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S.P.A.R. Page 4

by Debi Wilder

  Stu turned the knob, pulled open the door and disappeared halfway into the closet. His firm ass called out for her to touch it. To explore its firmness. Yanking out the trunk, his butt muscles flexed sending a hardness to her channel. She really needed to escape the room. She needed to feel her heat, to satisfy the newly found need for pleasure.

  Stu dragged a worn wooden box in front of her. A lock dangled from the latch like a beacon in the night. Shaking her head, she could have sworn it winked at her.

  "Ill need the key, Re.” Stu knelt in front of the lid, smiling wickedly up at her.

  She blinked. “Key, what key?"

  "The one thats in your pocket. And dont tell me its not there because I know it is."

  She sat back, pulling the piece of metal from her pocket. “This key? What do you need this for?"

  He rolled his eyes toward the lock then back at the key in her hand.

  "No, dont tell me this unlocks that. It cant be.” The metal warmed in her hand. She opened her fingers, offering what lay in her palm to Stu. She didnt know why in her heart a voice encouraged her to make the offering. Or maybe it was too many glasses of wine.

  Stu took the key from Res hand, placed it in the hole, turned it and the curved bar popped open. It did fit it! He definitely acted like he knew it would, but how? Had he really placed the key in the tray that day? Of course, who else would have? It all started to make sense to her now. She should have known he didnt work as a spy.

  Stu had known all along about the key, the trunk and probably the tape of her so-called birth. He most likely knew what the trunk held as well. This whole night began to feel like a trap about to snap down around her like a cell door. Would she survive long enough to escape? Or would her curiosity win out and keep her a prisoner?

  Re leaned forward to get a better look. “So Mr. Contraband, what little treasures are hidden away inside?” she asked in the best sarcastic smartass tone she could muster up. No reason to offer him the knowledge she was just a little bit curious, if nothing else.

  "More videos and books. Come see for yourself if youre so damn interested.” Stu continued to shuffle through the objects, picking up random items for a closer examination.

  I cant believe his nonchalant manner and the fact that he didnt care to share any of the contents with me. After all, if it wasnt for the key, my key, that trunk would still be locked away in his closet. Probably where it should have stayed in the first place.

  She couldnt take another minute of not knowing, not seeing its contents. Through all her disbelief in his constant suggestions of what life once was, lay a curiosity stronger than her resistance to see the items for herself.

  "Come on, Stu. Whats in there?” She peered over his shoulder hoping to catch a glimpse of anything.

  "Sure you want to know?"

  Stu turned, his head landing in the middle of her cloth-covered breasts. She gasped inwardly. The connection electrified her and sent waves through her core. Hot, wet, sticky waves, needing to feel more than his head against her blouse. Her nipples peaked and hardened when he blew through the material before going back to the business of the trunk. She gasped at the sensation.

  Oh my, howd he know to do that? It felt like a wave of hot ... take a deep breathe, Re. Get a hold of yourself right now.

  "What do you think?” Lets just get this over with so I can go back to what I have left of a normal life. “Pick something, anything. Well finish off the other bottle of wine and see what youve chosen as entertainment.” Maybe hell bump into me and I can feel that wonderful sensation again.

  Stu grabbed the first thing his fingers touched. Re gasped at the picture on the video box being pulled from the murkiness, sending her thoughts into the oven.

  The close-up of the buxom blonde, mouth about ready to wrap around a rather large penis protruding from a mass of pubic hair, sent Res body reeling. The womans wet tongue snaked under the cock, allowing a tiny droplet to rest on top. The womans piercing blue eyes called out to Re, daring her to find out what it was all about.

  Chapter 6

  "Interesting, isnt it?” Stus words drew Res attention from the video box lying on the floor. “Youve been studying the picture for the past five minutes, Re. Something you want to take a look at? Maybe explore a little further?"

  The suggestion intrigued her more than just a little. Stu had spoken the words she couldnt bring herself to say out loud. Was it the look in the womans eyes or the rock hard penis that sent her core into pulsing fits?

