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Bloodbourne Page 30

by Sasha Pruett

  ‘That’s why I wanted to speak with Rais. He’s been absent these past few weeks and may have picked up on something that none of us have noticed.’

  ‘Well my dear, if he’s of no use, what about one of the others? Ivan hasn’t been seen since the days right after the equinox.’

  ‘No… he’s still been on the grounds, still close by. Same with the girls. If they haven’t mentioned anything by now I doubt they’ve notice anything amiss.’

  ‘We’ll know for sure at our next gathering.’

  ‘Yes, but I’d prefer not to have to wait two months to find out.’

  ‘What would it really matter? You’d still know before either Drakon or Calynn. If we haven’t been able to discover a difference being as close to her it would be unlikely that they would find out and it may not be her that our kin are sensing but the child.’

  That was true and if there was any question about any of it his surveillance team would alert him to it immediately. Still he hated that the guests had stumbled upon something that had escaped him. His excitement grew as all his hopes were being realized. Either Calynn or the child or both possessed great power and they both belonged to him. One way or another he would find out.


  They had taken a limo from the mansion to the private air strip. Another first for Calynn, but she was too tired and on edge to really enjoy it. At least they were away from everyone that could possibly consider her dinner and she finally began to relax leaning against his chest.

  “Don’t worry we’ll be in the air soon and you’ll be able to sleep then.”

  “I don’t think I’m tired enough to sleep in those seats.”

  “No need, there’s a bedroom ready for us.”

  “We just got married… again and you want to join the mile-high club?”

  He brushed her hair gently, “Hush.”

  Drakon hadn’t been lying, after take-off he showed her to the bedroom that looked more like a luxury resort.

  “Boy your dad doesn’t do anything by half does he?”

  “Oh this isn’t my father’s plane, it ours.”


  “You didn’t think I ran everywhere did you?”

  “Well? Wait what’s this?”

  On the bed was a white box tied with a large ribbon.

  “That my dear is your wedding gift.”

  “Didn’t you already buy me a beach house?”

  “That was for the first wedding.”

  Suddenly she wasn’t tired anymore and tore into the box, to find…

  “My underwear?”

  “Look closer my bride.”

  “Wait these are the clothes I was wearing when we went around the world, the ones from Hawaii!”

  “See my dear, I’ve done laundry for you… twice.”

  Two Months Later

  It had been two months. Eight entire weeks of not having to watch every word and every look. Of not having to look over their shoulders and so much had happened. Devilicus had become the leader of a large pack of finely bred familiars that roamed the grounds as an added layer of protection. Thanks to Drakon’s ingenious hacking of his father’s surveillance system they were always two steps ahead of him. Completely keeping him in the dark about Calynn’s growing powers and their intent to break with the House of Drake. They trained in privacy and were secured of a staff that were entirely loyal to them, though they still treated them as were expected; at least until they were no longer being monitored. Just one more hurdle before she could finally start to relax as an actually Lady of the house.

  It was a new year and the newlyweds were preparing for one more ritual tradition. Technically they could have decided to forgo the dinner, but his parents were more than insistent it go on as custom dictated and Drakon had his suspicions why. Everything was prepared and Lady Anula had even sent tips and suggestions for the evenings events.

  “Are you nervous about tonight?”

  “I’d be lying if I said no, but I’m not scared; not with you and Villie here to protect me.”

  “We could still call it off. All it would take would be a few strokes of my program and they’d think you were unwell.”

  As part of his own security measures, his custom software allowed him to mute the microphones and seamlessly add fake conversations. A simple sampling of his and Calynn’s voice and he could create anything.

  “No, that would only raise a red flag. We still have to be careful. They know this dinner isn’t necessary as much as we do and that’s not stopping them. They’re looking for something. I can do this, promise; though I may cut out early.”

  She knew this day was coming, Drakon had told her about it before they were even married. For two months after the joining ceremony no one and nothing ‘bothers’ the couple. There’s no business, no visits, nothing in the hopes that it will produce a child. After the two-month period the immediate family gathers to celebrate the match, to bless the pregnancy or future one, and to toast to a successful future. She was already pregnant and well into her second trimester and they all knew it. There was no need to toast to anything.

  A dinner party with the in-laws was not her idea of an enjoyable time, but his father had made it perfectly clear that the entire troop would be on their doorstep by nightfall. Either under their own power or by plane and would be staying the entire two weeks. No exceptions and no excuses. Oh joy.

  Sir Drake claimed he had another reason to make sure this gathering went on like planned. He was going to reveal to the rest of Drakon’s siblings about Calynn’s Valdi heritage. At least that was the excuse he had given Drakon, but he wasn’t convinced. He’d heard the comments the night of the reception celebration same as his father had, and had even taken time here and there in the days after to sneak through his parents’ home and listen in. Though he didn’t hear much. His father had left for business somewhere in Turkey shortly after the ceremony, but he’d gleaned enough to know what the old man was curious about. It didn’t take much to put two and two together and his tech team hadn’t even bothered to hide what key words and phrases they were scanning for. Then again, why would they? No one knew he was really the one in control of everything. No, his parents were here for one reason and one reason only. To find out if Calynn indeed was developing her own abilities and growing in power, her or the child.

