Thirsty (Satan's Fools MC Book 2)

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Thirsty (Satan's Fools MC Book 2) Page 2

by Needa Warrant

  She looked at Trick with a wicked gleam in her eyes as she went for her bag.

  True was too fast for her and grabbed for it before she could reach the bag. “No shooting Trick. You’re coming home with us and you won’t be coming back here. Whistler already had words with the owner and the manager, you’re not welcome back here. Let’s go. Trick will ride with you. Whistler and I need to talk.” He put her gun into his boot and tossed her bag to her.

  “No. I am not leaving and you can’t force me to go anywhere with you. And Trick is the last person I want to be in a car with. Hell no.” She sat on the bed and frowned.

  Trick finally spoke, “Lana give me the keys, stop the shit, I want to talk to you anyway.”

  “I don’t have anything to say to you and no, I am not leaving. I am old enough to do whatever I want without nosy motherfuckers in my life. The three of you can fuck off.” She replied hotly.

  Trick just smiled at her and caught the cowboy hat True tossed him. He walked over to the bed and put it on Lana’s head. “Let’s go, baby. You aren’t going to win and you know that.”

  Lana frowned as she looked at the three men. She wondered if they had backup with them. Maybe the new friends she had made would come to her rescue on the way out.

  Whistler shook his head at her. “True has some brothers letting all the cowboys know you’re Satan’s Fools’ property. Give it up, Lana. We’ve got to go.” He gave her a sad look as he saw the shimmer of tears in her eyes.

  True stood up. “Long ride home, Lana. You still got your shit packed? Trick, get her bag and I’ll get my sister into the car. Alana-Lee, get your ASS off the bed NOW. You’re Trick’s ol’ lady now by the way.” He didn’t yell but it was his take no shit voice that got Lana standing up.

  She opened her bag and handed the car keys to Trick and shook off True’s words, she would never be Trick’s ol’ lady. She wasn’t going to lose all her dignity. At least True wasn’t grabbing her and tossing her over his shoulder…yet. She didn’t intend for that to happen either. She opened the door and walked out into the noisy parking lot. This was far from over. True and Whistler didn’t know it yet but she had silently declared war on them and Trick. If she could, she’d kill Trick before he ever touched her again.

  The three men looked at each other and True motioned for Trick to leave. Trick unlocked the car and Lana got in. Whistler stood in the doorway and watched his sister sitting stiffly in the passenger seat. Trick started the Mustang up and backed out. A small group of bikers trailed them out of the parking lot and on to the main road.

  Whistler glared at True. “This is bullshit; she wasn’t doing anything wrong, True. Why the hell did you say she is Trick’s ol lady?” His foot tapped as he waited for True’s answer.

  True frowned, he knew Whistler usually stood up for Lana but to doubt his intentions toward Lana pissed him off. The year he’d been gone Whistler had let their sister get more out of control. He damn sure wasn’t pleased about that and was about to let him know it.

  “You let her get worse while I was away. Trick wants her now and I said yes. Cost me a bike in the deal too. Lana has to be watched brother, and you did a piss poor job of it this past year and let’s think back to when she tried to kill herself. Who was supposed to be watching her that night? You, again. So, don’t be questioning me about Alana-Lee. I know what is best for our sister, and that is Trick.” He curled his fist thinking back to the day Lana had taken too many pills and had to have her stomach pumped out. Whistler should have kept watch on her knowing True was busy elsewhere. She was lucky to have lived.

  Whistler hung his head for a few seconds. “Who had the drawer of downers, True? You did, and she took pills you were selling for Coffin. You had to pay for them, didn’t you? I always wondered if you didn’t resent Lana for that night. Coffin was plenty pissed at you.” He stared at True, thinking back to that night. Finally, he rubbed his chin and shook off the stare True was giving him. “Long ride home brother, isn’t that what you said to Lana? Let’s go.” He turned his back on his brother and walked out the door and headed toward his truck.

  True took a last look around the room to see if Lana had left anything behind. Satisfied she hadn’t, he left the key on the dresser and placed a five-dollar bill next to it. As he headed for Whistler’s truck he wondered why the hell he had to babysit his crazy family.

