Welcome to the Cameo Hotel

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Welcome to the Cameo Hotel Page 14

by K. I. Lynn

  I nodded in agreement. “Definitely.”

  “Now I’m a little jealous.”

  “What about Dante?”

  “Pfft . . . okay, I love him. A lot. Maybe I can get him to buy me something from there.”

  “The restaurant is doing good, right?”

  “Sure is,” Caleb said before turning his attention to a guest headed our way. “Good morning. What can I help you with?”

  “Hi, I need to check out,” a gentleman in a suit said.

  “No problem. What’s your room number?”

  There was no need to watch over Caleb. He was always great with the guests, but management liked to have two people behind the counter at all times. It was strange that I hadn’t seen Shannon yet. The clock on the phone caught my eye, and it was ten after. Where was she?

  “I’ll be right back,” I said as soon as Caleb was done.

  There was no sign of her in the office, so I headed back to the break room to check. A few feet from the door I heard her talking with someone else. What I heard made my blood run cold.

  “Brandon said Emma was in his building with some rich guy checking out a condo. He said the guy was an ass and ignored him and was acting all possessive of her. What asshole do we all know that has her wrapped around his finger?” Shannon asked.

  I knew when we had seen Brandon that it would come back to haunt me.

  “You know, she was acting strange when she came back from Mr. Grayson’s room the other night. I said that an ass like him had better be a good lay because that was the only endearing quality he could have, then she got very quiet and her face got really red,” Jaqueline chimed in.

  “And he’s always asking for her, never anyone else.”

  “She doesn’t get as pissed anymore either,” Jaqueline noted.

  “Housekeeping has made sure that his room is perfect so that he has nothing to complain about, yet he always makes something up,” Shannon said.

  They’d put it all together. Fuck.

  “I can’t believe she has been fucking him and no one has noticed!”

  Gavin and I were on the verge of being found out, meaning I was on the verge of losing my job. My need to find a new job was now on the fast track. I needed out of the hotel sooner rather than later. I needed to be free to be with Gavin, without this cloud hanging over us.

  Instead of going in, I headed back out to the front desk and waited for them to come out before I went in to retrieve my purse. A few minutes later I was sitting in the Starbucks with my latte and phone surfing through job positions when one caught my eye—treasury department, large company, MBA required. I was missing the experience, something I knew would make it difficult, but I had many of the skills and background they were looking for. My eyes scanned down the page and stopped when I read the company name—Cates Corporation.

  I debated about applying. It was the company that was soon to be Gavin’s, so I knew if I told him I wanted it, I would have it. But, that wasn’t how I wanted to get my first job out of school. I wanted to do it on my own, without the help of his name or brand of bullying.

  Finally, I decided to apply and not tell Gavin. I didn’t know what the company’s fraternization policy was, but Gavin being who he was, I didn’t see it being a problem. Besides, what were the chances I would actually get the job?

  After submitting my resume, I sipped on my latte and continued to surf, all the while thinking about what it would be like to work at Gavin’s company, in the same building as him every day. We could carpool and have lunch together, and maybe try out some of those desk fantasies of his.

  Lost in my daydream, I was almost late coming back from my break.

  Yes, the sooner I was out of this hotel, the better it would be for both of us.

  There was only an hour left, and James was due in any minute. I headed into the office to finish up a few things. My stomach was a nervous knot. Once upon a time, not so long before, it had been filled with butterflies, but ever since we’d talked, things changed.

  He knew whatever we may have been was no longer an option. I hated hurting him, but it had to happen. Not the hurting him part, but the telling him things had changed.

  A few minutes before my shift ended, the door from the hall opened.

  “Hi,” I said as James entered the office.

  There was no smile to greet me. In fact, he’d been avoiding me for all those weeks. It was rare to be on the same shift anyway, but he made sure to stay away from me if we happened to be there at the same time.

  “How did today go?” he asked, not even looking at me.

