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Page 19

by Saniya. S. Kohari

  ‘I contacted because I am missing you, as I like you. Want you.’


  Even his written words sounded soft and romantic like his confession in college did.

  I took a deep breath and started to type, chuckling at my own reaction, because my heart was racing as if Aariz had been whispering in my ear.

  ‘I would have contacted you because I...miss you.’ I waited in anticipation for his reply.

  It came after making me wait for a few more minutes.

  ‘Why were you missing me?’ It felt as if he was murmuring with heated eyes directed at me.

  ‘As if you don't know...’ I giggled playing around with words.

  Aariz sent me a sad and an angry emoji with the words,

  ‘First of all, you haven’t made it up to me yet, even though I tried to be demanding. And now you are not answering me properly.’

  ‘You know the answer very well, as to why I miss you. And about you being upset, I said I'm sorry. Now what else shall I do?’

  ‘But I did not get convinced by just sorry! You should make it up to me properly. And how would I know why you miss me?’

  ‘This morning I confessed my feelings to you in college. So obviously because of that I miss you.’

  It was hard to get out of this conversation now. He was excessively smart.

  ‘What did you confess today? I don't think you said anything at all. In fact, I told you that without your speaking out the words, I understand your feelings. Now I wanna hear it. Please tell me, what were you trying to confess today? Why were you missing me sweetheart?’

  Aariz's words felt like kisses...As if he was sitting here and teasing me, coaxing me with his charm and romance.

  I teased right back,

  ‘Exactly! You had said, without me saying anything you have understood my feelings. Then why are you asking me to say it now?! Please, I will say it some other time. I can't right now. Anyway, what’s so urgent?’

  In reply, Aariz sent me a sad emoji.

  Ohh God! How much does this guy needs convincing and pampering of ego?! Sending emoji and trying to make feel guilty!

  Arrggg! Who had asked me to go after this guy?!

  ‘Till now I just had to apologize because I did not contact you myself. And now I have to make it up to you for not saying those words yet?’ I unbelievably hoped he laughs and texts, no you don't have to.

  But as my luck would have it, his answer came entirely different-

  ‘Yes and that also lovingly ;)’

  ‘I'm sorry. A big, big sorry. I really do miss you. Please forgive me. What you want to hear, I will say soon. What’s the rush? Pleaseey please.’

  C'mon, man! Forget the fake anger already.

  I haven’t apologized so much to any guy in my life. You have raised yourself to that extent Aariz! I'm saying please and what not to a guy...A freaking guy! I am a shameful apology for the women...feminism thingy. Whatever!

  ‘What’s the problem in saying those words now, when I'm dying to hear them?’ Aariz sounded stubborn yet cute.

  Even I went cute and grumbling like a baby, as I texted,

  ‘Please not now. I feel shy. It has just been one day. Anyway, you already know my feelings. I just haven’t elaborated them yet. So I will do it soon.’

  I longed to call him by some endearment. Yet, couldn’t bring up the courage. This was new to me for God's sakes!

  ‘Alright. Say it when you want to. I will not force.’

  I can’t believe he is so understanding!

  Yay! I love him for this!

  ‘Thank youuuu! Xox’ I sent quickly and then gasped realizing the kiss emoji I added!

  I blushed so furiously, as if my whole body was set on fire.

  ‘Hmm... That’s better. Thanks for the kiss ;) Now waiting for its feel...’ His double meaning words asking for the actual kiss, made my face change colour to an even deeper shade if that was even possible.

  ‘You’re not upset anymore, right?’ I tried to change the topic far from the kiss.

  ‘Just a little, not much...Thanks to your kiss. Btw, you can take away my remaining anger as well. After all, as a couple, this was our first fight; you will have to mollify me thoroughly.’

  When will he let go of the kiss?

  ‘Yes, of course. Tell me how can I completely extinguish your any remaining hurt feelings?’ I was ready to do anything if it meant I could divert the kiss topic and save myself from more embarrassment.

