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Page 8

by Saniya. S. Kohari

  I made a face, too mortified to accept my wrong beliefs about Aariz. Therefore, I asked more in order to be sure,

  ‘But how do they both know him and I don't? I will ask Ibbi.’

  ‘No!’ Zee was quick to refuse, making me more doubtful.

  Before I could ask anything, he went on normally,

  ‘I mean Ibbi won't be able to explain properly, because there is nothing to understand here. It’s just a guy thing. Aariz is my friend. They had once met through me and became friends. Simple as that.’

  ‘I don't like that guy.’ I muttered furiously.


  ‘When will you come back to town Zee?’

  ‘In a couple of days. What’s wrong?’


  ‘Right...’ He accepted without further arguments and we remained in peaceful silence for a while, which soothed me better than anything else did.

  Zee made me realize I was being wrong and immature running away and hurting Aariz for his joyfulness and niceness towards me.

  Maybe it was a guy thing too. Aariz knew me as his buddy Zee’s best friend. Therefore, as my Professor he was trying to be nice with me. I should have enjoyed the perks of it, rather than doubting him.

  Talking to Zee and making up my mind about not being negative toward Aariz without knowing his good intentions, I was in a considerably calm and happy mood again.

  “Hello people! Good morning.” I yawned loudly as I reached the dining table where my family sat having late breakfast.

  My Grandpa, Dr. Arhum Shaad, famous retired Neuro surgeon, smiled greeting me back, and Dad grinned at me before moving his focus to some chest x-ray reports, probably preparing for a surgery. While, Mom stood busy at the kitchen slab.

  My dearest mother had just one goal in life, to feed everyone.

  I took a bottle of water from the fridge and started gulping it down my throat to Mom's dismay, who hurried towards me all wide eyed,

  “Sani you have just woken up. Haven’t even brushed, right?”

  I nodded.

  “Then how can you drink?”

  “What about when we drink water in the middle of the night?” I pointed out smugly.

  “This is morning. Whole night has passed with that dirty mouth of yours.” Mom scolded me with hand on her hip.

  Now I was seriously intrigued. No joke!

  “I was sleeping with my mouth closed! How did it get dirty?” I asked taking a seat obediently, to hear her out.

  She was about to give me a life changing fact.

  “Forget about it dear.” Mom ruffled my hair and went to do her chores.

  How could she deny the truth to her only child?!

  Thoroughly miffed, I grabbed a banana and started gobbling on it.

  “Sani you still haven’t brushed your teeth and you are eating.” Dad gave me a look of disapproval.

  I stared down at my half-eaten banana.

  Was I supposed to abandon the poor fruit? Be a spoiled brat?!

  I reasoned with Dad, brightening myself with a smile,

  “It’s almost noon and I already ate some. So what’s the point of brushing now?”

  Seeing him glare at me along with Grandpa in tow, I pushed the banana away and stood with my hands up in surrender,

  “All right chill! I'm going.”

  “Why did you get up so late then?” this came from Mom.

  Because I'm not a morning person?

  Honestly, it was an unfair thing to ask. Were they really enunciating me as a lazy bum?!

  I did not try to hide my disappointment at such an allegation,

  “Haww! Every day I'm up at five for attending the freaking lectures. One day I slept in a...”

  “What about college today?” Grandpa pointed out curiously.

  I couldn’t of course tell them my new young hot Prof, teases the life out of me, and was confusing my heart to the edge off terror.

  Therefore, I made it up.

  “Today early morning lectures were boring. That Professor glares at me just because I don't butter her like everyone else. As if we should worship the ground, her fat legs thump on. So I bunked.” I shrugged, grinning wide.

  Their raised eyebrows told me, they did not consider my fake excuse as serious enough.

  Hmph! I tried imagining the husky hunky that is Aariz, as a fatty. But of course, when I could not quite manage it myself, how could I make them believe it!

  Rolling my eyes, I plastered a consoling smile,

  “I'm going now.”