  “Fine. Nothing to report.”

  “Good.” With that, he headed to the door.

  “James!” I called out.

  “What?” he growled.

  I felt chastised, and maybe he was right to lash out, but was it so much to ask to be civil?

  “Have a good night.”

  He nodded. “Night.”

  There was a stinging pain in my chest, but as I rubbed absentmindedly, my fingers bumped over my shirt. Underneath laid the key to the only heart I wanted, and it was all mine. If I had to break a hundred hearts to get it, I would, because Gavin showed me what true love could be.

  It had been a very long day, and I was looking forward to getting home and curling up on my couch and doing nothing. Gavin said he had to work that night, so I was on my own. Time for some Netflix. Sadly, without the chill.

  James wouldn’t even look at me when I went out to hand off the keys. When I turned, Caleb had appeared from the office and I gave him a smile and a wave.

  “Have a good night, Emma,” Caleb said as he stepped up behind the counter.

  I yawned in response as I passed him. “Thanks, Caleb.”

  “You know, you should have that man of yours run a hot bubble bath and cook you dinner.”

  “Ha! I’m not sure he can cook anything,” I said with a laugh.

  “I can believe that! Most guys can’t cook. I lucked out with Dante.”

  I caught James’s eye, and my chest clenched. Never did I think my life would change so drastically and in such a short period of time. Or that there would be collateral damage when it happened.

  Gavin had come in like a hurricane and wiped out my carefully laid-out plan. Claimed me so no other man could have me.

  With all that I overheard, the only thing I wanted right then was to see him. Maybe I could convince him to come over for a little while.

  As I stepped out of the hotel elevator and into the parking garage, I nearly stopped in my tracks. Heading right for me was the man himself.

  “Hi,” I said as I stared up at him.

  His brow furrowed as he looked down at me. “Hello.”

  Popping my head to the side, I gave him a silent request to follow me. His Audi was about ten spots down, right after a large SUV, and I slipped between the two. Gavin was a few steps behind, but as soon as he was in front of me I slipped my arms around his shoulders and pulled him down, pressing my lips to his.

  The simple feel of his large hands moving around my waist, pulling me closer, began releasing my tension. Being with him, embraced in his arms, was exactly what I needed after a rough day. His tongue lapped against mine as I ran his hair through my fingers.

  I was ready to advance, to continue, when he pulled back. His warm hands cupped my face, clear blue and green eyes locked on mine.

  “Are you okay?”

  I let out a hard breath and relaxed further into his arms. “Yes . . . no.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “Jaqueline and Shannon figured it out. They know we’re together.”

  “No, they suspect.”

  “Well their suspicions hit the nail on the head. You need to keep up the attitude, especially tonight when I won’t be there.”

  His jaw ticked, his eyes flashing dangerously. “Did anyone say or do anything to you?”

  I shook my head. “I overheard it. There were also some looks . . .” I trailed off
. He wasn’t supposed to be back, especially not so early. “Wait, what are you doing here?”

  “My meeting got cancelled.” He pulled me close, wrapping me in his arms. “I was going to change and then come over and surprise you.”

  My heart melted, loving his plan, but then it sunk. “You should stay here. Just for tonight.”

  His fingers brushed back my hair. “I don’t like seeing you upset like this.”

  “I’m just freaking out.”

  “Emma, I am here for you. No matter what happens, I will take care of you.” Leaning forward, he pressed his lips to mine.

  The kiss was filled with promises of more, but he held back. But I needed more. I pushed harder, deeper. I needed settling, and only he could help.

  I couldn’t stop, didn’t want to. Suddenly, I didn’t care about anything else but his lips on mine. His tongue, his hands, every part of his body that was touching mine. I needed it all.

  A growl rumbled through his chest as he backed me up against his Audi. We were both so worked up that I didn’t want to stop.

  “There aren’t cameras pointed over here, are there?” he asked through panting breaths.

