Hunter (Black Angels MC Book 1)

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Hunter (Black Angels MC Book 1) Page 18

by A. E. Fisher

  Mallory lit up like a lighthouse, and I was damned if that cheeky, little smile didn’t fire me up. She thought she had won, but the second she was done, I was going to take that ass of hers, drag her upstairs, and show her who the real boss was in our relationship.

  Mallory must have seen the look in my eyes, because she ran her tongue across her lips.

  “Keep looking at me like that and you won’t get far,” I promised.

  “I … uh …” I saw a fierce debate in her eyes as she hesitantly stepped away. “I’ll grab you a beer while I’m over there.”

  She went to move away, but I grabbed her arm, dragged her back, and thrust my tongue into her mouth, making her knees weaken and causing her to stumble when I let go.

  “Better make it fast.”

  With flushed cheeks, Mallory nodded then escaped toward the bar.

  I remained in my seat, eyes fixated on her ass in those tiny shorts as she approached the girls, her hands fiddling with the bottom of that thin cotton shirt she had tied above her waist.

  I could see the girls’ lips moving, but I couldn’t hear what was being said. The girls seemed to congregate back together behind Georgia, who stood next to Baby. Anna stood a little aside near Mallory, watching the exchange. I could see Georgia was pissed, hissing at Mallory like a feral cat as Mallory spoke.

  Halfway through Georgia’s bitching, to which Mallory stood and listened quietly, the unexpected happened.

  Baby stepped in.

  Baby had always been fair, but also believed in people sorting their shit out on their own. The old ladies didn’t like her for it, thinking she should keep better wraps on the bitches if they were going to parade around behind her. Baby wasn’t their real leader, so she hadn’t stepped in and taken charge when she had joined the club. The girls had just begun following her around, hiding behind her I-don’t-give-a-shit attitude. She was a good lay and knew her place better than anyone, and she never got involved when it didn’t concern her. Therefore, when Baby stepped in for the first time in history, everyone turned to watch.

  Georgia went bug-eyed at her, watching with an open mouth as Baby began to say something to Mallory, and Anna’s brows went up at the exchange.

  We watched them talk for barely thirty seconds before Mallory turned away and headed back toward me.

  “Mallory,” Baby called after her, and Mallory turned back to face her. Baby stepped forward and, with an unknown sincerity, said, “Thank you.”

  Mallory nodded, casting a look at Georgia who had gone quiet, and then carried on walking until she was cozied up back on my lap.

  “Holy hell, girl, what did you do?” Jax asked, bobbing his head as he cast quick glances at the bar, where the girls had dispersed again, except for Georgia, Baby, and Anna.

  “I apologized,” Mallory said as if it was the normal thing to do. “I threw the first punch, and I know they’re at the bottom of the food chain here and stuff, but it still doesn’t mean I should have done it. Everyone deserves basic respect.”

  The brothers looked surprised to say the least. Two of the brothers at the bar, who had been cold to Mallory due to recent revelations, were looking at her in a whole new light. No doubt this would travel around the club fast.

  Mallory shifted under everyone’s wide eyes. “What’d I do wrong?”

  “Not wrong, sweetheart,” Lamb said. “Not wrong at all.”

  “Hell, you’ve won Baby’s respect,” Jax countered. “That shit’s unreal.”

  “Dammit, woman.” I grabbed her by the back of the neck and gave her a long, deep kiss. “You keep getting better and better.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “Come in!” Anna’s voice came from the other side.

  I opened the door and closed it behind me, seeing her desk had piles of paper in neat stacks, along with an assortment of weird ornaments from all over the world, as far as I could tell. There were a couple of bookshelves stacked brim to brim with books of all shapes, sizes, and genres. There was also another shelf on the top with books all by the same author. Beneath it was a shelf full of folders labeled “Unpublished.”

  “You publish books?” I asked, moving closer to read the spines. “This is the full collection of A.A. Embers!” I spanned around with pride toward my blonde friend. “You, my friend, have good book taste.”

