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Playing For Her Heart

Page 5

by Megan Erickson

“Germany,” Ethan repeated. “She found a security breach that could have been very damaging.”

  Grant never pretended to be mature. Never ever. No matter how old he was. Ethan had just used penetrative testing in a sentence like that wasn’t the funniest term in the world. Grant wanted to laugh, but instead, he decided to see how far he could push Chloe. Which was mean, but fuck it. She was acting so unlike the woman he’d met back at the convention, and it was driving him crazy. He placed an elbow on the table and his chin in his hands, rubbing his lips with his fingers. “Penetrative testing, huh?”

  “I believe that’s her specialty,” Ethan said, completely clueless.

  If looks could kill, Chloe would now be spitting on Grant’s dead body.

  But Grant had never been one to back off. “I might have to hire you for some penetrative testing.” He lowered his voice, the innuendo unmistakable.

  Ethan slammed a fist on the table. “Grant,” he growled.

  Grant immediately dropped his hands into his lap and faced Ethan. “Come on, you practically spoon-fed that to me.”

  “But this is my sister.”

  “I apologize, but you know better than to use words like that around me.”

  Ethan rolled his eyes. “Chloe, can you talk more about what you do? Use small words. Grant’s operating on a twelve-year-old maturity level.”

  Chloe giggled, an honest to God giggle, and it was like music to Grant’s ears. When he smiled at her, she cut off her laughter abruptly.

  When she composed herself, she explained some of the jobs she’d recently completed, what companies she was contracted with, and what she excelled at. She lost herself a little, her hands waving enthusiastically, her face open and expressive. This was the woman he met back at the convention, a woman full of self-assurance and pride. She was beautiful like this, passionate about her job and her life. When she finally stopped talking, Ethan was beaming with pride, and Grant’s mouth was hanging open.

  He wanted her to keep talking, and it was painful to watch her take a sip of her wine and then begin her retreat back into herself. He wanted to dig a nail in and pull her back out.

  “She’s also an excellent cook,” Ethan added.

  Chloe smiled at her brother, and Grant saw the love in her expression. Man, what would it feel like for her to look at Grant like that? The thought surprised him, and he filed it away to deal with later. Maybe. Right now, Chloe wouldn’t even meet his eyes. Grant raised his eyebrows. “Really? Do you bake?”

  Chloe shrugged. Her eyes met his briefly, then skittered back to her plate. “A little.”

  This was painful, watching her struggle to engage in conversation with him. If he didn’t know better, he’d say this was a different woman, but no, even in that short time they’d been together, he’d mapped this woman’s body, studied her eyes. This was his princess, all right. His princess with all the fight knocked out of her.

  Ethan dropped his napkin on the table beside his empty plate. “I need to use the restroom.”

  Grant watched his back as he made his way to the front of the restaurant where the restrooms were. When he turned to Chloe, he met her wide-eyed, terrified gaze. He was pretty sure his look mirrored hers.

  Grant was fucked.


  Chloe’d had a lot of nightmares in her life. Some weren’t real. Some were.

  And this… Well, this rated near the top, she was confident in confirming.

  Breck was Grant. Grant was Breck.

  And she was mortified.

  She’d heard a little bit about Grant through Ethan. He was a smart businessman, and he loved his women. Women plural. The guy got around, apparently, and while she knew that she had just been another notch on Breck’s bedpost, it rubbed her the wrong way to think she was a mark on Grant’s.

  This was why she didn’t like to date, or socialize at all really. Because of awkward situations like the one she was in now, the one where Grant’s blue eyes were glowing in the candlelight of the restaurant.

  She had to admit that, during their meal, her mind had drifted to that night in the hotel room more times than she could count. He’d played her body like no man had ever done before. She’d experienced her first internal orgasm with him, for God’s sake. She’d run home and researched it, because what he’d done to her had been beyond intense. Now that she was again in Grant’s presence, her body tugged toward him, like he was gravity. She’d been so happy knowing that the last impression Breck/Grant had of her was the way she was as Sari. Knowing that Grant saw her now, as plain, simple, shy Chloe, was embarrassing. Of course they both knew they’d been playing parts. But it was under the assumption they’d never have to see each other without the armor. It was amazing how she’d taken her clothes off in front of this man and yet now—fully clothed—was when she’d never felt more naked.

