Thirsty (Satan's Fools MC Book 2)

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Thirsty (Satan's Fools MC Book 2) Page 16

by Needa Warrant

  “I’ll try, but I am who I am, and you’ve always known that. For you, I’ll make an effort and remind me nicely if I forget. I hate when you’re a shrew, Mari. Those last weeks with you were awful. You’re no angel, ya know. We’ve got things to work out together. It ain’t always gonna be perfect but we’ll make things work out and we’ll have a good life.” He was sincere and Marianne knew this was the best deal she’d get.

  She looked at him and nodded. “One other thing, no more drinking moonshine. I don’t like that cell and I’m not going to have Michael see his daddy drunk as a skunk. While we’re being honest, I don’t like living with that cell. I want to live out by Raven and True. You’ve got land out there and I want a log cabin house. I don’t expect it right away but I’m serious about moving, Whistler.

  Whistler rolled his eyes at her. “You teamed up with True and Raven on this? They’ve been after me to move out there too. Fucking True wants me to go in with him on his organic cattle company. I’m no farmer even though I can do all that shit. I like working on motorcycles and making easy money. I gave up the moonshine too.” He stopped talking when he saw Marianne’s eyes narrowing at him.

  “You don’t expect me to wait when you go to jail do you? No more easy money. You can still work on bikes and cars. And you would have room to build a workshop out there. Hell, I’m not asking you to give up half the shady shit you do. But no going to jail. No more runs to get moonshine, let someone else do them. True seems to have a solid business plan and your family has always farmed. So, it’s in your blood, use what you know and we’ll have a decent life. A few kids, a log cabin and be close to family. It sounds perfect to me.”

  Whistler slung his arm over her shoulder. “You wanna go into town and get a license? We may as well just do it quietly and have a party later. What’s up with my sisters? They’re not calling or texting me.”

  Marianne filled him in on what she knew and told him about the party later tonight.

  Whistler thought about the party and how many people would be already coming for that. “Why don’t we get the pastor the club uses and have our wedding at the party? Next week we can make it legal. It would save everyone coming out again. You can buy whatever you wanna wear and I’ll get the wedding bands. It makes sense to me.”

  Marianne liked that idea and Whistler taking her to the mall and letting her spend money was too good to pass up.

  “We have to make calls to True and Morgana. We’d need a cake too and I think I could get Matilda to make one. I’m related to the twins somehow and she makes the better cakes. You make your calls and I’ll drive over to ask her. You took my contacts away, remember?”

  She ran inside and grabbed her pocketbook and keys and headed toward the jeep.


  Marianne found the perfect pair of black jeans with lace inserted hearts on the cheeks of the butt. Whistler would love that. She found a black leather halter, it was perfect. White wouldn’t suit her and she knew if this was going to be her biker wedding she wanted to look the part of the hottest ol’ lady present.

  Whistler was making calls and trying to keep their son happy as she shopped. She watched him sitting by the water fountain in the mall. He was such a hot looking man and he didn’t even glance at any of the women staring at him. Once every few minutes he’d check on Michael, but he was only interested in making his calls to his bros about the sudden wedding. He’d told her he’d handle everything and she knew he would. She stopped to get some new eye shadow and lipstick and she was done shopping. Tonight, was going to be wonderful, she felt it in her bones and she was truly happy.

  Whistler saw her walking toward him, those fuck me now black heels making his cock harden. He needed to find a dozen pairs of those high heels somewhere. Marianne was smiling and her smile lit up her face. He was even liking her new hair color. He knew he was bossy and he’d try to tone it down but he knew Marianne also loved that part of him.

  He’d gotten the pastor to agree to marry them for tonight and they’d go to the courthouse next week. He had gotten the wedding bands. His would only be worn when they went somewhere special. He’d get a tattooed one also. Marianne would love the band of diamonds he had found. True had agreed to be his best man and Raven would walk Marianne down between the row of bikes if she wanted.

