River... Redeemed (Studs & Steel Book 2)

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River... Redeemed (Studs & Steel Book 2) Page 14

by Heather Mar-Gerrison

  I was about to retort that he was as intimate with me as it was possible to be last night and that it really mattered not, when it occurred to me that he might not be alone, “Uh, just a minute.”

  I wrapped a towel around my waist and opened the door, “What’s up?”

  He held my mobile phone out to me, “Mr McKenzie.” He mouthed.

  I raised my eyebrows at him and grinned, “Cool.” I took the phone, “Hello?”

  “River – it’s Peyton – can you and your friend call around to my new restaurant this morning – say ten thirty?”

  “Sure,” I agreed delightedly, “We’ll be there.”

  He gave me directions and then ended the call.

  “What time is it?” I asked Jodie.

  “Um, it’s quarter to nine – what’s going on?”

  I grinned at him, “You and I have an interview with Peyton McKenzie – he’s hiring for his new restaurant and we’ve got first dibs! We have to be there at ten-thirty.” I held my hand up and he high-fived me.

  He looked nervous, “Better get ready then – have you finished in the shower?”

  I nodded, “Sure have – just need to brush my teeth.”

  “I don’t mind sharing the bathroom.” Jodie stripped off his boxers and I couldn’t help noticing that he was semi hard – just like me beneath my towel. I couldn’t stop re-living last night in my head through my shower and I was having difficulty in losing my hard-on.

  Jodie smiled at me, “Like what you see?” he murmured as he turned the water on.

  “Hell, yeah I do.” I agreed, “Mind if I watch?”

  He chuckled, “You’re as much trouble as I am, aren’t you?”

  I laughed as I squeezed toothpaste out onto my brush, “Reckon you’re right,” I agreed.

  We got dressed and headed out in time to get to Peyton’s rather impressive new premises in good time.

  The snow had settled quite a lot but the roads were reasonably clear.

  Jodie was a little quiet on the way. “Are you okay?” I asked as we pulled into the car park.

  He nodded, “I’m really nervous,” he said, “I don’t interview particularly well – I’m not all that confident.”

  “You were confident last night.” I said with a grin, “Just imagine him naked and you’ll be fine.”

  He laughed out loud at that. The sound of his laugh was magical. I just wanted to be able to make him laugh like that every day. To be with him every day – for the rest of my life… “Come on.” I said, “Let’s do this.”

  Chapter 35 – Getting the job...


  I walked into Peyton’s new restaurant on slightly shaky legs.

  River was right. I had been confident last night – but I’d also had three pints of beer and half a dozen shots swirling around my bloodstream, giving me Dutch courage. That was gone now and I was feeling slightly hung over, guilty for cheating and now I was shitting bricks over this interview. It was alright for him – he already had a job and he also had the slight advantage that he already knew Peyton.

  We were shown into Mr McKenzie’s office, which had to be the fanciest office I’d ever been in. His desk was fucking huge for starters but then he had a seating area over to one side with two leather sofas and a glass and chrome coffee table. I wasn’t sure where we were supposed to sit so I hung back a little and allowed River to take charge. He went and sat on the leather sofa so I sat beside him.

  Peyton appeared a couple of minutes later with some guy I didn’t know. The guy wasn’t introduced to us, he just stood by the door and I realised a little belatedly that he was the bodyguard River had mentioned. The one Peyton’s boyfriend had hired very reluctantly, preferring to do the job himself. I suppressed a grin as I thought about Peyton with an over-protective boyfriend.

  We stood up and shook hands.

  Peyton smiled. He was a really good-looking guy and I guessed he wasn’t all that much older than we were – probably late twenties – thirty at the most. “Okay, guys,” he said, “This isn’t really an interview as such. I just wanted to know who I was hiring.”

  I glanced sideways at River. He was nodding along with Peyton. I tried my best to relax but it was difficult. I took a deep breath and turned my attention to Peyton.

  He looked at me, “I understand you’re out of work at the moment?”

  I nodded, “Yes.” I managed to squeak.