  “And you have escaped Hunter’s clutches to come visit me. What poor brother did you convince to take you out of the compound? Mint? Pretty?” Anna asked, placing down whatever big wad of papers she had been reading. She pulled her glasses off as I sat down on one of the plush seats opposite her desk.

  “Jax,” I admitted. He was waiting in his truck outside. “I’m surprised you have an office … in a law building.”

  “I’m a lawyer, Mallory. Where else did you expect to find me?”

  “I know, but … I thought you worked for the club. You know, an independent lawyer or something. Fellpeak is a quiet town. Not much lawyering to do here.” I realized I was blabbering, but it was weird seeing this formal side of her, especially after yesterday’s kiss, which Hunter fully appreciated the trick she showed me.

  “As much as the boys keep me on my toes, I do have other clients.” Anna shrugged. “And I like this town.” Her nostalgic smile faded as she turned to look straight into my eyes. Her fingers locked as she leaned onto her desk. “What are you really here for, Mallory?”

  I licked my lips, somehow managing to break eye contact, and reached down to my purse. I placed my hand inside and pulled out a wide, white envelope. “I need you to do something for me,” I said, handing it to her.

  Anna took it with a degree of caution, slipping her finger inside and pulling the paper out just enough for her to identify it. She looked shocked, maybe even a little surprised, when she realized what it was.

  “This is …?”

  “I need you to change it.”

  “Fuck,” I gasped, grasping a handful of Hunter’s hair.

  “Do you always say that?” Hunter grumbled from between my thighs.

  “Shut up.” It was impossible to be annoyed, not when Hunter’s tongue was doing things to me that had never felt so good before. There was nipping and sucking and flicking and … Fuck me, it was heaven. “Fuck,” I moaned.

  When Hunter chuckled, the vibrations brought me to the edge.

  “Hunter!” I cried out as he breathed against my throbbing clit.

  “Tell me what you want, baby,” Hunter whispered, rubbing his thumb through my lips.

  “I want your tongue, Hunter,” I begged, unable to stop myself. My thighs began to twitch, and I could feel the orgasm about to hit me. “Please!”

  The second the words left my lips, Hunter’s tongue pushed into my entrance, and I cried out as the orgasm slammed into me.

  Hunter’s tongue carried me through it, making sure to clean every inch.

  “That was … Fuck.” I sighed, too high on endorphins to form logical sentences.

  Hunter grinned, climbing his way up the bed until he lay on top of me, and pressed a hot kiss to my mouth. I could taste the mixture of both of us, and if I hadn’t just come, I would have been ready to do so again.

  Hunter then pulled back to look down at me, his dark curls falling over his green eyes. I rubbed across the smooth edge of his jaw and cupped his cheekbone. His eyes crinkled at the edges as he smiled down at me, and I couldn’t help smiling back.

  Hunter moved his hand to cup my breast. “Good, aren’t I?”

  “Need to check, do we?” I returned. “What happened to all that arrogance?”

  “What happened to your begging?” Hunter countered. “That side of you really turns me on.” He moved his hips lower, letting his throbbing length lay across my belly.

  “I can see that,” I whispered. “But don’t get used to it. I don’t beg often.”

  “Not often, huh?” Hunter moved his finger in slow movements down to my center, where he circled my thigh, brushing against my
pussy. “Doesn’t seem like that to me. The bathroom, the bedroom, behind the club—you begged every time. Now tell me that’s not often.”

  I scowled. The bastard.

  “Too bad,” I cooed, running my hand down his chest until I got to his waist. I reached between us and wrapped my hand around his hot member. “I was gonna thank you for that little thing you did.” I rolled my finger over the top, spreading the pre-come over his tip and making him hiss. “Now …” I shrugged, pulling my finger up to my mouth and sucking off his come with a pop. “I’m not so sure.”

  Hunter had watched the entire movement, his eyes darkening. I was sure my words went in one ear and out the other. So much for my little teasing act.