  They stared at me patiently, as if waiting for me to divulge exactly when I would get the hell out.

  “What are you all in such a hurry for? The morning is still young.” I revolted giving them a look of ‘C'mon!’

  Mom indicated towards the wall clock showing me it was past eleven.

  I guess only nights get the privilege of being young. Hah! That is why I hate mornings.

  Mom glared at me, and I ran towards my room for a shower, before I could get an earful about disciplines of life and all that crap. Everything starts with getting up early in the morning. Hah!Freaking!Hah! As if, noontime and evenings were useless. If they were, then why did God make them, I ask you!

  Wearing a stylish grey sheer neck top over my orange trousers, I smiled at myself in the mirror. I loved clothes that looked classy and funky-unique like me. Besides, Aariz was not the only one who was a remarkable sight. I knew the way he looked me over every day in admiration and I wanted it to continue not just, because I liked the feeling, but to show him I was not simply a college kid. I could be a charmer myself, one who wouldn’t go starry eyed on him.

  Getting ready, I joined them all in the sitting room, with a plate full of breakfast.

  Dad turned towards me all sad and upset,

  “I have heard devastating news today. And I can't stop feeling responsible for having been busy and ignorant about my old friends since years. I was informed today that the family of a friend of ours has suffered a tragedy in recent times.”

  I gave him a curious look,

  “Go slow. Who informed you about this tragic news?”

  “Shaamir.” Dad supplied.

  “Zee's father.” I nodded, “So I’m guessing this family that suffered is both of yours common friend?”

  Dad smiled slightly, with a flash of memories in his eyes,

  “You used to call him Chocolate Uncle, as he would give you bag full of chocolates whenever he visited. You played with his son, A...”

  I stood up throwing my hands in the air, at the striking revelation that had just occurred,

  “There! You heard yourself?”

  Dad seemed confused, so I turned towards Mom and Grandpa, digging my point in,

  “Did you guys hear him? I played. I played with the freaking boy. So you people accept it, right?”

  They just stared at me confused, so I elaborated,

  “You three taunted me all these years that I did nothing but made all my dolls bald in childhood. As if, I was only trouble and nothing else. But now I know, I freaking played like normal kids. Thanks to your slip of tongue about the ever great, whoever the boy with name from A was. That person has saved my life. He has saved me from feeling scarred since childhood from the tag of being a difficult kid.”

  I tried to bring out tears, but they did not come. Therefore, I tried to wobble my lips and crack my voice. Nothing happened.


  Annoyed I just stated plainly,

  “You people made me believe I was anything but a blessing to you guys.”

  “Now that’s stretching it a bit far.” Grandpa winked at me helpfully, as Mom and Dad were about to call on me for that.

  I smiled sheepishly,

  “Oh well, you get the point. Therefore, I'm off now. Getting late for college, you see.”

  “Wait!” Mom spoke up sternly.

  I flew out of the front door yelling them a bye.

  After all, facing the hottie was a far better
option any day. Whatever annoyance I had over him, Aariz was still a sexy sight; my eyes could not get enough off...Ever.

  10-Gravity of feelings...of mistakes.


  Whole day I had been biting heads off people due to my anger, my unquenchable thirst to see Sani, to find out if still there was a chance for us, if she would talk to me again.

  Finally, she appeared in the last lecture and I had never felt more relieved in life. She looked ravishing in her magnetic attire that went beautifully with her curvy figure, making my mood soar up so high that I gave the best lecture since I had taken up this job, making sure each one of them understood and enjoyed the topic. I guess even the students felt the change, the high, as they looked like in trance at every word I uttered.

  After the lecture finished, I went to the cafeteria for a much-needed coffee. There I saw Sani and most of her batch mates chilling.

  I made my way towards the boys and chatted with them as an apology for being a jerk all day. I cracked jokes with people, to show Sani I did understand her apprehensions, her worries and never wanted to put her in a spot in front of everyone.