  He grinned, “I’m not about to eat you for breakfast, Jodie – relax, mate.”

  I think I managed a smile. River reached across and squeezed my hand.

  I’ll show you the kitchens in a minute, but essentially I want beautiful, bright, friendly, front-of-house staff and you two fit the bill perfectly – in fact you look rather alike,” he frowned as he peered at us rather more closely, “– are you related?”

  River cleared his throat, “Uh, no – Jodie is my best friend’s boyfriend.”

  Peyton raised an eyebrow, “Seriously?” he asked, “I’d have pegged you for brothers – or lovers – you look like a couple. Have you noticed how many people choose a partner that looks similar to themselves?”

  River and I exchanged an embarrassed look between us. Peyton was quick to notice, “Have I struck a nerve?” he asked, “Is there something I should know here? I can’t be doing with you guys bringing your love-life dramas to work.”

  I shook my head, “No, everything is fine.”

  He nodded, “Right – I’d like you to come in for training with the chef all week this week – obviously I’ll start paying you straight away and then we’ll schedule a couple of days over the Christmas break and we’ll be opening in the new year.”

  My jaw dropped, “You’re hiring me?” I asked.

  He looked me straight in the eye – which was a little unnerving – and nodded, “Yes,” he said, “I am – if you want the job.”

  I nodded, “Oh, God, I want the job. I really want the job.” I said quickly, “Thank you.”

  He looked at me in amusement, “Would you like to know how much I’m going to pay you?”

  I nodded, “oh, yeah.” I blushed, realising that I sounded like such a dick.

  River chuckled, “He’s never had a proper job before.” He said, “He’s a little overwhelmed.”

  Peyton smiled, “I think he’s gonna do just fine.”


  We stayed to discuss rates of pay and pension schemes and all sorts of other stuff that I really couldn’t get my head around and then we headed back outside. It was snowing.

  “Look’s like we might have a white Christmas.” River murmured, “That’ll be nice.”

  I checked my phone. I’d got three missed calls and two messages from Jake. “Jake’s been trying to get hold of me.”

  River smiled, “Well, you can tell him your good news now – you’re a working man!”

  I laughed, “Yeah, I am!” I said. “I can’t believe it!”

  Chapter 36 – Working late…


  Jake surprised me with his lack of enthusiasm for Jodie’s news that he had a job. He really didn’t seem all that happy about it. I didn’t think much of it to begin with. I just put it down to him being really tired from travelling but his attitude stayed a little cool towards the pair of us and when Jodie went for a shower in readiness for our first shift, leaving Jake and I together downstairs, it soon became apparent what his problem was.

  “So, you and Jodie will be spending even more time together now, then?” he asked a little accusingly, “And with that dodgy guy you fucked over his desk too?”

  I faltered. I hadn’t mentioned to Jodie that Peyton and I had history together and I wasn’t sure how he’d take it after what we’d done together. “Uh, yeah – but Peyton’s a changed man since he met Kody. That’s ancient history, dude.”

  He nodded, “Yeah, okay – sorry.” He looked embarrassed.

  I could see that he was more worried about Jodie and I spending time in each other’s company than he wa
s about Jodie working for Peyton McKenzie – and he had good reason. “I guess we will be together a little more often – but it’s a restaurant – we’ll be working our own areas and hopefully rushed off our feet – if the place goes tits up we’ll both be out of a job again – I thought you’d be really stoked for him.”

  Jake sighed and rubbed his eyes, “I am.” He muttered, “It’s just so hard being away from him all of the fucking time – and Steve keeps dripping poison in my ear…”

  I frowned, “Steve?” I asked, “The guy Jodie keeps moaning to me about? The one you’re always with as far as he’s concerned? That Steve?”

  He frowned right back at me, “Jodie’s worried about Steve?” he asked incredulously.

  I nodded, suppressing a grin. “I think you two maybe need to talk about your insecurities with each other. Don’t you?”

  He nodded, “I guess.”