  ‘Other than a kiss so real that I feel your taste long after it’s over, you will have to answer my question. Do you really like me? And why? No excuses.’

  Having no other choice, but to succumb and accept the truth, I replied

  ‘I do.’

  ‘I do what?’

  ‘That’s so unfair of you! I have promised I will tell you about my feelings in a few days, but you’re trying to trick me! Now I won't say them at all.’

  ‘I do what Sani? Shall I say it? I like you too deeply than you can ever imagine. And madam, not in a few days, rather you will have to tell me by tomorrow morning. I will make you. You can’t just drop a bomb like that out of nowhere and go silent like you did today. I have to know.’

  Aariz's promise felt passionate and challenging, making me wait for the morning expectantly.

  My whole face started glowing due to the stupid goofy grin.

  ‘Goodnight.’ I wrote, as I needed to end this conversation in order to breathe properly. To let my heart, beat normally, as it went erratic with his every word.

  ‘Sweet dreams ;)’ replied Aariz, of course with his teasing wink.

  I wondered what he would do in the morning. Somewhere I desired to see him fulfilling his mischievous plan, with me losing to him with my whole self and my heart too.

  Though, I guess I had already lost my every heartbeat to him.

  25- Intense


  A few hours ago-

  This girl, she would never change. Even now after so many years, she continues to put a smile on my face due to her antics. I just couldn’t get enough of her. And it turned out, she had the same feelings for me. Man! This was unreal. It happened without me having to do anything at all. Like a storm that she had always been, she came to my office and literally swept me off my feet. I would never ever forget her cute scared fumbling, ‘ yyyou.’

  I can't believe she asked me if I felt the same way.

  You have no idea Sanu; my feelings for you have been sinking deep inside me from the time even I had not known. They caught me off guard with full force, the way you always do. They are strong and they will never change. I love you too much to stop doing that. Ever.

  The next thing I know, I reached home. Parking the car, I buzzed the doorbell, too lost in my jubilant feelings to remember I had a spare key.

  Gran opened the door, and before I could step inside, she asked excitedly,

  “What’s the good news? Tell me! Tell me!”

  It was on the tip of my tongue to let her know, I am in love. She said yes!

  But I couldn’t. Uh...Uh!

  If I did, Sanu would give me a big No! She’d kill me. She could do that. My feisty chatterbox of a girl was completely silent and stunned by her own confession today. Why? Because I reciprocated.

  From what I could gauge, she might have been freaking out in her house the moment I left. Therefore, until I had not spoken to her, I couldn’t tell anyone, and give her chance to freak-out or God forbid, back out!

  “Nothing has happened Gran. Why would you think so?” I chuckled nervously.

  Gran inclined her head raising one eyebrow,

  “Then why are you grinning so wide?”

  I shrugged,

  “I can't be happy?”

  She nodded looking at me with curiosity,

  “Shall I reheat lunch?”

  I shook my head entering inside the sitting room,

  “No, I had an interesting dat...Interesting dish, from the college
food court.”

  “You are too happy.” Gran kept giving me that assessing look as if trying to figure something out.

  How to not be happy? Shit!

  Unable to bear her questioning look anymore, I hurried up the stairs.

  Today instead of going towards my bedroom, I entered the door on the other end of the hallway. It was like my feet, my mind were in some sort of daze. A bubble so pure that it couldn’t contain the joy within my heart. I needed to share it. Therefore, I opened the door I seldom went into. In fact, I had never been in there since we came back to Seattle.

  Instantly I felt the most calm and cheerful, than I had in a long time. In this room, I felt ecstatic and happy to the fullest extent, all due to the knowledge of my love, my Sani loving me back just as much. I was feeling happiness to the core of my heart.

  “Dad she is still the same.” I assured him, gazing thoughtfully outside the window.

  Very same...only prettier.

  Mom was fussing over every little detail of our confession. Mom as always thought I messed up. As if, Sani could never be wrong.

