Sex God

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Sex God Page 8

by J. a Melville

  Stepping over him I peered into the car and my heart slammed against my ribs when I saw who the unconscious woman was: Lyla.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.” I cursed over and over clambering into the car to get closer to her. My fingers closed over her wrist feeling for a pulse and I exhaled noisily when I felt it fluttering away.

  “Do you know her?” The voice nearby took me by surprise and I turned, seeing Lisa’s concerned face. “What’s wrong with her? Is it alcohol or has she been roofied?”

  “She’s the sister of a friend of mine.” I brushed Lyla’s tangled hair back from her pale face. “Shit, I need to tell her brother, her friends. They’re inside.” I turned to Lisa. “I’m sorry, but the night’s over. I can’t leave her now. I need to help her and get her friends.”

  “What about him?” She pointed to the unconscious animal next to the car.

  “I need to call the cops.” I backed out of the car and stood up. “I need to contact Leo and Lyla’s friends. She came out with them tonight. You saw them briefly when we were at the bar? Do you remember?”

  Her eyes widened. “That was her?” She pointed into the car. “Bloody hell. I didn’t recognise her. Do you want me to get someone?”

  “Can you get the bouncers? I need someone to keep an eye on him. He’s not going anywhere. The bastard’s gonna pay for this.” I growled, kicking his motionless body. I wanted to kill the bastard but he wasn’t worth doing jail time for.

  “Hang on I’ll be back.” Lisa turned and with her heels still in one hand, she took off barefoot, back towards the club.

  Once she was gone, I checked Lyla again and noticed she was partially lying on her clutch purse. Fishing it out from under her I dug around and found her mobile phone inside. Praying the damn thing wasn’t locked I ran a finger over the screen and was relieved when it opened up to the various aps she had on it.

  Pulling up the lists of phone numbers I scrolled through them and quickly found the names Ava and Karen. Why tonight I’d remembered their names when I was usually shit at names momentarily baffled me, but I wasn’t going to ignore divine intervention or whatever the hell it was, that made it possible to pluck their names from Lyla’s phone, and dial one of them.

  I chose Ava and waited as the phone began to ring. It rang and rang for ages until it stopped and I cursed loudly. Either she hadn’t heard it or it wasn’t her phone. Instead I punched out a quick text to not only her but the other one Karen and then dropped the phone into my pocket.

  Lisa turned up with a huge tank of a man wearing black dress pants and a white button through shirt. The fabric was strained over the muscles in his arms they were that big.

  Quickly I explained what had happened and he called the police while I dialled Leo’s number.

  As I reluctantly broke the news of Lyla’s near rape to him, a flurry of activity drew my focus and I turned to see two women rushing towards us. When they saw Lyla still out cold on the back seat of the car, they began firing off questions at me and the smaller one started crying. I liked the taller woman Karen. She introduced herself briefly before aiming one stiletto covered foot at their friend’s attacker and I heard him give a muffled sound as if she’d knocked the wind out of him.

  Suddenly it all went to shit; people everywhere, spectators because everyone seems to love the proverbial train wreck. Some tried to take photos of Lyla but I was like a rabid dog, snapping and snarling at them to fuck off.

  The police showed up and the ass wipe was carted off in their car. Leo arrived looking stressed and he actually broke down when he saw his sister.

  Siren’s screamed in the distance getting closer and I realised somewhere in all the chaos and confusion, someone had called for an ambulance.

  It finally arrived, lights flashing, dazzling us all and I watched them lift Lyla’s body onto a stretcher. Once she was in the back, Leo joining her, it pulled away, lights still flashing..

  “I need to get to the fucking hospital now.” Karen snapped her eyes wild as she looked around but it was down to just me, the bouncer, Lisa and the ever present bunch of dickheads who thought filming the whole event to put on YouTube was more important than anything else.

  “Me too.” Ava spoke up, her eyes still shimmering with tears.

  “I can drive you.” I told them but Karen shook her head.

