Ryder (Sons of Sangue Book 6)

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Ryder (Sons of Sangue Book 6) Page 3

by Patricia A. Rasey

  “What can I do for you, Sergio?” Gabby managed to keep the disdain from her tone. “Don’t you have something better to do? Like work for my uncle? He doesn’t pay you to come back into the kitchen to fraternize with the help.”

  “You’re far from the help, cariño.”

  Sergio skirted the table until he stood just inches from her. Gabby had to fight the urge to take a step back. She wouldn’t show him fear. He pitched one hip against the table edge and braced a hand upon the surface, careful not to touch the flour littering it. His blue short-sleeved work shirt stretched tight across his chest and abs, showcasing his muscular arms. Adriana had been correct in her assessment. On the outside, Sergio had the looks that most women coveted and a body honed by hours in a gym. He never had trouble when it came to women … until her.

  That was not about to change.

  Not only did Gabby make it a habit not to date those employed by her uncle, the man had a serious undercurrent that gave her chills. There was a reason he sat second in command. He was a sociopath, having no morals. A man exactly like her uncle.

  “You think your uncle would mind me talking to you?” He tucked a stray strand of hair behind one of her ears. “Your uncle has given me his blessing. You’re already mine, Gabriela. Stop fighting us.”

  Gabby didn’t doubt that one bit. If her uncle were to marry her off, it would only be with someone he approved. Who better than one of the men he put in charge of keeping his empire intact?

  “Too bad for you that I’m not of the same mind.”

  Sergio righted himself, his hand doing a sweep of his torso. “Come on, Gabby. Seriously? Any woman would be happy, lucky even, to have this.”

  Gabby didn’t bother hiding her eye roll. “Then go find them, Sergio, because this woman isn’t interested. There is no us.”

  “Are you lesbian?” His gaze heated. “I mean, I could be down with that. You and Adriana in my bed? Damn, that’s every man’s fantasy come to life.”

  Gabby grabbed a cookie pan and slammed it onto the surface, metal clanging against metal, and started spooning cookie dough onto the sheet. “Because that would be the only reason a woman would turn you down, right?”

  “I don’t need to beg, if that’s what you’re getting at.”

  Placing a flour-covered hand in the middle of his chest, she pushed him back a couple of feet. “Why not go find one of those women and leave me the hell alone then?”

  “It’s not like you date…”

  “Which is a product of my overbearing uncle. It has nothing to do with my sexual preferences, of which you are not.”

  Sergio’s lips turned down when she dropped her hand, leaving a flour handprint in the center of his chest. He tried to brush away the white powder with little luck.

  “Do your menial tasks and bake your cookies, Gabby, then go fuck your pretty little friend Adriana. You’ll be wishing you had this,” he said, grabbing his crotch. “She can’t give you what I can.”

  “Get the hell out of my kitchen, Sergio.”

  The man turned and stormed through the double doors, but not before knocking a pan from the wall, leaving it to clatter to the floor in his wake. A tremor passed over Gabby’s shoulders. She had a sinking feeling had it not been for her uncle, she’d be meeting him in some dark alley … and not by choice.

  Francisco looked up from the crab bake he was making. “You would be wise to stay away from him, señorita. That man is a hombre malo.”

  “Bad to the core, Francisco. You don’t have to tell me that. Thank goodness he fears my uncle.” Gabriela walked to the hook near the sink, pulled off her apron and hung it up. After turning on the faucet, she washed her hands, then dried them on the towel before turning back to the chef. “Do you mind finishing up my cookies?”

  “Not at all, señorita.”

  “Thank you.” She kissed the elderly man on the cheek. His face reddened. “I’m in a sudden urge to get out of here before Sergio adds alcohol to his already inflated ego.”

  Francisco laughed, the humor twinkling in his eyes. “Go out the back door. Avoid him altogether.”

  Gabby grabbed her phone from the table and typed a quick message to her driver to meet her out back. Francisco was correct, bypassing Sergio was the best course of action. She wasn’t about to let one man ruin her planned girls’ night with Adriana.