  “Mom, I’m not being careless. Relax! It worked. Now she is mine.” I stated patiently though unable to help an eye roll, “Mom you would be proud to know it was me who decided to free her of the burden of saying it and understood her feelings.”

  Just then, there came a knock at the door and Gran called softly in an utterly surprised tone, “Aariz?”

  I fell over myself from my perfectly comfortable sitting position on the windowsill.

  Straightening, I nervously walked and opened the door. Going out, I closed it behind myself,

  “Hmm? Yeah, Gran I was just...”

  I searched for words but she did not need them.

  Caressing my face, she peered into my eyes, confused yet at peace, “You really are the happiest today. I can tell.”

  I found it hard to think of a coherent answer.

  She went on a little fearful of my reaction, gesturing towards the closed door behind me,

  “That’s why you did something you never....”

  Gulping the lump in my throat, I gave her a genuine smile,

  “I'm going to my room to freshen up.”

  She nodded wiping off her tears.

  After the shower, I could not resist anymore. The warmth in my heart was still unfazed. I picked up my phone and dialled the one and only.

  She did not recieve the call. Undeterred I tried again. This time she did answer it with a meek, trembling,


  Softly I asked,

  ‘Hey, how are you this evening?’

  No answer. But I could hear her erratic nervous breathing.

  Even more softly and longingly I murmured,

  ‘Sanu, what happened? I hope I'm not disturbing you.’

  God...I was longing like a teenager over his first crush!

  Abruptly she stated,

  ‘Yup! You did disturb me. Actually, I was discussing an important matter with someone and my phone rang. I will talk to you later. Okay? Bye.’

  And she disconnected the call.

  Wow! How very stark honest of you love.

  Damn! Her parents might be around. Otherwise, the Sani I knew would have never spoken like that to me. She was too sweet for that.

  How much will you make me long for you now? God, this is frustrating!

  A few minutes passed by when I was just about to leave the bedroom, my phone chimed with an incoming text.

  Seeing its sender name, the grin came back on my lips. Then reading the text’s content, it just magnified into mischief.

  ‘Hi! Sorry actually, when you called, Zee was around. So I couldn’t talk to you.’

  This is going to be...interesting.

  I sat back on the bed completely invested in this conversation now. Everything else could wait.

  It went on like a dream.


  At the end, she made me challenge her that I would not let her cuteness go on and will make her say those words. Of course I couldn’t let it go, without having my wishes fulfilled.

  I texted back intently,

  ‘I do what Sani? Shall I say it? I like you too deeply than you can ever imagine. And madam, not in a few days, rather you’ll have to say it by tomorrow morning. I’ll make you.’

  After a whole minute passed, in which I guess she controlled her breathing, before replying sweetly, ‘Goodnight.’

  And I knew she was currently blushing the deepest like she did this morning and was trying to wrap-up the conversation before I made good on my promise right away and teased her more.

  ‘Sweet dreams ;)’

  I texted with a wink, letting her know she’d definitely be in my dreams tonight and I wouldn’t let anyone else acquire hers.

  Smiling, I went down the stairs to have dinner with Gran. Throughout the meal Sanu distracted me with her naughty smiles, her soft touches hitching my breathes, her kisses every now and then on my face making me forget the world around. Much less the food.

  To stop Gran's eyes directed at me dancing with mirth as she kept asking helpfully,

  ‘Has your liking changed? Would you like something else instead? You’re not eating.’

  I finally gave up the efforts to finish dinner and ran up to my room after giving her an excuse.

  God this girl is trouble. Infuriatingly desirable, loving kind of trouble.

  When even while watching a movie I felt her face flashing in my vision, her lips and hands all over me, I switched it off.

  Knowing I won't be able to think or do any kind of work, I decided to call it a night and got under the sheets, when suddenly my phone rang. The caller id surprised the hell out of me.

  Is this my lucky day?