  “Fuck …” Hunter breathed out.

  “My turn.” I pushed his shoulder until he was on his back, and then I slid down.

  I had my mouth on him, cutting short his complaint in exchange for a long, loud groan.

  I took as much of him into my mouth as I could, mixing between sucking and licking while compensating with my hand for the rest. He tangled his hand in my hair tight enough for a bite of pain as he guided himself in and out of my mouth.

  As I began to pick up speed, I could hear Hunter’s breathing getting faster and faster, and his hips began to buck. I grabbed his balls and rolled them in my palm. Not long later, I heard his loud, guttural groan as hot liquid shot into the back of my throat.

  I sucked until there wasn’t a drop left before pulling him out of my mouth with a repeated pop. Hunter had long since released my hair and had collapsed back onto the pillow.

  I placed soft kisses as I climbed my way up his body. His eyes were closed, his breathing slowing as bliss rocked him.

  “Good, aren’t I?” I couldn’t resist.

  A small smile pulled at his lips. “Fuckin’ fantastic.”

  Too right, I was.

  Hunter wrapped an arm around my waist, running his fingers up and down my skin as he opened his green eyes and looked up at me draped across his chest. “Tomorrow, you, me, and Adair will go out somewhere.”

  I frowned. “But I thought it’s safer to stay here?”

  Hunter squeezed. “You’ll be safe with me.”

  I hesitated. I had seen the security measures of this place up close and personal. To others, it seemed easy enough to enter, but between the gate, the guards, and the pure suspiciousness of the boys, there was limited access. Jax had told me it had been a little more lenient up until the attack, which made sense, I supposed. Leaving that kind of security, though, especially with a target on my back …

  “It’s not like I doubt you, Hunter …”

  Hunter groaned. “But …?”

  “I don’t want Adair out there when it’s safer here.”

  “That kid has had the worst case of boredom these last few days that I’ve ever seen,” Hunter argued. “It’ll be good for him. Stop him from flirting with the brothers’ daughters and get Ripper off my case.”


  A knock sounded at the door before I could argue further. I was forced to relinquish the argument as Hunter rolled me over, kissed me, and then went over to answer it.

  “Wait,” I called out. “Not that I don’t love your buns and all, but aren’t you going to put some clothes on?”

  Hunter’s shrug told me that he had answered the door naked many times before.

  “But what if it’s Bell?” I said. “You might scare her.”

  “Bell grew up here; she’s numb to it by now.”

  “But what if it’s one of the other girls …”

  Hunter paused, looking at me for a long second. Then he smirked.

  “I love it when you get jealous.” He chuckled, kissing me again before pulling a pair of boxers on.

  “I’m not jealous!” I snapped.

  “Sure, you’re not,” Hunter placated before swinging the door open.


  I dove under the sheets the second I saw Jax in the doorway. He looked over Hunter’s shoulder to where I was and grinned.

  “Quick moves.”

  I blushed.

  “What is it, Jax?” Hunter stopped him before he could say anything else.

  “Prez wants to see you.”

  “Right.” Hunter nodded, his face going from relaxed to somber in a flash.

  Whatever it was, it must be important.

  Hunter came back into the room, leaving the door open as he dragged on the rest of his clothes. As he moved about the room, Jax stood in the doorway, grinning. He didn’t say anything, and neither did I.

  When Hunter finished tying up his boots, he said, “Let’s go.”

  “You can go on ahead,” Jax said, staying put by the door. “I’ll, uh, stay and protect.”

  “Nice try, jackass,” Hunter growled, kicking Jax’s ass out the door. Hunter then turned back toward me, running his eyes down the length of my body. The sheet did little to protect me from the heat of his gaze. “You, me, Adair—tomorrow.” He pointed at me. “No buts.” With that, he turned and stalked out the doorway, slamming the door shut behind him.

  “But I like your butt …” I called after him, not expecting a reply.

  “Thanks!” Jax shouted back. “I like it, too!”