  Chapter Three

  Trick looked over at Lana and gave her a grin. “I like this Mustang, Lana. I’ll enjoy driving it around. You can use my old car to drive to work.” He enjoyed taunting her and always had. Now that True had told him Lana was pretty much fixed, he was going to claim her. He would move into her house and she would learn to treat him with respect. She didn’t answer him and he wondered what she was thinking of. “You gonna talk to me, Lana? You heard True say you’re mine now, didn’t you?”

  Lana sat there and wondered if True had finally lost his mind. There was not a chance in hell she was going to let this bastard move into her house and drive her car. She had finally remembered what Trick had done to her that night and the thought of him touching her was disgusting. Knowing that she had once cared about this man made her want to vomit. Nor was she going to answer him just yet.

  She wondered if Morgana knew what was going on. She didn’t think she would allow this to happen to her. Not after what she had finally told her in the past week. She reached into her bag and pressed the contact for Morgana. Let her sister hear what Trick was saying to her, it was going to shake up Morgana and when Morgana got upset, it set off Raven. She wished she had been nicer to Raven all of a sudden. She prayed that Morgana picked up and opened her bag a bit more. She was going to bring hell down on Trick’s head, she counted to three silently. Boom. She began to speak.


  Morgana listened to her sister and gasped in shock. Raven looked up at her wondering what the hell was going on. Morgana put her finger to her lips as she put her phone on speaker. They both listened to Trick and Lana yelling at each other.

  “Trick you can’t take someone that doesn’t want you. There are laws against that in this country. KIDNAPPING. There, I spelled it out for you. I don’t care what True says, I am not your ol’ lady. I never will be either!”

  “True said you’re fixed, so yeah you’re gonna be my ol’ lady. I ain’t kissing your ass either, I’ll use a belt on it. You’ll learn to do whatever I say. And I’ll enjoy training you to behave. I’ll enjoy your body and your money. Coffin always said women like you should be beaten. It takes a real man to teach a woman her place. And I’m that man. You’ll be learning that tonight after we see True. If you don’t want that lily-white ass black and blue, you’ll be on your knees sucking my cock.”

  “More like I’ll be biting it off! Don’t forget I’m the crazier sister of the crazy sister that put Raven in a cell. Do you really think a North will ever let a low life scumbag like you take over their life? You barely work and I don’t support men. Plus, I hate to break it to you but sex with you, it sucks. I faked it or I was so drunk I pretended you were Rigger. Or any of the real men I once loved with a big dick! Not that puny pecker you call a cock.” Lana spit out the words maliciously.

  The sound of a slap filled the air. Lana cried out. “I think you broke my nose, asshole. I need tissues.” She fumbled in her bag for some.

  “You made me hit you. Keep pushing me and you’ll get more than a broken nose. Shit! Bitch, use your shirt to stop the bleeding.” Trick was pissed off.

  The cell went dead as Morgana looked at Raven.

  “Raven? Is there something you need to tell me?” Morgana hated to pry into the MC business but this was Lana. Something was very, very wrong.

  “No, I don’t know shit about this and don’t you think I would have told you, if I did? I may not get along with Lana but I wasn’t told about this.” Raven was pissed off. He grabbed his cell and hit the contact for True. He put the cell on speaker so Morgana would believe him.

  When True answ
ered he began to speak, “Where you at Prez?”

  “Had to go north for something, what’s up?” True sounded as he always did.

  Raven paused and thought for a moment. “Just called to tell you, I’m hunting tonight. Trick just became my target. You wanna put this on speaker so both of you crazy North brothers hear me? Whistler, you hearing me?”

  “I hear you, Raven. What’s up? True don’t look too happy.” Whistler’s voice came through the cell loud and clear.

  Raven spoke again. “I’m hunting tonight and figured maybe you’d want to join me. Some fucker just busted a nose and I’m gonna hurt or maybe kill him. Got an idea of who I’m hunting, bro? Cause I ain’t too happy being left out in the cold about family business.”

  Whistler was confused. “I don’t know what’s going on, but yeah if you want me, I’ll get there as fast as I can.”