  26- Passion


  I switched on a single dim light, leaving the room in cosy darkness. It was not that cold, yet I covered myself in the purple blanket from head to toe.

  Taking my phone, I went through our chat this evening once again. My heart thumped and tingled at his words, Sweetheart and Kiss. I knew the heating on my face had nothing to do with being under the blanket.

  I wished I could talk to him as they do in movies and novels. Have all those lovey dovey conversations. I felt guilty as sin for having hung-up on him earlier due to Zee. Even on text, I did not tell him what he wanted to hear.

  What if I had hurt him? Oh God!

  Caressing his name saved on my phone, ‘Prof Aariz.’ I couldn’t help but sigh at how the events had changed in my life. It had been a roller coaster until now.

  Indeed, the next moment my heart went literally in my throat as I realized, I. Called. Aariz.

  My caressing the phone screen might have done that. Shit! What the hell do I do now? How do I stop it?! How does this thing work?! Suddenly I was a Stone Age girl, freaking out over this alien thing of a phone that was about to eat me up.

  And just as I calmed myself the hell down and was about to press here and there on the phone, anything to stop its conspiracy against me, Aariz beat me to it and his deep husky voice dripped out saying,


  I. Was. Stunned

  Would it be too wrong, if I just sat in silence, pretending not to hear him or being asleep? He would hang up then, won't he?

  ‘Nope!'’ came Aariz's amused voice.

  I mumbled to myself,

  ‘Did I just say that...’

  ‘Out loud. Yes.’ Aariz supplied, barely holding back his laughter.

  I took a sharp intake of breath as if it was the last remaining in the atmosphere.

  ‘ I can hear you breathing into the phone. Make words.’ Aariz teased.

  That seemed like a good idea. Do as he says!

  Gulping hard I said hesitatingly,


  ‘Why does it sound like a question sweetheart?’ Aariz chuckled soft and it felt like he tickled on my skin.

  I closed my eyes on reflex, hearing
the endearment from him.

  He was going to be the death of me, getting my heart racing just by saying a word.

  ‘I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.’ I whispered hiding low under the blanket.

  To my astonishment, Aariz whispered back,

  ‘Sorry for what?’

  ‘For hanging up on you when Zee was here. And...’


  ‘And for not saying those words on text as well.’ I grumbled angry over myself.

  ‘So, is my girl gonna say it now?’

  Smiling goofily I whispered,

  ‘I don't know...may be.’

  ‘Hmm, this anticipation and longing has a pleasure to it.’ Aariz sighed softly.

  Again, his voice felt like a kiss in the dark.

  I bit down on my lip to control my sigh from reaching his ears. My blushing- a lost cause. My whole body was on fire.

  With a teasing hint, Aariz went on,

  ‘Sweetheart, I love your whispering voice. It feels sexy. But just to be clear, why are we whispering?’

  I was about to explain, but could not find a voice after he uttered that word.

  He continued,

  ‘I hope your parents don't yet have a reason to spy on your bedroom door. You can talk normally.’

  I gasped and almost yelled,

  ‘What exactly do you mean by they don't ‘yet’ have a reason to spy on me?’

  ‘Shh! They really might hear you.’ Aariz chuckled speaking normally.

  I toned down my voice to normal too, and said with my nose in the air,

  ‘For all you know, I might have had plenty of boys interested in me.’

  ‘I don't doubt that. But I'm sure you love only me.’ Aariz said gently and I could feel him grinning on the other end.

  ‘I can't deny that.’ I murmured shyly.

  Taking a deep breath, I confessed,

  ‘Earlier it wasn’t just due to Zee that I did not talk. I was actually nervous.’

  ‘We will have to do something about it then. Can't afford that. Hmm?’ I could feel him wink.

  Trying to change the topic I asked,

  ‘I hope I did not disturb your sleep.’

  ‘Nah, I wasn’t sleeping. Can't stop imagining your wavy hair splayed on my pillow.’


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