  Servants and luggage had been arriving all day, each one graciously shown to their suites to prepare for their masters. The rooms had been readied, the menu finalized, the servants assigned, all that was left was to wait for the family. One by one they appeared on their doorstep. Some perturbed that they now needed permission to enter what had once been their home. Some not caring one way of the other, and a few gleeful over how a certain eldest wouldn’t be in control of everything, but all heeding the call of their father to assemble downstairs in one of the parlours. Once again Sir Drake looked over his family, a smug sneer planted firmly on his face. Tonight they would learn the truth and before this visit was over he would know one way or the other if his newest daughter was hosting more than his grandchild.

  “All here twice in as many months. What a development this clan has seen of late.” Lady Anula stood beside her husband. Her arm wrapped firmly around his own as he called the meeting to attention.

  “It has been two months since the joining of Drakon and Calynn. Two months since you’ve learned of her tie to us. Two months to see her in the proper light. Regardless of how you’ve reconciled your opinion of her I warn you all that during this time we are here in their home and from this day forward you will show the upmost respect for her.”

  “What for?” Rais had never questioned his father before, until now.

  “Because she is your sister. She is a member of our family,” His father bellowed.

  “and she is Valdi.” Drakon entered the room. King of his castle and not about to let his envious brother impugn his bride any further.

  The room went silent as the shock spread through the room. All
except one.

  “Impossible, all this attention has gone to your head little brother. Trying to make it less painful to be wed to a measly human by pretending that she’s more than a breeder? Or maybe you’ve actually fallen in love, how pathetic.”

  Drakon wasn’t taking the bait. Two and a half centuries had taught him better. Although there was still a part of him that desperately wanted to tear Rais apart.

  “ENOUGH! Rais you will hold your tongue or I will remove it. What he says is true. Calynn is a Valdi. Her DNA has been tested repeatedly and she has the genetic markers of the Valdi clan. She is, unknowingly I might add, the last of their line and you will keep your mouths shut and honor that. Do I make myself clear?”

  All was still. No one spoke, no one moved, until she entered, Devilicus faithfully by her side. She had heard every word, every syllable and was relieved to find no one attempting to kill each other.

  “Did I miss anything?”

  Drakon stepped protectively to her side wrapping his arm around her waist. “Not a thing, we were just catching up until you arrived.”

  “Calynn my dear!” Anula wasted no time in embracing her daughter. “How are you feeling?”

  “Hungry Mother Anula, shall we go. I believe everything is ready for us.”

  They filed into the dining hall making light chit chat, but all of them with one thing on their minds. Dinner was pretty much the same. Business talk between Drakon and his father. Joking between the youngest. Politics, fashion, servants, decorating, all things that a normal family may discuss all with one exception; Rais. He hadn’t said more than one or two words at a time and only when asked a direct question. He was too busy brooding, too busy feeding his own obsession and anger.

  The rest of the clan may be able to stay awake for days on end, but Calynn was still human and pregnant and more than ready to go to bed. The others could do as they wish. The house was theirs for the duration, and since Drakon had assured her that everything would be taken care without her direct attention she excused herself knowing the conversation would instantly turn to one subject the minute she left. Drakon offered to escort her back to their suite, but she refused.

  “Please I’ll be fine, you catch up with your family. I’m sure you have more to discuss.” Which as code for, find out everything you can while you can and she left, Devilicus padding along distractedly beside her. Once she reached her apartments she turned to her personal guardian, “It’s okay Villie I know. It’s time for your walk around the grounds, past time actually. Go on, I’m not going anywhere tonight. I’ll be right here when you get back. You and Drakon worry too much, I’ll be fine.”

  Devilicus nuzzled her hand and looked between her and the hall. “Go on, the sooner you leave the sooner you get back.”

  A quick whimper, a nod and he was gone.

  “Would you like a bath my lady? Something to relax you?”

  “No Millie, I’m fine, I’m tired enough as it is. I’m just going to get ready for bed. You may leave, I’ll let you know if I need you.”

  “Yes, my lady.”

  Alone at last she sat at her vanity slowly removing her jewelry. Twisting her diamond bracelet, she watched the multi facets sparkle in a prism of color as her mind went blank with exhaustion. She had no idea how long she had zoned out or how long he had been there staring at her.

  “Can I help you with something?” She didn’t start, keeping as calm and collected as possible. No need to set off any alarms; yet. She didn’t bother to ask how he’d gotten into her room, it would have been redundant. This had been his home once, plus he wasn’t human, so there was that.

  For a moment, he simply stared at her as if he was studying her. She didn’t like feeling like a lab rat. “I knew it the day you came to us, to me. You weren’t like the others. I tried my best to break you, but you just wouldn’t break. I should have seen it then, I should have known, but my own ego blinded me.”

  He began walking slowly around the room touching random items here and there almost distractedly, barely looking at her. “Did you know that there is a tradition among our kind?”

