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Bloodbourne Page 12

by Sasha Pruett

  Suddenly she broke out in laughter. All that pent-up fear was erupting into relief, Drakon was the father, she wasn’t alone, and… and…. “Wait, does your father know about this, about you being…”

  “Yes, I told him the next day, once I was sure of his desire to make you part of the family. I had already planned to admit my involvement and accept the role of husband to you, but instead of me having to sway him in the idea he’d already chosen me as your intended. It made things easier, but I knew he could possibly feel the parentage of the child as well. If not him then the good doctor may very well discover it and I wanted to have enough up front so that he wouldn’t question any of my other actions. I hope you don’t mind, but it had to be done.”

  “No, you’re right, better admit stealing the cookie than get caught with your hand in the jar.”


  “Who else knows?”

  “Just him. He’s kept that information strictly between us, most likely so that he doesn’t tip his hand.”

  “What about my blood, have you told him about that?”

  “No. I’ve been keeping an eye on Dr. Edme’s research and he’s no closer to finding anything. He’s still testing your plasma samples in combination with my brothers’ blood to find the anomaly. Any genetic reference that would indicate your connection with our kind is overshadowed by my brothers’ own DNA. That and he’s also still focused on the serum, using your blood from when you first arrived. Fortunately, my father hasn’t informed him of my involvement. As for anyone else, as I said, I’ve removed the documents from the library archives that may point to the cause. I’m keeping them hidden for now. No one else has been exploring that possibility. The only one that would even be a threat would be Rais. Since it doesn’t directly affect them personally the others only carry a general curiosity about it for now. The child can only give them a little more sway with the other clans once its abilities are known and who knows how long that will take to discover. No, at present my only concern is Rais and he’s being watched by my father night and day.”

  “Are you sure your father would tell you if your brother’s up to something?”

  “No, and that’s why I’ve been watching him myself.”


  “Yes, each night when I leave you I travel to Prague, or wherever he’s at and make sure he’s not planning to interfere. So far, he’s less interested in you and trying to conceive a child of his own, or to be more accurate a legion of children of his own. It’s a waste of time, but it’s keeping him occupied at the moment and not looking too hard at what’s going on here. Fortunately, my father plans to keep him abroad until after we are properly wed and there’s nothing he can do about it that won’t cause an uprising within the clans after we’re joined. He doesn’t have the backing for that.”

  “And when do you think that will be? The wedding I mean?”

  “As I said before, I have no doubt my father and mother both have already been making the arrangements. I hope you’re not planning on a long engagement.”

  “I wasn’t planning on any, but then again you know the old saying about plans. What about the engagement? When should we do that?”

  Drakon scrubbed the back of his neck, “I was hoping you wouldn’t ask that. To be honest I don’t know. I didn’t want to rush you, but the way things are going I don’t think my father will wait much longer.”

  “Probably not, but I don’t see why we can’t go ahead. Millie already has the belief that we’re close to running off with each other.”

  “You told her that?”

  “Didn’t have to. I think she’s a bit of a romantic. She made me promise to let her know when we take off so that she can cover for us.”

  “I was wondering what all that was about back there.”

  “And you can bet she’s been running right back to your mother or whomever informing them of every move we make.”

  “Oh no doubt, I’ve heard it myself and you’re right. She’s ready to swear to Lana, that’s my mother’s personal maid, that you’re pining for me.”


  “It means,”

  “Oh I know what it means I just didn’t think anyone used that old term anymore.” And she laughed.

  “Are you trying to suggest something?”

  “Me nooo, now would I do a thing like that.” She batted her eyes innocently. “No, but seriously Drakon I like the way you put things, the way you speak. It shows a level of respect and decency that has been lost in recent years. Kind of like the gentlemen you read about and see in those movies. You could teach a lot of men a thing or two.” She caught herself, and cleared her throat quickly changing the subject. “So, how do we bring it up, the engagement?”

  “That’s a bit more complicated.” He actually winced. “Please hear me out before you pass judgement, but when I told my father about my plan to win your affections it was in a way that would bring you into a desire to rescue me from my family. As much as you yourself being freed. My intention was for you to…”

  “For me to ask you.” She folded her arms and raised her brows at him.

  “Yes. I hope I haven’t disappointed you?”

  She took a deep breath and waited, “No, it was egocentric and bold, but that’s what you’re trying to display so it was actually a wise move. I probably would have done the same thing. It is a game of chess we’re playing here right?”

  “Precisely, I’m very thankful you understand.”

  “Don’t worry I’ll play my part, but I’m going to need some help.”

  “Without question, anything Calynn. I’ll visit my father tonight to update him on the status of our relationship.”

  “Oh, how romantic, ‘the status of our relationship’.”

  He gave the ‘look’ and she just stuck her tongue out at him, “Then I’ll entreat him to influence my sisters to ‘reveal’ our traditions regarding marriage and paternal responsibility and such. That should be enough to spark a conversation when I show up tomorrow night.”

  “Alright, so tomorrow night I beg you to marry me is that about it?”

  “Something like that.”

