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Page 31

by Saniya. S. Kohari

  “We must...” Sani stammered indicating behind her.

  “Yeah, we must go...For now.” I stated with a warning in my eyes and softly kissed her cheek, before she ran away.

  38- Goli


  A few hours later-

  “Why didn’t you go into the water?” Aariz nudged me gently.

  I hadn’t even realized when he came to sit with me.

  “Just not in the mood.” I muttered, staring at the waves.

  “If you’re scared, I can take you.” He offered softly.

  I turned my face fiercely at him,

  “Why would you do that for me?”

  I had, had enough of his hot and cold behaviour. It was confusing the hell out of me. He had to decide if he was mad at me or not. If he hates me or not.

  “Sani! Why wouldn’t I?” Aariz threw his head back, looking at me astonished.

  I will not back down today. No matter what.

  Staring him square in the eye, I stated, trying for a casual tone, but it came out hard as nut, “I had a crush on Haadi. He practically ruled my fantasies for a long time. All that being far thingy did it for me.”

  “And you are sharing that with me? Seriously?” Aariz's mouth fell open and he looked at me in complete disbelief.

  “Yes.” I shrugged coolly and unapologetically.

  Aariz smirked, with mirth dancing in his eyes, as if I had said the funniest thing ever, “You are lying. If it was so, you would have done everything to not let me even think that you ever liked him.” Leaning into my face, he stated with a sincere note, “You won't hurt my feelings on purpose. I know you at least that much Sani.”

  I blinked back my tears and asked him earnestly,

  “If you do, then why didn’t you trust me that day? Why didn’t you let me complete? Why didn’t you hear me out?”

  “You are crying? Please don't. It hurts me to see you cry. It really does.” Aariz shook his head giving me a cute warning look.

  I immediately wiped my cheeks with the back of my hand like a kid who was told-off.

  He went on gently,

  “I told you I made a mistake and I wanna talk about it now.”

  “Well, I don't want to now.” I grumbled looking away.

  “Okay, if that’s what you want. I just thought we could end this fight or maybe reach some decision.” Aariz sighed heavily.

  And my heart thudded with pain. What does he mean by, reach some decision? Will he end this relationship if the fight stays?

  “You wanna end us, eventually I guess.” I choked out.

  Aariz looked at me sharply. His face blown and flabbergasted. He opened his mouth probably to tell me I was thinking wrong, but I didn’t want any fake assurances now.

  Taking a deep breath, I tried to sound calm, but my voice still cracked as I said, “I just want you to know, I really would never hurt you on purpose and that day also I wasn’t trying to. If you had let me finish, you would have known I was saying I would not stop talking to Sahil and those boys because it is not possible! I meet those boys for assignment discussions...Assignment, with them and few a girls. Preparation of Group Assignment! The Group you had made, remember? So do I have another choice?” I asked pointedly.

  Aariz just kept staring at me for a few seconds in silence. His gaze softened as he said tenderly,

  “Sani, it’s not that I want to control you or have a problem with you meeting or talking to boys. I trust you. I honestly do. But I also love you. I seriously do. So how can I risk your safety?!”

  I was confused now.

  He elaborated with a bitter smile, “Sahil and his friends are not good guys, baby. They have a reputation. A tarnished one. I know things about them. Trust me? Please?”

  I nodded and he cupped my face,

  “Now you tell me after knowing everything, how can I let you stay in that bad company?! Prof Philip had put you in that group. Had it been up to me, I would have never done that. Your safety is my concern. Whether you like it or not.”

  He had left me speechless and overwhelmed with all the love and care in his eyes, his words.

  In a soft low murmur, I responded in agreement, though unable to meet his gaze, “Yeah, even I don’t like those boys. But it’s okay. Now only two days of work is remaining, then the assignment will be over, and anyway there are girls in the group too. It’s just a matter of few more days. I will take care of myself. I promise. Please don't worry about me and just stop with this silent treatment. I don't like it. Please...?” I tried to make an innocent face and cajole him with a smile.

