily.” She whispered quietly feeling tears of gratitude prickle behind her eyes.

p; Lily let out a chuckle and patted Daisy on the back, her voice breaking with emotion. “We’ve never been apart. Not really. Who am I supposed to take care of when you leave the nest?”

  Suddenly there was a scratch at the door and Daisy laughed. “Bob might let you take care of her.” She said as she walked to the door and opened it to admit the bobcat.

  Lily laughed and shook her head. “You’ve ruined that animal.”

  Daisy watched as the small grey speckled cat flopped down in front of the woodstove and began cleaning the snow off her pelt. Lily’s sigh drew her attention back to her sister as she asked, “I suppose you’re in love with him?”

  Daisy’s grin was nearly blinding as she said, “We love each other.”

  Lily shook her head, a small smile playing around her lips as she poured herself a cup of coffee. “Well, come on then, let’s have the details. I’d much rather talk about love with your sexy beast than fur traders and bobcats.”

  Daisy laughed, and settled in for a good talk with her first love: her sister.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Something woke Daisy. The room was too dark for it to be morning yet she could see that Lily’s bed was empty. With a yawn and a sleepy grumble she rolled out of bed. Entering the main room of the cabin she saw Lily sitting at the kitchen table with a mug cupped between her hands. The only light, a soft yellow glow from above the stove.

  Daisy let out another yawn and rubbed her eyes. “What time is it?” She asked taking a seat across from her sister.

  Lily didn’t look up from her mug, “Just past two. You should go back to bed.”

  Daisy eyed her sister for a moment, the unusual pallor of her skin, the dark circles around the eyes, and the white knuckle grip on the mug. Lily had had a nightmare. When they’d first come to Malsum Pass the nightmares had come often but they’d steadily decreased over time as Lily’s sense of security had grown. However, their conversation earlier had stirred up too many memories, and apparently, brought the nightmares back.


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