  Raven growled, “Trick just broke Lana’s nose in a car. You know how that came to be? And Morgana is listening in. True, you hearing me?”

  True swore before he answered. “How do you know that?”

  “I know because Lana called my cell and we heard Trick slap her. What the hell is going on? Lana said her nose was broken and Trick was saying she was bleeding and he was going to beat her with a belt. He said he was going to go Coffin on her, True.” Morgana screamed.

  “Morgana, I’ll fix this, Raven there’s no need to do anything.” True tried to be calm.

  Whistler spoke up. “True told Trick he could have Lana as his ol’ lady. We’re about twenty-five minutes away, they’re in Lana’s car and had a head start.”

  Morgana was horrified “True, how could you do such a thing? You know even the mention of Coffin’s name sends Lana over the edge and we worked so hard to get her this far.”

  Defensively True replied, “Our sister was shacking up with cowboys. You think that asshole therapist she went to did anything for her, Morgana?”

  “Yes! I think he did. I do know this, Lana told me what happened the night she took the pills. Coffin raped our cousin Sukie and the prospect that got Lana was Trick. Our uncle forced LANA to watch Sukie get beaten and raped by him and the prospect. That’s the night she took the pills and Sukie escaped in the confusion. Coffin let Trick have Sukie in front of Lana. We were going to tell you and Whistler Sunday night. Good job True, you bastard. I’m getting a babysitter and I’m going to get Lana back.” She looked at Raven and got up to make a call.

  Raven listened to the two brothers arguing before finally yelling. “Nice of you to tell me what you two had planned. Now you got Morgana upset. Where were they going True?”

  True wasn’t sure of anything at the moment. “I guess the clubhouse. If she’s hurt I don’t know. I never knew about Trick either. I got Mousey, Wrecker, and their prospects behind them. Call Gonna and have him track the Mustang. I’ll see if I can get a hold of one of them. Do not let Morgana out of that house, Raven.”

  “True, go fuck yourself. I’m never going to forgive you if Trick hurt Lana more. It took this long for her to remember who the prospect was. So what if she liked a cowboy! Better one of them than a rapist!” Morgana’s voice was steady and angry. “Sukie was never heard from again and Lana and I were going to try to find her. Or maybe you know something we don’t? Did Sukie get away?”

  True sounded tired, “Sukie got away. I know she did. And she doesn’t want to come back or hear from any of us. I tracked her down, Morgana. She has a new life and doesn’t want memories of us to remind her of Coffin.”

  Morgana snarled back, “I don’t trust you or believe you. I hate you, True!” She hung up the phone as the doorbell chimed.

  Raven looked at her, “You got a babysitter that fast? Who is it?”

  “I called Nicola, Mousey’s daughter. She moved back home and she has her son with her, so no talking. We have an emergency with Lana. That’s all she needs to know for now.” She ran to let her babysitter in.

  Once she showed Nicola where everything was and got her settled they headed out the door.

  In the truck Morgana looked at her ol’ man grimly. “You know if he’s hurt her, I’ll kill him Raven.” She looked at the gun in her lap and stroked it.

  Raven didn’t doubt Morgana, she always meant what she said. He popped in a CD and Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap blasted into Morgana’s ear. She watched as her ol’ man tapped the stirring wheel in time to the music and screamed out the words. Raven’s eyes glittered and as soon as the song was over she turned the volume down.

  “What the hell, Morgana? You want to go hunting with me, you listen to my music, or I take you back home. I have a routine and you’re fucking it up.” He looked at her seriously as he turned his music back up.

  Morgana leaned her head back and turned to watch him as he sang. She didn’t know this side of Raven. She knew what he did of course but what amped him up, no, she had no idea certain songs made him want to hurt people. Whatever got him going… it worked for her tonight. She loved listening to him sing and any song he sang was always perfect to her ears but this screaming was something else. She thought of Lana and prayed Trick hadn’t tried to hurt her more. The truck pulled into the parking lot of the clubhouse and she spotted Lana’s Mustang.

  Chapter Four

  As they got out of the truck and walked toward the door, Raven looked grim, “Babe, please let me do my thing. You tend to Lana. I got this.” He pulled her close to him and kissed her lips hard.