  Aariz leaned in amused and winked at me saying teasingly,

  “I don't think it was me who was silent today since morning.”

  “You know what I mean! You were making me miserable since we had that argument, and since this outing has started, you are all hot and cold. Confusing me, if I should remain hurt by you or not!” I puffed my cheeks, totally indignant.

  Aariz squeezed my face and smiled reassuringly, “I'm so sorry. You must have felt I was being over-protective. But I lost it when I saw you mingle with those riff-raff guys. And even if its over-protectiveness, so be it. I have no one to show my right and love on, other than you and my Grandmother.” His grey eyes turned fierce and darker with emotions, I couldn’t even begin to fathom.

  “Your parents?” I whispered completely stunned.

  “They passed away two years ago, love.” Aariz's voice came out heavy and I knew why.

  I wanted to engulf him. Do anything I could to take his pain away.

  “Aaru, I'm so sorry to hear that. Really sorry.” I tried to take his hands in mine but he locked our gazes, and said in a serious tone, “You will have to understand this fact, that I'm very possessive about you.”

  I just nodded, as if in trance.

  “Can I hug you?” Aariz breathed out, looking at me with a different kind of emotion on his face.

  I gave my assent through my eyes that he had arrested in his.

  Aariz did not break a smile; he was still staring at me with heat that had me floored.

  He didn’t linger before gathering me in a tight hug,

  “I love you so much Goli.” He murmured in my hair, as he pressed soft kisses on the slope of my neck.

  Hearing him, I immediately broke the hug.

  “What happened?!” he asked in surprise.

  “Goli?!Whose Goli?!” I glared at him infuriated.

  “You are.” Aariz stated easily, as if it was so obvious.

  An amused smile was lifting up his face.

  “What do you mean I am?” I was still doubtful. So I kept my hand between us, not allowing him to even touch me.

  “I have decided that I’ll call you Goli from now on. You must have eaten sweet and sour Candies (Golies) at some point in life. They are sweet and sour, just like you.” Aariz winked.

  I was flattered. Unable to look straight at him, after hearing an endearment especially made for me.

  Aariz took both my hands in his and asked huskily,

  “May I?”

  I glanced upward to look in his eyes and nodded, unable to form words.

  Aariz kissed both my palms passionately, making me breathless and blushing like a tomato. It was the first time we had a serious fight and now it was ending with a kiss. Besides, I was entitled with a new unique nickname.

  Aariz pulled my hands with a jerk, so that I landed on his chest, “So much shyness doesn’t suit you. The way you explode in anger that suits you better. Because then also you look cute with your face all red. But I must confess I like this redness of your face due to blush a lot better than anything else.” Aariz's voice sounded deep and sexy over my neck, and his hands slipping under my top from behind, made me warm, yet shivering.

  I tried hitting on his chest and wiggle out of his grip, but he didn’t let me. Rather my struggle and his laughter made him fall back on the sand with me in his embrace. His hands were still on my back, under the top so confidently, as if he
owned me.

  A few minutes later, Aariz had wrapped himself around me, locking his hands over my belly as I looked at the waves.

  He nuzzled his face in my hair, murmuring lazily,

  “Wanna go into water with me?”

  “No.” I was looking out for my cousins. If they saw us like this. It would be a nightmare.

  Besides, I was freaking out anyway as Aariz was getting touchier than usual just after a hug!

  Aariz kissed the side of my head,

  “Relax! Your cousins aren’t here. Nor is Zidaan. None of them. They have all gone to take Humza’s car from the cops, which that idiot Haadi had parked in no-parking area, a few miles from here, before leaving to Seattle, which he purposely failed to mention.”

  “They have all gone for that?”

  That was wierd.

  Aariz nodded,

  “Aaira wanted to do some shopping for her daughter. So, Umber went along. They wanted you to go too. But since you hate shopping...” Murmuring lovingly, Aariz tried to be all innocent and cute, “I offered to take care of my Goli until they all come back.”

  I would give him cute. But he and innocent?! Hah! That was like me being a statue of obedience to my parents and a docile, poor, 'whatever you say' kind of girlfriend to him.