  When she stepped into the alley, the old wooden screen door slapped closed behind her. Her driver stood next to the waiting Escalade with the door open. Seconds later, she was tapping another message on her phone, telling Adriana she would be arriving sooner than planned.

  Chapter 3

  Ryder sat astride his Road King, just out of sight from the parking lot of Salazar’s. After leaving Grigore and Gunner, he had retraced his route and wound up right back where his day had gotten a whole lot more interesting. To his disappointment, though, the black Escalade was missing from the lot. He had returned too late to catch another glimpse of Gabriela Trevino Caballero.

  He was supposed to seduce her, get an inside to her uncle and his whereabouts. Hell, he wanted inside all right … deep inside her. He shook his head, picked up his skull cap from his lap, and snapped it back into place. Unless he started thinking with the right head, Ryder was going to seriously fuck this up. He couldn’t allow his rising testosterone to cloud his judgment or compromise the mission. Turning the key to his cycle, he ground his teeth as the engine roared to life. Just as he was about to pick up his feet and head back to the little studio apartment he had rented by the week, he caught sight of the black SUV circling from around the back of the lot.

  Lady Luck is on my side.

  Pulling out of the alcove, he trailed the Escalade from a distance. No way the driver wouldn’t spot his tribal orange and black motorcycle. Among the thin copse of palm trees lining the oceanside road, it stuck out like a sore thumb. But instead of heading south to where Ryder knew Raúl’s home base to be, the SUV headed for town. People milled about the city center, the nightlife being active in La Paz. Ryder had spent a few nights bar-hopping among the locals, getting a feel for the place. Unlike Salazar’s, the town had been welcoming.

  Two blocks ahead, he spotted the Escalade taking a right up a slope. Ryder turned one block before and made his way up the incline. At the next crossroad, he saw the vehicle forge ahead. He continued his climb on the adjacent road until he no longer spotted the SUV at the next intersection. Making a quick left, he headed toward the byroad he’d last spotted the Escalade. Stopping at the corner, he caught sight of the vehicle parked in front of a small, colorful, three-story building. The driver helped Gabriela alight from the rear seat. She stepped onto the curb, then turned and held out her palm, saying something to the driver. His face hardened, but he stopped and leaned against the Escalade, crossing his arms over his chest. Gabriela ignored his disapproval and continued on her way into the building.

  Ryder’s gaze landed on the sway of her ample hips, hips he could easily imagine holding on to, and an ass that would fill out a pair of jeans nicely. Or in her case, at the moment, a black pencil skirt. Damn, but that woman had a killer body. Gabriela opened the door to the stairwell and disappeared from his sight.

  Ryder turned the motorcycle in the opposite direction and circled the block. He’d have to approach from the back side, since it was unlikely the driver was going to leave his post or wouldn’t notice Ryder’s arrival. He parked near an eatery called Seaside, painted in bright blues and greens above the rustic door, and killed the engine. He had dined at the joint a couple of times, though he much preferred the seafood served at Salazar’s. Being a vampire meant he didn’t need human food, but he still enjoyed an occasional meal even if it offered him no nourishment.

  Quickly backtracking on foot, he skirted around the buildings, sticking to the alley. Once he reached the rear of the three-story building and determined Gabriela wasn’t on the first floor, he took the wooden stairs that led to a wooden deck off each unit. Each level contained a si
ngle dwelling. On the second deck, he stayed out of view from the French doors and peered in, careful not to be seen. The lights were off in the unit, telling him she had likely gone to the top floor.

  Ryder stealthily moved up the stairs, praying the wooden creaks wouldn’t give him away. Once he reached the final deck, he moved quickly to the side of the wide-open double doors. White lacy curtains were pulled to the side, giving him a clear view of the interior. With lights illuminating the unit, it was easy to see almost the entire living space.

  A woman with waist-length, straight black hair sat on a worn leather chair next to Gabriela, facing an unlit fireplace. This far south, he doubted the woman used it at all. Where Gabriela was rounded in all the nicest of places, this new woman looked as if she could use a good meal or two. Some men were attracted to thin, but Ryder preferred a little more meat on a woman’s bones.