  Grant cleared his throat and opened his mouth and Chloe groaned. Because she didn’t want to do this. She prayed silently that Ethan would hurry the hell up.

  “I… It’s good to see you again.” Grant’s hand drifted up and she would have flinched away if it was any other man. But she remembered his touch, and her body wanted to rub against him and purr like a cat. He brushed the bottom edge of her hair, and the movement of the strands tickled her scalp. “You cut your hair,” he said softly, almost reverently. It was a simple way of acknowledging what they’d done.

  She tucked it behind her ear. “It was really long.”

  Captain Obvious, reporting for duty.

  He smiled. “I liked it long, but this suits you, too. You look really nice, Chloe.”

  Her name fell from his lips like dark chocolate. Seductive and sweet.

  She took a large gulp of her wine. “So do you.” She managed to make eye contact, watched as the candlelight gleamed on his golden hair, and she remembered his thick strands in her fingers. She clutched her skirt and kept her hands in her lap.

  “So, you’re Ethan’s sister.”

  “And you’re his business partner.”

  “Wow.” Grant chuckled and rolled his eyes to the ceiling. “What are the fucking odds, huh?”

  Chloe pursed her lips. “Well, there were roughly a couple thousand attendees, and I’m Ethan’s only sister, so—”

  Grant grinned at her. “You’re actually trying to figure out the odds right now?”

  She blushed and tried to hide her smile behind her fringe of hair. “You did ask, so…”

  He chuckled. “I guess I did.”

  What was taking Ethan so damn long in the bathroom?

  “Look, I—” Grant frowned. “Before you showed up, Ethan just about threatened to castrate me if I even looked at you weird, so it goes without saying that it’s best he didn’t find out what, uh, actually did happen. Already.”

  She was just as nervous as Grant. If Ethan knew what she did, how she got her pleasure, he’d probably lock her in his basement. Sure, she was a grown woman, but Ethan wasn’t quite rational when it came to his remaining baby sister.

  “Yes, this will just stay between us.” She licked her lips and ran her finger over a drop of red wine she’d spilled on the tablecloth. “And in the past, obviously.”

  He leaned closer, the heat of his chest warming her bare arm. She closed her eyes, and then opened them when his breath tickled her ear. She stared ahead of her as he whispered, “Wish you wouldn’t have left early though, Princess. I had plans for us.”

  His breath was still at her ear, raising the hairs on her neck and if she turned her head, she’d touch those lips again, the ones she ached for since she kissed him last. She’d taste his mouth again, tangle her tongue with his talented one.

  That was all it would take. One twist of her head. Instead, she sat frozen, staring straight ahead, until the heat of his body and his breath left her side.

  “Sorry I took so long.” Her brother’s voice filtered through her haze of memories. She blinked and focused on him. “Saw an old acquaintance. Tried to duck out of it, but he saw m
e. I was even rude, but he persisted on catching up.”

  “God, forced into conversation in public. What’s the world coming to these days?” Grant smirked.

  Ethan scowled and Chloe snorted a laugh. Grant turned his head, catching her, so she tried to cover it up with a cough. It didn’t work so well.

  She reached up, fingering her earlobe, which still tingled from the vibration of Grant’s voice, from his soft-spoken, Princess.

  But that wasn’t her anymore, that was another woman, one who stayed in that hotel room.

  The conversation continued between the two men and Chloe concentrated on drinking. And eating. But mostly drinking.

  Ethan had invited her out to meet his business partner, to engage her in his life. She was appreciative of that. He couldn’t have known he was inviting her to a dinner with her last one-night stand.

  By the time the check arrived, Chloe was exhausted from the constant churning of her mind, and she was also a little drunk. She hadn’t remember ordering a bottle but there it was on the table in front of her, almost empty.