  Re gazed into Stus questioning eyes, then took a deep breath. “Why not? I mean, if youre set up to view it, theres no reason not to. I wouldnt want you to go to any unnecessary trouble though.” Im stammering! For pitys sake, why would a simple little cover turn me into a stammering idiot? So what if that penis doesnt even come close to looking like Andrew Fives. Do they all look like that with a purple-red tip?

  "Okay, then lets get started.” Stu scooted over to the tape player on his knees, turned the machine on and placed the tape inside the slot.

  After refilling their glasses, Stu sat next to her and pushed the play button on the remote control sending the machine whirring. The films title was followed by the introductions of players.

  Re watched as a woman, naked except for a string-like covering over her mound, took a penis in her hand and did stroking motions with it, pulling the skin up over the tip. The deep moans of the man brought a smile to the womans face. She looked up at him, flicked her tongue on the tip, then wrapped her lips around the hard cock before swallowing it in her mouth.

  The lust surged through Re, taking her by surprise. Her body was doing things she didnt seem to be able to control; her nipples hardened while her channel twitched and flooded with need. A need to touch herself and put an end to the delicious desire for release calling out to her.

  * * * *

  Stu closed his eyes and breathed in deeply to calm the painfully erotic throbbing of his cock. It did little to ease the pulsing hidden under his clothing. Between the video and Res nearness, his resistance to take her in his arms lingered over the line to be crossed, at best. He took a chance, and opened one eye to glance at the woman destined to be his.

  He sucked in a ragged breath.

  The hard, pointed nipples of her breasts strained against her white cotton knit shirt. Her hand rotated in circles over the mound between her legs. Her eyes clouded over with newborn lust. Her breathing, deeper and faster. She was getting close to climaxing and he couldnt wait any longer.

  Placing his hand lightly over hers, he whispered “Can I help you with this?” He moved his hand in time with hers.

  "Stu.” His name came off her lips sensually and filled with a heated need. Her thighs spread a little further, allowing his large hand easier access to move. Her small surrender hardened his own need for release.

  Leaning into her, Stu gently pushed her onto the seat cushions. He brushed his lips over her taunt nipples relishing her gasp of pleasure hed invoked. He captured her lips with his, kissing them lightly at first, then with more urgency. His hand between her thighs felt the heated moisture of her growing desire. Her breathing quickened. A soft moan escaped her.

  "Re, its time to become one.” The words fell off his tongue into the sweetness of her mouth. He didnt mean to rush her, but if there ever would be a time for her to understand she was truly human, it was now.

  Lifting his hand from her twitching mound, Stu stood and watched the woman whod captured his heart as a child. The woman whod be his first and him her first man. They were virgins ready to embark on a journey of discovery.

  She would be his, finally, after all these years. The beauty of her sexually flushed cheeks couldnt be matched with any movie hed watched over the years. The preparation hed taken to live this moment slipped away from him, it took all his resistance not to hurry and take her before either of them were ready. Yet, from the come hither look in her eyes she had to be as eager as he for the experience.

  He didnt like
going about it this way, but hed promised their parents hed show her what it was like to love a man with your body as well as your heart. In the end, he hoped theyd both know the two went hand in hand.

  Re watched him unbutton his shirt then strip it from his body, letting the fabric fall to the floor. His eyes never left hers. He was afraid if he even blinked hed loose her attention, and he wanted her sole focus on every move he made. It excited him knowing she watched him strip so openly in front of her.

  He moved his hand down to the waistband of his trousers, unfastened the hook and then slid down the zipper. Her eyes followed the downhill movement of his zipper. Her hand continued to move between her legs. She sucked in her bottom lip.

  Sliding his trousers and shorts over his hips, he felt his engorged cock spring free. He watched Res tongue curl out to lick her lips.

  Re knelt in front of him, her hand moving lightly over the diamond shaped mark just above his cock.