  “I never thought I’d be the type of person to beg a guy to marry me.”

  “You still aren’t Calynn, believe me you still aren’t. Come on, let’s get you back to the house, you need to eat. I’ll stop by and we’ll have that movie ‘marathon’ you wanted.”

  “Why not just stay with me?”

  “What?” he wasn’t sure he heard right, or if he did he wasn’t sure he understood.

  “Well, we’re supposed to be acting like two people sneaking around in love, getting caught trying not to get caught, right? What better way to give Millie something to report than her having help sneak you and me out of my room?”

  “Calynn, I do believe I should have been planning this entire scheme with you from the beginning.”

  “Yes, you should have, just remember that.”

  He gave her a gentlemanly bow, then offered his arm walking her back to her room. Once they were back they decided to go all out and give Millie a shock she’d never forget. Calynn put her slinky white negligée back on and Drakon stripped down to his shorts sliding between the sheets. She opened the door and asked Millie to please bring breakfast for two giving her just enough view of Drakon in her bed to send her maid running straight to the mistress of the house herself. Then she quickly closed the door as if she’d revealed too much.

  Calynn was desperately trying to stop herself from bursting out in laughter at the look on Millie’s face when she caught a glimpse of Drakon propped up in the bed, his arms behind his head. When she turned around the sight took her back to those two amazing nights with him and her heart began to pound. She hadn’t intended to feel anything, but biology was winning out. She quickly put on her robe before sitting in the chair across from him awaiting Millie’s return. It wasn’t long before there was a gentle knocking on her door and she hopped into bed with him, in
viting an unsuspecting Millie in to gawk. The two had a tough time keeping a straight face. The look on the girl’s was beyond priceless as she set down the tray of food and rushed back toward the exit, keeping her eyes on the floor nearly the entire time.

  “Thank you, Millie.”

  “Anything else miss?”

  “Yes, if anyone asks I’ll be… occupied for the rest of the day.”

  Millie’s eyes grew big and round, “Yes absolutely miss, you’re not to be disturbed, and if it’s something I cannot prevent I’ll be sure to knock loudly. Would you like the entire suite to yourself, miss?”

  “Thank you, Millie, no. The bedroom will be fine.”

  It went off better than planned, but as soon as the door shut behind her servant Calynn shot out of bed and into her private bath leaving a very bewildered Drakon still under the covers. He couldn’t ask her what was wrong, he was sure they were being listened to, but her actions were so… unusual. It was her idea after all. What had happened to make her so uncomfortable? He tossed back the sheet and got dressed and waited for her to emerge from the bathroom. When she did she was completely dressed and it was like nothing had happened.

  “Umm, that looks good, you sure do know how to work up a girl’s appetite.”

  He was still confused, but he played along. “Yes, and I could stay in this bed all day with you if you’d let me, but that wouldn’t go unnoticed. So, shall we spend the day in the media room?”

  “In the dark, all alone? It’s a deal.”

  They ate; Drakon insisted she needed to stay heathy and nourished. Then just as they’d planned, recruited Millie to ‘sneak’ them out of her room before heading downstairs for an entire day of Jedi’s and Wookies and non-working hyper-drives. Drakon couldn’t believe he’d missed so much. The cinema had always been a distraction, a magic show that kept people from experiencing life. He still thought it a distraction, but one he was beginning to thoroughly enjoy. He still wasn’t sure why they had to start watching them all out of order, until later. After the credits rolled on the last film they could squeeze in before Calynn’s eyes began to close on their own, he walked her back to her room with the theme song still running through his head. He kissed her goodnight, lingering a little too long on her lips, then hummed a few bars of the villain’s theme, “Dun dun dun, dun da dun, dun da dun.” Calynn smacked his stomach with the back of her hand then shook it when she realized that smacking him was like hitting a brick wall. He strode off suppressing a smile as he made his way to his father’s study.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “I was beginning to wonder about you Drakon. I haven’t heard from you in days.” Sir Drake’s irritation was clearly showing. Drakon had anticipated as much. As much as his father talks about trusting him and not needing to be informed so often it was just that; talk. Sir Drake fully expected to be informed even before anything happened.

  “I realize that father and I apologize, but I believe you’ll understand when I tell you that I have succeeded in obtaining the girls favor and I believe her to be ready to accept me as her husband.”

  Drake shot up placing his hands on his desk and leaned in, “Are you sure? She is willing?”

  “Yes father, I have spent extra time with her as we had discussed and am quite certain that with a little assistance from Delphine and Erzsébet that our engagement could occur within the week. A matter of a few days most likely.”

  “What do you need, name it and it is done?” The air was thick with anticipation.

  “I need them to make the girl aware of our laws and traditions regarding paternal claims, marrying age and etcetera, without it being too obvious of course. This will put the idea into her head and once she’s had a day or two to meditate on the possibilities I am quite positive she will insist upon acting on it. If she appears to be wavering I’ll encourage her with my sudden decision to leave, that my presence would be putting her in danger. This will no doubt trigger a decision in our favor. I’ve seen it happen often enough with soldiers during times of war. Unless you have other ideas father? I will always yield to your desires.” He knew he had his father right where he wanted him. Had he been another kind of man, or even his earlier self before he’d met Calynn he would have enjoyed the hold he had on the old man, but it was far more than just getting one over on his father. This was life or death; Calynn’s life and ego had no place in this game.