  I jumped up. I’d had about enough of this conversation. I didn’t want them kissing and making up if I was going to be honest with myself. As far as I was concerned, Steve could be my answer to legitimately walking off into the sunset with Jodie…

  “I’m going to have to get a shower, too.” I said, “See you later.”

  I shot up the stairs and passed the bathroom as fast as possible in an attempt to stop myself thinking about Jodie in there, gloriously naked and dripping wet.

  Closing my bedroom door behind me I let out a long groan. What the hell had possessed me to get involved with Jodie? He wasn’t mine. I shouldn’t be feeling what I was feeling for him. And Jake was down the stairs feeling exactly the same way… What a fucking mess.

  I had a quick shower and was in my room getting dressed in a fresh pair of jeans and shirt when I heard Jodie coming out of his room. I hesitated. Should I tell him that Jake was worried?

  A soft knock on my door had me stopping in my tracks, “Hello?” I called.

  Jodie’s head poked around the door and his eyes met with mine, “Can I have a quick word before we go?” he whispered.

  I nodded, “Sure, come on in.” I buttoned my shirt quickly and sat down on my bed, “What’s up?”

  He reddened, “I just wanted to make sure you hadn’t said anything to Jake – you know – about last week…”

  I looked at him as if he was completely crazy, “Uh, no,” I said, “definitely not.”

  He smiled, looking relieved. “I didn’t think you would,” he said apologetically, “– it’s just that he’s acting weird.”

  I nodded, “He’s worried.” I said, “That Steve guy’s making him doubt his relationship – sounds like he’s trying to get in there to me.”

  He nodded, “I told you, didn’t I?” He asked indignantly, “I said that guy was after him.”

  I sighed and nodded, “I told him to talk to you about it – you two need to spend more time together.”

  What the fuck was wrong with me? I tell you what was wrong with me – I was feeling so guilty for sleeping with my best mate’s boyfriend that I was overcompensating – actually pushing them together to make sure they were gonna make it and attempting to ease my conscience all at the same time. It wasn’t working though – my stomach was in knots. I’d end up with a fucking ulcer at this rate…

  Jodie sighed, “Yeah, we need to talk.” He said, “But it’ll have to wait or you and I will be late for work.”

  I nodded, “Yup.” I said, “You ready?”

  He nodded, “Sure.”

  I said goodbye to Jake and went to start the car, leaving Jodie to say his goodbyes. He appeared after a minute, “ready?” I asked.

  He grinned, “As I’ll ever be,” he said, “I’m so fucking nervous!”

  I chuckled, “Yeah, me too.” I agreed, “But we’ll be together – and it can’t be that bad.”

  And it wasn’t, it was really a whole lot of fun – hard work – but fun. We were all finished for six o’clock, which gave me about an hour to get home, get changed and be out again for my shift at Studs.

  Jodie was concerned that I was going to overstretch myself, “Dude – you’ll be exhausted.” He said as we drove home.

  I shrugged, “Nah, I’m used to getting by on little sleep.”

  He raised an eyebrow, “That’s as maybe – but you’re not usually working all of those hours – you need some down time.”

  I nodded, “I will have,” I promised, “eventually.”

  I dropped Jodie off, enthused with him and Jake for a few minutes over a cup of coffee and then I headed out again.

  I arrived at Studs with minutes to spare before my shift started.

  Rob frowned at me, “Are you sure you’re not overstretching yourself, son?” he asked, “I can give you more hours here if it helps – you can man the bar as well as anyone.”

  I shook my head, “I like the variety – I really enjoyed this afternoon.”

  He nodded and smiled, “It was the company, really though, wasn’t it?” he asked, “You’ve got a thing for the twink?”

  I shrugged, “Jodie ain’t no twink,” I said, “and he’s Jake’s boyfriend – I can’t have a thing for him.”

  Rob looked at me sorrowfully, “I know you shouldn’t have a thing for him – doesn’t stop it though, does it?”

  I shook my head, “No.” I admitted.

  He put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed, “The course of true love never did run smooth.” He said sagely, “But it all works out in the end. I got Jenna in the end – she was already engaged when we met too, you know.”