  "Just like the woman does it in the movie, Re.” Stu stood next to the television and VHS player his parents had stashed away for safe keeping, grasping the edge of the television to steady himself.

  Re put her fingers around the base of the Stus engorged penis and stroked it slowly back and forth. Stu sucked in his breath at the feel of Res tongue underneath his cock and as it licked around the tip. His thigh muscles contracted and his fingers played in her hair, becoming wrapped in the long strands.

  Re continued to do as the woman did, slowly moving her fingers over Stus hard cock. She swallowed his throbbing organ and moved it back and forth in her mouth, as if she were sucking on a popsicle. Her tongue flicked the tip and head of the penis, causing it to thump.

  * * * *

  His lips sweet and tender. Warm against her own. It was like tasting chocolate for the first time, the pleasure indescribable and beyond wanting to resist more. Re wanted to feel more of the kisses on her body. She wanted to feel his warm breath against the material covering her nipples. It was a pleasure she needed over and over again.

  It wasnt until Stus hand left hers that shed realized it had been on top of hers. She thought the added pressure had been her own sending a higher sensation through her. As he undressed shed felt her circuits go haywire with a need to feel his member inside her mouth. She wanted to taste it like the woman in the movie was tasting her morsel.

  She boldly knelt in front of him when he slid his pants off his hips, exposing the massive organ to her. The desire to touch it, to know what it felt like, more powerful than the need for a drink of water in the hot desert. Its velvety texture surprised her. She expected it to feel as hard as it looked, like a smooth rock.

  Stus cock throbbed in her mouth, giving her a satisfaction of control. It excited her more to know she was the one who commanded him. A new sensation filled her mouth as a salty taste fell on her tongue.

  "Mmmm, Im going to cum if you dont stop now, Re.” Stu gently pulled himself from her mouth and helped her to her feet.

  Re stood allowing Stu to unbutton her knit shirt, her hand wrapped around his cock. She smiled when he fumbled with a button as she stroked her hand over the tip of his penis and back to its base.

  Not waiting to unfasten her pants, he pulled them over her hips, panties and all. Scooping her up in his arms, he took her to his room laying her upon his bed. Re stretched out like a lazy cat basking in the warmth of sunshine, thats what it felt to be in Stus arms.

  Re reached out to him, “Please, Stu, teach me. Teach me what its like to be human. End this horrible, wonderful need for satisfaction, please. Youre the only one I can trust. Human, show me how to be human."

  Stu knelt on the bed next to her and she scooted her butt over a little to allow him more room. She shivered at the touch of his hand moving up the inside of her thigh. She sucked in her stomach and caught her breath when his mouth kissed her pleasure mound.

  "Oh, Stu,” she moaned, spreading her thighs further apart. She reached for his head to keep his mouth on her channel, then felt something wet lick her knob of pleasure sending her hips convulsing. He stroked her inside with his tongue and suckled her clit when he withdrew.

  He slithered up over her belly, grasping a nipple between his teeth as he continued stroking her channel with his fingers.

  "Stu.” She pulled his mouth to hers, kissing it the best she knew how. She wasnt sure if it was right or wrong, just that she needed to taste his lips on hers. To feel them capture and manipulate her mouth as hed done when this all started increased the wanton feeling in her mind and body.

  "Do you want more?” he asked through each kiss and stroke of his fingers over her mound.

  His penis thumped against her thigh, begging for her attention. She ran a fingertip over the hard head. “Mmmm, more."

  His body moved over the length of hers and she whimpered as he removed his fingers from her channel. His knees, between her thighs, pushed them further apart. She looked up finding him watching her. She smiled and pulled him down to her, capturing his lips with hers.

  He continued kissing her face, eyes, ears and lips. The tip of his penis pressing against her knob of pleasure, she arched her hips to meet it, adding more pressure at her channel opening.