  “Leo’s car is here and we can’t just leave it. We’ll drive it.”

  I nodded, not prepared to argue with semi crazy women right now. They both got into it and left the carpark with a squeal of tyres and when they were out of sight, I moved towards Lisa. “Thank you for your help but I have to go. I’m sorry about…” I trailed off.

  “It’s fine. Maybe it just wasn’t meant to be.” She shot me a sad kind of smile before turning and heading back towards the club.

  I watched her for a moment or two before rapidly striding across to where my car was parked. I climbed in and it was my turn to squeal the tyres as I shot out of the carpark, heading for the hospital. Why I was going there when Lyla was neither a family member nor a friend I wasn’t sure, but I knew I had to be there even if it was just for Leo. There was not going to be any sexual release or relief for me tonight; that was clear. Strangely I didn’t care either. I was wound up tighter than a spring. A part of me wanted to beat the crap out of the man who had drugged and tried to rape Lyla and the other part of me was hell bent on making sure she was alright and wouldn’t have any lasting effects from that asshole who had tried to hurt her.

  Chapter Eight


  God my head hurt. In fact everything hurt. My body didn’t feel like it even belonged to me. Plus I’m sure someone had stuffed an entire roll of cotton wool in my mouth and left it there.

  I pried my eyes open and flinched when the fluorescent lights above me caused pain to explode in my head. Groaning, I shut them again and welcomed the darkness although I was still aware of the damn light behind my closed lids.

  “Lyla?” I heard the voice nearby and frowned. I knew that voice but it was hard to concentrate. What with the harsh light waiting to pierce my retinas and blind me, and the cotton wool taking away my ability to speak or swallow, I was reluctant to do or say anything but lie there as still as possible.

  “Leo?” I croaked back, clearing my throat so I could try that again.

  “Jesus sis, you’re awake.” Hands grabbed at mine and I went to open my eyes again. Not much, just the tiniest slit but even that hurt.

  Giving up on opening them I groaned. “Leo, King of stating the bloody obvious.” I croaked in a feeble attempt at a joke. “What happened? I feel like shit. I’m sure I have an entire construction crew in my head and someone’s clearly cut my tongue out and stuffed my mouth full of cotton wool or sand or something.”

  “So you don’t remember anything from last night?”

  I frowned, racking my brains for anything that would explain why I felt like total shit now. “I was at the club with Karen and Ava.” I snorted. “That friend of yours was there with some woman. Pretty obvious what he was going to do with her. He must have left with her and I’m betting spent the night showing her why they call him Sex God.” I mumbled.

  “Anything else?” Leo asked.

  I struggled to delve deeper into the dark recesses of my mind but apart from a hazy image of me dancing with someone, a faceless person since I couldn’t seem to bring him into focus no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t remember anything.

  “No, not really. I was dancing with someone. I can’t picture his face though.”

  I heard Leo’s sharp inhalation. “That was the bastard that put you in here.” He growled and hearing such violence and venom in my normally laid back brother’s voice was enough to finally get me to open my eyes; ignoring the choir of jackhammers that started up an agonising symphony inside my skull.

  “What do you mean?” I asked but before he could answer me the door flew open and Karen and Ava rushed in.

  “You’re awake!” Karen
cried and I winced. She either didn’t see my obvious discomfort or she didn’t care as she descended on me, wrapping her arms around me as well as she could, and kissing my cheek. Before I could even open my mouth to speak she pulled back glaring down at me. “How could you be so bloody stupid? I tried to warn you. That bastard was going to rape you. You know we have to be careful these days. Assholes like him preying on women and drugging them so they can get their fucking ends in.” She was on a roll, not pausing long enough to allow me to get a single word in.

  When she finally stopped to take a breath I quickly fired out. “I was drugged?”

  “Yeah, roofied hon by that lowlife.” Karen snapped.

  “I don’t know what would have happened if Shay hadn’t found you.” Ava whispered, tears welling in her eyes as she clasped one of my hands in hers.