  Lana would be standing up with her and Nicola would have the two boys. He watched her as she got closer and his heart pounded thinking she would be his wife. Marianne North sounded like a fine name to him. True had been ecstatic he was joining his cattle company and moving out on the farm. Maybe it wouldn’t such a bad thing. He could handle the business end and True could play cowboy. He’d looked at log cabins on his cell phone and he’d seen a few that they could be happy living in.

  “Whistler, are you ready to go?”

  “Yeah, we’re going to drop off Michael at True’s, I got him new jeans and a shirt. Nicola said to bring him over there so you could get ready. Lana said she’d be over to help you get ready and I’m not liking that I can’t see you until you get to the party.” He sounded gruff.

  Marianne tried not to laugh but a giggle escaped as she looked at him frowning at her.

  “You’re not supposed to see me, let me have that much baby.” She wanted to shock him as she made her way to him and the pastor.

  He didn’t seem too pleased but he gave in. “Raven said he’d walk you down between the bikes too, if you wanted him.”

  Marianne didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings but this walk was one she needed to make herself.

  “I don’t want to hurt his feeling, but this is something I’m doing myself. I am the only one that can truly give myself to you. Can you tell him thank you, but no thanks, for me?”

  “Yeah, let’s get out of here and do you think after we drop Michael off we could fool around?” He sounded hopeful and looked at her and licked the corner of his mouth.

  “Are you crazy? It isn’t every day I get married, we’re going to follow some traditions here. You’re going to your house and I’m going to mine after we drop Michael off. I need to make myself look beautiful for you.” She pouted at him.

  He blew out his breath, “I figured that, not much liking it but it’s just this once, right? You’re not pulling this shit next week on me, are you?”

  “No, of course not. I need to run and get the cake and do a few things. The time will fly by and you’ll see me walking toward you and I hope you think I’m beautiful.” She took his hand and held it tight as they walked out of the mall.

  Whistler wasn’t sure what he’d be doing in his spare time but he knew one thing, he wasn’t drinking. He’d still had a bit of a hangover.

  “Mari, let someone else get the cake. I’m sure Morgana can get it. I still don’t know what happened with the Filthy Fiends and I’d rather know your safe inside.” He tightened his grip on her hand. “It’s not safe and I’m asking Raven to be with you, just in case. I don’t wanna hear about how you don’t like that idea, but Raven is bringing you up to that pasture. Get over it and deal with it.” He tried to soften his words by bending down and kissing her hair. “Do me one favor. Please wear those black heels you’re wearing now. They make you look hot and turn me on.”

  Marianne wasn’t happy about his demands but it made sense to her and she was terrified of the Filthy Fiends. That body in the pasture freaked her out and she wasn’t sure if that woman had been a warning to them or not.

  “I’m good with Raven taking me, I don’t want you to worry about me. Whistler.” She watched as he put Michael in his car seat. Whistler loved his family and he was doing what he knew was best to protect them. Raven was a killer and he’d protect her from those bastards. “I love you, Whistler so much and I’ll wear these heels if you want me to.”

  They got into the truck and he pulled her toward him for a kiss. Their lips touched and he kissed her gently.

  “I’ve loved you for a long-time Mari. This is forever, ya know? I don’t want bullshit fights wre
cking our marriage. I’ll never cheat on you and I know you’ll always be faithful to me. It’s what is meant to be, you and me, babe.”

  Marianne smiled and whispered, “I know.”

  Chapter Twenty-five

  True looked around and smiled as he saw his chapter had their motorcycles lined up facing each other. His boys would rev their engines as Marianne walked down the path and to the area where they had an archway of flowers. All the ol’ ladies had been to every store in town getting fake flowers to cover it along with ivy. It looked perfect and he planned to store it for the next wedding. Morgana was doing some last-minute touches to it and at six p.m. sharp Raven would bring Marianne to the pasture.

