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Bloodbourne Page 14

by Sasha Pruett

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  When she awoke he was gone and for a brief second the fear that he’d taken off after all suddenly hit, but that was silly. It was all just an act to get her to propose exactly like they’d planned. She took a deep breath to calm herself and looked around to find a note he’d left her.

  My Dearest Calynn,

  Sorry I could not be there when you awoke, but I promise I haven’t gone far. Wait for my message and remember I’m always close by.

  Yours Forever


  She had little doubt that he was already in his father’s study filling him in on the night’s success and she was right. Only the flow of information was going both ways this time.

  When Drakon entered the study, he could tell the mood had shifted. His father stood behind his desk unable to hide the excitement, but they weren’t alone. Dr. Edme sat across from Sir Drake a pompous smirk on his lips. He’d found something. Drakon could kick himself, had he not spent the night with Calynn he would have been able to listen in, to keep an eye on the doctor. He rarely slept, but last night he’d been so content sleep came easily. He wouldn’t make that mistake again, not where her safety was concerned.

  “Drakon, my son I was just about to send for you! Sit, sit there is much to tell you as I believe you have much to tell me as well, but me first. It seems your theory has panned out. Dr. Edme here has put our dear Calynn’s blood through a battery of tests and found the source of her uniqueness.”

  Every muscle in Drakon’s body tensed. Never had his father referred to Calynn with such affection, he barely tolerated her at her all. Something was very wrong if he was this pleased.

  “You were correct. She has traces of our genetic code in her, but the doctor here has discovered which clan she is from haven’t you doctor?”

  “Indeed, my lord. I began comparing her samples to the known clans, but was unable to discover her history. It wasn’t until I began comparing her genetic structure to that of ‘other’ clans that I was able to make a positive identification.”

  “She’s a Valdi my son; a Valdi!”

  “But I thought they were eliminated?” It took everything in him not to over-react.

  “Yes unquestionably, we took care of them centuries ago, but they were never one to follow the rules and laws that govern our kind. Remember that, but that’s not all is it doctor?”

  “No, it isn’t. I began testing her blood from when she first arrived and found it difficult to pick up any traces of the Valdi genetic code, but as time progressed as with her pregnancy the genetic tracers become more prominent.”

  “She’s transforming?” He stared at the doctor as if he’d grown another head.

  “Not as such. It appears that the Valdi code was dormant, or mostly so until the pregnancy, then it awakened so to speak and is continuing to awaken throughout her entire body. New levels of Valdi cells are activating as we speak.”

  “Thank you, doctor. Quite the discovery we have here isn’t it Drakon?”

  “Doctor, how will this affect her in the future, the ability to reproduce and what about the child or future children?”

  “I see no reason to believe it will cause any difficulties in future pregnancies; in fact, I predict it will enhance her ability to conceive. As for the child it will no doubt inherit not only the genetic code of the father, but that of the Valdi line as well producing a more power specimen than we initially considered. Her body is growing healthier and stronger the more the cells activate. She won’t become one of you naturally, but it will most likely have similar affects as to that of your humble servants.”

  “Is there anything else you would like to ask Dr. Edme about my son?”

  “I think the good doctor here has been more than helpful. Thank you.”

  “Then if you don’t mind Dr. Edme I have things to discuss with my son.”

  “Certainly, my lord.”

  “Oh and Dr. Edme?”

  “Yes, Sir Drake?”

  “Keep Drakon here informed of any further developments that arise. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, Sir Drake as you wish.” Edme wasn’t exactly happy he had to report to the younger Drake, but he had made the discovery. He had earned his master’s favor. No upstart could take that away from him. He left with the same smug smile he had entered with.

  The door latch clicked and the smile that was playing on his father’s face burst out full force.

  “Now my son, you couldn’t ask for a more promising development than that. Can you image, a direct genetic link to the most powerful clan that ever existed? This should weigh heavily on your thoughts my son.”

  “It does open a lot of possibilities I will admit.”

  “Possibilities? Possibilities! You can’t deny that being connected with the Valdi line will be most advantageous? Now it won’t be a thing of shame to be connected with our dear Calynn now will it?”

  “No father, I can honestly say that it makes a vast difference in my future dealings with her.”

  “Come now Drakon, in light of this can’t you find it in you somewhere to have a genuine affection for her?”

  “Father, I admit it changes my estimation of her.”

  “You can no longer think of her as a mere human, surely you must see that now?”

  “You’re right father. I cannot think of her as a simple human that I’m lowered to accepting, this recent revelation will change my view greatly. I can see the profit in the match and embrace it fully. My dear Calynn has been curious as to if and when we could bring our relationship out of the shadows and with your blessing I may be able to do just that. As long as you have not decided that Rais is now eligible and more desirable as her mate?”