  Gabriela had curves to rival the sexy Latin actress Jennifer Lopez. Though similar in looks, Ryder would take Gabriela over JLo any day of the week. The smaller woman sat with her back to the door, while Gabriela took the chair facing him. Thankfully, the doors had been left open, giving him the opportunity to eavesdrop on their conversation. Soft Latin music filtered through the unit.

  Gabriela tucked her legs beneath her in the chair while her friend leaned forward and poured them each a glass of red wine, handing Gabriela a wineglass large enough to be a fishbowl.

  “To friends,” Gabby said, clinking glasses with her friend before taking a sip. Her pink tongue swept her lower lip, making Ryder, to his chagrin, aware of the increasing tightness of his pants.

  “To best friends,” the woman added before lowering her glass and cradling it between her palms. “You’re always there for me, Gabs. What would I do without you?”

  “You don’t have to worry about that. I always will be.” Gabriela’s smile lit her face, instantly warming Ryder’s blood. “What’s Mateo gone and done to piss you off this time?”

  “The usual. The hijo de tu puta madre thinks he can order me around.”

  Gabriela’s eyes widened. “He hasn’t hit you has he, Adriana? I could—”

  Adriana waved a hand in the air. “Oh, hell, no. You aren’t telling your uncle anything. Mateo needs that job.”

  “Por el amor de Dios, doesn’t it bother you what he does for a living? My uncle’s men kill people.”

  “Is that why you keep putting off Sergio? You were born to this life, Gabs. You live quite comfortably because of it, I might add. You can’t judge your uncle or his men.”

  Gabriela has a conscience.

  Ryder stored away that little tidbit for later, along with the fact Raúl’s second in command had a thing for his boss’s niece.

  “It’s not because he works for Uncle Raúl, though that’s reason enough.” Gabriela harrumphed. “Sergio and I are never going to happen. I’d be surprised if he ever made time in his life for a girlfriend. Truthfully? He probably only wants me in order to get in good favor with my uncle. Don’t use me, you know? In my book, that’s unforgivable.”

  Well, that certainly killed any warm fuzzies he might be feeling for the gorgeous brunette. When he seduced her as the mission called for, she’d never forgive him for using her to locate her uncle. He’d do well to remember that.

  * * *

  “So, tell me about this sexy Americano?”

  Heat rose to Gabriela’s cheeks just at the mention of the man. She had only gotten a quick glance, but she wouldn’t mind getting a longer look … a much longer one. Unfortunately, either her uncle’s men had run him off, or he had stopped by the tavern on his way through town. There weren’t many Americans this far south of the border, and surely not in La Paz.

  “Seriously hot, like sizzling.”

  Adriana giggled. “I haven’t heard you talk about a man like that since, well … he who shall not be named.”

  And just like that, it seemed a bucket of ice water washed over her. “Thanks for being the mood-killer, Adri.”

  “Ah, come on, Gabs. It’s been over two years. You can’t deny yourself companionship because of one bad relationship.”

  “We were supposed to get married. He was fucking my uncle’s maid, for crying out loud.” Anger bubbled up the back of her throat at the reminder. “They’re both lucky the only thing my uncle did was fire them. Thankfully, I haven’t seen either of them since.”

  “And in all of that time, you’ve dated only one other man.” Adriana winced. “Poor guy. Your uncle threatened to cut off his hand if he ever grabbed your ass again.”

  “See? And you wonder why I don’t date.”

  Even though she found the American extremely datable, at least when it came to his appearance, she wouldn’t dare put him on her uncle’s radar. Not when she knew it couldn’t possibly end well.

  “I get it.” Adriana took a sip of her wine. “But if you dated Sergio—”

  “Not even if he was the last man standing.” A shiver passed down her spine. “I won’t date any of my uncle’s men again, especially Sergio.”

  “Mateo works for your uncle.”

  Gabriela disliked her friend’s fiancé, just as she had most of those employed by her uncle Raúl. She couldn’t fault Adriana for loving a man who was capable of following her uncle’s directives, but it wasn’t in her own DNA to do so. Yes, she was raised within the cartel lifestyle, though her uncle had done his best to keep her separate from his business dealings. That didn’t mean she agreed with how he ran his business, or how he had profited off selling drugs and weapons. Not to mention the many who had died as a result.