  “Your kind has many traditions.”

  “Touché. No, I’m thinking of something specific. Can you guess?”

  She refused to speak, carefully watching him in the reflection of her mirror. Tracking his every movement.

  “If something were to happen to the husband, an unmatched male sibling of the same house would take the widow as his own wife and provide for her and any children she may have. Sort of picking up where the deceased left off if you will and if there are no available males the family would take her and the children in and provide for them until she chose to remarry. Naturally, we don’t have to be concerned with that now do we?”

  “Rais, this isn’t…”

  She didn’t have time to finish. He was in front of her, pulling her from her seat and pinning her arms to her side. “It will hurt less if you don’t struggle Calynn. Then again you always struggled, didn’t you?”

  “What are you talking about Rais?”

  “I’m talking about taking back what is mine.”


  “Yes mine! You don’t think anyone but the first-born heir of Drake could sire a child with a Valdi do you? My father was wrong to give you to my pathetic loner of a brother. A second born always licking at the heels of my father, trying to be what he can never be. Trying to be me! Tonight, I will correct that mistake and take back what was destined for me.”

  “I’m warning you Rais.”

  Rais burst with laughter. “Warning me? Oh my dear, it’s Drakon that you should warn.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I already told you that. Someone of your lineage should be more astute don’t you think?” He brushed his lips against her temple breathing in her scent. “I felt it the second you stepped from the house into the light of those torches, the raw power flowing from you and you’ve been on my mind ever since. The others were blind, but not me, not the man you were designed from birth and before to be with. I knew that night that this day would come, that you were special, but Calynn a Valdi? Only a woman of such a line could bear my child.”

  “It’s not your child it’s Drakon’s!”

  “It’s mine, and after tonight so are you.” His grip tightened and she could feel the bruising begin to spread. “Drakon will be found at the edge of the forest dead, and you my dear, you will have no memory of the last few months. No memory of your capture, no memory of those pathetic dates he’d take you on to win your affection. No memory of anything and I will be there, holding you, helping you to regain yourself. Convincing you that I am your husband, your memory loss all the result of a fall and before you know it all will be as it should have since the beginning.”

  “No!” It happened before she realized what she was doing. She shoved Rais off her, breaking his grip from her arms. His eyes widened in surprise, but he didn’t have time to react any more than that before he felt himself being shoved against the wall.


  He felt it. Something was wrong, very wrong. He quickly looked around the hall, taking inventory. Some of his siblings had left to pursue other endeavors, but it was the disappearance of Rais that had him concerned. The jealousy radiating off him was palpable even from across the room and unlike the others he’d slipped away unnoticed. He was about to excuse himself when he heard her scream, when they all heard it. The entire group dashed toward the sound, up to the master suite, Drakon in the lead; ready to kill.

  He burst through the door, shattering the frame and tearing it from its hinges sending the pieces flying across the room. Then stopped dead in his tracks, nearly frozen in shock while the rest of the family pushed through the door around him. There was Calynn, standing by her dressing table. Her arm stretched out in front of her, her fingers splayed and tense with a furious, almost deadly, look on her face and Rais…. Fifteen feet up off the ground dangled Rais like a marionette, grasping at some
invisible force holding him by his throat. His eyes wide, nearly bulging from his head. Calynn motioned her hand like she was throwing away a piece of trash tossing him across the room to the floor beside the torn open doorway.

  “If you ever touch me or my child again I will end you!” No one doubted her.

  Rais vanished before anyone could stop him and Drakon, his first instinct to annihilate his brother suppressed rushed to Calynn’s side holding her shaking body as tight as he dared. He looked to the gathered family, still stunned at what they had just witnessed before his father silently ushered them out. A barely suppressed gleam of greed in his eyes, only tempered with the knowledge that his eldest son and heir to his kingdom just threatened his source of power.

  The door and frame were repaired within minutes while Drakon comforted her, whispering in her ear that everything would be alright. Even with the door fixed and not a soul outside of Villie in the room with them she had no doubt everyone was listening in. They had officially become the most interesting thing on the planet. Not to mention that the entire scene had been recorded with that stupid surveillance system that Sir Drake had going, marking every word then and now. They wouldn’t be able to do much altering to the audio feed, but at least it wasn’t HD video as well. She told him everything; out loud as best she could, acting as if the entire show of power was as frightening and as big a surprise to her as Rais’ attack had been. Completely certain that her story would be compared word for word with what had been recorded earlier Calynn put on an act like she hadn’t done in two months. She even threw in a few, “What’s happening to me Drakon?” and a “Did I really do that?” for effect.

  He held her tighter and tighter. The more she revealed the more desperate he became until his face was that of the monster he had promised himself he’d never show her, but she never noticed. “I will never let him touch you again. If he ever comes anywhere near us I will kill him.” He hoped his father knew he was as serious as the grave. Rais’ life was forfeit as far as he was concerned. If he wasn’t needed there he would gladly hunt down his brother to the ends of the earth and make him pay for what he had done; what he had intended to do.


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