  “Rais, no. My previous ruling still stands, this would drive him to obsession over her. Moreover, he will not be informed until after the wedding, no one will. I will not have this advantage talked of before it’s time, nothing must go wrong. We have an opportunity here that will shake the very foundation of our houses. The Valdi were more than just the most powerful clan by numbers. Their abilities were the strongest of all our kind and it took all of us combined to bring them down. Even their servants had developed abilities of their own and I’m not afraid to say today that if I had not had assistance during that first battle at the beginning of the war I would have lost my life to one of their domestics. Even they had abilities that would match one of us and I, having been still somewhat in my youth had not developed mine to all that they could be.

  I once saw the head of the servant staff throw one of the sons of the House of Navidia across the great ballroom of the Valdi eastern estate and there were rumors of telekinetic abilities even among the servants. The power this child and future children could be capable of, just think of it Drakon. No, absolutely no one will know until after the ceremony. The other clans would kill to either acquire her or destroy her. She’s safest here with you to protect her. Besides you’ve already made such a good impression on our girl. You have, haven’t you?”

  “Yes father. That is the reason for my visit this morning. She has, just as we anticipated asked me marry her and is anxiously awaiting my signal so that she may come to you to demand the protection of siring rights.”

  “That’s my son, I had no doubt that you would secure the lady’s good opinion and in a timely manner too.”

  “Thank you, father.”

  “Now onto your match, when shall I expect her visit?”

  “She’s waiting for me to send her word that it’s safe for her to approach you.”

  “Then by all means let’s finish this and get the matter settled. We can’t leave the poor girl waiting, can we?”

  “Then I’ll send her word and I’ll be awaiting your summons.”

  Minutes later a rose had been delivered to her door and she was on her way to Sir Drake’s office, her heart racing and her palms sweating. Calynn paused in front of the study door and took a deep breath to gather her courage. She’d faced him once w
hen she was ready to die, now she had to face him to live in freedom. She knocked on the sturdy wood door and waited for the man behind the curtain to welcome her in. She wasn’t sure what to expect, a power-hungry mogul maybe, but what she got was even more disturbing.

  “My dear Calynn, please come in. It’s so good to see you. I’ve been meaning to get better acquainted, but I’ve had so many projects going of late that I’m afraid I’ve had to depend on my dear family to help you settle in. And how are you finding my brood? Have they been behaving themselves and making you feel at home here with us?”

  He was an imposing figure behind his desk with a strong build and square jaw. His black hair was combed back and held only a touch of silver at the temples. He looked like he’d stepped right out of some European portrait, a Duke or Baron perhaps; proud, arrogant and powerful. His presence filling the entire expanse of the massively elaborate study.

  “They’ve been wonderful. The fact that I’m human hasn’t caused them to treat me any less in the least.”

  “Wonderful to hear it. If any of my offspring or any in my household is of trouble to you please don’t hesitate to make me aware of it. I only wish for your comfort. Now how can I help you my dear?”

  “To put it plainly Sir Drake I’m here for your protection.”

  “My protection?”

  “Yes sir. Let’s face it I no longer fit in with the world, not with what I know and certainly not in my condition. This child may need care that I’m not equipped to give on my own. Add to that the others of your society that would be a threat to not only this child, but to me as well and my best choice at a safe and full life is under the protection of the House of Drake.”

  “That sounds very wise indeed my dear, you are welcome to stay in my home for as long as you wish.”

  “I was thinking something a little more permanent Sir Drake. I realize my life is dramatically shorter than yours, but should there be a change in authority here my place may not be so secure.”

  He gave the impression of considering the matter, but they both knew he was putting on an act for her benefit, “Understandable. What do you have in mind, Calynn?”

  “I understand that the identity of the father is yet unknown, but I’ve recently been made aware of a statute of the clans that says a woman with child has the right to demand a marriage with the responsible gentleman. To put it plainly, I’m here to request siring rights Sir Drake.” Her formal tone surprised her, but she went with it. It probably seemed more respectful anyway.

  He steepled his fingers and drew out the moment in pretend contemplation. “It’s not as simple as that my dear. You see there is more to our laws of marriage than that. For instance, there is the little matter of age. In our society, an individual must be of age to be allowed to enter into a match and as of now only two of my sons have reached that age.”

  “Very well. That still leaves two candidates.”

  “You would think, but please Miss Calynn you must understand that there are certain requirements for my eldest, the heir apparent. Though I hold you in high regard I cannot violate the traditions of our kind. It could create problems between the clans and I will not put my family in such a position even for you my dear, even if he is the father.”

  “Are you denying my claim? One of your sons is the father. You can’t deny that.”

  “Not at all, my dear girl, but you do realize that though I have four sons and any of them may indeed be the father only one, Drakon, is available to be your intended and I’m not sure how he will accept the idea. I cannot force him in this matter and I have no intention in doing so. Also bear in mind that once the child is born and the father is determined there will be no altering the arrangement.”

  “I would expect nothing less. This situation is far from ordinary for either of us and in other terms you take what you can get.”

  “Then I think we have an understanding. Once again, though I don’t doubt his obedience to me, I will not force him to accept you.”