  My heart flip flopped in my chest. “Shay? What?” I couldn’t seem to find any more words.

  Leo stepped forward. “Yeah Lyla, Shay found you. Well, technically the woman he’d been leaving the club with heard a noise and when they went to investigate they found you unconscious in that asshole’s car. He had his dick out sis. He was going to fucking rape you while you were unconscious.”

  “Yeah but Shay beat the shit out of him and knocked the bastard out.” Karen shouted the words; her eyes alight with satisfaction.

  “He’s being charged Lyla. He should do some time.”

  “He’d better fucking do some time or I’ll go all Lorena Bobbitt on that piece of shit and cut his dick off. He won’t be so quick to drug innocent women and try to rape them if he’s got no dick.” Karen growled, her hands balling into fists by her sides.

  Despite the seriousness of the situation, my friend’s passion for wanting to wield a knife on my attempted rapist, made me laugh. My laugh turned into a groan when pain exploded again in my head.

  “Let’s just wait and see what happens before you go charging off to do some slicing and dicing.” I held a hand out in an attempt to calm her down a bit.

  The door opened again and a doctor walked in. He seemed momentarily taken aback at the number of people in my room but he gathered himself quickly and began to order everyone out, explaining in a firm tone that he needed to check me over now I was awake.


  It had taken all my self-control to stay away from the hospital. I’d driven there but then been unable to park the car and go inside. I didn’t really belong there. Lyla should only have family and friends with her at this time and I was neither.

  I’d reluctantly gone home and spent the remainder of the night tossing and turning, the events of the evening torturing my mind. I was even more restless and tense than I’d been before the club. Seeing someone being taken advantage of while they were in no position to save themselves drove me into a frenzied rage.

  It was too close to home to me. Too close to stirring up memories I didn’t want in my head right now. Not now, not fucking ever.

  Lyla had been saved from being raped and I was thankful for that. I didn’t want to hear the words of gratitude that had fallen in an endless stream from Leo and Lyla’s friends though. I was no fucking hero despite them treating me like one. It had simply been a case of right place at the right time. My dick had saved the day. If I hadn’t been thinking with it and on my way to fuck Lisa senseless in my apartment then Lyla would have been raped.

  The asshole had friends who had been questioned and claimed to not know what their friend was up to, but I didn’t buy it. Dirt like them travelled in packs, more than likely preying on women they could set up and then drug to use for sex. Just because only one had been found with Lyla didn’t mean that if things had been different, the others wouldn’t have turned up and turned it into a gang rape.

  I sighed heavily, throwing my body onto my back, staring up to the ceiling from my bed and cursing the fact I couldn’t sleep. Nights were so fucking long when you were awake for most of them. I didn’t even have Lisa to fuck any more. I’d had to let her go to help Lyla and bring her brother and friends to her. It wasn’t the right time to worry about my dick and the relief it wasn’t going to get.

  I sighed again, my body rigid with tension and my cock so fucking hard, it was tenting the sheet up that covered me in a tangled mess from the waist down.

  Kicking my way out of the sheet I closed a fist around the rigid length, squeezing hard. Hissing with the flash of pain I did it again, trying to deflate the damn thing but it wasn’t happening. I couldn’t lose my erection and I sure as fuck couldn’t sleep. What a brilliant combination.

  Leaning over the edge of my bed I dug around in the top drawer of my bedside drawers and pulled out a bottle of lube. Pouring a small amount into my palm I returned my hand to my dick and worked the lube over my shaft.

  Tightening my grip I moved my fist up and down from root to tip, groaning at the sensation of my fingers snagging the Jacob’s ladder piercing that ran the length of my cock.

  The damn piercings had hurt like a motherfucker when I had them done but the benefits during sex for me and the woman far outweighed the pain I’d suffered.

  Slowly, building the momentum I slid up the length, flicking my thumb over the head and dipping into the tiny slit, then down again. Moving my other hand to my balls I began to tug them gently, rolling them between my fingers, all the time never stopping the up and down motion along my cock.