  It seemed to be working, as she passed me a grateful smile when I laughed along with a few guys from her class.

  Sani and her friends were talking and laughing. I decided to show her my surprise, and get into her good books.

  I turned towards her table, and started with a casual tone, ignoring her completely,

  “So, Rose was sup?”

  Sani's jaw dropped. Of course, she was shocked to hear me call Rose by her first name. She looked mesmerised and her expression changed into sudden realization. Meaning, she understood, I had put some efforts into learning her friends’ names.

  “Prof Aariz, we were just discussing a few topics.” Rose blushed.

  While Sani became stunned, not taking her eyes off me.

  Encouraged, I went on,

  “And you Mirelle, I hope your doubts about the concept of International diplomacy were sorted in today’s lecture?”

  “Yes, Prof Aariz. Thanks to you, I have got it now.” She said a little breathlessly.

  “Good, if you have any other doubts about International Politics, you can always discuss it with your friend Sani. I can assure you she is damn good in the subject, from what I have observed in this little while.” I smiled, lost in those surprised blue sparks of the girl for whom, my heart was always filled with affection.

  Mirelle did not answer and Sani quickly broke eye contact with me. Blushing hard.

  Sani stood up and I got a little scared that I had upset her again. As both her friends clearly did not like my advice of them asking her help and my praises of her, from the irritated faces they made.

  Before she had taken a few steps further, a blond haired, tattooed, well-built guy, appeared at her side with two coffees in hand.

  “Assumed, you might need it. I was getting one for myself anyway.” He grinned innocently, tilting his face towards her, as he handed her one of the cups.

  Seeing her shocked expression, he just raised his eyebrows, smiling wide, “C’mon, a friend can get coffee for another.”

  I wanted to punch those teeth inside his rectum.

  “Even I needed a coffee. I’m surprised; your assuming powers did not reach there.” I said curtly.

  He was in my class, my student and in the college soccer team. I had seen him practice a few times. I just could not remember his name. Suddenly it was the most important thing for me to know.

  “Prof Deewan!” He offered me his cup; I did not take it, just glanced at the liquid, and shook my head.

  “Thanks, but no. It’s too mild for my liking.”

  “And too sweet...” Sani murmured from beside me.

  To my enjoyment, she had a puking look on, as she took a sip of her coffee.

  I turned towards the guy, “Your name?”

  I saw Sani perk up and look hopeful over my question, as if even she needed the answer to that.


  “Wazir. Sahil Wazir.” He shrugged, taking a step close to Sani, “I just got the idea about her wants because I was observing her.”

  “You were.” I nodded, wanting to break something. Preferably, his eyes, that lingered on her.

  I think my face showed it, as he gulped and went on, “The other day in class you were right, she has the most prettiest and expressive eyes.”

  Sani scowled at me.

  What did I do?

  “Oh yeah? Have her eyes expressed something to you?” Rose scoffed bitterly, facing Sahil.

  “Maybe.” He gave her a challenging look.

  “Huh?” Sani seemed thoroughly confused.

  God...This girl is too innocent for her own good.

  Sahil stared at her with his adoring smile back on, “You were looking at the coffee counter every now and then. Besides, when you’re happy, your eye colour really feels like its melting, you know like ice melts? And there is always a slight smile on your face when you talk or eat, things you like. Shows you enjoy the food or the company. Your gaze warms up like your personality.”

  He shrugged sheepishly, as if she would be impressed and falling for him right away.

  She wouldn’t, right? I hope not.

  To my utter relief, Sani glared at him, looking embarrassed as hell, “You mean, otherwise I have an ice cold personality?!”

  Rose chuckled, “Yes, and he wants it to warm up to him.”

  I did not like Rose’s tone for some reason.

  “A guy can dream.” Sahil gave Rose a hard look.

  “Dream what?” Sani sounded exasperated.

  This girl...She couldn’t see flirtation even when it was in her face.