  My eyes went wide as I glanced around. I couldn’t believe I didn’t even think of them before it got this far. I didn’t see any, but that didn’t mean there weren’t any.

  “I don’t think so. We’re in the middle and they’re at the ends.” We were also between two SUVs.

  “Good,” he said before returning to kissing me. His hands pulled at the edge of my skirt, drawing it up.

  “Wait, Gavin,” I whimpered against his lips.

  “Nobody can see us.”

  A shiver rolled through me.

  “Give me this,” he said as his fingers brushed against my slit.

  I nodded, my fear heightened, but there was an explosion in my lust. It sent reason out the window. All I could think about was him inside me.

  With my right leg hitched about his hip, I heard the familiar sound of his zipper before I felt the hot tip bounce on my clit. His lips never stopped touching mine, never let me pull back as he pushed my thong aside and pressed into me.

  His mouth captured my cry as he thrust forward. Pleasure enveloped my mind, shutting everything else out but the feel of him.

  It was exactly what I needed.

  His hips ground into me with each flex, pushing him deeper. It wasn’t drawn-out sex—it was a quick fuck to release the tension we both held.

  “Gavin,” I moaned against his lips.

  “Shh,” he whispered before silencing me with his mouth.

  Each thrust was fast, desperate, racing, and rubbed me just right. I tensed in his arms, whimpering into him until everything broke apart.

  I was coming around him, squeezing him, each wave shaking me in his arms. His movements became less rhythmic and harder, signaling he was close. The squeal of tires rang out, and he dipped his head into the crook of my neck and stopped thrusting, his teeth digging into my neck. As soon as the car passed us, he started to move again, but cried out against my skin before frantically pulling out.

  Almost before he was even out, cum splashed against my shirt as he groaned against me. His forehead rested against mine as he regained his breath.

  “Fuck, baby.”

  “Thank you,” I said, a small, content smile filling my face.

  “Do you feel better now?”

  I gave him a lazy nod. “Infinitely.”

  He tucked himself back away. “Are you still worried?”

  “Are you beside me?”

  He cupped my cheek. “Always.”

  “Then who cares?” I said with a sigh, though I knew the truth. I did care. I just cared about him more.


  He stepped back, and my eyes went wide. “Oh, shit.” The droplets that landed on my shirt were pressed into his vest.

  He glanced down and sighed before buttoning his jacket up. “I suppose it’s a good thing I don’t personally interact with the dry cleaner.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh before doing up my own suit jacket. “Good thing.”

  “Are you good now?” he asked again.

  I nodded. “Yes. You definitely have a way about you.” I hated to leave him. I didn’t want to.

  “Sleep well, my love,” he said, giving me one last kiss.

  “Love you.” I leaned down to pick up my bag that had fallen. Once out from between the cars, I stopped and turned back to him. “Come over tonight?”

  “What about the plan to not come over?” he asked.

  “I changed my mind.”

  His lips drew up into a smile. “I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  I blew out a breath and continued my path. A few hours would allow me to apply for a few more jobs, and hopefully one would pan out. Then I wouldn’t care what happened to my job at the Cameo Hotel.

  Music filled my ears, rousing me from sleep. I reached out and fumbled for my phone as my eyes attempted to open. I managed to get the alarm turned off, but getting out of bed was another issue.

  Hands pulled at my waist, moving me back down to the bed.

  “And where do you think you’re going?” Gavin asked, his fingers pressing against my clit, teasing me.

  “I have to get ready for work,” I said in protest, crying out when his fingers pinched my clit.

  “Call in.”

  “Gavin,” I groaned.

  “I’m serious, Emma. That place is nothing but a headache for you. I’ll just pay for everything until you find a job. Or you don’t have to work at all.”

  “I have to work, babe.”

  He sighed. “If you insist.”

  I smirked back at him. “You like that I don’t want to depend on you, but at the same time it makes you want to spend more money on me!”