  “I admit when I had not heard from you after nearly three days’ time I was slightly disturbed, but you have more than rectified any concerns I may have had. I see now that you were, going the extra mile, so to say in acquiring the girl’s affection and from what I understand have been quite successful. I will make sure that your sisters are well equipped tomorrow and if they are not to be found at home I will personally drag them back here myself.”

  Drakon had no doubt the man would, “Thank you, father.”

  “My son, it hasn’t been that horrible of an experience for you I hope?”

  “It hasn’t been the most enjoyable at times, but I must admit that as of this moment I haven’t been completely appalled. I’ve chosen to look at the situation as a hunt, one of which I am about to secure. After that I’m not so sure. Once the interest has passed I will try to look upon it as my duty to my clan and my family. I assure you father, I will not abandon my responsibility nor will I bring dishonor to you or the House of Drake.”

  “Very well. Your task is the girl, do not allow yourself to become distracted with concerns of my knowledge. I realize that things may become rather involved in the near future and will attempt to exercise patience if you are unable to keep me informed.”

  “Thank you, father.” Yeah, right. That would be the day that the underworld froze over.

  He left the office and headed out for the night. So, this was it. The charade was nearly at an end, this part of it at least. Once they were wed no one could interfere, but until then there were people he had to look in on. Along with a quick stop to make on a small island in the Bahamas and a promise to keep.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Millie woke her as she did most mornings, ushering in her breakfast tray with her approved meal from Dr. Edme. If it wasn’t for Drakon sneaking her goodies and using his influence she’d never have anything decent.

  “Good morning miss.”

  “Good morning Millie.”

  “The young misses Delphine and Erzsébet are back and are waiting for you in the studio if you feel like company. I do believe Miss Delphine desires to take some new measurements that are needed for your wardrobe.”

  “Thank you, Millie, please tell them that I’ll join them after breakfast… and Millie?”

  “Yes, my lady?”

  “Thank you for yesterday. I’m sorry if we… if I put you on the spot back there.”

  “Not at all miss. I’m glad that I could be of service to you and the young Master Drakon. Miss?” Her face lit up with her smile.


  “If you don’t mind, I was curious… about you and the young master.”

  “Oh, well…” here it comes, “I… I thought my life was over when I came here, but now, with him, he makes everything wonderful again. I… I don’t know what I’d do without him. I think… Millie I think I…” She couldn’t say it, what was wrong with her? It was the perfect moment and she just couldn’t bring herself to say three little words. ‘I love him’. It wasn’t that difficult. Why couldn’t she say it?

  “I understand miss. To say it means you can’t take it back, and without knowing there’s a future.”

  She nodded looking at the tangled sheets in her hands.

  “Keep hope miss. Something as true as what you and the young Master Drakon have are bound to work out in the end.”

  “I’d give anything if that were so Millie.” That did it, score one big one for the away team.

  Millie smiled and left her to her musings, nearly tripping over herself to inform Lana of the lovesick Calynn, so desperate to be with the
second son of Drake.


  Calynn’s mind was drifting as she looked out one of the wall sized windows of Delphine’s studio, thinking of Drakon. She kept playing everything he’d said the past few days over in her mind. Then there was seeing him stripped down in her bed. It was almost too much, on top of that was the stunt this morning with Millie. Why couldn’t she say something as simple as ‘I love him’? No, she knew exactly what her problem was, her problem was she was falling for him for real. All those problems with him were dissolving faster than a sugar cube in the rain and all that was left was the two of them, or more precisely the three of them. If she was going to be married to him anyway, why not right?

  “You’d better watch it Lizzy, you’ll end up playing the part of wife if you turn up like our dear Calynn here. You know the rules about having a child out of wedlock.” Delphine’s mock scolding of her sister was loud enough to be heard throughout the entire house. Let alone get her wondering attention.

  “Not me no way!”

  “In fact, if I were Calynn here I’d be having a sit down with daddy dearest demanding the protection of the clan and the rights of paternal obligation.”

  “Well, yeah sure if I were Calynn, but I’m a party girl.”

  “Right of what?” Talk about obvious. They may know how to manipulate humans and lure them into their sadistic games, but being subtle wasn’t their strong suit at the moment.

  “Oh yes, sorry Calynn we forgot you didn’t know. In our ‘society’ no child is born out of wedlock. If a child is conceived before a match is made the responsible male is required to marry the girl. If he refuses he is turned from the clan and the parents of the male in question are required to provide a life for her and the child. Any woman found to be carrying a child has the right to go to the parents of the male responsible and demand a marriage, that he take responsibility for her and the child. I know you’re human, but you are carrying a child of the House of Drake and I’d say you qualify to ask for paternal responsibility or siring rights as it’s known.”


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