  Sahil turned towards her soothingly, “Nothing dear, don’t worry. I’m your friend; hence, of course I pay attention.”

  I was losing my patience now.

  I crossed my arms, ready to end this romantic farce, “It will be better if you start paying a little attention in class as well. I have seen your last semester’s grades. You do want to graduate, right?”

  “Prof Deewan, yes! I wanted to ask if you could take extra classes or study sessions or if there is some way to raise my grades. It’s difficult for me to study along with practice.”

  “Obviously, it’s bound to happen, if your focus would be on deducing Miss Shaad’s mood swings. It should be worrying...for you.” I gave him a warning look. “Because my mood is not so good, seeing your attitude.” I glanced at Sani then back at him, “Stop losing yourself in her eyes, and you might be in luck.” I said in a bored tone, though my insides felt like they were on fire.

  I turned to leave and Sahil followed, requesting for study sessions. Sani passed us, giving me a look of such hurt and betrayal over her shoulder, that I mentally slapped myself, realizing my comment spoiled any good impression I might have made on her by learning her friends names. In addition, I had hurt her feelings, suggesting as if she was not worth Sahil’s efforts.

  I wanted to kill her friends, who had made her think so little about herself. I had realized it on my first ever day in class, that Rose and Mirelle were undeserving of her.

  Reaching home, all night I felt restless with the way things were happening. It all seemed out of my control.

  Then finally sitting up on the bed, forehead in hands, I stated the facts aloud to myself. Just so, I could make a few things clear to my heart,

  ‘Sani you have acquired every waking thought in my mind. I can see your smiling face; even hear your laughter when I'm alone! I'm trying to maintain my distance from you. I really am trying hard Sanu. But you always pull me like a magnet without my will. One thing I have understood, trying to stay away from you is impossible. Hence, I guess, if I have to be around you, then that can only be as a friend. I have known so much about you since years. I want to have a closer picture now, want to know you inside out and wish for you to do the same. Know me, spend time with me, and be my friend. And then...’ I sighed in disappointme
nt, ‘you know very well that I was just trying to get you to speak to me, don't you know that Sani? We can be friends, right? We can be a lot. Then why are you still angry with me? Just so, you don't feel embarrassed that I only talk casually with you, I have now started talking to your friends as well. Still, you are cross with me.’

  Thinking over my helplessness, failing of plans and desires, I fell asleep, with only one thought in mind- I need to know if she is seeing Sahil. I need to know everything.

  Never knew just the fear of spoiling something and loosing someone could be so threatening...So killing.


  A few days had passed by, while Aariz kept to himself around me. He did not try talking to me. At all. It felt wierd...This silence. I did not like it. Every day I went to college, attended all the lectures, but there was something missing. I couldn’t understand what. I did not feel happy anymore.

  Like every other day, this morning as well, I sat down moodily on my seat as Aariz's lecture started. He was teaching like normal, about International Politics. Looking hot as ever in his stiff corporate attire that made me wanna grab him, kiss him hard and mess-up his crisp shirt, while turning his slightly curly hair into bed-hair. So yeah, he was astounding me as usual, and moving in front of the white board while explaining the topic. Just one thing was different. I could not help but notice that, while he was explaining the topic to the entire class, his eyes were only and only on me!

  He cannot be serious! How could he do this after having kept himself aloof and not talking to me once in days?!

  Now he was behaving all mysterious. Forget about joking, he was trying to drive me out of the college!

  “Sani don't you feel like Prof Aariz is teaching you and you alone? He can't take his eyes off you.” Rose whispered nastily.

  I stammered trying to keep my voice low,

  “No... Uh...I don't think so. You’re wrong.”

  “Well, I think so. By the way, did you have some argument with him?” Rose sized me with a look, “Because he is not just staring, rather he is doing it with intensity and seriousness in his gaze.” Rose sighed gazing at Aariz longingly, “Mmm... I think he looks hotter this way.”


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