  The way Aariz smiled at me with fondness and love, I couldn’t hold it back anymore, “I know you said I love you the other day and today as well. But I haven’t yet. Because, I thought if I did, you’d feel it’s just due to you saying it first. I want you to know I mean it, when I say those words.” I looked at him cautiously.

  There was no hint of smile on his face, just sheer raw intensity with which he cupped my cheeks and said in the softest of the tones, “The way you look right now, I could kiss you even wi...”

  Before he could finish, I placed my fingers on his lips, which he kissed lazily, as I spoke in a husky voice,

  “Uh...Uh...Uh! You can't kiss me. Because that will be the kiss of death.”

  Aariz pushed his head back staring at me, as if I caused him a personal injury, “Just what do you mean by that Gol's?”

  Jokes apart, this was serious matter for me, “Aaru you have to understand. We can't. Because...because I'm scared you will kiss my lips and you'd lose interest. So, nope! I believe kissing/lip lock is like sealing the deal. It will be like a kiss of death to our relationship!” I widened my eyes, trying to make him realize how deep and serious this fear went for me.

  While Aariz just tried to keep his jaw from dropping and find words, I guess those of reassurance, since he did not look pissed at all.

  “It’s okay sweetheart.” Aariz smiled caressing my face and leaning in his lips just a breath away from mine as if about to claim them.

  Didn’t he just agree to my wishes?

  Seeing my expression, Aariz chuckled, moving his mouth to graze my jaw, kissing it passionately. Getting me to literally glow with a new colour on my face.

  “Aariz, someone will see us.” I whispered, as he sinked a kiss on my shoulder, trailing up to my neck, turning me around in his arms, “Let them...” he murmured, embracing me from behind.

  A few moments later, as we were enjoying glorified in each other's company and the cool evening air, Aariz caressed my hands saying in a deep husky voice,

  “You should know, I have a thing for your arms too. And if not the sinful kiss, you’ll have to let me have these at least.” He brought my hands to my eyelevel, before kissing them passionately over my shoulder. Declaring with finality,

  “They are mine from now on.”

  All I could do was blush and glow in his love.

  So it wasn’t until we were back in the beach house along with others, when I gathered all my courage and took him aside.

  “Aariz, you never said if you felt bad that I did not respond to your declaration of love.”


  “Just say it.”

  Aariz looked at me calmly, with a tender smile,

  “No rushing. That’s the answer for all your doubts Goli. I love you...Always have...Always will. Without any need of answers from you Jaan.”

  Before I could ask, he elaborated, “Jaan means life, and you are my life. I don’t need words from you.”

  And I felt complete as he gathered me in his arms.

  39- Dark Cloud


  A few days later-

  Aariz had taken me out one evening for a date. After having a wonderful time, just as we reached the parking lot, he pinned me to his car.

  “What if I don't let you go? What if I don't care who knows about us anymore?” Aariz nuzzled on my throat, making my pulse race deliciously in his proximity.

  “Aaru...You know we can't be so free of looking over our shoulders. Not yet.” I sighed smiling at him.

  He nodded reluctantly and kissed my jaw with passion,

  “I love you Goli.”

  Having made me dizzy with breathlessness, Aariz finally allowed me to sit in his car and drove me home. All the way, I was quiet and confused with the shock he had thrown at me.

  He stopped just a block away from my place. But I did not get down from the car. I had made up my mind.

  “I know that guy in the restaurant was flirting with me. But it was harmless. Why did you tell him such a big lie, that I am your fiancée?” I asked breaking the silence

  “Because you will be soon.” Aariz answered casually.

  “You haven’t even proposed yet!” I stared at him, astonished.

  He just smirked, “Do I have to? Isn’t the feeling and intensity mutual?”

  “But you should propose! So I could act surprised and cry and stuff they talk about in romance novels.”

  “Oh! You want me to propose, so that you can cry?” Aariz raised his eyebrows looking at me in amusement.

  I wanted to strangle him, “You are such an idiota! Who made you Professor?!”