  She sucked in a sharp breath at the feel of his body weight onto her hips and the pressure of his penis entering her channel. He stopped for a moment, giving her time to adjust to the widening his cock caused to her opening.

  "Please, dont stop, Stu. I dont want you to stop.” She arched her hips to meet his as he pushed his cock into her. The painful pleasure caused her to rock against him, taking him deeper and deeper inside. They rocked together as if they were made for each other.

  "Human, I really am human, Stu,” she heard herself crying out as the waves of their pleasure became one.

  Chapter 7

  Re stood behind the counter in the collection lab waiting for Andrew Five to make a deposit into the tube. It was all different now; this entire sperm collection routine, her boring and predictable life. She looked at her existence differently now that she and Stu had sex, made love as he called it, all weekend long. What had once been a routine, safe life changed in a matter of seventy-two hours and a dose of knowledge.

  Other than a little bit of pain and blood at first, Re couldnt get enough of Stu touching her, inside and out. His large penis fit perfectly inside her vagina, an area she once thought of as only used for dispensing her body waste. Stus cock rocking inside her channel brought her more pleasure than she ever thought possible. His tender touch, soft and encouraging, made her feel safe and loved. They even experimented with some of the techniques in her little red book.

  She had even wrapped her hair around his shaft as he had first read to her on the day of her birthday. At the time, it had sounded disgusting and dirty. Now, she not only knew how much pleasure the act gave Stu, but the depth of her own excitement surprised her. She never would have guessed she could get any wetter, or hotter, with each new position or technique they tried.

  After hours of detailed discussion, between the lovemaking, on what being human meant, she felt more confused over the discovery of her own reality. It occurred to her the confusion being more than just her and Stu performing forbidden acts. The being she grew up believing she was no longer existed, and she wasnt alone.

  The idea of a Colony of others like her, constantly ran through her mind. What if it were true? What if Bailey, Andi, Stu and herself were just a few out of hundreds, thousands even? Didnt she owe it to her parents to put an end to the experimental work at S.P.A.R? To put an end to this control over people who maybe were or werent truly human?

  Human or not, the beings of the world deserved to live their lives as they chose to, not under the dictatorship of a government who felt it was best to be in control of every living being on the planet. A government who desired perfection in a being, as they perceived perfection. Re found out she preferred the non-perfect human over her counterparts.

  "You going to stand there all day, Cla
rk? I think that tubes full.” The voice of her superior, Simon Warwick, startled her. The deep, cold timbre sent vibrating shivers down her spine.

  Im doomed for sure, being caught daydreaming and thinking about things once believed impossible. He couldnt possibly know what I was thinking. If he did, hed be acting totally different and not looking at me with a hunger in his eye. A disgusting hunger I dont even want to think is possible.

  The last person she needed around her was Simon Warwick. His sickening and evil presence always sent off a warning in her to be on guard. He was not only her superior, but also one of World Laws loaded guns. If there was a manufactured being to be controlled, Simon Warwick was the man to do the job.

  Up until this moment, hed never set foot in her lab. The fact that he now stood before her only meant one thing. Someone was in serious trouble. Re prayed it wasnt her.

  "Mr. Warwick, Im sorry. I havent been feeling well and didnt sleep much last night,” she stumbled, continuing to put the label on the last test tube. Wheres Stu? Its not like him not to be here. “Wheres Whitager anyway?” She didnt dare look into his eyes for fear of him reading her thoughts. It was one of the many rumors about Warwick meant to keep the staff in line and rebellion at a near non-existence through the years. A bit of black magic and the unknown kept the ranks under control.

  "Hes been ... ah ... detained. Its of no concern to you, Clark."

  Panic seared through her. “Really? Is he ill or something?” Hands shaking, she pushed the full rack of collection tubes to the edge of the counter, not wanting to give Warwick an excuse to cross the barrier between them.

  "As I said, its no concern of yours. Until his replacement is known, Ill be doing the collecting of the specimen trays.” Warwick grabbed the collection tray, “Andrew Five, return to holding."


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