  Oh boy.

  Ethan signed the check and frowned at her as he clicked the pen down. “I’ll take you home.”

  “I-I can take a cab—”

  “I had one drink about forty-five minutes ago. I’ll take you home.”

  She shut her mouth.

  When they left the restaurant, Chloe followed Ethan, with Grant behind her, the heat of his gaze licking her back, butt, and legs.

  She wanted this to be over. She wanted to be in her apartment, in her over-sized T-shirt and gaucho pants, curled up on the couch. At this point, she’d been on way longer than she was comfortable.

  Grant and Ethan shook hands in the parking lot, and Grant turned to her. She took a step forward, and she wasn’t sure if he intended to touch her, but no way could she handle that. She ducked her head, mumbled a good-bye, and took a step back.

  Ethan led her to his car, and she risked one single glance over her shoulder. Grant stood in the parking lot, hands on his hips, watching them walk away. The slight breeze ruffled his hair and whipped up his tie. He was gorgeous, truly beautiful, and the knowledge that she’d had him for even one hour, was enough to ease the sour churning in her stomach.

  After she was buckled into Ethan’s Range Rover, he started the engine, frowning in her direction. “Are you okay, Chloe?”

  “Fine,” she answered, staring out the window.

  “You seem tense.”

  “I guess.”

  “Are you stressed? Sleeping well? I noticed you didn’t eat much at dinner—”

  “Ethan, I’m just tired. It’s been a long day.”

  She could tell he wanted to keep talking, but fortunately he fell silent. The vibration of the car lulled her to sleep, so that Ethan had to wake her by shaking her shoulder when they pulled into the parking lot of her apartment complex.

  “I told you that you could stay with me,” he said, patting her leg and squinting at the apartment building.

  He’d drive them both crazy if she stayed at his house. “It’s okay. I like having my own space. Thanks, though.”

  Ethan nodded and ran his hands over the steering wheel. “What’d you think of Grant?”

  She paused with her hand on the door of the car. “Um, he seems nice.”

  Ethan looked at her. “He behaved himself while I was away from the table?”

  Wish you wouldn’t have left early, Princess. I had plans for us.

  She cleared her throat. “Of course.”

  He nodded, seemingly satisfied with that answer. She figured it was time to make her exit. “Thanks for inviting me out tonight.”

  “You need anything, you call,” he said.

  She smiled. “Will do.”

  “Love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  Ten minutes later, she was in her pajamas, a thick blanket wrapped around her, flipping through her Netflix queue. And she promised herself she’d forget about Grant and Breck, and continue her boring, drama-free life.

  Chapter Five

  Grant frowned at his daughter, who stood in front of him with her arms crossed over her chest, book bag on her back. “I told you I’ll be fine.”

  It was Saturday morning and he was about to take Sydney to his parents’ house. She stayed the weekend at their house every couple of months, and each time, she acted like he was going to throw a rager while she was gone and drink all the liquor.

  “I made soup, so all you gotta do is heat it up,” Sydney said, then narrowed her eyes. “And don’t forget to put a piece of plastic wrap over top of it.”

  Right. Last time he’d heated up chili, it had exploded all over the microwave. Oops. “Yes, oh genius daughter.”

  “You going to be fine while I’m at Grandmom’s and Granddad’s?” she asked.

  He threw up his hands. “I’m thirty-two and your father. I can handle a weekend by myself.”

  “Yeah but last time I spent the weekend there, you decided to retile the bathroom and we all remember how that turned out.”

  “My hand slipped,” he groused, thinking back to the hole in the wall he’d had to patch.

  Sydney rolled her eyes and hiked her book-bag strap higher on her shoulder.

  “Don’t forget the career fair on Monday. Work with your grandparents on your questions and answers, and I’ll go over it all with you when you get home, okay?”

  Sydney’s face brightened. “I’m so excited. I heard they have several representatives from the STEM field there, so I hope I make a good first impression.”