  Hunter’s voice echoed down the hall with a range of colorful language, and I was certain I heard Jax yelp.

  I laughed.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  When I walked into Wolf’s office, I found him sitting behind his desk, hands pressed in a steeple, eyes hard on the paper in front of him. He didn’t even notice I was there until I shut the door. It was unusual and downright unnerving.

  “Prez,” I said as I stood in front of him.

  “Sit down, Hunter,” Wolf advised, his voice flat.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Sit. Down.” A command this time.

  I did as my president asked and settled into one of the two leather seats in front of him. My eyes stayed on him, caution making me unable to relax. Something was up. And I had a feeling whatever Wolf had to say, I wasn’t going to like it.

  Wolf leaned back in his chair, his eyes meeting mine. No matter how bad it was, Wolf always faced me. He faced everyone.

  “I told you before I didn’t want to go into this war blind,” Wolf began.

  I nodded. “If this is about Mallory—”

  “It’s not,” he assured me. “Not exactly.”

  “What do you mean, not exactly?” I was beginning to feel uncomfortable with the conversation, and the direction it was going made me even more unsure.

  “It means, I don’t want you going into this war blind, either,” Wolf stated. “There’s something you don’t know about Noble’s death.”

  “Has this got something to do with why they’ve been so quiet since they ran my brother off the road?”

  “Yes. And the reason they killed him. And the reason why Hell’s Runners want Mallory.”

  “You told me Noble was killed because of the bad blood between the clubs.” I didn’t like this. I didn’t like where this was going at all.

  “It’s a little bit more complicated than that,” Wolf conceded. “Noble had information on the Hell’s Runners. The kind of information that could put most of their members away for life. He agreed not to release the information if the club left us alone. It’s possible it could have been a bluff, but the Runners didn’t want to take that chance, so they agreed to Noble’s deal …”

  “And then they had him killed,” I finished.

  Wolf nodded. “But when they went to reclaim the information, Noble left them a message, saying if anything happened to him, the information was to be passed to the person he trusted the most. That’s when I found out they had threatened Noble before he revealed the information. They had a certain photograph of him and a red-haired girl.”

  “They threatened him with Mallory?”

  “They thought she was Noble’s woman when they were spotted together
a few weeks before,” Wolf explained. “Noble thought he’d had it sorted and didn’t think they needed to bring her in. But after the accident and Noble’s message, it wasn’t hard to know who they’d go after first.

  “I could have brought her to the club for protection, but that would only be a temporary measure until the Runners brought a full-out war to our door. I didn’t want everyone to get caught in the crossfire.” Wolf intertwined his hands. “However, if Mallory were to run, they’d waste their time trying to track her down. Or, at the very least, be hesitant to act against the club on the chance that Mallory would release the information to the police before they could get to her. We knew Mallory didn’t have the information, but she would buy us enough time to find out who really had it and put the Hell’s Runners down once and for all.”

  “What are you getting at with this, Wolf?” I growled, clenching the leather chair.

  He reached into the drawer and pulled out an envelope. Then he threw it on the desk in front of me and gestured for me to pick it up. “Look at it.”

  I reached forward and grabbed the letter. I slid my finger under the flap, pulled out the note inside, and looked at the contents. I felt my stomach drop.

  “This is …”

  “It’s a copy of the letter Mallory Ward received in the days after Noble’s funeral,” Wolf finished.

  The words were exactly as Mallory had described them, and then some. It took me a moment to process, but when I came to the end of my thoughts, I didn’t like where it led me.

  “Why do you have this, Wolf?” I asked, my voice becoming eerily calm.

  Without batting an eye, Wolf turned my world upside down. “Because I was the one who sent it.”

  My brain stalled, the world seemed to stop, and everything just … froze.

  I looked at the stone man behind the desk. “I must have misheard you. It sounded like you said you wrote this.”

  This couldn’t be happening. I must be wrong. Wolf wouldn’t have done this.


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