  “We’ll see; I can’t promise you anything. I know my sister and cousin were hurt by Trick. I know you don’t think of it as rape but that is what it was, Raven. Sukie didn’t deserve it and nobody helped her for years. I wonder now if Lana didn’t take those pills to create a way for Sukie to get away. Fucking Coffin, I wish he was alive so I could kill him.”

  “Mor, don’t show emotion. Your anger gives you away. We are stopping in for a drink. Got me? Trick doesn’t know we know what happened, right? Let’s see this play out. Trick is gonna lie and if he does I have more leverage. Understand me?” Raven looked into her eyes and watched her face settle into the usual Morgana. “Good babe, really good. Now we go in and we see what’s going on.” He pulled open the door and the air conditioning blasted them.

  There wasn’t the usual music playing, which was odd. A group of bikers were gathered in the back where the tables were. They heard Lana crying and Raven pulled Morgana toward the group.

  Bikers moved as they saw Raven and a few shot him disgusted looks. Lana was sitting on a table in her pink bra with her shirt held to her nose, ice must have been in the shirt because water mixed with blood was dripping from it and running down her body.

  Trick was looking around nervously and when he saw Raven his eyes widened. He moved toward Lana but Mousey put his boot out and tripped him and he fell face down on the floor.

  Raven pushed Morgana toward Lana, “Get her and move over to the bar now. It’s handled, babe. Watch and see.”

  Lana had jumped off the table and Morgana grabbed her hand and as they made it the bar they could hear Trick yelling curses.

  “You hit my sister- in- law, Trick?” Raven bellowed.

  He didn’t wait for Trick to answer. His boot kicked him in the ribs. “What the fuck did you do to Sukie all those years ago? Raped her, huh? You and Coffin raped her in front of Lana, didn’t you?” His boot connected with Trick’s body again.

  More biker’s yells filled the air as they made their way over to Trick, boots stomping him. Trick’s screams filled the air as he felt enormous pain raining down on his body.

  Lana held Morgana’s hand tightly as they watched. Finally, Morgana turned to her sister. “I need to see your nose, Lana. Come on, move your shirt away, please.”

  She gently pried it away from Lana’s face. “I don’t think it is broken, but I can’t tell. You’ve got a hell of nosebleed though. Did he do anything else to you?”

  Lana grabbed the shirt back to stem the blood flow, “No he didn’t, thanks for coming so fast.”

  “That was smart thinking to alert us, I’m proud of you. When Raven is ready to go, you’re coming home with us. True is on my shit list for thinking he could run your life.” Morgana’s voice was comforting.

  Lana nodded as she watched Trick being pulled up by two bikers and held for Raven to punch his nose in. She watched Raven smile as his fist hit Trick’s nose. Blood gushed out and Raven stepped back. She heard the door open as Whistler came through it with True behind him. Whistler took a look at Lana and he began to whistle as he passed her and headed to Trick. True walked up to his two sisters.

  “Lana, I didn’t know. I thought I was gonna make you happy. Once you really wanted to be with Trick. I had no idea. I’m so sorry, Lana.” He touched her hair and she burst into tears.

  “Get away from us, you bastard. She was happy and look at her face!” Morgana pulled the bloody shirt out of Lana’s hands.

  True looked at Alana-Lee and winced. It wasn’t as bad as it could have been but it was bad enough. He watched her grab the shirt back and press it to her face.

  “Get her a support tee shirt, Morgana and a clean towel with more ice. Move your ass and save your bullshit for later. I know I deserve it.” True looked at Morgana and she knew to do as he asked or there would be yelling which would only upset Lana.

  Once Morgana had gone to do his bidding True picked up his sister and held her on his lap. “Aw, Lana, I’m sorry. I’d never let anyone hurt you. I never want my sisters hurt, you know that.” He whispered in her ear. His lips touched her hair.

  “I know True and I know I’ve been a problem for years to you and Whistler.” Lana replied softly.

  “You’re not a problem, I should have asked you if you wanted him. Here, I thought I was giving you what you wanted. I’d kill for you. So would Whistler and Raven too.” He held her gently as Whistler and Raven walked toward them.


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