  “We aren’t talking about your relationship, Adri. Just because I made the decision to no longer date those in my uncle’s camp doesn’t mean that’s the right decision for you.” Gabby leaned forward and placed a hand on her knee. “It’s your life to live. I just don’t want to see you hurt. I swear if he lays a hand on you again, nothing you say will keep me from telling Raúl.”

  “He’s changed.”

  “Really? Then why did you call me? I believe it was something about being ‘nothing more than dirt under the sole of his boot’?”

  Adriana drained her wine, then refilled her glass, offering to refill Gabriela’s. Gabby took the bottle and emptied the remains into her overlarge glass.

  “Okay, so you’re correct.”

  “Call off the wedding before I have to walk down the aisle with you. Hard telling what he will do once he gets a ring on your finger.”

  The breeze picked up, ruffling the white curtains, drawing Gabby’s attention to the deck. The sun had begun to set, casting a beautiful orange glow across the horizon.

  “Why on earth are we sitting inside on a gorgeous night like this?” Gabriela stood and headed for the deck, where two wicker chairs flanked each other. “Are you coming?”

  Adriana grumbled something, but followed anyway. Footfalls sounded on the stairs below, but by the time Gabby reached the doors, whoever had descended had disappeared.

  “Do you have a neighbor?”

  Adriana plopped into one of the cushioned chairs and placed her bare feet on the iron rail. “One. The unit beneath me is rented. The other is vacant. Why?”

  Gabby shook her head. “It’s nothing. I heard footsteps on the stairs is all. It must’ve been the one beneath you leaving.”

  “Huh … he must’ve gotten home early from work. Usually, he doesn’t get home for another hour.”

  “You know him?”

  Adriana shook her head. “Only in passing. He’s older. In his fifties, I think. We haven’t spoken much, other than in greeting.”

  “I find it curious he would leave from the back of his apartment and not through the front door.” Gabriela sat in the other chair, shaking off the odd feeling of having been watched. “So what are you going to do about Mateo?”

  Adriana chuckled. “You’re like a dog with a bone.”

  Raising a brow, Gabby smiled. “As I recall, you begged me to come over.”

I did.”

  Settling into a comfortable silence, they watched the sun disappear beyond the horizon, leaving behind an orange halo. Gabriela couldn’t think of anyone else she’d rather spend such a night with. Adriana and she had been friends going on five years, ever since Adriana started dating the ass she was now engaged to. Gabriela’s thoughts traveled back to her earlier years of growing up and a friend she had long since lost, Brea Gotti, her uncle’s godchild. Since Brea’s father’s passing, Adriana had seen less of her best friend as the months grew into years, to the point she no longer came around.

  Her heart panged.

  She wished things had ended differently between her uncle and Brea. Whatever had happened, Uncle Raúl had forbidden Gabriela from reaching out to her. She supposed it was just as well; Brea hadn’t bothered contacting her either.

  “Do you think you will see him again?” Adriana broke into her musings.

  Gabriela looked at her friend, furrowing her brow. “Who?”

  “The Americano.”

  “Not likely.” She rolled her eyes. “I’m sure Sergio made sure of that. The man infuriates me to no end. He can’t be chasing away my customers just because he might not like them.”

  “Your uncle employs him to protect you.”

  “I get that.” Exasperation left her in a huff. “But he also employs him to kill people. Sergio got where he is because he’s ruthless. And if you don’t want Mateo to turn out like him, then I’d suggest you find your fiancé a new job.”

  Anger flashed briefly in Adriana’s eyes. “I really hate it when you get self-righteous, Gabs. Seriously? What do you expect him to do to make the kind of money he’s making here in La Paz? You may not have to worry about where your dinero comes from, but it pays my bills.”

  Gabby gripped Adriana’s hand and squeezed. “You’re right and I’m sorry. It was insensitive of me. There aren’t a lot of jobs here. I just don’t want to see you hurt. Maybe if Mateo treated you better.”


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