  He ruffled the hair on top of her head before she shoved his hand away. “You’ll be great. Have your outfit all picked out? You’re supposed to dress like it’s a real interview, right?”

  She nodded.

  “All right then. When I went to a career fair in high school, I found a mentor who I emailed with all through college. I’m sure you’ll impress the hell out of everyone, and maybe you’ll pick up a mentor, too.”

  Sydney bounced on her toes. “That’d be great.”

  “I’d offer Austin’s services, but we all know that guy isn’t so good at anything which requires talking and socializing.” Sydney was interested in programming and while Austin had been a guide in the last couple of years, his daughter was eager to meet someone with another perspective.

  “He’s good with me.”

  Grant grinned. “Yeah, yeah. Okay let’s get you over to your grandparents, okay?”

  “Shotgun!” Sydney called when she ran out of the house.

  Grant rolled his eyes as he locked the door behind him. She said that every time as if she wasn’t the only passenger in the car when he drove. But then he thought about how she’d be getting her permit soon and shuddered.

  After Grant dropped Sydney off with a kiss and a pat on her cheek, he drove around for a while. He could go to the gym, or sit in a coffee shop and read a book. He could go home and watch porn and jerk off.

  Or… His mind drifted to Thursday night. Chloe with her short hair, that skirt. He couldn’t believe she was the same girl who’d opened herself up to him in that hotel room. The Chloe last night was quiet and reserved. He wanted to know more about her, which was probably insane.

  But it wasn’t just that he was jonesing to see Chloe again, to be in her presence—he was awed at her close relationship with Ethan. Her brother adored her; it was easy to see. Grant knew he’d only seen the tip of the iceberg when it came to Chloe’s personality. Ethan’s devotion to her made Grant curious to know more.

  And frankly, he wanted to know if that wanton princess act was real.

  Twenty minutes later, Grant found himself in Ethan’s driveway, listening to his engine cool down.

  He bit his nail and jiggled his leg. He’d thought of calling Ethan last night and telling him the truth, but that would be a violation of Chloe’s privacy. So instead, he had to find some way to weasel her number or address out of Ethan.

  He stepped ou
t of his car and took the porch stairs two at a time. He knocked on the door, but after a couple of minutes, he didn’t get an answer.

  Figuring Ethan was probably in the shower or something, Grant tested the door, which was unlocked. He opened it and walked right in.

  “Ethan!” he called, wiping his feet on the mat. “Where are ya?”

  He had to be there, right? The guy rarely went anywhere other than Grant’s house, and Grant knew he wasn’t there.

  He heard a sound in the kitchen, a female voice, and he walked toward it, wondering if Ethan had a guest.

  It didn’t hit him until he was one foot in the kitchen that a female voice in Ethan’s house would most likely be…


  Because yep, there she was, scrubbing the countertop, earbuds in her ears, shaking her ass to music only she could hear. She wore short shorts and a thin, tight tank. He didn’t know what she was doing here, cleaning Ethan’s house, but Grant wasn’t going to miss this show.

  She sang softly, and Grant had to grin, because she was definitely singing Pink.

  That said something about her, that she was here cleaning her brother’s house on a Saturday when she could be at home doing something for herself. Everything about her so far showed a lot of heart and dammit if Grant didn’t selfishly want some of that for himself.

  He leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms over his chest, enjoying watching her when she wasn’t nervous or anxious. She was…happy, and free. And yes, it was voyeuristic, but dammit, she was beautiful with her face lit up, her now-short hair swinging about her face.

  That is, until she spun around, spotted him, and screamed. She jerked the earbuds out of her ears and clapped a hand over her mouth, green eyes huge in her flushed face.

  He didn’t move, waiting to see how she’d react. The gears were turning in her head, something working behind her eyes. Slowly, she lowered her hand, her fingers grazing her neck, until her palm rested on her upper chest.

  Grant figured this could go one of several ways. She could ignore him. She could tell him to leave. They could engage in super awkward, weeks-after-dirty-hotel-sex conversation until Ethan got back.

  Or they could fuck again.


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