  He pressed his lips together, giving me a curious look, “I am not gonna ask if idiota is even a real word.”

  “It’s my loving way of saying idiot. Just for you, my sexy idiota.” I winked naughtily.

  Aariz smiled slightly with a lot of meaning, as in response he took my hand kissing it thoroughly.

  It made me groan though unable to keep from smiling,

  “Ohh God! Sometimes I feel like your mouth is glued to my hands!”

  Aariz got annoyed and cutely grumpy,

  “Hey, you don't say a word about this.” Heatedly, he went on pulling me closer, “It was decided already that these belong to kiss, hold, tease...anything I wish to do.”

  I shook my head in amusement.

  Smiling lazily, Aariz caressed my neck, “Anyway, I have a thing for your hands. Especially your fingers. I love to eat them.” he winked, biting on my ring finger making my heart race.

  Also making me forget the whole wierd phone call, I had received in the morning.

  'Hello, is this Sani I'm talking to?'

  'Yup! The very same.'

  'I am warning you, stay away from that boyfriend of yours.'


  'You did not hear me?' the voice snapped.

  It made me scared, 'Who are you?'

  ‘The person who hates you. That’s who I am.’

  And the phone was disconnected. To say I freaked out on hearing that malicious kind of voice would be an understatement. But when I tried to call back the number several times and it turned out unreachable, I was highly relieved thinking, whoever it was had backed out of the prank they were trying to play on me.

  I had tried to talk myself into the call being a wrong number, so there was nothing to worry about...But the caller having asked me specifically if I was Sani, discarded the idea of it being a wrong number. Still I couldn’t get scared out of my skin because, c'mon it was not like the caller stated I stay away from Aariz. And there was absolutely no one who knew about our relationship! I had nothing to worry about...It was definitely just a prank. It had to be.

p; Then Aariz's text of meeting him in the evening, got me busy planning an excuse to Mom for the romantic sneak out and I totally forgot about the mysterious call. Though now I remembered it, but it did not deserve much of an importance...Not at all enough to let it spoil our moment. So giving Aariz a quick hug, I stepped out of the car.

  I had just about walked to our porch, when I came face to face with a very serious looking Zee.

  “Hey, was sup? When did you arrive?” I smiled goofily to hide my shock.

  Zee smiled too, looking at me thoughtfully,

  “A few minutes ago in fact. That’s why I couldn’t stop myself from noticing that you were in Aariz's car. Since mine passed his, a few blocks away.”

  “I bet you could.” I muttered, but Zee went on sweet as sugar nonetheless. “I was thinking about stopping to chat, but he was driving and I was in a hurry. So I just came here, figuring he was obviously dropping you home.” Looking around as if Aariz was hiding behind my back, Zee asked in a put out tone, “Where is he?”


  Zee made a sad tsking noise.

  I drew myself to my full height and answered without fumbling,

  “I was looking for a cab. Aariz saw me and offered a ride.”

  Zee gave me an admirable look saying appreciatively,

  “How very noble of him to help a damsel in distress, who fights with him every time she meets him.” Coming closer he asked as if confiding in me, “Or I guess, that’s changed now?”

  He is just mocking me. He has to be.

  But I did not wish to take a chance, and stated rolling my eyes,

  “C'mon! He is my Professor. The least I could do to get a few advantages, is stay in his good books. We are friends now.”

  “Umhmm...Interesting.” Zee nodded eyeing me thoughtfully yet again.

  This is not good. So not good. He looks like he knows. Although, I prefer to think he just doubts.

  First that call and now Zee! God...How many people do actually know about Aariz being my boyfriend and how many just doubts?

  Next day in college, when I made an excuse to go to the library, Rose stared at me inquisitively, as if she knew I was lying. As if she knew it was Aariz I was going to see, it was with Aariz I had spent the most romantic day ever on the beach during the weekend. Or maybe it was just because I had been thinking too much and going crazy after my encounter with Zee last night and that phone call, making me doubt left right and centre on anyone with an eyeball.


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