  I could feel the pressure building; feel the first tingles along my spine which signalled my orgasm was close. I didn’t want to come yet. I wanted to build this more, take my time. I made myself slow my movements and loosen my grip until I was simply skimming my palm over my erection.

  My dick throbbed, my body protesting at me denying it the release it craved. I ignored it though and continued the teasing brush of my hand which was enough to keep me aroused but not enough to make me come.

  I closed my eyes, calling up some inspiration and pictured Lisa again: the pussy that got away. I recalled her features, her body, everything about her, tightening my hand around my cock and snagging at the piercings just enough for it to hurt but in a good way. As I began to move faster, the friction driving me closer again to my release, the image in my head morphed into Lyla.

  The action of my hand on my erection faltered briefly when I saw her - so beautiful - silvery blonde hair sprawled out on my pillow - a sexy, sultry smile on her lips - lips that were swollen from my kisses. My eyes moved down her, over pert breasts and the tiniest waist, and flat stomach until I reached a narrow strip of hair that led my gaze to her pussy.

  Eyes fixed on the beauty of her perfect pink lips and swollen clit, I watched as a trail of moisture ran from her opening, my focus following its progress as it ran down to that other hole, that puckered hole.

  A tortured groan was ripped from my throat as my orgasm hit and I opened my eyes to watch as cum shot from the head of my cock and landed in liquid strands over my stomach and chest. Over and over I emptied onto myself, each expulsion of cum both an agony and an ecstasy.

  When finally I was done I lay there in the darkness of my room, panting, my heart hammering in my chest. An uneasiness took root inside me when it registered that the most powerful orgasm I’d ever had at my own hand had been while fantasising about my friend’s sister.

  I was a sick fuck to think about her that way. She’d been drugged and nearly raped. She was certainly off limits, unattainable and untouchable to me. So why the fuck did it have to be her that came to mind when I’d been tossing off?

  “Because you want her.” I whispered, afraid almost to admit it out aloud. Cursing I climbed off the bed and stalked into my bathroom before any of my release could drip onto the carpet. With an agitated flick of my hand I turned on the taps to my shower, not waiting for the water to warm up before stepping under the spray.


  It had been a week since I’d been released from the hospital. I’d only had to be in overnight for observation fortunately and it had been a relief to get out of the
re and the constant reminder of what had nearly happened to me. It could have been so different if Shay hadn’t turned up. He’d saved me. He’d saved me from being raped and he may have even saved my life.

  I needed to see him; to thank him but Leo was fussing over me like some damn mother hen and I’d barely been allowed out of my bedroom let alone our apartment.

  I couldn’t even go to work and had to get Sharon to open the shop each day for me. I owned a craft shop and although I’d only started it three years ago it had become successful remarkably quickly. So much so, I’d employed Sharon nearly a year ago to help out at Bits and Bobs.

  “Leo, I can’t sit here every day doing nothing. I’m going crazy.” I whined for what felt like the thousandth time.

  “You need to rest. You were drugged, remember? That bastard gave you a large dose the doctor said. You seem to have overlooked the seriousness of this. You could have died.”

  I leapt up, nearly stamping my foot like a child. “I’ve been resting for a whole week. I know I got lucky, believe me, I know. I also know that I do feel like a damn fool for putting myself in a position of vulnerability. He should never have been able to spike my drink in the first place.”

  Leo’s expression softened. “It’s not your fault you got drugged. It happens all the time apparently. Even if Karen and Ava were watching your drink you probably all would have missed him slipping the drug in. It’s done so quickly. In the time you could turn your head away and then back, he’s done it. That lot probably do this shit to women all the time. The asshole that tried to rape you sure has. Turns out he’s got a record already for attempted rape. The police have all our statements although Shay’s and Lisa’s were the most damning of course. He’s got himself a lawyer and I’m sure they’ll try and find a way to weasel him out of this but my bet is he’ll do some jail time, this time.”


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