  My eyes widened. I had no idea, “Seriously?” I asked.

  He nodded, “Oh, yeah.” He said, “To my brother.”

  My jaw dropped. I would never have pegged Rob to cheat on his own brother. “Ouch.” I said, “How did that go down?”

  He shrugged, “Well, we didn’t speak for a long time – he refused to come to our wedding – but he moved on eventually – he’s married with kids of his own now…”

  I squeezed my eyes shut and shuddered. I didn’t want to lose Jake. I couldn’t allow anything else to happen between Jodie and I. I just couldn’t.

  Opening my eyes again and giving myself a mental shake, I asked, “Who’s dancing with me tonight?”

  Rob looked at the schedule on the wall behind the bar, “Um, Alfie and Simon.” He said, “You and Alfie can do your thing – it gets the punters pumped up and they buy more drinks.”

  I chuckled, “That’s fine.” I said, “What’s Simon gonna do?”

  Rob grinned and shrugged, “He said he’d offer the punters lap dances in return for blow jobs.”


  Chapter 37 – Crushing jealousy...


  I wasn’t sure if I was so pumped up because working for the first time in years had given me an adrenalin rush – or if it was having Jake back – but I was not tired in the slightest.

  And neither was Jake, “Fancy heading over to see River?” he asked.

  I blinked, “Really?” I asked, “You want to go to Studs?”

  He nodded, “I do.” He said, “I haven’t kicked back and danced in ages and I really feel like it.”

  I nodded, “Cool.” I said, “Let’s go and change.”

  It took us a while to get changed since Jake was immediately horny the second we started to remove our clothing. We eventually headed out and arrived at the club at around eleven. We headed for the bar.

  Buzz was manning the bar with some other guy I didn’t know. He eyed me with Jake and raised an eyebrow, “Hey, guys.” He said, “What can I get you?”

  I ordered a couple of bottles of beer. I wasn’t really feeling like drinking a cocktail tonight – too much of a reminder of what that could lead to.

  Jake had knocked his bottle back in seconds and ordered another one.

  I looked at him in surprise, “Thirsty?” I asked a little sarcastically.

  He grinned, “Just fancied a beer and a dance with my beautiful boyfriend.” He said, “Is that okay with you?”

  I smiled, my heart melting a little at his adorable grin. I nodded, “It’s fine,” I said. I finished my beer and asked Buzz to keep both of our new beers behind the bar where they wouldn’t get spiked – you couldn’t be too careful in these places.

  “Where’s River?” Jake shouted to Buzz over the music as he put our bottles on the shelf behind him.

  He nodded towards the dance floor, “On his podium.” He said with a bit of a pointed grin, “He’s getting tips galore tonight – he and Alfie make quite a stir when they’re together.”

  My stomach tightened. I’d seen him and Alfie up there before – but that was before we’d been together and I didn’t find it quite as arousing now that I’d been more than just his best mate’s boyfriend. In fact it made me simmer with anger and jealousy to see them feeling each other up and simulating sex. I just wanted to leave but Jake was enjoying the show immensely.

  “Wow – will you fucking look at that – they couldn’t look more like they were fucking if they had no clothes on, could they?”

  I grunted, turning away. I did not want to see River dry-humping the dark-blonde haired twink. It made me want to puke.

  “What’s up with you tonight?” Jake asked irritably, “You’ve been off with me all fucking night – all I want is to have a nice night out with you and all you want to do is go home – what gives?”

  All I wanted to do was get River off that podium, over to the sofas and to fuck his brains out in front of everyone to show them all that he was mine but I could hardly tell Jake that, could I? I sighed and shook my head. “I guess working is tiring me out more than I thought it would.” I said lamely, “I’m sorry.”

  He was immediately contrite, “Oh, Jodie – I’m sorry. I was forgetting that you’ve been on your feet all afternoon – d’you wanna head home?”

  I shook my head, “No,” I said firmly, “We’ll stay – you wanted to dance – so let’s dance.”


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