  His guys had tossed away what they had to do today, some taking off from work to make this wedding and party for Caesar a big deal. Even Caesar’s chapter had been glad to help. He had a pasture full of tents and bikes already and more were sure to show up later. Tiki torches were waiting to be lit and a generator was ready to provide electricity for the band. The same band always played their parties and were a big hit. The smell of the roasting pigs filled the air as he took a deep breath. God, he loved that smell.

  Caesar and Raven were watching Marianne and Lana, along with Attitude and Rush. He liked the fact that his little sister was with a man that cared enough to watch her and not be partying as most bikers would have been if they’d just done over five years in jail. A feeling of contentment came over him as he watched his ol’ lady, Nicola arrange the food. Life was good for him and he knew it. He thought about marrying Nicola and liked the idea. She was very easy- going and a bit of a freak in bed. Getting married had always been the plan, but he’d never found anyone he wanted to be with as much as Nicola. He would be asking her soon, he figured. The one thing that bothered him was her son. He loved that little boy like his own and hoped she’d tell him about his father. He wanted to adopt Alex. He felt the sling of a slap on his shoulder and turned.

  Ram stood there grinning, “This is what it’s all about, True. The days like this are worth all the bullshit we go through, aren’t they?”

  “Yeah, I’ve got the local cops watching the roads in and out of the town to look out for any of the Filthy Fiends. I know you’ve got your intel on them too but I figured better to be safe than sorry. You’re okay with Lana and Caesar now?”

  “Whatever Caesar decided was always okay with me. We grew up together and I’m glad to see him happy. His family will be very happy with him getting married. Listen to that sound, I never get enough of it.”

  The two men listened to the roar of bikes coming on the farm and slapped each other on the back. A beer truck was pulling in and True left to tell them where to park it.


  Marianne winced as Lana sprayed more hair spray into her hair. She had let her do the smoky eye shadow Lana was so fond of. She waved her hand at the smell of the fumes.

  “Enough Lana, you don’t use this much on your own hair for God’s sake. It’s almost time to go and I need to get dressed.” Marianne wanted a bit of time to herself.

  “Marianne, you’re riding without a helmet on, your hair has to stay in place. I had True make sure Raven won’t be pulled over too. I’ll let you get dressed and go and tell Caesar and Raven. We’re almost ready to go.” She smiled at her friend of so many years and walked out of the room.

  Caesar’s eyes followed Lana as she came into the living room. Soon they’d be having a wedding of their own and a baby too. She moved toward him and he could see the love she had for him sparkling in her eyes.

  Raven yawned and thought back to his wedding to Morgana. It had been much like this one, out in the pasture. He hoped Whistler and Marianne would be as happy as he was with his wife. He looked at the clock and wondered if Marianne was going to make them late.

  “She’s almost ready. I think as soon as she comes out we can leave. Raven, are you sure Morgana got my cakes?”

  “Lana, Morgana has been on the move all-day long. I promise you she got everything you and Marianne asked her to get.”

  He got up and looked outside. Gonna, Blue, Snail, and Rover were standing around drinking beer and waiting on them in the heat.

  As he turned to come back into the living room, the bedroom door opened and Marianne stood there a moment before walking into the living room.

  Raven whistled at her and made her smile. He had known her a long time and was happy she was getting her happy ever after, finally. She deserved it and so did his brother, Whistler.

  Marianne twirled around for them to see her lace hearts on her ass and all of them laughed.

  She spoke strongly, “Let’s get going, I’m ready to do this. Raven, thank you for being a friend I could always count on. Lana, you’re finally going to be my true sister, and Caesar, thank you for helping with so much today.”

  They locked up the house and headed to the motorcycles waiting for them. Marianne blushed at the hoots and whistles coming her way. She waited for Raven to get his bike started before climbing on behind him. They waited for the other bikes to surround them as they left for True’s farm.

  Whistler was talking to the Pastor as he heard the bikes coming up the path to the pasture. Morgana rushed to his side and made him turn his back so he wouldn’t see Marianne until she was ready. The band started to play Joe Cocker’s song, You Are So Beautiful. He turned slowly as Raven slipped beside him. The sound of engines revving began and drowned out the music.