  “You got me.”

  “Besides, I didn’t work my ass off for all these years to get a master’s and not use it.” With great difficulty, I pulled out of his arms and headed into the shower.

  As I waited for the water to heat, I pulled out a few towels from the laundry basket. I’d folded them up the other day, but forgotten to put them away. The warm water felt refreshing as it fell over me, a great wake-up until I could get a cup of coffee. I’d barely started washing when the shower curtain pulled back and Gavin stepped in, his cock leading the way.

  “Tease,” I said as I ran the washcloth around my skin.

  He grinned at me. “You’re not the only one that has to work.”

  “And who was the one trying to get some morning nookie?”

  His hand stroked down and then back up his length. “Always.”

  I shook my head as I rinsed off, then pulled the curtain back to step out. “All yours.”

  “I can’t wait until we move in.”

  “Why’s that?” I asked as I began wiping myself down with a towel.

  “Do you remember the size of that shower?” he asked. I nodded. “I’m going to fuck you in it our first morning.”

  My hands stopped moving the towel around and I stared at him. “I’ve never had sex in a shower before.”

  He grinned at me. “What a way to christen the house.”

  “There you go teasing me again.”

  “Not a tease, baby, a promise.” He reached out and grabbed my towel and pulled, yanking it from my hands. With his other hand, he pulled me closer to the tub until he reached down and picked me up, setting me back in the shower.

  “Gavin, I really have to—”

  His lips cut me off, stopping any protest. Finally he’d broken me down. I couldn’t resist him, even when I needed to.

  “Fuck,” I cursed as I walked into the hotel. I was fifteen minutes late due to Gavin.

  Really, it was all his fault. I was good, took a shower and got out before he got his hands on me, but his mouth got me. Next thing I knew, my back was pressed against the shower wall, his cock filling me.

  The employee lounge was empty, and I threw my purse i
n and changed my shoes. I was about to head to the office when Caleb came in.

  “Hi,” I said with a smile.

  Caleb’s eyes popped wide, and he rushed over to me.

  “The parking garage has cameras,” he whispered.

  I froze, my smile falling as utter horror washed over me.

  “I know.”

  He shook his head. “It was on the upper level and pointed right at you.”

  I fell back against the lockers and leaned over. “Fuck.”

  “I tried to keep others from seeing it, but Barry, the compliance nazi, saw it before I could do anything.”

  “Why . . . why would you try and help me like that?”

  He smiled. “I like you, Emma. We’re friends . . . at least I’d like to think so. Plus, Dante was once a guest, so I know a little of what you’ve been going through. I wanted to give you a heads up, because I know they’ll say stuff about you, but I know.”

  My brow scrunched. “You know what?”

  “I’ve seen the way he looks at you. When you were at the restaurant . . . it’s obvious he loves you.”

  I nodded. “He does.” I took a deep breath before getting back into my locker for my phone. “An inquisition?”

  “Yeah. Phillip was yelling in the office earlier. It was so loud the guests heard him.”

  “Thanks, Caleb. For everything.”

  “No problem at all.” He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around me. “If this gets you fired, just know you were my favorite.”

  A chuckle sprang out of me. “Ditto.” He pulled back, and I heaved a sigh. “Guess I should go find out my fate. See you.”

  I slipped my phone into my jacket pocket and headed down the hall. When I entered the office, it was silent. James’s head popped up at the sound of the door. His brow was furrowed, and he looked beaten down.

  “Miguel wants to see you in Phillip’s office,” he said, his voice low.

  “Oh?” Shit. It was over. I lost the race to find a job first.

  “Tell me it isn’t true.”

  “What?” I asked, feigning ignorance. I wasn’t sure what he knew.

  “Tell me you aren’t fucking Grayson,” he growled.

  I shook my head. “I can’t.”

  The pain that crossed his face clawed at my chest.


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