  She nodded.

  “Then by all means I’ll summon him and see what he says on the subject.”

  “Thank you, Sir Drank, your generosity and consideration in this matter is greatly appreciated.” That one hurt, but he seemed to buy it. Hopefully she wouldn’t have to wait long for Drakon. Calynn didn’t want to be left with this man any longer than she had to be and that walking statue of a guard standing behind him wasn’t making her feel any safer.

  “Not at all my dear Calynn. I only wish I could do more, but my hands are tied by the customs of my kind.”

  ‘Yeah I’ll bet.’ “Well considering you’re allowing one of your sons to be attached to a human I’d say you’re going above and beyond Sir Drake.” Just when she thought she couldn’t take one more fake exchange in walked Drakon.

  “You wanted to see me father?”

  “Yes Drakon. I have something of great importance to discuss with you. Our dear Calynn here has requested siring rights for her own protection and that of her child. Though we are uncertain at this time who the father is you are the only son of Drake that is of age and availability to accept such a request. Now the decision is entirely yours, but personally I would consider it an act of honor and the sign of a true son of Drake if you would consider the matter.”

  Drakon looked down at the seated Calynn then turned back to his father. “I will not disgrace the House of Drake or my father. If that is your desire and there is no objection from the lady than I will accept the request and the responsibility that it entails.”

  “You do realize that the moment I bless this match you will not only be the future husband to Calynn here, but you will irrevocably be the father of her child. You will take complete culpability for her, the child, and your future?”

  Once again he looked at Calynn without emotion then back at his father, straight faced and to the point. “I do. I understand she has a right to claim the protection of the family and under the unusual circumstances I understand that I am the only son of the House of Drake that can stand up and provide that. As long as she is prepared to accept me as her future husband I will gladly accept her hand.” He hoped he was adding just the right amount of gentleness towards the end to show his father he was warming to the idea.

  “Calynn? Is my son Drakon acceptable to you?”

  Calynn looked up at him and nodded, “Yes Sir Drake. I have found Drakon to be a complete gentleman and I have no objections.”

  “Then let it be known that I bless the match of the second son of the House of Drake and Miss Calynn. From this moment on you will be as one, no one in this house or clan will interfere. This match cannot be undone; by anyone. Drakon is the father of the child as of this moment and no attempt will be made to identify any other. Calynn as of this moment you are a daughter of the House of Drake and as such is under its complete protection. You will be included in our family matters and as such I believe a dinner in honor of your match is in order. Tomorrow you will both sit down with me and my wife and celebrate your marriage where we’ll discuss the arrangements.”

  “I look forward to it Sir Drake and am honored by your invitation.” She smiled, two can play that game.

  “Now Calynn I have some things to discuss with my son here so if you would be so kind as to give us some time together. I’ll send him back to you after we’re through so that you can get better acquainted.”

  She nodded to them both and left without another word, her heart pounding even harder than she went in, and headed back to her suite to collapse onto her bed.

  “I’ll only take a minute son. I don’t want to keep you from her side for too long, I only wish to say that you made me proud today.”

  “Thank you, father. I’ll do my best to bring honor to the match and the House of Drake. Will the rest of the house be informed or do we need to continue sneaking around?”

  “No, by all means, enjoy her company, no more shadows for the two of you. You are free to come and go with her as you please with the proper d
iscretion of course. I’ll call everyone one in, in the morning tomorrow. Everyone except for your brother Rais that is, I believe for now it would be better if he was not informed. I don’t want any bright ideas to come into that brain of his. I’ve had word he’s already searching for a Calynn of his own. Thankfully we now know the chances are against anyone in any clan finding another girl with her qualifications.”

  “What about her bloodline?”

  “No, her exact line will be guarded until after the ceremony. I will however reveal her connection to us before, most likely I’ll announce it on the day of the ceremony to the family only. Too little information can cause just as many problems as too much. Unless you have other plans my son?”

  “Me?” He looked as astonished as he felt.

  “Yes Drakon, you. You have always been the most responsible, level headed of all my children and your obedience and actions these last few weeks with our dear Calynn has proven that you are more of an equal in the matter. She is now yours, it wasn’t for her benefit that I said what I did. From now on I take second place in this affair. You know her better and hopefully will continue to. If there is something that you feel should be done or not done all you have to do is come to me. You are the master of your own house this day, as such you’ll need to be planning the affairs for your estate. Bring me your requests and they will be honored just as they would if your courtship had been a normally planned affair. Though I believe you very capable of setting your own household in order I would consider it a personal honor if you would allow me, your old man, to guide you. My door is always open.”

  There wasn’t much Drakon could say to that. It was the closest thing to a ‘grown up man to man’ exchange he’d ever had with his father. Now he stood not just as a son and subordinate, but an equal in life. If the situation had been different he would have felt pride, but he also knew his father would still have them both under close supervision. It wasn’t all smoke and mirrors, but it was a snow job to be sure; so he bowed his head and turned to leave.


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