  Marianne came strutting between the row of bikes, her head held high as she looked straight at Whistler. Her eyes never left his as she stood in front of him. Whistler extended his hand to her and she grasped it, coming to stand next to him, turning her back to the crowd. The engines still revved as they said their vows. Cheers erupted as they kissed and Whistler picked Marianne up and carried her away to a quiet spot.

  “I love you Mari, and I promise to spend the rest of my life to providing for you, our family and loving you the hardest I can.”

  “Whistler, I promise to be the best wife, ol’ lady, and mother, I can be. I will love you more each day and even more the next day.”

  “I couldn’t hear a word the Pastor was saying over the engines. I thought the bikes would shut down. I’m sorry if the wedding was ruined for you.” Whistler was worried Marianne might be angry.

  “It was beautiful, although I barely could hear what the Pastor said. I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Do you like my wedding attire?” She turned so he could see her lace hearts.

  “Holy shit, I love them. You’re so beautiful and now you’re mine. Forever and ever.” He bent to kiss her lips right before she whispered back….

  “Yes, forever and ever in this lifetime and in our next.” Marianne whispered as his lips claimed hers.

  The band was playing Lifehouse’s song, You and Me. It was one of their favorite songs.


  Lana knew the women in Caesar’s chapter were talking about her. She heard the whispers, felt the unease and she was ready to bolt. One woman kept giving her hard stares and Lana was close to going up to her and asking her what her problem was.

  Caesar saw Diane giving Lana dirty looks. He knew the bitch would cause trouble. She’d never been his, just a club wannabe ol’ lady. His wasn’t the only dick she sucked or fucked. He didn’t know who had brought the bitch or if she had driven up with the other club whores. This wasn’t good, he was sure Diane was going to offer her services to him thinking she could get into his life. Diane reached Lana and leaned into her to talk. He motioned to Attitude and Rush to follow him as he started to head to the two women.

  “You know Caesar and I have a thing between us, I’ve heard he’s infatuated with you but it won’t last. Everyone knows you’re crazy. So is Marianne and we’re all taking bets to see how long that lasts.” Diane hissed at Lana. “You’ll never last with Caesar, I’m the type of woman his family expects him with. You’re not even Italian.”

  Lana felt her heart sink. She wasn’t
sure what to think, never had Caesar said anything about having a commitment to anyone and this bitch was all in her face. She felt rage build up in her when she heard her trash talking her brother and Marianne. Lana didn’t say a word but she made a fist and pulled her arm back and punched Diane right in the nose as hard as her brothers had taught her.

  Caesar grabbed Diane while Rush grabbed Lana pulling her aside and away.

  “Lana, I’ll be right back, I need to get this bitch outta here.” Caesar looked at Lana’s face and saw she was upset and hurt. “Rush, stay with her while Attitude and I talk some sense into Diane.”

  Diane clung to Caesar and looked at him adoringly. “I knew you weren’t falling for this crazy bitch, I waited for you to get out and I came here only for you, Caesar.”

  Lana pulled away from Rush and tried to punch the bitch again. Rush grabbed her.

  “You want him, take him, I’m done. I told you it wouldn’t work Caesar and I was right. I’m going home. Rush, let go of me.” Lana tried to break away from his hold but he had a firm grip on her.

  Diane smiled and spit just missing Lana’s face. “He doesn’t want you. Everyone knows you’re one of the crazy North sisters, the only reason you and your sister are even around the club is because of your brothers.”

  Caesar felt a rage build up inside of him as he saw Lana’s expression. She was going to give up on them. He was going to lose her over some scumbag whore’s bullshit words. He wasn’t going to lose Lana over Diane thinking she was going to have any kind of a relationship with him.

  “I’ll be back in a few minutes. Rush you stay right with Lana, let’s go Diane.” He pushed her ahead of him and Attitude followed them both as they headed toward the bikes. Lana was shocked when she heard two bikes start up and tried to pull away from Rush.


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